宮川 俊夫 白井 靖男 津田 元久 一色 真幸 西村 英之 遠藤 正治 長嶋 正春
社団法人 日本写真学会
日本写真学会誌 (ISSN:03695662)
vol.56, no.3, pp.205-213, 1993-06-25 (Released:2011-08-11)

This paper is the first one of scientific reports on Tsui-shu (wooden, urushi lacquered and engraved) cameras. These were made and used in the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate. It was considered that three sets of this kind of cameras were in existence. But today, we can see only two. The authors show X-ray computed tomograms of the camera kept in Fukui Municipal Museum of History. Coating layer on the outer surface of the wooden camera body was estimated at 6 mm thickness in maximum. Hg and Fe were detected by means of fluorescent X-ray spectroscopic analysis, as metal element components contained in the layer. It was observed that the painted crust composed of a thin coated reddish pigment-urushi lacquer layer on a heavy coated and reliefed clay-urushi layer, by means of soft X-ray photography and low magnification micrography. Computed tomograms also showed that the optical system of this camera was composed of only two pieces of single lenses and had about 17 cm of focal length. The F-number was estimated at about 7. The first lens was almost a flat plate and the second was in plano-convex type. UV-visible spectrogram showed that the former was made of glass, not quartz. It was considered that the Tsui-shu Camera was made in Japan, not in China, because of following reasons: 1) an imitative “tsui-shu” and Japanese style wooden craft, 2) the optical system, and its cloisonne wared lens cap and the outer cylider were prepared in Owari area of this country.
遠藤 勝久 清田 浩 小野寺 昭一
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.66, no.4, pp.522-528, 1992-04-20 (Released:2011-09-07)

本研究は尿を培地とした場合の抗菌剤の抗菌力測定が, 日本化学療法学会の定めたMueller-Hinton brothを用いた標準法とどのように異なるかを比較し, 標準法における問題点を検討したものである.さらに尿培地の物理化学的条件として, pH, マグネシウム濃度およびカルシウム濃度が尿中抗菌力測定に及ぼす影響についても検討した.尿培地は腎機能正常な健康成人男子より採取した尿を使用し, chelatingresinにより2価陽イオンを除去した.この尿をもとに, 尿のpH, マグネシウム濃度およびカルシウム濃度を変化させ抗菌力の変化を観察した.被験菌株は大腸菌を使用し, 抗菌剤はニューキノロン剤を採用した.試験管内抗菌力は日本化学療法学会の定めた標準法を用いさらに尿中での抗菌力測定も行った.その結果, Mueller-Hintonbrothを用いた試験管内抗菌力と異なる成績が得られ, 尿培地がアルカリ性に傾く程, また尿中マグネシウム濃度が低い程, 抗菌力は優れていた.尿培地中カルシウム濃度は影響を示さなかった.以上より, 尿路感染症における菌の感受性試験において, 尿中での抗菌力を正当に評価するためにはMueller-Hintonbrothでの抗菌力測定の代わりに, 尿または尿類似の培地で測定し抗菌化学療法を進めることが理想的であり, 培地のpHおよびマグネシウム濃度の影響を考慮し培地の一定化を図ることが重要であると考えられた.
包 航 任 恵峰 遠藤 英明 高木 敬彦 林 哲仁
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.49, no.9, pp.591-597, 2002-09-15 (Released:2010-01-20)
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16種のフラボノイド自身の変異原性と抗変異原性を前進突然変異試験法を用いて検討した.活性を検出した11種について未加熱,単純加熱,混合調味液添加後の加熱による活性の変化を調べた.(1) カテキン,エピカテキン,ヘスペリジン,ネオヘスペリジン,ネオヘスペリジンデヒドロカルコンの5検体は,変異原性・抗変異原性ともに全く示さなかった.(2) 残り11種フラボノイドの中で,バイカレインなどのように抗変異原性のみを示すものもあれば,ケルセチンやモリンのように変異原性と抗変異原性の両方を示すものもあった.(3) これらの活性に対する影響は加熱そのものより,むしろ調味料の存在の影響の方が大きかった.(4) 調味料添加条件下での加熱で著しく変化したのは,S9存在下で測定した抗変異原性であった.
西村 奨之 遠藤 正之
一般社団法人 経営情報学会
経営情報学会 全国研究発表大会要旨集 2020年全国研究発表大会
pp.133-136, 2021-01-28 (Released:2021-01-18)

片岡 俊彦 遠藤 勝義 井上 晴行 稲垣 耕司 森 勇藏 広瀬 喜久治 高田 和政
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.60, no.8, pp.1122-1126, 1994

The probe of this scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) is a dielectric sphere of 500 nm in diameter on a transparent substrate. The probe sphere is illuminated by evanescent wave which is formed by the incidence of He-Ne laser with the wave length of 632.8 nm from the inside of the substrate on the condition of total reflection. The light from the probe is collected by a conventional microscope through the substrate. The detected light intensity changes remarkably when a sample is brought in a near-field around the probe. The variation of detected light intensity in the near-field depends on refractive index of sample; the smaller real part of refractive index of sample, the more remarkable increase of detected light intensity. This result is explained by using an electric dipole model for the electromagnetic interaction between probe and sample. The vertical resolution of about 1 nm and lateral resolution of less than 20 nm are obtained for the developed microscope by measuring a standard specimen which is prepared by vacuum evaporation of metal.
山内 洋一 水月 晃 遠藤 雅子 福岡 義之
Japanese Academy of Budo
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.34, no.1, pp.43-49, 2001

Our aim was to investigate aerobic and anaerobic power, correctly measuring metabolic response during graded maximal exercise testing and short-term high power testing continuously for four years, from 1996 to 1999. The subject, who was twice the male national karate champion, was recruited to participate the experiments. The subject underwent the incremental exercise test every 30 watts/3 min until exhaustion to measure the peak oxygen uptake (VO<sub>2</sub>peak), CO<sub>2</sub> production, (VCO<sub>2</sub>peak) and ventilation (VEpeak) as an index of the aerobic power, and to determine capillary blood lactate concentration ( [La]b) VO<sub>2</sub>peak were 50.6, 45.2, 52.1, and 53.0 ml/kg/min, respectively. Peak [La] b increased 4.40, 6.15, 7.10, and 6.51 mM/L, respectively, and the delayed onset of blood lactate accumulation during incremental exercise was also observed, being due to higher buffering capacity which is associated with glycolytic enzymes in the muscles. Anaerobic power as measured by the total power for 10 sec on a high-power bicycle ergometer also increased from 936 to 1053 watts, which revealed a much higher anaerobic power compared with competitors in other sports. These results suggest that the karate champion in the heavy weight class had relatively average aerobic power and additionally greater anaerobic power, which may be due to glycolytic potential in the skeletal muscles.
田崎 義孝 葛西 正則 長谷川 雅明 遠藤 昌伸
no.17, pp.25-39, 2019 (Released:2019-08-27)

遠藤 野ゆり
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.12, no.2, pp.37-46, 2015-03

This paper tries to review the studies about mirror neuron which Rizzolatti and his team found in 1996. Mirror neuron system is regarded as the key to elucidate how we canread other people's intention, thoughts, feelings and so on. The study should be classified into four groups. In the first group the research is towered to indicate the function of mirror neuron. In the second group the research tries to specify the factor of autism and improve their human-relations by the means of motility. In the third group they try to product the means to treat cerebral palsy. The last group discusses what the significance for human beings of this scientific discovery is. Mirror neuron can substantiate scientificallywhat phenomenology has shown by the means of deep insights and fertile written expressions.
遠藤 琢磨 須佐 秋生
一般社団法人 日本燃焼学会
日本燃焼学会誌 (ISSN:13471864)
vol.55, no.174, pp.317-328, 2013 (Released:2018-01-26)

Fundamentals of the propagation characteristics of a detonation are reviewed. First, the propagation characteristics of a detonation are discussed from the one-dimensional point of view. In this discussion, the characteristics of a steadily-propagating detonation and how to determine its static parameters are elucidated. Second, the non-planarity and transverse-wave structure of an actual detonation front are discussed. The transverse waves propagating along the leading shock wave of a detonation front and colliding with each other depict a cellular pattern after the passage of the detonation. The importance of the characteristic size of this cellular pattern is emphasized introducing so-called dynamic parameters of detonations. Finally, the stability issue of the transverse-wave structure of a detonation front is touched on. This issue has been drawing the attention of many researchers for more than a decade.
原 佑介 菅原 彩華 山田 クリス孝介 遠藤 慶子 芦谷 早苗 五十嵐 香織 曽我 朋義 神成 淳司 黒田 裕樹
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.67, no.12, pp.499-513, 2020-12-15 (Released:2020-12-24)

ウンシュウミカンの成分分析では,高水溶性のイオン性低分子を網羅的に探索した研究はほとんど無い.本研究では,静岡県三ヶ日産ウンシュウミカンの ‘青島温州’ や ‘興津・宮川早生’ を対象に,高水溶性成分をキャピラリー電気泳動-質量分析法によるメタボローム解析を用いて調査し,品種,グレード,処理方法ごとの総測定データも蓄積させた.この分析では,対象とした151の成分のうち,早生ではメチオニン,グリシン,アスパラギン酸が,青島ではオルニチン,プトレシン,シネフリン,グルタミンが,青島の果汁ではピログルタミン酸,GABA(γ-アミノ酪酸),マロン酸が,有意に多く検出された.さらに,生果と加工品,および加工前後での比較結果を統合し,含有成分量の変化に寄与すると推測される要因も整理した.これらの解析は,三ヶ日産ウンシュウミカンに含まれる高水溶性成分の基礎データとして,今後,代謝や加工による成分変化のさらなる検証につながることが期待される.また,本研究において,クエン酸やGABAなどの機能性表示登録がすでにある成分に加えて,機能性が示唆される成分も検出された.農産物の新規機能性成分表示の検討等においてもメタボローム解析は有用であることを強く示していると言える.
島袋 剛二 宮坂 尚幸 市川 麻以子 遠藤 誠一 坂本 雅恵 尾臺 珠美 吉田 卓功 塚田 貴史 塗師 由紀子 西田 慈子 高木 香織 中村 玲子 服部 早苗
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会雑誌 (ISSN:04682513)
vol.64, no.5, pp.815-818, 2016

子宮脱に対して平易で有効な術式として, 腹腔鏡下円靭帯小腰筋腱固定術を考案したので術式の要点と短期成績について報告する。 術式: 骨盤リンパ節廓清時の要領で後腹膜を切開し大腰筋を展開する。この際に大腰筋前面を走行する細い帯状の小腰筋腱を明らかにしておく。円靭帯にまず針糸を1針かけておき, それで小腰筋腱をすくい縫合固定する。対側も同様の操作を行なう。この操作で子宮の牽引が不十分であれば第1針結紮の頭側にさらに第2針を追加固定する。固定後は後腹膜を縫合閉鎖する。 症例: 39歳 (完全子宮脱), 63歳 (子宮下垂), 43歳 (不全子宮脱) の3症例に本術式を施行した。3症例とも容易に手術を完逐でき, 術後10~24か月のフォローアップ検診で子宮脱の再発を認めていない。術後早期に1例で鼠径部痛, もう1例で大腿内側違和感の訴えがあったが軽快した。 今後, 症例数を蓄積してこの術式の有効性と安全性について検討していきたい。
皆川 佳祐 藤田 聡 遠藤 六郎 雨宮 満彦
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.75, no.752, pp.837-844, 2009
1 2

In this study, vibration characteristics of mechanical structure having high natural frequency are investigated from the viewpoint of energy balance. Mechanical structures having high natural frequency in a nuclear power plant are generally designed statically and elastically. However it has been reported that fracture of ordinry piping is produced not by momentary large load but by cumulative fatigue damage. Therefore it is very imortant to grasp seismic performance dynamically by considering cyclic load. This paper deals with an investigation regarding seismic performance evaluation of high natural frequency mechanical structure. The energy balance equation that is one of valid methods for structural calculation is applied through the investigation. The main feature of the energy balance equation is that it explains accumulated information of motion. Therefore the energy balance equation is adequate for the investigation of the influence of cumulative load such as seismic response. In this paper, vibration experiment and simulation using sinusoidal waves and artificial seismic waves were examined in order to investigate relationship between natural frequency of structure and energy. As a result, we found that input energy decreases with an increase in the natural frequency.