鈴木 豪 志賀 剛 木原 貴代子 大熊 あとよ 西山 寿子 小林 清香 鈴木 伸一 西村 勝治 石郷岡 純 萩原 誠久
東京女子医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00409022)
vol.81, no.5, pp.381-381, 2011-10-25

第6回東京女子医科大学メンタルヘルス研究会 平成23年6月23日 東京女子医科大学総合外来センター5F 大会議室
鈴木 祥之 小松 幸平 下川 雄一 中尾 方人 北守 顕久 秦 正徳 中治 弘行 森 拓郎 須田 達 松本 慎也 向坊 恭介 向井 洋一 山田 耕司 後藤 正美 斎藤 幸雄 斎藤 幸雄 棚橋 秀光

鈴木 宣也 安田 浩
情報処理学会研究報告マルチメディア通信と分散処理(DPS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.96, pp.73-78, 2006-09-15

集団意思決定において、グループの構成人数は結果やプロセスに影響を及ぼす。しかし、これまで対面対話(FTF)に関する研究は心理学的な研究領域で研究されているが、コンピュータを介する対話(CMC)を対象とした研究は少なく、グループの構成人数に関した具体的な数値の言及にいたっていない。2~4人の少人数のグループを対象に、FTFとCMCの実験を行った。対話人数を検討するため、FTFとチャット、ネット会議を使い、それぞれ人数との比較を行い、ツールの違いと対話人数による差を抽出し、特徴についても分析した。In group decision making, the number of people in the group has an influence on the constitution of its processes and results. However, studies about FTF that have been conducted have been within the domain of psychological study. There are few studies for CMC and they do not reference a concrete number of people. We experimented on FTF and CMC with a small group of 2-4 participants. We implemented chat, net meetings and FTF to perform comparisons with various group sizes. To investigate the conversations of groups, we examined different interactive tools and group sizes, extracting differences and analyzing characteristics.
粕田 晴之 緑川 由紀夫 樋山 和広 堀田 訓久 村石 修 鈴木 和一 野々瀬 恵司 野々瀬 恵司
医科器械学 (ISSN:0385440X)
vol.73, no.4, 2003-04-01

鈴木 良平
日本義肢装具学会誌 (ISSN:09104720)
vol.9, no.3, pp.251-256, 1993-07-31 (Released:2010-02-25)
鈴木 健嗣 橋本 周司
情報処理学会研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2004, no.115, pp.123-130, 2004-11-12

本稿は,人間同士のコミュニケーションは,「何らかの意図」の送信と受信であると考え,単純な情報の交信を繰り返し行うことによるコミュニケーションの手段を提案する.開発した携帯端末サイズの光コミュニケーションデバイスFeelLightは,ボタンを押すという利用者の単純な行為を1bit情報として伝送し,光の点滅を用いた双方向コミュニケーションを実現する.1bitの通信を規範とする本デバイスの開発とともに,単純な情報の交信を繰り返し行うことに基づくコミュニケーション手法について論じる.This paper describes the methodology of interactive I/O device design and introduces a unique light communication interface, namely FeelLight. This is the 1-button interface that enables people to communicate with each other in a simple manner. The authors focused on the following key issues: (i) Simplicity: a simple communication method (ii) Affordability: affordance and embodiment of the interface, (iii) Synchronicity: intuitiveness and immediacy, and (iv) Creativity: emergence of communication. By using this interface, people can not only feel the communication partner closer by an intuitive communication, but also to feel a sense of connectedness by a user's active action.
鈴木 茂忠 宮尾 嶽雄 西沢 寿晃 高田 靖司
信州大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:05830621)
vol.14, no.2, pp.p147-177, 1977-12

Investigation is running on since April 1975 in order to make clear the food habit of the Japanese marten, Martes melampus melampus on the eastern slope of the Mt. Kiso-Komagatake. In view of the results so far achieved, the authors attempted to make clear the food habit to examine scat samples, which were collected in the upper part of low mountaineous zone (1,200-1,600m above the sea level : we called "the A zone") and the sub-alpine zone (1,700-2,600m above the sea level : we called "the B zone") on the eastern slope of the Mt. Kiso-Komagatake from the end of March 1976 to the end of January 1977. In the present paper, especially the authors will be discussed on the following several points : i) change of food habit from autumn to winter in each year of 1975 and 1976 in the A zone. , ii) the change throughout the year in the A zone, and iii) difference of food habit between the A and B zones. The results obtained were summarized as follows 1) The number of scats collected in the A zone was less amount since August and thereafter its number suddenly increased from September. However, the authors could not be clear what had caused the results. 2) In the A zone, food habit from March to June seemed to be dependent on animal diet, while at the time from September to January of succeeding year, it may be dependent essentially on vegetable diet rather than animal. And both animal and vegetable were eaten in July and August. In the B zone, on the other hand, there was scarcely any scat which contained only animal component and scat containning vegetable component or vegetable and animal were commonly found from September to December. 3) Food habit was dependent on animal diet, namely, Lepus brachyurus from March to June in the A zone. 4) There was scarcely any scat which contained only animal and that containning vegetable component or vegetable and animal component were commonly found from September to December in the A zone. Food component in scat from July to August would be intermediate before June and after September within a year. 5) Kinds of vegetable diet eaten by the Japanese marten were Rubus, Pari-etales (Actinidia) and Sorbus in July and August, in September and October, and in November and January, respectively. 6) Sorbus was mainly eaten from November to January in 1976 as a vegetable diet, which had not been found at all in the previous report of 1976 (SUZUKI, MIYAO et al) in the A zone. It seemed to be considered that the lower temperature during June to September might cause the difference of kinds in vegetable diet among 1975 and 1976. 7) Lepus brachyurus and murine rodents were the most important as an animal diet in the A zone and the mutual compensatory relation as a companion diet would be recognized among two kinds of animals, that is, the higher the frequency of appearance of the murine rodents, the lower the L. brachyurus occurred and the frequency relation was vice versa. These tendencies may suggest that the Japanese marten may attack the animal as a density-dependent factor and the Japanese marten may be used to eat the animal which increased the population density. 8) Frequency of scat which contained animal component (L. brachyurus or Coleopterous insect) became higher in July and August and the component changed to both animal and vegetable in September and then it reached about 50% for vegetable diet (Sorbus) in the B zone. 9) Animal diet was much weight rather than vegetable in the B zone compar-ing with the diet in the A zone. 10) Main animal diet was L. brachyurus in the B zone.
鈴木 茂忠 宮尾 嶽雄 西沢 寿晃 高田 靖司
信州大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:05830621)
vol.15, no.1, pp.p47-79, 1978-07

Investigation has been made from May 1975 to January 1977 in order to make clear the food habit of the Japanese serow, Capricornis crispus on eastern slope of the Mt. Kiso-Komagatake, where the University Forest in the Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University expands. The investigating area is a low temperate zone and is enveloped in natural forest in upper part of low mountaineous zone (1,200-1,600m above the sea level). Seasonal change of food plants was clear up by analyzing the plant traces eaten by the Japanese serow. This analysis didn't express quantitative estimation of plant eaten by the animal, but identification of plant, namely, qualitative list of plant species. Further, there was less data obtained from March to April and we were obliged to omit it. The results obtained were summarized as follows (1) The Japanese serow was used to bite tip of herbs, young trees and shrubs off and the animal seems not to be grazing herbivore, but browsing herbivore or snip feeder. (2) Total 189 plant species were listed up as the food of the Japanese serow, among them, 94 species (27 families) for herb ; 85 species (29 families) for broadleaf tree ; 7 species (2 families) for coniferous tree ; and 3 species (1 family) for bamboo grass, respectively. The number of species eaten by the Japanese serow reached to maximum in July (106 species) and thereafter down to minimum in November. (3) Number of plant species of herb and broad-leaf tree was divided into a half in each from May to November and the two plant groups should become themain food enough to feed at this time. While, ever-green coniferous tree and bamboo grass might be added to the two plant groups during winter from December to February. Number of herb species decreased suddenly and broad-leaf tree, therfore, might act an important role on food and percentage utility of broad-leaf reached on 83.1% at the time of February. On the other hand, the ever-green coniferous tree was down to 5% and 2% for bamboo grass. In the investigating area, there was so small amount of biomass for ever-green coniferous tree that the tree seemed to be a secondary food. (4) Plants feeded on each month throughout a year (but March and April could not be observed yet) were as follows : Hydrangea paniculata, H. cuspidata, H. macrophylla, Rubus kinashii, R. rnorifolius, Euonymus sieboldiana, Helwingia japonica, Clethra barbinervis, Sambucus sieboldiana and Viburnum furcatam. Above 10 species were all deciduous broad-leaf tree and the Japanese serow were used to feed on twings and leaf during spring to autumn and on twigs with winter bud. Moreover, plants feeded for the most part within a year were as follows Polygonum reynoutria, Clematis stans, Cirsium tanakae, Artemisia vulgaris, and Vitis coignetiae. It may be considered that these two sorts of plant species shall become a fundamental food resource for the Japanese serow in the area. (5) Petasites japonicus, Trillium tschonoskii, T. apetalon and Paris tetraphylla, which expand new green leaves to be the first to do other plants at the time of early spring may play a compensatory role upon many species of food plants feeded throughout a year. (6) Various species of herb and broad-leaf tree were feeded during summer, such as the plants mentioned (4) and Heracleum lanatum, Angelica multisecta, Cacaria hastata, Ainsliaea acerifolia, Eupatrium sachalinense, Elatostemma involuc-ratum and Boehmeria tricuspis as well. (7) Leaf of Petasites japonicus, fall down leaves of broad-leaf tree, dried herbs and nuts of Quercus crispula which were feeded during the late autumn must become a major food at the only short time of pass through autumn to winter. (8) Twigs and leaves of ever-green coniferous tree and bamboo grass which were feeded during only winter season (December to February), will supply for food in winter. In this period, the Japanese serow would usually not to be enough to feed the plant mentioned (4) and ever-green coniferous tree and bamboo grass seemed to be a suitable food for keeping hunger away. (9) Some poisonous plants were rearely feeded such as Scapolia japonica, Aco-nitum japonicum, Aquilegia buergeriana, Veratrum stamineum, Pieris elliptica, Aesculus turbinata and Buddleja insignis.(10) Plant species which did not remain traces eaten by the Japanese serow in the investigating area were as follows : Rhododendron degronianum, R. japonicum, Macleya cordata, Convallaria majalis, Shortia soldanelloides, Arisaema, Matteuccia struthiopteris, Blechnum niponicum etc.
大坪 英臣 北村 欧 鈴木 克幸

齊田 綾子 飯田 苗恵 鈴木 美雪 大澤 幸枝 牛久保 美津子
北関東医学 (ISSN:13432826)
vol.63, no.2, pp.109-117, 2013-05-01 (Released:2013-06-13)
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【目 的】 標準的な二次医療圏の回復期病院における急性期病院からの転入患者の特性と退院先を明確にし, 地域完結型医療を推進するための示唆を得る. 【対象と方法】 2007年度の転入患者265人の診療記録の遡及調査を行い, 記述統計および退院先により比較検討した. 【結 果】 対象者は平均76.5歳, 脳血管疾患47.1%で, 41.6%が入院後に介護保険を申請, 91.3%に退院調整がされた. 退院先は40.0%が施設, うち18.9%は介護老人保健施設であった. 退院先施設が居住地の二次医療圏内である者は77.4%で, 介護老人福祉施設では50.0%であった. 退院先が自宅か否かの比較では, 回復期病棟への入院, 紹介元病院での入院期間, 入院期間, 医療処置の有無, ADL, 認知機能, 家族員数に有意差が見られた. 【結 語】 加療に加え, ADL改善, 認知症進行防止, 介護保険の申請支援, 退院調整の情報共有等とともに在宅・生活重視型施設の医療体制整備の必要性が示唆された.
鈴木 義男
犯罪と非行 (ISSN:03856518)
no.50, pp.p41-78, 1981-11
鈴木 和雄 青木 雅信 水野 卓爾 石川 晃 影山 慎二 宇佐美 隆利 麦谷 荘一 牛山 知己 藤田 公生
日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.87, no.5, pp.809-814, 1996-05-20
8 2

鈴木 孝幸

これまでの研究で、指が発生する時には指原器の先端の細胞群が重要であり、この細胞群に指間部からのBMP(骨形成成長因子)のシグナルが特異的に入る事が分かりました。そして私はこの細胞群をPFR(phalanx forming region)の細胞群と名付けました。本研究でPFRの細胞群は驚くべき事に後側からのシグナルにしか反応しないと言う特性を持っている事が示されました。そしてその原因として、指間部において後側から前側にかけて液性因子の流れがあることが判明しました。また多指の鶏である烏骨鶏の原因遺伝子座も特定し、論文が受理され現在in pressです。
鈴木 裕子
保育学研究 (ISSN:13409808)
vol.47, no.2, pp.132-142, 2009-12-25

This work aims to define the concept of "Kansei," or sensitivity in young children through an evaluation scale based on the development process. In Part I, the concept of Kansei was classified into three main categories, 28 sub-categories and 64 items based on a questionnaire completed by kindergarten and day nursery teachers. Finally, the 31 most relevant items were selected to be used for an evaluation scale. In Part II, the concept of Kansei was divided into three different factors based on the analysis of data collected in another questionnaire: factor 1: original sensibility and creativity, factor 2: active response, and factor 3: emotional and moral empathy. These three factors include 26 items. Using these three factors and 26 items, a scale was invented to evaluate young children's sensitivities. In Part III, the validity of the scale was examined and the result verified its high reliability. This invented evaluation scale can be used for understanding the richness of young children's sensitivities from their behaviors.