高橋 毅 鈴木 一也 伊藤 靖 松下 晃三 数井 暉久

症例は50歳, 男性.1996年9月3日, 悪性胸膜中皮腫に対し左胸膜肺全摘, 心嚢, 横隔膜, 胸壁合併切除術, 及び温熱化学療法を施行した.外来にて経過観察されていたが1999年11月, 胸部CTにて左胸壁に径3cmの腫瘤を指摘され, CTガイド下針生検にて悪性胸膜中皮腫の再発と診断された.全身精査にて転移巣のないことを確認し2000年1月, 再発巣の切除術を施行した.rights: 特定非営利活動法人日本呼吸器外科学会rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものであるrelation:isVersionOf: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001272251/
大木 靖衛 徐 輝竜 渡部 直喜 鈴木 幸治 佐藤 修 河内 一男
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.35, no.3, pp.153-163, 1996-07-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
1 2

小林 大二 浅見 圭貴 米村 俊一 鈴木 章 嶌田 聡 山本 栄
ヒューマンファクターズ (ISSN:13494910)
vol.16, no.1, pp.52-62, 2011 (Released:2011-11-15)

The concept of mental algorithm, a way of understanding the plant operator's thinking process for identifying malfunctions, has been proposed. According to the concept of the mental algorithm, the operator's thinking process includes many subtle decision–making affected by metacognition activity and the each subtle decision–making makes or chooses an operator's cognitive state (CS) and a behavioral strategy (BS). Most behavior as a result of subtle thinking is affected by performance shaping factors (PSFs), and the both the CS and the BS could be deteriorated. In this regard,a mental algorithm indicates the quality of problem–solving affected by PSFs,and could be applicable not only to the plant operator's thinking process but also to similar problem–solving. As an example of the problem-solving,this study dealt with the thinking for evacuation behavior. The participants moved from a start location to an evacuation center using a custom digital map on a personal digital assistance (PDA). As the results, we assumed that the thinking for evacuation could be represented as a mental algorithm. Further, the CS was categorized into three types and the four types of BS were extracted and the PSF items which lead to the deterioration of evacuation behavioral quality was estimated. Consequently,it was revealed that the concept of mental algorithm was applicable to evacuation behavioral assessment.
土方 邦夫 鈴木 祐二 相澤 芳弘 小澤 由行
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.61, no.587, pp.2757-2763, 1995-07-25

For more effective ventilation from the room floor, where polluted air and dust arise, a new ventilation system located on the ceiling has been developed by using fresh intake air and generating a tornadolike vortex to ventilate the air near the floor both locally and directly. In a water tank, which simulated a room space, the same tornadolike vortices were visualized using ink diffused from the base, and the ventilation efficiency was measured. In order to apply this new ventilation system to local cooling, the heat transfer performance at the floor was also investigated.
境 有紀 青井 淳 新井 健介 鈴木 達矢
公益社団法人 日本地震工学会
日本地震工学会論文集 (ISSN:18846246)
vol.10, no.4, pp.4_14-4_53, 2010 (Released:2011-11-09)
3 5

2008 年岩手・宮城内陸地震を対象として,道路事情により調査できなかったものを除く震度6 弱以上を記録した全ての強震観測点と5 強を記録した一部の強震観測点周辺の被害調査を行った.その結果,いくつかの観測点周辺で外壁のひび割れや外装材の落下,屋根瓦のずれといった軽微な建物被害は見られたが,いずれの観測点周辺でも,大破・全壊といった建物の大きな被害はなかった.観測された強震記録の性質について検討した結果,そのほとんどが0.5 秒以下の極短周期が卓越した地震動で,建物の大きな被害と相関をもつ1-2 秒応答は小さく,このことが大きな震度にもかかわらず建物の大きな被害が生じなかった原因と考えられる.
小林 芳規 佐藤 利行 佐々木 勇 沼本 克明 月本 雅幸 鈴木 恵 原 卓志 山本 真吾 山本 秀人 青木 毅 本田 義央

鈴木 良介
オペレーションズ・リサーチ : 経営の科学 = [O]perations research as a management science [r]esearch (ISSN:00303674)
vol.57, no.12, pp.659-665, 2012-12-01

白石 善明 福田 洋治 溝渕 昭二 鈴木 貴史
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.51, no.3, pp.1083-1093, 2010-03-15

営利目的で一方的に送りつけられる電子メールは一般にスパムメールとして知られており,過去数年間,その影響は世界中に広がり続けている.本論文では,社会ネットワークの特性を表す指標の1つである固有ベクトル中心性に基づいたスパムメールフィルタリングの手法を提案する.提案手法は,受信したメールに含まれるメールアドレスの固有ベクトル中心性の得点を評価し,スパム以外のメールを区別するためのメールアドレスのホワイトリストを構成する.固有ベクトル中心性の得点とメールネットワークの形態との関係や,関連する手法との違いを考察し,著者のメールボックスのデータを用いた実験により提案手法の有効性を示す.Unsolicited commercial email is generally known as spam and its negative effects continue to spread around the world in the past few years. In this paper, we propose a method for spam email filtering based on eigenvector centrality which is one of indexes expressing property of social network. The proposed method evaluates score of the centrality for each mail address included in received emails and constructs a whitelist of the reliable mail address to distinguish non-spam. This paper shows the effectiveness of the proposed method by some experiments using author's mailbox. Then, we give some considerations on the relation between score and form of mail network in order to show differences from relative methods.
Hwang Jin Yeon 北川 隆司 鈴木 盛久 林 武広 山崎 博史 地下 まゆみ 鳥居 赳志
粘土科学 (ISSN:04706455)
vol.43, no.4, pp.197-205, 2004-05-26

Typhoon "Rusa" (No.0215) attacked the Republic of Korea from August 31 to September 1, 2002. Depended on this typhoon, the heavy rainfall was brought through the Korean Peninsula. In Particularly, 100mm of hourly precipitation and 870mm of one day precipitation were recorded on August 31 in Kangnung where is located in the north-east of Korea. The accumulated precipitation at Kangnung amounted to 898mm from August 30 to September 1. During heavy rainfall, many slope failures occurred. The one failured slope was investigated in this study to make clear the mechanism of slope failure with special attention to clay veins developed on it by means of X-ray diffraction, optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope and computer simulation.
鈴木 茂
経済地理学年報 (ISSN:00045683)
vol.37, no.1, pp.10-23, 1991-03-31

わが国において,1980年代になると,「技術立国」構想が提起され,ハイテク型産業の誘致・育成を基調とした地域開発政策が全国的に展開されるようになった.その典型がテクノポリス構想である.テクノポリス構想が公式文章に登場して以来10年を経過し,1990年はテクノポリス開発計画の目標年次である.テクノポリスを実績に基づいて評価することが可能になったといえる.テクノポリスは,従来の地域開発政策と異なって,地域のR & D機能の整備や空港・高速自動車道周辺に内陸工業団地を建設するとともに,都市機能を整備してハイテク型産業の集積や研究者・技術者の定住を図ろうとするところに特徴がある.しかし,1985年の円高・産業構造調整とそれを契機とする生産拠点の海外へのシフトによって,多くのテクノポリス地域では工業開発の目標を達成できていない.そのうえ,テクノポリスの重要な政策課題である地域技術水準の高度化は,進出企業と地場企業の技術格差のために技術移転が円滑に進んでいない.例えば,代表的なハイテク型産業であるIC産業が集積している九州地域においても,集積しているのは生産機能であり,生産に係わる技術集積が見られるが,研究開発開発機能の集積が弱く,地場企業との技術格差が拡大して技術移転をあまり期待することができなくなっている.さらに,テクノポリス地域においては公設試験研究機関が再編拡充されたが,整備の中心が施設や研究機器におかれ,研究者・技術者がほとんど増員されていないために,研究開発機能が実質的に強化されていない.むしろ,ハイテク型産業や民間研究所の一極集中傾向が強まっており,ハイテク時代における地域振興を図るには,公的な試験研究機関の抜本的な拡充を図る必要があろう.
栗山 進一 大貫 幸二 鈴木 昭彦 市村 みゆき 森久保 寛 東野 英利子 辻 一郎 大内 憲明
日本乳癌検診学会誌 (ISSN:09180729)
vol.16, no.1, pp.93-98, 2007-03-30 (Released:2008-07-25)
1 1

本研究の目的は, 40歳代女性に対する超音波・マンモグラフィ併用 (US & MMG), 超音波単独 (US単独), マンモグラフィ単独 (MMG単独) の3種類の逐年検診方法を, シミュレーション分析により救命効果, 効率の点から比較検討することである。各検診方法に対して10万人ずつの仮想コホートを設定し, 検診とその効果をシミュレーションにより追跡した。それぞれの検診を行うコホートで, 要精検者数, 乳がん患者数を, 検診の感度・特異度, 乳がん罹患数より計算し, 期待生存年数を早期乳がん比率, 病期別の5年生存率, 平均余命より算出した。費用効果比は検診により生存年1年延長に要する費用である。検診方法別の感度・特異度, 早期乳がん比率は, 平成12年度~16年度に栃木県保健衛生事業団が行った地域住民出張検診データから算出した。救命数の差をみると, 検診方法別ではUS & MMGが最も大きく, US単独, MMG単独の順に低下した。費用効果比をみると, US単独が他の2つの検診方法より良好であり, MMG単独, US & MMG単独の順で費用効果比が低下した。最も効果の高いのはUS & MMG検診であり, 最も費用効果比が良かったのはUS単独検診であった。
鈴木 猛 平社 俊之助 佐藤 金作
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.10, no.1, pp.78-79, 1959

ゴキブリの駆除の一方法として, 比較的高濃度の薬剤を, その潜伏場所のまわりに帯状に処理し, ゴキブリの通路を囲む事により効果を期待するやり方がある.この方法は数cmの狭い幅に薬剤を処理するので, これにゴキブリが接触する時間は, 普通数秒間であり, 特別の事情のない限り長くても1日に10分間以上触れているとは考えられない.5%ダイアジノンを用いた室内的な実験(白井, 平社, 鈴木, 1959)では, 雌の場合10分以上の接触が100%の死亡に必要であることから, はたして実際において, この様な方法で完全な効果が期待出来るかどうか疑問になる.しかし実際には我々の目にとまる所にゴキブリの潜伏場所があれば, こゝに薬剤を処理するであろう.そして, この場所のゴキブリは当然死亡ないしは逃亡する.だが, ゴキブリの様な我々の見付けにくい所に往々ひそんでいる昆虫に対し, すべての潜伏場に薬剤を残留塗布の形で処理することは不可能に近い.そして実際的には往々にして一部の潜伏場所に直接薬剤を噴霧した場合の駆除効果をみるため, 過大に評価し勝である.この様な考え方から, 著者等は出来得る限り, その潜伏場をみつけ, しかも, こゝに全く薬剤を処理することなく, そのまわりに5%ダイアジノン乳剤をはけを用いて幅約5cm位の帯状に残留塗布を行いその効果を観察した.
鈴木 賢 高見澤 磨 宇田川 幸則 崔 光日 石井 知章 坂口 一成

2009年段階で正式に登記された社会組織は43万1069団体(うち社会団体23万7847、民営非企業事業体19 万479、基金会1843)に上るが、これを遙かに上回る未登記の団体が闇で活動しており、不安定な法的状態にある。設立に当たっての業務主管部門での設立許可と民政部門における登記という二重の管理体制を取ることにより、法人格取得へのハードルを高くしていることがその背景にある。結社については「許されていないことは、禁止される」というのが実態であり、憲法の結社の自由規定とは裏腹に「結社禁止」が原則となっている。目下、社会団体法制の整備に向けて議論が続いているが、いかに社会団体の活性化を図りつつ、他方でその反体制化を避けるべく上からの政治的統制も緩めないという二律背反を具体的な制度に表現するかは容易な課題ではない。厳しい法制環境、共産党組織による統制のなかでもすでに民間団体は、市場経済化のなかで多元化しつつある利益の調整機能、社会の自律調整機能、行政には困難なサービス提供機能、ある種の政治的「参加」機能、社会的公益機能を果たすことによって、政治の民主化を欠く中国で一種の緊張放散的効果をもたらしている。
鈴木 義男
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.13, pp.1103-1119, 1961-10

Introduction Since m/s "SOYA" had reached the ice edge on Dec. 27, 1959 at 65°15'S, 48°35'E, the officers on watch carried out continuous visual ice observations, under the supervision of the navigating officer, until the ship left the ice off Riiser-Larsen Peninsula on Feb. 21, 1960. The items of observation were nearly identical with those of the previous three expeditions. As the ship was not bound with drift ice, several surveying cruises were performed between 33°E and 50°E and eleven oceanographic stations were set up in the region. Miscellaneous observations other than general, for instance, observations on the drift of ice field and icebergs, were also made on occasion. 1. Some comments on ice terminology and recording form Several terms were supplemented to the WMO ice terminology mainly from Russian source. Terms were rearranged and compiled in "A glossary of ice terminology to be used in JARE". An example of supplemented terms is secondary slush, which is a combined conception of melting sludge in Baltic ice code and ledyanaya podushka in Russian terminology. Observed items were nearly identical with those required by the U. S. Hydrographic Office's reporting form. Obtained results were compiled in ice charts. Notations used in charts were also similar to those of the U. S. Hydrographic Office. However, the following changes were made both in observed items and in chart notations in order to describe encountered ice conditions more adequately: a) The size of predominant floes was recorded by nearest meters as the index of mechanical decaying. The item "puddling" seems to be insufficient to describe the dacaying state of Antarctic drift ice which decays mechanically before puddles have developed on it. Another index of mechanical decaying such as whether floes have angular or smooth outlines should have been recorded. b) Inter-ice melting sludge was excluded from the first group in the item "concentration by size" and its existence was indicated by a prefix Sl. Though it is difficult to distinguish between ice cakes and melting sludge from the air, the ship observer must distinguish them because the latter behaves quite differently from the former during the compression or the dispersion of an ice field. Melting sludge, if exists, usually covers inter-ice area completely. The compression (or dispersion) of the ice field, not causing hummocking (or formation of open water), only changes the thickness of sludge. The latter, which has important effects on the navigability, should have been recorded at least qualitatively. 2. General ice observations 2a) Note on observation practice. Separate measurements of snowdepth and ice thickness were difficult because the boundary was not clear to identify whether it is porous ice or firnized snow. For convenience' sake, the upper layer easily separable by turning over floes was regarded as snow. In this sense, most floes were covered by snow 0.3-0.5m thick. Estimation of the age of floes was also difficult. The age of little hummocked floes was estimated by their thickness, as usually done. But, this method seemed inadequate for summer ice, for level ice less than 1m thick often had two planktonrich brown thin layers. 2b) Ice conditions along ice edges and 2c) Those in ice field. Main results are shown in Figs. 1-10. Along edges, ice cakes were predominant and inter-ice area was usually covered by melting sludge. If the edge was under the dispersing effect of wind, there appeared along it a narrow region of a small ice concentration composed only of brashes (no melting sludge). Newly developed ice fields composed of small pancake ice were only seen after the middle of February. On Jan. 21 giant clusters of floebergs were seen at 45°30'E on the edge. Vast and big floes encountered in the region south of 67°20'S during the first penetration of the ship into ice area were probably fragments of the shore ice. The heights of reliefs on them were more than 3m, but the fraction of hummocked area was rather small (2/10-3/10). 2d) The shore ice off the western part of the Prince Olav Coast and the lead off the edge of the shose ice. Although the width of the lead on 40°E meridian had narrowed from several kilometers on Jan. 3 to several hundred meters on Jan. 15 and finally the lead disappeared on Feb. 4, the position of the edge did not change during the observation period (Jan. 3-Feb. 10). The constant position of the edge must have some relations with the bottom relief (the sea suddenly deepens northward from about 300m to 1000m at several kilometers north of the edge). Along the edge there was a hummocked narrow zone (2-3km wide). South of the zone there was another a little wider zone (less than 20km wide) where sasturgi running NEN-WSW were developed. Farther south the surface was flat. Puddles were developed little even in the beginning of February. 3. Miscellaneous observations 3a) Icebergs. The first iceberg was seen at 53°09'S, 32°17'E on Dec. 23, 1959 and the last at 54°00'S, 25°10'E on Feb. 26, 1960. The largest iceberg which was observed off Cape Ann was supposed to be identical with the vast iceberg observed by Russian ice breaker "LENA" at 65°40'S, 88°14'E on Feb.16, 1957. 3b) Drift of icebergs. Only the drifts in the lead were analyzed showing the existence of a current of about 0.3knot there (Table 1). 3c) Drift of ice field. From Jan. 22 to Jan. 27 the ship drifted in an ice field composed of 50% cakes and 50% melting brashes and sludge (Fig. 6). The relative speed of the ship to the cakes (and also to sludge) was surprisingly low (only several meters per hour). This shows that the resistance of the melting sludge against the movement of the ship was very strong. The drift of the ship was analyzed as the drift of the ice field (Table 2). 3d) Dispersion of ice edge by the wind. A return survey of the edge between 42°E and 33°E was made on Dec. 29 and 30. The edge was dispersing northward under the effect of W-SW wind. A rough analysis gave the wind coefficient of about 0.08 for the drift of scattered brashes. 4. Summer ice diminution in observed area On Dec. 7. Japanese whaling fleets observed ice edge at about 62°S. As it was at about 65°S-66°S on Dec. 27-29, the retiring speed along the meridian amounted to about 20km/day. This rapid retiring was undoubtedly due to the intense melting of the ice field dispersing under the effect of prevailing westerly there. South of 66°S, the diminution process in the region A was considered to differ from that in the region B (Fig. 11). Ice conditions in the region A indicated that the ice field there had not experienced any intense movement. There the ice field was probably under the dispersing effect of weak westerly and the diminution of ice was chiefly due to melting. In the region B, on the other hand, the ice field were continuously moving west-south-westward. There the diminution of ice was partly attributed to the decrease in the amount of ice supply from Enderby Land. By the beginning of February, the ice field off the Prince Olav Coast had retired within 70km from the coast. Off Cape Ann no drift ice existed in the middle of February. 5. The meaning of oceanographic observations to the analysis of the ice diminution process Summer ice diminution is determined by two factors: the melting of ice and the movement of ice. The latter is caused primarily by wind. Now, the most characteristic feature of wind regime in the Antarctic coastal region is the existence of easterly near coast and of westerly off the sea. The ice field is dispersed by westerly and then melts rapidly. Therefore, early in summer (at the end of December or at the beginning of January) the ice edge is probably at about the boundary between easterly and westerly. Wind regime reflects on sea regime and the said boundary appears in the sea as the so-called Antarctic Divergence. Thus, to know the position of the Antarctic Divergence becomes important for ice diminution considerations. Our eleven stations were not adequately located for the determination of the position of the Antarctic Divergence. But, from the obtained temperature distribution, the concave of the Antarctic Divergence on 38°E meridian was deduced (The author considers that the Divergence will be nearly pallarel to 1℃ isotherm in Fig. 14.). Concerning the melting, it is difficult to estimate the amount of melted ice from heat balance considerations. But, assuming that no advection occurs in the sea, it may be estimated from considerations of the dilution of the surface water. The obtained oceanographic data were analyzed from this point of view (Table 3, where D, S_1 and S_2 mean the thickness of the surface water, the salinity in winter and the mean salinity in summer, respectively). Reasonable values were obtained for stations 1, 2, 3 and 4, showing that advection corrections for these stations were negligible. This again indicates that in the region A the ice field had not experienced intense moving. Acknowledgements As mentioned in the introduction, the ice observations were carried out by the members of the Navigation Section of the "SOYA". The author expresses his sincere thanks to Mr. TETSUO SHIMOMATSU, the then navigating officer, and other members of the Navigation Section. Mr. KOSEI YOSHIDA, the then fourth officer, compiled the excellent ice charts, on which Figs. 1-10 of the text are based. The contents of §§ 2 and 3 are also mainly due to him. Oceanographic data used in §5 were kindly offered before publication by Mr. SHIGERU FUKASE of the Nagasaki Marine Meteorological Observatory, chief oceanographer of the expedition. Asst. Prof. KOU KUSUNOKI and Mr. NOBUO ONO of the Institute, both the former members of JARE, gave many usufull suggestions. The author expresses his hearty thanks to all of them.
鈴木 正紀 若生 政江 菊池 美紀 湊 伸子 近藤 秀二 肥土 広康 柴原 秀美
大学図書館研究 (ISSN:03860507)
vol.97, pp.49-55, 2013-03

埼玉県内の大学・短期大学等の図書館を会員とする地域コンソーシアムである,「埼玉県大学・短期大学図書館協議会(略称 SALA)」の活動を紹介する。1988年に発足し,現在は県内47機関をメンバーとして活動している。相互協力の活発化を目指して創立されたが,現在は,研修会の開催,会報の発行,ウェブサイトの運用,共同リポジトリの構築,共同購入事業の実施,「図書館と県民のつどい埼玉」への参加など,多彩な活動を展開している。本稿では,それらの概略を紹介するとともに,その原動力となっていることがらについて考察を行っている。 / Saitama Academic Library Association(SALA)is a regional consortia for Saitama prefecture. The members consist of academic libraries from universities and junior colleges and so on. SALA wasestablished in 1988, and now consists of 47 institutions. It was founded with the aim of boosting inter-library cooperation, but current activities also include offering workshops, publishing a newsletter, operating the website, building a shared repository, initiating consortial purchasing, and participating in a?Saitama Prefectural Library Fair(Toshokan to Kenmin no Tsudoi)?. This paper provides an overview of the various activities undertaken and the authors consider what is the driving force that makes the organization so active.