平山 英夫 近藤 健次郎 海野 泰裕 松村 宏 岩瀬 広 柚木 彰 佐々木 慎一
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
pp.J14.048, (Released:2015-06-30)

A rapid and simple method to measure the concentration of 90Sr in water by measuring β-rays from 90Y was presented. Under the situation that 90Sr/90Y, 134Cs and 137Cs are the main radionuclides included in the water sample, only β-rays from 90Y can transmit through 1.5-mm-thick polyethylene. From this fact, it is possible to measure β-rays from 90Y using a β-ray detector, such as the GM-counter, set beneath the 1.5-mm-thick bottom of the water bottle containing the sample with 90Sr/90Y. The acrylic resin collimator having 0 cm, 1.00 cm, 1.50 cm or 3.00 cm diameter was made to detect β-rays at the fixed region of the GM-counter used. Contributions from bremsstrahlung produced by β-rays and γ-rays from radionuclides such as 134Cs and 137Cs/137mBa are removed by subtracting the count rate measured with a 1.00 cm acrylic resin collimator without a hole as the background count rate. The developed method was studied using the bottle routinely used at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. It was confirmed that the developed method can be applied to measure the 90Sr concentration in water to the order of several Bq/cm3 if 134Cs and 137Cs concentrations are less than or equal to the 90Sr/90Y concentration.
松村 拓郎 三谷 有司 沖 侑大郎 藤本 由香里 石川 朗
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.51, no.4, pp.364-368, 2014 (Released:2014-10-20)
1 14

地嵜 悠吾 中村 暢彦 松村 千佳子 矢野 義孝
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.37, no.11, pp.637-642, 2011 (Released:2012-11-10)

Regarding the dose amount of steroid ointments, package inserts gives no precise direction and it is necessary to clearly determine the standard method for dose setting. For this purpose, a method called ‘Finger Tip Unit (FTU)’ has been proposed in a guideline for atopic dermatitis, but this method has some demerits that it assume the same caliber of ointment tubes' head among different drugs' formulations and also it does not consider inter-patients' variability of body surface area. In order to establish a new dose setting strategy instead of FTU, we propose a new standard method which is based on the calculated surface area of body regions that drugs are applied. This method uses the published data of age, body weight, height, and surface area ratio of each body region to whole body surface area. Consequently, an equation to calculate the length of ointment to be squeezed out of a tube is presented for each body region, and we also propose the length for a unit area which is useful for applying to small area on any body regions. These results would be useful in the points that it clearly determine dose amount of steroid ointments and also it lead to an improvement of patients' adherence as well as improving clinical efficacy of steroid ointments.
百々 幸雄 木田 雅彦 石田 肇 松村 博文
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.99, no.4, pp.463-475, 1991 (Released:2008-02-26)

鯰江 一也 栗田 裕 松村 雄一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference 2006 (ISSN:24242993)
pp._164-1_-_164-6_, 2006-08-06 (Released:2017-06-19)

This paper describes a transitional wave phenomenon in synchronous flashing of fireflies. We used self-excited oscillator, consists of amplification element, saturation element and phase delay element. To simulate a transitional wave phenomenon, the self-excited oscillator simulated the firefly shouldn't be late from the detection of the flashing of other self-excited oscillator. The period of self-excited oscillator in the transient state depends on strength of own flashing and changes. Strengthening strength of own flashing, perceived the flashing of other self-excited oscillators, the timing of flashing shifts and withdraws by correcting it at a constant period. This is a transitional wave phenomenon.
松村 成暢
Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science
日本栄養・食糧学会誌 (ISSN:02873516)
vol.71, no.5, pp.231-235, 2018 (Released:2018-10-19)

油脂を多く含む食品は魅力的なおいしさ (嗜好性) を持つ。我々はこれまでの研究により脂肪酸結合タンパク質CD36が舌の味細胞に発現していることを見出し, 油脂が受容体を介して味細胞を刺激することを示してきた。本研究ではGタンパク共役型の脂肪酸受容体GPR120が舌の味細胞に発現していることを新たに発見した。次に油脂の嗜好性の脳内メカニズムについて検討を行った。嗜好性の高い食品の摂取は脳内でβエンドルフィン分泌を促進することが知られている。そこで, マウスに油脂を摂取させ検討したところ, 脳内でβエンドルフィンニューロンが活性化されることが明らかとなった。βエンドルフィンは快感を生み出す神経ペプチドであることから, 油脂はCD36とGPR120を介して味細胞を刺激し, 味覚神経を介して脳内でβエンドルフィン分泌を引き起こす。これが快感を生み出し, 油脂の高い嗜好性の発生に関与する可能性を示した。
松村 和歌子
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.142, pp.157-191[含 英語文要旨], 2008-03

春日社の宗教的分野での研究は、祭礼に集中しがちだが、祈祷や祓といった日常的な宗教活動こそ、宗教者と社会との関わりを考える上でむしろ重要だと考えられる。近年、春日社の下級祀官である神人が中世後期から灯籠奉納や祈祷などを通じ、日常から御師として崇敬者と深い関係を築いたことが明らかにされているが、こういった師壇関係の形成は、上級祀官である社司を嚆矢とし、その開始は、少なくとも平安時代末に遡る。本論考は、社司を中心に中世の春日社祀官の私的な祈祷への関わりなど、日常的な宗教者としての営みを出来るだけ具体的に論述しようとしたものである。❶章社司における御師活動の萌芽、❷章社司の御師活動の展開では、平安末から貴族の参拝・奉幣の際、社司が中執持ちとして祝詞奏上を行うようになり、日常から師檀関係を結ぶこと、同時期に宗教者として個性的な役割を果たす社司が現れ、その活躍は霊験譚にも描かれることを示した。また霊験譚自体が社司によって創り出され、記録や社記の注進等を通じて広められた場合があったことを述べた。鎌倉時代以降には、貴族の御師として重要度が更に増し、社司の任官を左右する場合もあったこと、貴族の邸内社の祭祀等その活動は、社外にも及んだことを示した。またこの動向は、他の有力神社にも共通する傾向であることにも触れた。❸章御師活動と奉幣の近世への展開では、社司の御師としての活動が近世に継続される一方、神人の御師としての活躍が中世初期に遡るであろうことを示した。さらに奉幣が、御幣またおはけ戴きとして、近世にもつながる信仰のあり方であった可能性を述べた。❹章宮廻と度数詣、❺章南円堂勤仕から南円堂講へでは、中世末に春日社で度数祓が祈祷として定着する以前、春日社諸社を廻る宮廻と本社・若宮を往還する度数詣がポピュラーかつ重要な信仰のあり方で、代勤という形で祈祷ともなり、近世にも継続したことを示した。また、春日社祀官により行なわれた南円堂勤仕は、南円堂・春日社を往還する度数詣、興福寺境内を含む宮廻、奉幣祝詞などを内容とするもので、春日講に先行する春日祀官の講的結縁として重要であること、また願主を得て行なわれ、祈祷ともなったことなどを紹介した。Religious studies research on Kasuga Shrine has tended to focus on ceremonies and rites. However, everyday religious activities such as prayer and purification rituals are important when considering relations between priests and society.It has recently come to light that from the latter part of the Middle Ages, lower ranking priests of Kasuga Shrine called "jinin" established strong relationships through the offering of lanterns and prayers with worshippers who served as "oshi". The formation of this relationship between priests and lay people began with higherranking priests called shashi and dates back at least to the end of the Heian period. This paper describes in as much detail as possible the activities of everyday worshippers through their relationship with the personal prayers of Kasuga Shrine priests, primarily shashi, in the Middle Ages.The first two chapters discuss the emergence and development of oshi activities in connection with shashi. From the end of the Heian period, a shashi would recite prayers as an intermediary when members of the nobility worshipped or made offerings. This established a relationship between priests and lay people and at the same time there emerged shashi who began to fulfill distinctive roles as priests. Their activities are also described in "Reikentan" (miraculous tales). "Reikentan" were also produced by shashi and in some cases they became widely known through reports in written records and shrine chronicles.From the time of the Kamakura period onward, the importance of nobles as oshi increased and there were even cases where they had an influence on the appointment of shashi. Their activities extended beyond the shrine, as they sometimes officiated in small shrines situated in the compounds of noble persons. A similar trend also existed in other major shrines.The third chapter examines the development of activities and offerings by oshi in the Early Modern period. While the involvement of shashi in oshi activities continued during the Early Modern period, the involvement of jinin in oshi activities most probably went back as far as the early part of the Middle Ages. The chapter also discusses the possibility that offerings made in the form of "gohei" or "ohake" were part of a religious practice that can be linked to the Early Modern period as well.The fourth chapter looks at visits to other shrines and frequent visits to Kasuga shrine and the fifth chapter discusses officiating in Nanendo through to giving recitations in Nanendo. Before frequent purification rituals became established as prayers at Kasuga Shrine at the end of the Middle Ages, it was popular to make frequent visits to shrines belonging to Kasuga Shrine and to make return trips between the main shrine and minor shrines. Moreover, this became an important religious practice and also became a form of prayer which continued into the Early Modern period.When Kasuga Shrine priests officiated at Nanendo, they made frequent return journeys between Nanendo and Kasuga Shrine. They also visited the grounds of Kofuku-ji Temple and recited prayers. This was an important part of the acceptance of Buddhism by Kasuga Shrine priests, which preceded that of pilgrams to Kasuga Shrine, and also led to an increase in people offering prayers.
河村 洋子 横田 康成 亀谷 謙 竹田 寛 松村 要
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.99, no.493, pp.45-52, 1999-12-11

松村好文堂 編
松村真宏 三浦麻子 柴内康文 大澤幸生 石塚満
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.45, no.3, pp.1053-1061, 2004-03-15

松村 一志
相関社会科学 = Komaba Studies in Society (ISSN:09159312)
no.28, pp.3-16, 2019-03-01

In this paper, I examine the transformation of rhetorical strategies in experimental reports in the late nineteenth century. Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer's canonical work Leviathan and the Air-Pump (1985) has demonstrated that early experimental scientists such as Robert Boyle had to adopt the "rhetoric of trial," a lost literary technique with which experimental reports were compared to testimony in court, due to the lower status assigned to observation and experiments. While subsequent researchers have analyzed how this sort of rhetoric was used in the seventeenth century, the era of "scientific revolution," few have focused on the rise and fall of the" rhetoric of trial" afterward. In response, I try to show when and how this rhetoric disappeared. For this purpose, I focus on a branch of experimental science called psychical research. Though psychical research is now seen to be a typical example of pseudoscience, it attracted many famous scientists in the fin de siècle, inspiring huge debates on the reliability of experimental reports. Psychical researchers frequently used the "rhetoric of trial" to justify their reports. However, this rhetoric began to lose its persuasiveness with the rise of experimental psychology and statistical testing. From this episode, I reconsider the origin of current norms in scientific experiments such as reproducibility.一般論文
岡 駿一郎 山根 承子 松村 真宏
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.26, 2012

今満 亨崇 松村 敦 岸 広至 宇陀 則彦
日本教育工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13498290)
vol.36, pp.189-192, 2012

日本小児歯科学会 有田 憲司 阿部 洋子 仲野 和彦 齊藤 正人 島村 和宏 大須賀 直人 清水 武彦 石通 宏行 松村 誠士 尾崎 正雄 石谷 徳人 濱田 義彦 渥美 信子 小平 裕恵 高風 亜由美 長谷川 大子 林 文子 藤岡 万里 茂木 瑞穂 八若 保孝 田中 光郎 福本 敏 早﨑 治明 関本 恒夫 渡部 茂 新谷 誠康 井上 美津子 白川 哲夫 宮新 美智世 苅部 洋行 朝田 芳信 木本 茂成 福田 理 飯沼 光生 仲野 道代 香西 克之 岩本 勉 野中 和明 牧 憲司 藤原 卓 山﨑 要一
一般財団法人 日本小児歯科学会
小児歯科学雑誌 (ISSN:05831199)
vol.57, no.1, pp.45-53, 2019-02-25 (Released:2020-01-31)

日本人乳歯の萌出時期および萌出順序を明らかにし,乳歯の萌出に変化が生じているか否かを検討する目的で,全国的に3 か月から3 歳11 か月の小児8,724 名を調査し,以下の結果を得た。1 .男児の乳歯萌出は,A が5 か月-9 か月,A が7 か月-11 か月,B が9 か月-1 歳2 か月,B が9 か月-1 歳3 か月,D が1 歳1 か月-1 歳6 か月,D が1 歳1 か月-1 歳7 か月,C が1 歳2 か月-1 歳8 か月,C が1 歳2 か月-1 歳9 か月,E が1 歳11 か月-2 歳7 か月,E が2 歳0 か月-2 歳11 か月の順だったが,BB 間とD, D, C およびC の間には有意な差は認められなかった。2 .女児の乳歯萌出は,A が6 か月-9 か月,A が7 か月-11 か月,B が9 か月-1 歳1 か月,B が9 か月-1 歳2 か月,D が1 歳1 か月-1 歳7 か月,D が1 歳1 か月-1 歳7 か月,C が1 歳3 か月-1 歳9 か月,C が1 歳4 か月-1 歳9 か月,E が1 歳11 か月-2 歳7 か月,E が2 歳1 か月-2 歳10 か月の順だったが,AA 間,AB 間,BB 間,DD 間,CC 間には有意な差は認められなかった。3 .性差は大部分の歯で認めず,C とC の萌出時期にのみ有意な差を認め,いずれも男児が1 か月早く萌出していた。4 .前回報告(1988 年)に比べて,男児はA, A, C, D の,女児はA とD の,萌出時期が有意に早くなっていることを認めた。