松村 豊大 北山 友紀
徳島文理大学研究紀要 = Research bulletin of Tokushima Bunri University (ISSN:02869829)
no.86, pp.65-72, 2013-09

In this article, we offer political suggestions in order to have good "Anime-events" operating in the central city district. The first part of this paper describes the ideas of "The act for activaing the Central inner city district", "the policy for growth of culture" and "MACHI-ASOBI". The second part describes the reasons why the public sector should financially support Anime-events and the ways that the public sector can support the animaton industry. The next section introduces the similarities of similar "Anime-events" operating in other areas in Japan. In the last part, we suggest the best way for the public sector to connect with "MACHI-ASOBI".
佐倉 統 平石 界 池田 功毅 中西 大輔 横田 晋大 三浦 麻子 小森 政嗣 松村 真宏 林 香里 武田 徹 水島 希

奴賀 俊光 松村 雅行 北村 亘
Bird Research (ISSN:18801587)
vol.16, pp.S1-S5, 2020 (Released:2020-08-12)

松村 昌廣
vol.60, no.3, pp.13-32, 2019-01-17

On December 28, 2015, the Japanese and the South Korean governmentsreached the final and irreversible agreement on “comfort women” issuesafter a protracted diplomatic deadlock. This had impeded not only the twocountries’ bilateral security cooperation but also closer U.S.-Japan-SouthKorea trilateral security cooperation. To remove the impediment, theBarak Obama administration forcefully intervened in the Japan-SouthKorea deadlock.This study will first discuss the circumstances of severe politicization ofthe “comfort women” issues in Japan and South Korea and PresidentObama’s moves as related to the issues. Second, the study will analyzeunderling U.S. strategic interests and Obama’s political stakes behind hismoves. Third, given that the Obama administration did not produce anypolicy document on the issues, the analytical focus will be placed on twopolicy papers of major independent think-tanks that seemed to have shapedhis policy on the issues. Last, based on the total analysis, the study willconjecture near-future Japan-South Korea relations and the prospect forbilateral security cooperation.
松村 吉信
公益社団法人 日本化学会
化学と教育 (ISSN:03862151)
vol.53, no.5, pp.288-291, 2005-05-20 (Released:2017-07-11)

松村 耕平

福井 美貴 松村 幸子
日本精神保健看護学会誌 (ISSN:09180621)
vol.12, no.1, pp.22-32, 2003-05-15 (Released:2017-07-01)

本研究の目的は、心的外傷後ストレス障害に罹患した犯罪被害者が、回復過程で体験している「思い」の特徴を明らかにし、さらに回復に影響を与える「思い」の傾向を明らかにすることである。倫理的な配慮の上同意を得た10名の患者に非構成的な面接を実施し、質的帰納的に分析し、さらにIES=R値(Impact of Event Scale-Revised)の変化を基に患者を回復群と非回復群に分けて比較した。その結果、以下の知見が得られ、地域精神看護への示唆を得た。1. (1)被害への思い、(2)警察への思い、(3)裁判への思い、(4)被害後の苦痛な思い、(5)回復への思い、(6)家族との関わりへの思い、(7)友人との関わりへの思い、(8)社会との関わりへの思いの8つのカテゴリーが抽出され、対象理解を目的としだ犯罪被害者の回復過程のおける思いの全体像"が明らかになった。2.回復群に特徴的な思いとして『加害者への怒り』、非回復群に特徴的な思いとして『安全感が脅かされる恐怖』であることが明らかになった。
河野 吉久 松村 秀幸 小林 卓也
Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment
大気汚染学会誌 (ISSN:03867064)
vol.29, no.4, pp.206-219, 1994-07-10 (Released:2011-11-08)

人工酸性雨の長期暴露実験を行うため, ミスト型降雨装置に代わる半自動走行式の雨滴落下型人工降雨装置を開発・製作した。本装置は, 直径約1mmの雨滴を発生し, 有効降雨面に対して1時間当たり2.5mmの降雨強度で運転が可能である。また, 降雨量の分布や繰り返し精度は10%以下であった。この降雨装置を用いて, 1991年から1993年の3年間に合計46種類の樹木を対象に人工酸性雨の暴露実験を行った。用いた人工酸性雨の組成は, 硫酸, 硝酸, 塩酸イオンの当量濃度比が5: 2: 3となるように, これら3種の酸を脱イオン水に混合して人工酸性雨原液を調製した。人工酸性雨原液を, 脱イオン水で容量希釈して, 人工酸性雨 (SAR) とした。SARの設定pHは, 5.6 (対照区), 4.0, 3.5, 2.5, および2.0であった。なお, SARは, 1週間に20mm (2.5mm×8hr) を3回の割合で暴露した。SARのpHが2.0の場合には, 供試したすべての樹種の葉に壊死斑点などの可視害が発現した。11種類の針葉樹の中では落葉性のカラマツだけがpH2.5以下で落葉したことから, 針葉樹の中ではカラマツが最も感受性であると考えられた。しかし, pH3.0以上のSARを3あるいは4ケ月間暴露しても針葉樹には可視害の発現は観察されなかった。SARのpHが3.0では, 常緑広葉樹14種のうち7種, 落葉広葉樹21種のうち14種に可視害が発現した。また, 落葉広葉樹の7種は, pH2.0の暴露終了時点でほとんど落葉し, 3種は枯死した。しかし, 常緑広葉樹の場合には, pH2.0でも全葉が落葉したり枯死した樹種はなかった。サクラ属のソメイヨシノやアンズは, pH3.0のSAR暴露によって, 早期落葉や壊死斑点部分が穿孔状態となった。しかし, 供試した46種には, pH4.0のSARを3あるいは4ケ月間暴露しても可視害の発現は観察されなかった。これらの可視害発現状況を指標にした場合, 広葉樹よりも針葉樹の方が酸性雨に対して相対的に耐性であった。また, 広葉樹の中では, 常緑広葉樹よりも落葉広葉樹の方が相対的に感受性であると考えられた。
岡田 篤正 植村 善博 東郷 正美 竹村 恵二 吉岡 敏和 堤 浩之 梅田 康弘 尾池 和夫 松井 和夫 杉森 辰次 杉山 直紀 園田 玉紀 梅田 孝行 松村 法行 山田 浩二 古澤 明
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2005, no.25, pp.93-108, 2005-06-30 (Released:2012-11-13)

The Kameoka basin is located to the west of the Kyoto basin. On the northeast side of the basin, two faults trending the northwest to southeast direction exist along the foot and the former edge of a mountain, respectively. They compose of the Kameoka fault zone with the length of about 13km (Okada&Togo ed.,2000).To elucidate such characteristics as distribution, subsurface structure and activity of those faults, we have carried out seismic reflections (P-waves) and deep drilling surveys across the faults. Volcanic ash and pollen analysis were also performed using core samples obtained by drillings. In this paper, we report the results of these surveys, especially about the characteristics of the concealed faults related to basin formation.By these surveys, three faults were detected along the three sections by the seismic reflection crossing the eastern half of the Kameoka basin, named as Fl, F2 and F3 faults from west to east. All faults incline to the northeast to form the reverse fault type uplifting to the northeast side.The Fl fault is concealed under the alluvial plain of the Katsura River and is an active fault having remarkable displacement of vertical direction to a few hundreds of meters. An accumulation of the displacement in the vertical direction is plainly recognized on the topographical and geological sections.The F2 fault appears in the wide deformation zone on the hanging. wall of Fl fault and is thought to be a subordinate fault of the F1 fault. From the distribution, the F2 fault is corresponded to be an active fault described by Okada&Togo ed. (2000) and identified at former edge of a mountain in the Kameoka basin. In this paper, we will call the Fl fault and the F2 fault as“ the Kameoka fault within the basin”. It is surely distributed about 4.6 km from the Umaji to the Hozu settlements in the southeast direction.Of the Kawarabayashi reflection profile, one reflection layer C has vertical displacement of 65m resulted from the activity of“ the Kameoka fault within the basin”. A pure seam from core samples of the layer is confirmed as so-called Oda Volcanic ash at 420-450ka. Therefore, the average slip rate of the vertical displacement is estimated at 0.15m per thousand of years or less, during the last about 430,000 years.We also found a fault scarplet (relative height 1.5-2.5m) on a low terrace. It seems to be formed by the F2 faulting since about 20,000 years ago. Hence the faulting of“ the Kameoka fault within the basin” since the late Pleistocene is certain, and also there is a possibility of the activity in the Holocene from the existence of the reverse-inclined terrace II at Umaji.Judged from distribution, the F3 fault is corresponding to "the Kameoka fault in the foot of a mountain" described by Okada&Togo ed. (2000). There is no evidence of the F3 faulting during the late Quaternary.
松村 高夫
三田学会雑誌 (ISSN:00266760)
vol.98, no.4, pp.547(1)-578(32), 2006-01

歴史の法則的把握か個人の役割の認知かをめぐるE.. H. カー対I. バーリン論争の再検討から始め, 結局カーの歴史学は勝者の歴史であり責任の問題が回避されることを述べる。ついでヴィーコを水源とする4つの潮流, (1)コリングウッド, クローチェ, カーへ, (2)ミシュレを経てフェーブル(フランス社会史)へ, (3)ヘルダー, ブレイク, モリス, E.. P. トムソン(イギリス社会史)へ, (4)ホワイト(ポスト・モダニズム)へいく流れを辿り, 民衆としての個人は3番目の流れが解明できることを指摘する。最後に1990年代に日本で現れた「歴史認識問題」と現在の歴史学の危機について論じる。Beginning by reconsidering the controversy between E. H. Carr and I. Berlin concerning the grasp of history's law, or the cognition of individual role, I argue that in the end, Carr's Historiography is a history of history's winners and avoids the responsibility problem.Subsequently, when taking Vico as the headspring of four water currents and following the flow: (1) to Collingwood, Croce, and Carr; (2) passing through Michelet to Febvre (Annales school = Social History of France); (3) to Helder, Blake, Morris, E. P. Thompson (British Social History); and (4) to White (Port-Modernism), I highlight that the notion of individuals as people may be unraveled by the third flow. Finally, I discuss the "disputes on historical epistemology" appearing in Japan in the 1990s and the crisis of contemporary Historiography.会長講演
松村 一男
表現学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Representational Studies (ISSN:13463470)
no.19, pp.75-91, 2019-03-11

"Part One: In the Indian epics, the Mahābhārata and the Rāmāyana, the heroes (the Pāndavas and Rāma) represent two aspects of heroic elements (fighting and wandering) simultaneously, whereas these two aspects are represented separately in Greek epics by Achilleus and Odysseus. Nevertheless, the two Indian epics and two Greek epics show remarkable similarities, which can only be explained by a common origin. Further evidence of a common origin in the epic heritage can be provided by an episode in the Mahābhārata called the story of Nala (Nalopākyānam) that shows structural similarities to the Odyssey. Common origin of the Iliad and the Mahābhārata being generally accepted, similarities with Indian epics could be also detected in the case of the Odyssey, especially with the Nalopākyānam. Thus we can assume a common origin for the two Indian epics (and an episode in one of them) and two Greek epics. These epics (and an episode) developed further thereafter but still show traces of a common origin.Part Two: The concept of cyclical ages seems to be shared among the Indo-Europeans. The first is the Golden Age, then gradually the condition becomes worse, and finally the worst comes. In this last stage, the world perishes first by fire and then by water. Following this, the world is renewed and another cycle from the Golden Age resumes. This concept is definitely observable in Ancient India, Scandinavia, and Ancient Iran. Some traces of this also remain among the Greeks and the Romans. Perhaps the message of the myth is that although disasters caused by fire and water are unavoidable, still they are also the beginning of a new period of the Golden Age.The following two papers are Japanese translations of two papers in English concerning Indo-European comparative mythology. I do not claim that the ideas in them are original. They are rather my personal summaries of what I have learned and understood recently about the results of Indo-European comparative mythology established by such scholars as G. Dumézil, S. Wikander, C. Watkins, B. Lincoln, and many others.Part One, titled "Comparative Epic Literature" was presented at the 12th Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology "Myths of the Earth and Humankind: Ecology and the End of the World" held at Tohoku University in Sendai on June 1-4, 2018, and Part Two, titled "How the End and the Renewal were envisioned among the Indo-Europeans" was presented at the Tohoku Forum for Creativity Thematic Programs, Geologic Stabilization and Adaptations in Northeast Asia, Workshop 1 Natural Disaster and Religion/Mythology, held on June 5, 2018.I would like to thank all the participants for their pertinent criticisms and encouraging suggestions.第一部:インドの叙事詩『マハーバーラタ』と『ラーマーヤナ』の英雄たち(パーンダヴァ五兄弟、ラーマ王)は英雄の二つの側面(戦士と放浪者)を同時に体現している。これに対して、ギリシアの叙事詩においては二つの側面はアキレウスとオデュッセウスという二人の英雄がそれぞれ担っている。しかしながら、インドとギリシアの叙事詩群には極めて細部に至るモチーフの一致が認められ、これは共通の叙事詩からの発展・分化の結果であると考えざるを得ない。さらにまた、『マハーバーラタ』中の一エピソードである「ナラ王物語」にも『オデュッセイア』との顕著な構造的対応が指摘されている。これまでも『マハーバーラタ』と『イーリアス』の共通起源については一般的に承認されてきているが、インド叙事詩との共通要素が『オデュッセイア』においても認められるとなれば、インドの『マハーバーラタ』、『ラーマーヤナ』、「ナラ王物語」とギリシアの『イーリアス』、『オデュッセイア』はすべてインド=ヨーロッパ語族が拡散する以前の時代に遡る原叙事詩型に由来すると考えるべきとなろう。第二部:時代の循環サイクルの概念はインド=ヨーロッパ語族に共有されていたらしい。第一の時代は黄金時代であり、その後は次第に悪い状態となり、最後が最も悪くなる。この最後の時代に世界はまず火災によって、ついで大水によって滅びる。しかしその後、世界は再生し、新たな時代の循環サイクルが黄金時代から始まる。こうした概念はインドとイランと北欧ゲルマンにおいて確実に認められる。またその痕跡はギリシアとローマにも認められる。おそらくこの神話のメッセージは、火災や大水による大災害は不可避であるけれども、それはまた新しい繁栄の時代の始まりでもあるというものだったのだろう。"
平山 英夫 松村 宏 波戸 芳仁 佐波 俊哉
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.14, no.1, pp.1-11, 2015 (Released:2015-02-15)
2 9

Time histories of the I-131 concentration in air at monitoring posts in Fukushima prefecture in March 2011 were estimated using the pulse height distribution of a NaI(Tl) detector, which was opened to the public. Several corrections to the pulse height distribution were necessary owing to high count rates. The contribution to the count rates from I-131 accumulated around the monitoring post was estimated on the basis of the time history of the peak count rate by the method proposed by the authors. The concentrations of I-131 in air were converted from the peak count rates using the calculated response of the NaI(Tl) detector with egs5 for a model of a plume containing I-131 uniformly. The obtained time histories of the I-131 concentration in air at a fixed point in March 2011 were the first ones for Fukushima prefecture. The results at 3 monitoring posts, Naraha Town Shoukan, Hirono Town Futatunuma and Fukushima City Momijiyama, which can be analyzed during almost all of March, show that a plume including I-131 arrived after March 15. The results at other monitoring posts near Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station are used to characterize plume diffusion at the early period of the accident before March 15. The I-131 time-integrated concentrations in air at several monitoring posts were compared with those given in UNSCEAR 2013 ANNEX A, which were obtained using estimated time-dependent rates of release to the atmosphere. The agreement between the two results varies depending on the places compared, owing to the large uncertainties in the estimated release rate used in UNSCEAR. The results obtained in this study can be used to increase the accuracy of the time-dependent release rate estimation.
和氣 愛仁 宇陀 則彦 永崎 研宣 松村 敦
vol.2013, no.5, pp.1-4, 2013-07-27

筑波人文情報学研究会は,筑波大学人文社会系及び図書館情報メディア系の教員が中心となって立ち上げた研究グループである.資料の在り方に対して両極端の姿勢を持つ,人文学研究者と図書館情報学研究者のコラボレーションによって,人文情報学へ如何にアプローチしていくかを,本研究会のこれまでの活動報告を交えて議論する.The Tsukuba Research Group for the Digital Humanities is a research group that was started by members of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science. This paper will discuss approaches to the digital humanities through the collaboration of scholars in the humanities and in library and information science, who have views from opposite ends of the spectrum regarding data and what it should be. The discussion will include a report of the activities of this research group to date.
松村 稔 伊藤 喜宏 木村 尚紀 小原 一成 関口 渉次 堀 貞喜 笠原 敬司
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.59, no.2, pp.167-184, 2006-12-15 (Released:2013-08-05)
7 10

We have developed an automatic system called the Accurate and QUick Analysis System for source parameters (AQUA System) that provides rapid estimates of hypocenter location, magnitude, and moment tensor for medium to large-scale earthquakes that occur near or underneath Japan. The AQUA System monitors high-sensitive real-time seismic waveform output from the Hi-net operated by the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED). Upon detecting an earthquake, the AQUA System provides an estimate of the event’s hypocenter and magnitude within 15-30 seconds. Within a further 2-10 minutes, the system provides centroid moment tensor (CMT) solution by inversion technique using broadband seismic waveform of NIED F-net. To assess the accuracy of the new system, we compared hypocenter and magnitude data derived from the AQUA System over the period from September 2004 to August 2005 with catalog data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). We also compared CMT solutions derived from the AQUA System with corresponding values from the NIED F-net and catalog data of Harvard University’s CMT Project. A total of 339 seismic events were detected during the period of analysis. The AQUA System determined hypocenters for 324 of these events and CMT solutions for 224 events. The estimated hypocenters are within 10km horizontally and 20km vertically of the hypocenters calculated by the JMA in 80% of cases, and the CMT solutions were approximately the same as those obtained from other systems. The results of analyses by the AQUA System are published on the website of NIED Hi-net.
松村 耕平 尾形 正泰 小野 哲雄 加藤 淳 阪口 紗季 坂本 大介 杉本 雅則 角 康之 中村 裕美 西田 健志 樋口 啓太 安尾 萌 渡邉 拓貴
研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI) (ISSN:21888760)
vol.2017-HCI-174, no.13, pp.1-8, 2017-08-16

ACM CHI に採録された論文を読み合う勉強会,CHI 勉強会 2017 を開催した.勉強会では ACM CHI2017 に採録された 599 件の論文を参加者が分担して読み合う.これによって,参加者は先端の HCI 研究を概観することができる.本年度は,勉強会をスムースに実施し,また,参加者の支援を行うために支援システムを導入した.システムの分析から,CHI 勉強会がどのような特徴を持っているのか,そして今後どのようにデザインされていくべきなのか議論する.
松村 昌廣
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 = St. Andrew's University economic and business review (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.3, pp.131-152, 2016-03-03

This study will analyze a libertarian approach to post-Lehman emergency lending in accordance with Federal Reserve rescue authority,with a major focus on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. The analysis will attach its attention to the evolving political context in which the U.S. domestic political discourse has been influenced increasingly by libertarianism, involving the rise of populist movements such as the "TEA (Tax Enough Already)" Party. This paper will first begin with a standard account on libertarianism as a major current of American political philosophy, which is rather unfamiliar to Japanese students in the field. Second, the analytical focus will be placed on an overview on the unique features of the Federal Reserve Board system as central bank, followed by a libertarian understanding on where the system stands in the context of the U.S. political economy. Third, this work will highlight the Dodd-Frank Act that is intended to prevent the Federal Reserve Banks from repeating massive discretional emergency lending to major insolvent banks as found in the post-Lehman financial crisis management. Fourth, the paper will identify the Act's major existing pitfalls that could enable to repeat such discretionary lending, followed by a set of policy proposals aimed to remove those pitfalls. The study will be designed to facilitate understanding the ongoing debate on the post-Lehman financial reforms, emphasizing the central importance of libertarian perspectives that reveal the exploitative nature of the finance-centered U.S. socio-political regime as the basis of the U.S. global economic hegemony.