西川 麻樹 原 正彦
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.23, 2009

マルチエージェントシステムとは要素内情報の分布が揺らぐ局所的相互作用システムである。 本報告ではこの揺らぎを極端に拡大し「揺らぎを測る基準」すら揺らぐような状況から基準や秩序が自己組織化する過程を研究した。 結果として脳と身体の関係のようなソフトな中央集権化体制や貨幣的な物々交換の尺度となるものが出現する。このようなシステムでの中央集権化と非効率性のトレードオフなどについて報告する。
大前 貴之 西川 清
Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan
JCPE Journal (ISSN:13449826)
vol.13, no.1, pp.37-42, 2001

半経験的分子軌道法を用いて, 凹多角形のπ電子共役系を有する四つ葉分子素子を研究した.この分子は, 自然界に普遍的に存在する炭化水素からなることから継続的な原料調達が可能であるばかりでなく, その新奇な構造からπ電子共役系の化学の新たな展開を促す興味深い標的化合物であると考えられる.
西川 節行
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.41, pp.125-138, 2001-12-31

The Sakai region, which consists of Sakai City, a city of 800,000 people and several surrounding local communities, forms a core industrial area of the southern part of the Mega-Kei-Hanshin Industrial Belt, and is also famous for its golden days in the middle ages as a prosperous international trading port. Sakai needs a vital activation plan of the regional economy along with the recent economic trends of globalization. This is a proposal for the region to activate its regional economy by inviting direct foreign investment to the region.
西川祐信 画

吉武 裕美子 勝身 俊之 南口 誠 西川 雅美 宮 正光 近藤 みずき 白仁田 沙代子 田辺 里枝 山本 麻希
北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 オープンエデュケーションセンター 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.19, pp.31-42, 2016-07

西川 青季 上野 慶介 井関 裕靖

本研究の目的は,調和写像の無限遠境界値問題を一般の負曲率等質リーマン多様体に対して研究することである.このような空間の中で,カルノー群とよばれる巾零リー群の1次元可解拡大として得られる「カルノー空間」は,対称空間の一般化として重要なカテゴリーをなす.本研究の目標は,このカルノー空間のカテゴリーにおいて,理想境界として現れる巾零リー群上の幾何学・解析学と,内部領域として現れる可解リー群上の幾何学・解析学の相互関係を,「調和写像の無限遠境界値問題」を通して調べることであり,そのためにはまず,解として得られる調和写像の無限遠理想境界の近傍での正則性(微分可能性)を詳しく調べる必要がある.昨年度の研究において,研究分担者・上野は,「複素双曲型空間形から実双曲型空間形への固有な調和写像で,無限遠境界まで連続的可能性をもって延びるものは存在しない」ことを証明したが,その際調和写像の無限遠境界での正則性は,カルノー空間の不変計量の無限遠境界の近傍での発散のオーダーと密接に関係することが明らかになった.今年度は,この点に関してさらに考察し,次の結果を得た.1.定義域のカルノー空間のステップ数が,値域となるカルノー空間のステップ数よりも小さい場合(例えば,複素双曲型空間形から実双曲型空間形への場合),無限遠境界の近傍での不変計量の発散のオーダーが同じであっても,固有な調和写像の無限遠境界の近傍での漸近挙動は,その境界値から完全には決定できない.2.定義域のカルノー空間のステップ数が,値域となるカルノー空間のステップ数よりも大きいか等しく,かつ無限遠境界の近傍での不変計量の発散のオーダーが同じである場合には,固有な調和写像の無限遠境界の近傍での漸近挙動は,その境界値から完全に決定される.西川はこの結果を,上海で開催された国際研究集「International Conference on Modern Mathematics」において,招待講演として発表した.
西川 治
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.62, no.11, pp.765-775, 1989

It is the purpose of the present address to focus on the enlightening role of geography in the several decades preceding to the French Revolution, to caution ourselves against some faults which many geographers tend to have, to propose several global projects with which geographers in very diversified fields should deal in close cooperation, and finally to suggest the necessity of integrating the many branches of geography into a new system of "Ecumenology" that would include the discipline of Geopacifics.<br> At the beginning of this year the long continued Showa period came to an end in Japan and the new era of "Heisei" started; coincidentally, this year is the two hundredth anniversary of the French Revolution.<br> The historical meaning of the Revolution and its profound effects on the modernization of societies are being discussed and reconsidered by various scholars also in Japan. As a geographer I feel it necessary to awaken them an interest in the role of geography at the time of the Enlightenment. As I am, however, not a specialist in this subject, I must confine myself to the mention of two relevant articles: "Voltaire und die Geographie im Zeitalter der Aufklärung" (Weinert, 1949), and "Die Geographie in der "Encyclopédie" (Dörflinger, 1976). In addition, however, I would like to give some information on the similar effect of geography on the thought and attitude of edified leaders in the Edo period. After the middle of the 16th Century world maps and other geographic materials were brought bit by bit into Japan, from Europe directly or through China. Because the country was kept strictly in seclusion during most of the Edo period, educated people desired eagerly to acquire new information about the world through the narrow window of the Dutch Trading House at Nagasaki. The information they were able to obtain resulted in a substantial change in the world view of the intellectuals and the identification of their country. European astronomy and geography became indispensable parts of culture along with traditional learning in Japanese classics, Confucianism and Buddism. They reformed their appraisal of their own country in the light of world maps and geographic descriptions, as I have written in several papers, guided by the excellent book "Geography in early modern Japan" (Tsujita, 1971).<br> I have not enough space to introduce such works; however, it is worth remarking that many enlightened scholars expressed their geopolitical opinions in various essays. For instance, such opinion leaders as NISHIKAWA Joken (1648-1724), HONDA Toshiaki (1743-1820) and SATO Nobuhiro (1769-1850) proved in comparison with foreign countries that Japan was a big and very fertile country and had enough potential to develop into a leading country if Japan could take advantage of the same trading benefits enjoyed by European countries. It is also interesting to recall such words as those of the prophetic writer HAYASHI Shihei (1738-1793): "Exceedingly important is geography ! Those officers engaged in the government who have no geographic knowledge are bound to fail both in times of war and of peace."<br> The second point of my address is to point out some unfavorable habits into which many geographers, especially younger ones, are liable to fall.<br> The first of them is the capricious character already criticized by Prof. W. Bunge (1973) as follows: "Instead of an accumulation of concepts, what we witness and endure in geography are purges... Environmentalism was decimated by quantification which in turn is threatened by the geography of the human condition. This is exceptionalism among the sciences."
西川 隼人 宮島 昌克
公益社団法人 日本地震工学会
日本地震工学会論文集 (ISSN:18846246)
vol.12, pp.4_94-4_103, 2012

三浦 加代子 今西 あみ 西川 有香 坂内 綾乃 藤井 千紗 守山 由佳理 杉原 正治
vol.25, 2013

【目的】手動の泡だて器や電動ハンドミキサーで撹拌した場合、ホイップクリームの含気率(オーバーラン)には限界がある。しかし、撹拌器「キスワン」は、圧力を調節しながら撹拌ができ、通常よりも大きなオーバーランが得られ、通常の器械ではいくら撹拌しても泡立たないものでも泡立てることができるという特徴をもっている。この器械を用いて新規食品開発を行うための基礎的なデータを得ることを目的として研究に着手した。今回は、生クリームを試料として圧力をかけて撹拌し、どのような特性をもったホイップクリームができるのかを検討した。また、ホイップクリームの保存性についても調べた。【方法】ステンレス製ボールに生クリームを一定量入れ、圧力を加えて5℃で撹拌した。撹拌回数は70回転/minとし、圧力は0.2MPa, 0.4MPaで行った。同様に常圧で撹拌したものを対照とした。生クリームの種類を変え、撹拌時間とオーバーランの変化を調べた。また、調製したホイップクリームの保存性をオーバーランおよび色調の変化等で検討した。【結果】生クリームの種類により、撹拌時間ごとのオーバーラン値は大きく異なった。例えば、乳脂肪分47%(種類別名称:乳等を主要原料とする食品)では、最高オーバーラン値が、常圧では撹拌時間6分で146%となったが、0.2MPaにすると105秒で約330%、0.4MPaでは105~120秒で約400%となった。即ち、1/3の時間で2倍以上の最大オーバーラン値が得られることがわかった。また、乳脂肪分35%(種類別:クリーム)の生クリームを圧力(0.2MPa)を加えて撹拌し、250%のオーバーランになったホイップクリームを調製し、その泡の安定性を経時的に調べた結果、保存温度が重要であることがわかった。
西川 一雄 西堀 剛 小早川 隆 但馬 達雄 上嶋 正人 三村 弘二 片田 正人
Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
岩石鉱物鉱床学会誌 (ISSN:00214825)
vol.78, no.2, pp.51-64, 1983-02-05 (Released:2008-08-07)
3 4

The late Cretaceous Koto Rhyolite is divided into two groups according to the succession. Each group forms an igneous cycle. The older group consists of the Kaiwara Welded Tuff and the Hatasho Quartz Porphyry, and their relationship is transitional in the field showing their co-magmatic origin. The Kaiwara Welded Tuff erupted apparently first as vesiculated magma from the top of the magma_??_reservoir followed by the intrusive phase of the Hatasho Quartz Porphyry. There are enrichment of phenocrysts such as quartz and alkali feldspar in the Kaiwara Welded Tuff, whereas plagioclase phenocrysts are more commo in the Hatasho Quartz Porphyry. The K/Rb ratios of the whole rocks are larger in the Hatasho Quartz Porphyry than in the Kaiwara Welded Tuff. The younger group consisting of the Yatsuoyama Pyroclastic Rock and the Inugami Granite Porphyry is also considered to be of co-magmatic origin although obvious intimate relationship of the two units could not be observed in the field. The differences between them in the composition of phenocryst minerals and K/Rb ratio of the whole rocks are similar to and somewhat larger than those between the Kaiwara Welded Tuff and the Hatasho Quartz Porphyry. The Inugami Granite Porphyry of the last igneous activity intruded along the ring faults whose center subsided stepwise and resulted in a double ring dike about 30km across. Thus the Koto Cauldron was composed. Natural remanent magnetism through the Koto Rhyolite suggests a clock-wise movement of the area during its igneous activity.
西川 正二
慶応義塾大学日吉紀要 英語英米文学 (ISSN:09117180)
no.54, pp.13-43[含 英語文要旨], 2009

序論I 絵画購入の経緯と先行研究II クレオパトラのイメージII. 1 絵画のイメージII. 2 演劇におけるクレオパトラII. 3 小説のクレオパトラIII アウグストゥスの意味IV 結論Henry Hoare II transformed Stourhead into his ideal place with the garden, garden architecture, paintings, sculpture, and objets d'art. He acquired Carlo Maratta's Marchese Pallavicini conducted by Apollo to the Temple of Fame in 1758 and commissioned in 1759 a pendant to this, Augustus and Cleopatra, from Anton Raphael Mengs, arguably the most celebrated European painter of the day. This subject is uncommon in the iconography of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries compared with other Cleopatra's subjects, such as the Death of Cleopatra and Cleopatra's Banquet. As is evident in Cortona's Augustus and Cleopatra it represents Augustus's morally overcoming Cleopatra's temptation. Given his preference for the Choice of Hercules, Henry must have liked its ethical aspect. As Henry had Guercino's Augustus and Cleopatra in mind, he was not satisfied with Mengs's picture: his Cleopatra lacked 'grandeur' or 'majesty'. Yet his criticism implies more than that. As the concept of luxury had been changing in the eighteenth century, Henry needed Cleopatra's gorgeous dress as a symbol of his own luxuries, the garden and his art collection. He did not need an element of sacredness in Cleopatra which he found in Mengs's or Reni's Cleopatra. As Henry was the founder of Stourhead garden and the patron of artists, Henry could identify himself with Augustus, the founder of Rome and the patron of Virgil, whose Aeneid was used as a theme for Henry's garden.Henry's choice of Augustus and Cleopatra may have been influenced by the following books and plays. Sara Fielding's The Lives of Cleopatra and Octavia, whose subscribers include Henry's friends, was published in 1 757. Dryden's All for Love was performed in April, 757 and March, 758. David Garrick's version of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra was published in October, 758 and the play was performed in January, 759. It is reasonable to assume that Cleopatra was one of the favorite topics of conversation among the fashionable circles in London in those years.
大脇 康弘 西川 潔
大阪教育大学紀要 第IV部門 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.62, no.2, pp.167-180, 2014-02-28

学校組織開発論の中で佐古秀一教授が構築した「学校の内発的改善力を高める学校組織開発論」を取り上げ,その理論構成と実践展開を考察した。佐古教授は学校組織の個業化を縮減し,学校の内発的改善力を高めることを課題とし,教員の自律性を高めると共に学校の協働化を促進していくことをめざす。その方略として,教員が実態認識→課題生成→実践展開というサイクルを個人レベルで辿ると共に集団レベルで共有し連携していくことが必要であるとして,学校の組織形態として,コア・システムとプロセス・ファシリテート・チームを提起する。 この学校組織開発論は,理論モデルを実践で活用して,理論の再構成を行う中で構築されている。理論と実践が往還する中で,日本の学校文化に即した理論構築に取り組んでいる意義は大きい。しかし,教員の同僚性・協働性を軸にした組織開発であり,確かなミドルリーダーの存在を前提とした組織開発論であるため,学校組織の統制化はその個業化を縮減することへと限定されており,校長の役割も制約的である。The purpose of this article is to explicate the significance and problems on theory of organizational development in schools by Professor Hidekazu Sako at Naruto University of Education. Sako's Theory is focused on enhancing spontaneous improvement in school to develop organizational development. The principles of organizing school is based on teacher's collaboration for reducing individualization and restricting managing control in school. His theory of organizational development is applied to school management practice in several elementary schools and junior high schools. The effectiveness of his theory were verified and categorized into the following three types. Type 1 : school organizational development for enhancing collaboration in phase of education practice, Type 2 : school organizational development for producing practical problems or goals, Type 3 : school organizational development for producing value oriented goals. The characteristics and problems of Sako's theory of organizational development are discussed in theory building and practical reflection. In conclusion, his theory is build in linking theory model and school practice, the core system and the process facilitate team system are placed as key functions for school improvement originally. However, his theory is based on teacher's collegiality for reducing isolation tendency among teachers, the role of principal is restricted in switching on school improvement.