浅井 暢子 唐沢 穣
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.28, no.3, pp.137-146, 2013

The present study investigated the impact of the narrative representation of trial information on judicial decisions and judgments about the victim among Japanese lay people. In an experiment, participants read 20 testimonies of a stabbing case. The implications of the testimonies leaned either toward a murder or toward a self-defense case. To manipulate the difficulty of story construction, we presented the testimonies either in a temporal or in a mixed order. The results showed that more extreme sentence decisions were made (i.e., longer imprisonment for the murder case and shorter for the self-defense case) when the testimonies were presented in an organized order. Consistent with this, estimations about the victim's likelihood of avoiding such incidents were polarized in the organized-order condition. Although the presentation order did not clearly affect some judgments, the results of our study strongly suggest that the story construction process has a substantial impact on judicial judgments. Cognitive processes underlying judicial judgments were discussed.
François Desmeules Jennifer Boudreault Clermont E. Dionne Pierre Frémont Véronique Lowry Joy C. MacDermid Jean-Sébastien Roy
Journal of Occupational Health (ISSN:13419145)
pp.15-0103-RA, (Released:2016-08-04)

Objective: To perform a systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the efficacy of therapeutic exercises for workers suffering from rotator cuff (RC) tendinopathy.Methods: A literature search in four bibliographical databases (Pubmed, CINAHL, EMBASE, and PEDro) was conducted from inception up to February 2015. RCTs were included if participants were workers suffering from RC tendinopathy, the outcome measures included work-related outcomes, and at least one of the interventions under study included exercises. The methodological quality of the studies was evaluated with the Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment tool.Results: The mean methodological score of the ten included studies was 54.4% ± 17.2%. Types of workers included were often not defined, and work-related outcome measures were heterogeneous and often not validated. Three RCTs of moderate methodological quality concluded that exercises were superior to a placebo or no intervention in terms of function and return-to-work outcomes was observed. No significant difference was found between surgery and exercises based on the results of two studies of low to moderate methodological quality. One study of low methodological quality, comparing a workplace-based exercise program focusing on the participants' work demands to an exercise program delivered in a clinical setting, concluded that the work-based intervention was superior in terms of function and return-to-work outcomes.Conclusion: There is low to moderate-grade evidence that therapeutic exercises provided in a clinical setting are an effective modality to treat workers suffering from RC tendinopathy and to promote return-to-work. Further high quality studies comparing different rehabilitation programs including exercises in different settings with defined workers populations are needed to draw firm conclusions on the optimal program to treat workers.
大石 弥幸 龍田 建次
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.72, no.3, pp.105-114, 2016

加藤 隆文
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.64, no.1, pp.47-58, 2013

This paper is an attempt to suggest a provoking theory about actions of human beings (including art-creating actions, art-appreciating actions, etc.). With this aim, I refer to Alfred Gell's posthumous book, Art and Agency (AA hereinafter), especially focusing on his concepts of 'agency' and 'index'. Because 'index' is a concept derived from C. S. Peirce's semiotics, Gell's theory may also imply a kind of applicability of Peirce's idea, though Gell's 'index' is not necessarily compatible with Peirce's. In Gell's terminology, 'index' is an object that mediates 'agency'. What he argues is that 'agency' can be attributed to not only persons but also things such as god statues as long as they (persons and things) are seen as initiating causal sequences caused by some sort of intention. Utilizing these concepts, Gell puts forward 'Anthropology of Art'. He suggests that art objects should be anthropologically examined in order to grasp their 'behaviour' (AA, p.11) in the context of social relations. In this paper, above all I remark on Gell's unique idea The Extended Mind', which is also the title for the last chapter of AA. Interestingly, according to this idea, artworks (and artefacts) and persons can be regarded analogously as 'indexes' embodying collective consciousness of social agents.
舘 章 荒井 裕彦
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.7, no.4, pp.314-326, 1989-08-15 (Released:2010-08-10)
6 5

人が直接作業を行うのが危険な作業環境下でロボットに作業を行わせるなどの場合, オペレータが直接そのロボットの存在する場所で作業をしているような臨場感を有して現場の状況を把握し作業を行えることが望ましい. そのようなテレイグジスタンス (Tele-existence) システムを構成する重要な要素の一つとして, 臨場感の高い視覚情報の実時間提示システムがある. このシステムの実現方法として, オペレータの頭の動きを実時間計測し, それに基づいて配置や大きさを人のそれらと同等にした両眼のテレビカメラシステムを実時間制御することによって, 人の網膜上に実際の環境を直視しているのと全く同一の2つの2次元画像を常時提示し臨場感を生じさせる方式を提案し, 試作装置により有効性を確認した. さらに, 心理空間を定曲率のリーマン空間で近似し, 人の直接視による空間知覚と提示装置を介した空間知覚とを定量的に比較し, 装置の臨場感を評価した.この画像は自然色で提示され, かつ頭の運動を空間の自由度と同一の自由度として拘束感なしに, 視野の拡大を可能とする臨場視覚情報提示システムとなっている.
黒田 友紀 杉山 二季 望月 一枝 玉城 久美子 船山 万里子 浅井 幸子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.49, pp.317-325, 2010-03-10

The purpose of this paper is to examine how gender imbalance is constructed and what gender issues occur in teacher allocation at elementary schools. We conducted an interview survey to 10 male teachers in metropolitan areas to examine the actual conditions of male teacher allocation in elementary schools and analyze how gender imbalance occurs. Female teachers are prone to be allocated to lower grades and male teachers aren't much even if they want to. This imbalance results from gender biased consideration for female teachers, who carry out responsibility for care of their family and young children. Work of upper grades is so tough and hard that female teachers tend to avoid taking charge of upper grades. And then male teachers are often taken their workplaces in upper grades and they do busy and hard work. Male teachers are also expected masculine and controlling role to student behavior. Additionally work of upper grades is in a spotlight or central parts at schools, on the other hands, work of lower grades is regarded as shadow work. This gender imbalance works as sexual discrimination in elementary schools. Some experiences of male teachers suggest possibilities to change gender imbalance in teacher allocation. Changing balance of disproportionate work between lower grades and upper grades and sharing hard work will improve institution and structure in schools.
杉山 将
日本応用数理学会論文誌 (ISSN:09172246)
vol.23, no.3, pp.439-452, 2013-09-25

堀 幸雄
選挙研究 (ISSN:09123512)
vol.2, pp.5-25, 1987-03-10 (Released:2009-01-22)
白峰 旬
史学論叢 (ISSN:03868923)
vol.35, pp.53-83, 2005-03

三木 孝 山田 泰宏 服部 哲 速水 治夫
研究報告エンタテインメントコンピューティング(EC) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2014, no.58, pp.1-5, 2014-03-06

Twitter は身の回りの出来事などを手軽に投稿できる Web サービスである.Twitter では投稿することをツイートと称し,利用者は様々な場面でツイートすることができる.本論文ではTV番組を視聴しながらツイートしている実況者といわれるユーザに着目する.近年,実況者によるツイートを用いた TV 番組のネタばらしが多い.大抵の実況者は特定のハッシュタグを付加したツイートをするが,中にはハッシュタグを付加せずツイートをする実況者も存在する.実況者をフォローしているユーザは自身のタイムラインが放映時間中に実況者のツイートで埋まってしまい,必要なツイートが見ることができなくなってしまう.また,リアルタイムで観ることができず,後日録画した番組を観る場合,話の筋や結末を知ってしまっているので観る楽しさが減少する.現状で特定のキーワードを含むツイートを非表示に設定できるクライアントは存在するが,それだけではネタばらしのツイートのすべてを非表示にできない.本論文では,ハッシュタグ付加ツイートをTV番組放送時間中に取得と解析を行い,頻繁にツイートされているキーワードを抜き出し,自動的に非表示する.解析した結果から共通するキーワードが含まれるツイートをタイムライン上から非表示にすることでネタばらしを防止するシステムを提案する.提案システムはネタばらしツイートの非表示を優先することとした.このため,ネタばらしでないツイートも非表示になることも多少あるがそれは致し方ないこととした.2 種類の評価実験の結果,提案システムは高評価を得た.Twitter is a Web service that can post with ease and events around us. It can be called tweets to be posted on Twitter, user Tweets in various situations. Attention is paid to the user which is said to live who tweeted while watching a TV program in the present study. In recent years, spoilers of the TV program using a live tweet by the person in many cases. Live 's most a tweet obtained by adding a hash tag of particular, who live a tweet it without adding the hash tag is also present in. Timeline of itself would be filled with tweets live person to broadcast during the time, a user who follows live person can no longer be seen is required tweet. Further, pleasure to watch is reduced if it can not be viewed in real time, and view the recorded program later, because it has known consequences or story line. Client that can be set to hide the tweet that contains specific keywords in the present circumstances exist, but it can not hide all of the tweets spoilers. In this paper, we analyze and get to a TV program broadcasting time in the hash -tagged tweet, extracting keywords that are frequently tweet, it is automatically hidden. We propose a system for preventing the spoilers by hide from timeline tweets keywords in common from the results of the analysis and the like. The proposed system was decided to give priority to the non-display of tweet spoilers. For this reason, there is also some that tweet you do not spoilers also be hidden, but it was decided can not be helped. Results of the evaluation two experiments, the proposed system is to obtain a high evaluation.
宮縁 育夫 増田 直朗 渡辺 一徳
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.49, no.5, pp.267-282, 2004

The western part of post-caldera central cones of Aso Volcano, southwestern Japan, is characterized by wide chemical variation of lava flows (SiO<sub>2</sub>=49-73 wt.%) and complicated topography. Geologic history of the area was reconstructed by stratigraphic relationships between lava flows and airfall tephra layers. Stratigraphy and chronology of lavas and tephra distributed on the western slope of the central cones are as follows: Ayugaerinotaki lava, Matsuhata pumice (MhP), Tochinoki lava (73±10 ka; K-Ar age), Aso central cone pumice 4 (ACP4), Tateno lava. Aso central cone pumice 3 (ACP3), Takanoobane lava (51±5ka), Eboshidake lava, Karisako lava, Akase lava (30 cal ka ; calibrated <sup>14</sup>C age), Sawatsuno lava (27±6ka), Kusasenrigahama pumice (Kpfa; 31 cal ka), Otogase lava and Aso central cone pumice 1 (ACPI ; 4 cal ka), in ascending order. Between about 70,000 to 50,000 years ago Tochinoki lava, Tateno lava and Takanoobane lava accompanied precursor pumice-fall deposits. A catastrophic eruption occurred in and around the Kusasenrigahama crater at 31 cal ka. The eruption was initiated by the dacite Sawatsuno lava now and produced the largest plinian numice-fall deposit (Kpfa; 1.2 km<sup>3</sup> in DRE volume). In the western part of post-caldera central cones of Aso Volcano, total discharge volumes of felsic and mafic magmas from about 70,000 to 30,000 years ago were estimated to be about 2.4 km<sup>3</sup> and 0.47km<sup>3</sup> respectively.