柴田 恵三 佐原 博之 古木 勲 吉田 豊 北 義人 石瀬 淳 相沢 芳樹
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.5, no.4, pp.384-388, 1994-08-15 (Released:2009-03-27)

Severe accidental hypothermia is associated with marked depression of the brain and cardiovascular function and carries a high risk of mortality. We present three such cases with core temperatures between 18 and 27°C. Two of these patients had cardiac arrest on arrival at the emergency department. Rapid rewarming and successful recovery of spontaneous circulation was accomplished by a combination of direct cardiac compression and continuous irrigation of the pericardial cavity with warm fluids (42°C) in one of the patients with cardiac arrest. The best choice of treatment for severe hypothermia complicated by cardiac arrest is partial cardiopulmonary bypass, but this modality is not readily available in many settings. In such cases, a combination of direct cardiac compression and continuous pericardial irrigation is the best available alternative. Other rewarming modalities for severe hypothermia syndrome are also reviewed.
萩原 博嗣
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.63, no.1, pp.126-128, 2014-03-25 (Released:2014-07-01)

注射による大腿四頭筋拘縮症は乳幼時期に頻回に受けた筋肉内注射が原因であり,本邦で1973年以来大量発生が報告された.近年の新たな発症は無いと思われるが,診断されないままに経過していた1例を治療する機会があったので報告する.症例:44才 女性.主訴:歩容異状,走行困難 乳児期に近医でγ―グロブリン筋注を両大腿部に10回以上受けた.幼時期から歩容異常があったが原因不明と言われ,走ることを避けていた.最近インターネットで調べて自己診断し,当科を受診した.所見:正座は可能.腹臥位で大腿直筋の短縮を評価する指標である「尻上がり角度」は右50°,左40°で,歩容異状が見られた.歩容改善の希望が強く手術を行なった.手術は左右別に2回行なった.大腿前面を6cm切開し大腿筋膜と腸脛靱帯を横切,大腿直筋を2段にずらして完全切離した.術後は3日間股関節伸展,膝屈曲位で仰臥した後に筋ストレッチと筋力訓練を行ない,症状は消失した.
石原 博幸
宇宙太陽発電 (ISSN:24321060)
vol.4, pp.5-10, 2019-04-01 (Released:2019-03-20)

山川 慶 野原 博和 宮里 剛成 島袋 孝尚 金谷 文則
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.68, no.3, pp.574-577, 2019

岩間 彬 青柳 鐘一郎 木村 元雄 井原 博之
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.51, no.2, pp.79-95, 1972-02-20 (Released:2011-02-23)

From a view point of safety measure against the fire hazard involved with aircraft crash or ditch and singular hydrodynamical fluid motions in space flight and refueling with liquid rocket tankage, feasibility of gelled hydrocarbon fuels and propellants is discussed. It is concluded that O/W (oil-in-water) type gelled hydrocarbons are most promising as the safety fuels, resulting from a comparison in the rheological and combustion properties with the other gelled fuels; slurry, scaffold and thickened (highly viscous) ones. Physical properties and flammability of very high internal phase ratio gelled JP-4 and kerosene, ranged 96 to 99 vol% fuel content, and of N2H4/JP-4 gelled propellant developed by ISAS, Univ. of Tokyo and Mitsubishi Oil Company are described.
出原 博明 Hiroaki DEHARA 桃山学院大学文学部
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.22, pp.31-55, 2001-12

Detachment is particular to Kyoshi's attitude in telling stories. He hardly ever reveals himself. However, this short story has one scene in which he reveals himself. The scene is that of the red camellias. The story is a love story of 75 year old Kyoshi, the narrator, and 21 year old Eiko. At its early stage the story presents the scene of Kyoshi sitting in the garden of his house, watching the red camelliias in full bloom there. Those red flowers begin to dance in the air around him. He feels as if he were surrounded by young women and loses himself in ecstasy. Suggesting something very erotic, this scene could be evidence of 75 year old Kyoshi still keeping the fire of eros burning in him. He falls in love with Eiko when she calls on him for the first time with one of his disciples. Then he takes up a positive attitude. He produces a number of haiku suggestive of his love for her. He even gives the doll named Tsubakiko to her as a present. Let me compare this story with Yasunari Kawabata's novella The Sound of the Mountain, whose theme is also an old man's love for a young woman. Both stories are set in Kamakura, a few years after the end of World War II. Both Kyoshi and Kawabata were citizens of Kamakura. In Kawabata's story, 62 year old Shingo, the narrator, is shocked to discover a truth by means of thorough psychoanalysis of a very strange dream he had. The truth he digs out is that there are eros and sexual desire latent at the bottom of his love for 20 year old Kikuko, his daughter-in-law. He suffers a lot from this morally. He examines himself minutely in view of his conscience, which Kyoshi never does. Shingo is baffled and feels uneasy about his date with Kikuko. He has qualms of conscience, which Kyoshi would never have in the same situation. Kyoshi has a lot more nerve. He is beyond the weakness and susceptibility of the modern Japanese intelligentsia which Shingo represents. Kyoshi is bolder, stronger-minded, primitivistic, rooted in Nature itself, little influenced by modern Western thought. Kyoshi prefers the red camellia above all, which is symbolic of vitality, the fire of life, something primitive. A hundred haiku of his take the red camellia for their motif. In this story Eiko also makes a haiku: "I fear the naked tree among the cherry blossoms at night." The naked tree seems to symbolize something erotic, which attracts and at the same time scares Eiko, a virgin. She doubtless senses Kyoshi's erotic feelings for her. The things I point out above reveal Kyoshi's character. Kyoshi is quite different from Shingo who is a typical modern Japanese intellectual. He is a sort of sphinx in modern Japan. (With his strong will to live, Kyoshi took care of himself and sustained his reputation as one of the greatest haiku-poets until he died at the age of 85, while Kawabata, Nobel prize winner, committed suicide at the age of 73.)
比嘉 勝一郎 山川 慶 島袋 孝尚 金城 英雄 金谷 文則 屋良 哲也 勢理客 久 仲宗根 朝洋 宮里 剛成 野原 博和
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.68, no.2, pp.258-262, 2019

<p>脊椎術後に発生する髄液漏には様々な経過があり,それぞれの状態に応じた治療がなされるが,時として治療に難渋する.今回,脊椎術後に発生した髄液漏の3例を経験したので報告する.【症例1】49歳女性.頚椎神経鞘腫再発に対し手術を施行,術後5週目創部に14 cm大の髄液漏による偽性髄膜瘤を生じた.頭痛はなく頚椎カラーの装用で経過観察行った.著変なく経過したが,腫瘤は術後9ヵ月目に数日で急速に縮小した.【症例2】63歳女性.頚椎後縦靭帯骨化症に対し椎弓形成術を施行,椎弓を持ち上げる際に髄液の漏出があった.術後ドレーン内に髄液を認め髄液漏と診断,腰椎スパイナルドレナージを行い改善した.【症例3】86歳男性.頚椎症性脊髄症の術後感染でデブリドマンを行った際に硬膜を損傷し,術後創部より髄液の漏出が持続した.数回手術を行うも改善しなかったが,ファーラー位を継続したところ徐々に髄液漏は減少し,遊離脂肪移植術を行い改善した.</p>
当真 孝 山口 浩 森山 朝裕 前原 博樹 當銘 保則 金谷 文則
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.68, no.1, pp.56-59, 2019

<p>三角筋断裂を伴う広範囲肩腱板断裂の治療にはしばしば難渋する.我々は三角筋断裂を伴う広範囲腱板断裂の2例を経験したので報告する.症例1 69歳女性.5年前から右肩痛を自覚.1年前より近医受診で内服,ステロイド注射を行っていた.3カ月前に突然右肩挙上困難出現,MRIで三角筋断裂を合併した広範囲肩腱板断裂を指摘され当科を紹介.初診時身体所見は右肩痛を認め自動肩関節可動域屈曲20度,外旋30度,内旋Th8でJOAスコアは45点であった.腱板一次修復術と三角筋修復術を施行し,術後64カ月で自動肩関節可動域屈曲105度,外旋65度,内旋Th8,JOAスコア86.5点へ改善を認めた.症例2 82歳女性.3年前より右肩痛,可動域制限を自覚.1週間前より誘因なく右肩関節腫脹,皮下出血を認め近医受診.三角筋断裂を伴う広範囲腱板断裂を認め,手術目的に当院紹介.初診時身体所見は肩痛を認め自動肩関節可動域屈曲0度,外旋10度,内旋Hip,JOAスコアは25点であった.腱板修復術に大胸筋移行術を併用し,三角筋修復術を施行し,術後12カ月で自動肩関節可動域屈曲65度,外旋45度,内旋L1,JOAスコア58点へ改善傾向を認めた</p>
田上 直美 高野 佐知子 本田 義輝 〓田 聡 谷崎 正典 吉原 博幸 中野 眞汎
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.6, pp.583-589, 2002-12-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
4 2

Recently, pharmaceutical care is increasing in importance. Pharmacists must provide pharmaceutical counseling services that can satisfy all patients. However, there are limitations in manpower and a lot of effort has to put devoted to using such manpower as effectively as possible. With this in mind, we developed a medication consultation support system for pharmacists to achieve an improved medical quality. As a result, labor saving results were obtained in document preparation of medication histories, laboratory test histories, and medication instruction records. Furthermore, the total work need to create medication instruction daily reports, monthly reports, etc. also decreased. As a result, the time and work pressure experienced by pharmacists decreased while the overall quality of this system was maintained.
熊本 吉一 小泉 博義 黒沢 輝司 山本 裕司 呉 吉煥 鈴木 章 松本 昭彦 近藤 治郎 清水 哲 梶原 博一
Japan Surgical Association
日本臨床外科医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869776)
vol.45, no.11, pp.1429-1434, 1984-11-25 (Released:2009-02-10)

急性腸間膜血管閉塞症は,絞扼性イレウスと共に腸管の血行障害をきたす代表的な疾患である.最近我々は塞栓摘除術のみで救命せしめた上腸間膜動脈塞栓症の1例を経験したが発症より手術による血流再開に至るまで3時間40分と短時間であったため腸切除を免れた.また横浜市立大学第1外科のイレウス症例中,術前に動脈血ガス分析をおこなった33例を検討したところ,腸切除を免れた.すなわち腸管が壊死に陥らなかった症例ではbase excessはすべて-2.8mEq/l以上であった.このことより絞扼性イレウスの手術適応決定の指標としてbase excess測定が有用であるとの結論を得たが,本来イレウスにおける手術適応の決定は遅くとも腸管の可逆的な血行障害の時点でなければならず,この点よりbase excessのみでの適応決定は慎重でなければならないと考えられた. これらの経験をもとに,腸管の血行障害における有用な補助診断法としての的確な指標を検討するために犬を用いて上腸間膜動脈を結紮する実験をおこなった.その結果,早期診断の一助として, total CPK, base excessが有用であるとの結論を得た.
坂田 眞砂代 河合 透 大隈 邦夫 伊原 博隆 平山 忠一
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.16, no.11, pp.1065-1068, 1993-11-15 (Released:2008-04-10)
11 12

We describe a method for the removal of endotoxins from various crude antigen solutions originating from gram-negative bacteria using aminated poly(γ-methyl L-glutamate) (PMLG) spherical particles. The aminated PMLG adsorbents showed high affinity for various purified endotoxins at an ionic strength of μ=0.1. The endotoxin-adsorbing capacity of the adsorbent increased with increase in the amino-group content of the adsorbent. The adsorbent (3.2 meq/g amino-group content) showed the highest affinity for endotoxin at ionic strengths ranging from μ=0.025-0.8. The adsorption of Bordetella pertussis antigen to the adsorbent decreased with increasing amino-group content of the adsorbent at an ionic strength of μ=0.2. The adsorption of B. bronchiseptica protein to the adsorbent increased with increasing amino-group content of the adsorbent, but decreased with increasing ionic strength. The adsorbent (3.2 meq/g of amino-group content) selectively reduced endotoxin in crude antigen solutions originating from gram-negative bacteria, B. pertussis, B. bronchiseptica and Pasteurella multocida, even at a high ionic strength (μ=0.2-0.4) without affecting the recovery of the protective antigens.
平山 忠一 坂田 眞砂代 大倉 幸洋 伊原 博隆 大隈 邦夫
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.40, no.8, pp.2106-2109, 1992-08-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
10 10

Attempts were made to prepare adsorbents having a high affinity for endotoxin in the culture supernatant of Bordetella pertussis. When poly(γ-methyl L-glutamate) (PMLG) was used as a matrix and amino groups as the ligand, the highest affinity for endotoxin was attained even at a high ionic strength (μ=0.2-0.4). PMLG beads containing amino groups of about 3.2 meq/g selectively removed endotoxin from the culture supernatant of B. pertussis without affecting the protective antigens. It was demonstrated that 1 ml of the wet adsorbent adsorbed 4.5 mg of endotoxin. The beads of PMLG derivatives, therefore, are considered to be a useful adsorbent for the removal of endotoxin from the pertussis vaccine, affecting neither filamentous hemagglutinin nor pertussis toxin.
藤原 博 石田 説而 島崎 義男 内藤 誠之郎 土谷 正和 松浦 脩治
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.110, no.5, pp.332-340, 1990-05-25 (Released:2008-05-30)
1 3

The amounts of endotoxin in commercial blood products were measured by the turbidimetric kinetic Limulus test with an ordinary reagent (LAL-HS) and a new endotoxinspecific reagent (LAL-ES). LAL-ES contains a sufficient amount of a water-soluble (1→3)-β-D-glucan derivative as a blocker of the (1→3)-β-D-glucan-mediated coagulation pathway in the reaction of the Limulus amebocyte lysate. The amounts of endotoxin in alubumin and globulin products measured with LAL-ES agreed with pyrogenic activities in rabbits, but those measured with LAL-HS did not. Added endotoxin in the blood products was well recovered with LAL-ES, but that in some products was excessively recovered with LAL-HS. The amounts of endotoxin in diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus combined vaccines measured with LAL-HS and LAL-ES agreed with the pyrogenic activities in rabbits. The results suggested the existence of a false-positive substance like β-glucan in the blood products but not in the vaccine. LAL-ES is more suitable for the detection of endotoxin in blood products than LAL-HS.
野原 博人 田代 晴子 森本 信也
一般社団法人 日本理科教育学会
理科教育学研究 (ISSN:13452614)
vol.59, no.3, pp.443-455, 2019-03-25 (Released:2019-04-12)

柳原 博史 菅野 博貢
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.81, no.5, pp.543-548, 2018

<p>This paper is to analyze the monuments of the Tokyo Air Raid (occurred on March 10, 1945, in the east side of Tokyo), which established from the end of World War II to the present day. In those 72 years, within the drastic change of Tokyo's urban environment, as well as changes of people's consciousness, we explore how the environment has accepted those monuments and how the monuments have transformed themselves. Through the 101 cases of monuments by field surveys, documents and interviews, we found a large number of monuments to memorize the each special victims, located in temples and public spaces, have been maintained as activities especially by the neighborhood associations who have important roles. The monuments have a potential directivity to want to be permanent, and tend to be made of permanent materials such as stone, some of which were replaced from the wood monuments. On the other hand, there are transitions due to external factors with monuments. In some cases there were relocation due to the influence of public works such as bridge reconstructions and park renovations. Until the 1960s, there were cases in which monuments were transferred from public places to other places, but since the 1980s they have been built again in public spacess including parks and roadsides, after the completions of public works.</p>

1 0 0 0 IR トピックス

中島 研吾 牧島 一夫 本原 顕太郎 駒宮 幸男 神山 忍 青木 秀夫 広報誌編集委員会 平賀 勇吉 藤原 晴彦 相原 博昭 岡 良隆
vol.37, no.5, pp.3-9, 2006-01

「多圏地球システムの進化と変動の予測可能性」国際シンポジウム/物理・天文の21 世紀COE 若手交流シンポジウム報告/第8回公開講演会報告/「楽しむ科学コンクール」の創設/理学部1号館で消防訓練/小形正男先生の日本IBM科学賞受賞をお祝いして/理学部チームがソフトボールでベスト4/ホームカミングデイ/石川統先生ご逝去 : あまりにも早い別れ/藤井忠男先生のご逝去を悼む/最後まで全力投球のまま急逝された川島誠一郎先生
榊原 博樹
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.98, no.12, pp.3089-3095, 2009 (Released:2012-08-02)

塚原 博
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.12, no.3, pp.225-238, 1952-03

In this paper the writer deals with the life history and habits of the sculpin, Trachidermus fasciatus Heckel, vernacular name: "Yama-no-kami"(MountainWitch).Most of the data were obtained in the Rivers Chikugo and Yabe as well as in Ariake Sound, Kyushu. The distribution of this fish in Japan is very restricted, namely to Chikugo River and several adjoining streams which empty into the innermost part of Ariake Sound. It occurs in West Corea and North China. (1) It inhabits usually the upper and middle part of the stream and is often found under rocks or stones which provide shelter. It prefers crustaceans throughout the life. (2) In the winter, when the spawning season approaches, the nuptial coloration appears in the adult fish, both in male and female, the gill-membranes and the base of the anal fin becoming brightly scarlet. The spawning migration takes place from November to December, when it runs down the stream at night. The spawning season is from January to March, and the spawning takes place on the sandy tidal flat of the innermost part of Ariake Sound. The masses of the eggs are laid in the empty shell of a large bivalve, Atrina japonica(Reeve), and are guarded by a male parent during the incubation period. The majority of the spawning fish are those of two years, a few spawning at the end of one year. Most parent fish seem to die after spawning. (3) The egg is orange-red in color, demersal and adherent, 2.0~2.2mm in diameter. The number of eggs in a mass ranged from 5,110 to 6,120. The number of the eggs carried a by an adult female varied from about 5,000 to 11,000. The larva carries pelagic life in the estuary for several months and later ascends the stream in a shoal. The young fish sets in a solitary bottom life. In one month it attains about 20mm in total length; in thre months 40~60mm; in full one year100~120mm; in full two years about 160mm long. It attains a length of about 170mm, and the male is a little larger than the female. (4) It is said by the fishermen of this destrict that the descending migration of this fish denotes the end of the freshwater fishery in the year. Its flesh is firm and sweet, though it is not so highly valued as food fish in Japan as in China.ヤマノカミ Trachidermus fasciaius Heckel はカジカ科 Cottidae の淡水魚で,日本においでは福岡・佐賀両県の有明海湾興部にそそぐ河川にのみ棲息し,その局限された分布が動物地理学上興味をもたれている. しかしわが国における本種の生態及び生活史については,木下盛枝氏(1931,1941)の断片的報告があるにすぎない. また本種は,すでに知られている通り, 中国の有名な"松江の鱸魚"で一名"四鰓鱸"とも言われ,古来その味を賞美するとともに,詩などにも表われているが, その生態・生活史については,中国においでもいまだ明らかにされているところは少ない.日本産の他のカジカ科の魚についても,淡水産のカジカ Cottus pollux 及びカマキリ Cottus kazikaについての二三の報告があるにすぎない.筆者は最近5,6年間,筑後川,矢部川及び有明海の魚類の生態的研究を行っているが,その間に蓄積された資料と,木下盛枝氏より提供された標本とによつて,本種の生態・生活史の概要を報告する.カジカ科の魚で,形態及び生態がよく似たものにカマキリ Cottus kazika (各地の方言:アユカケ, アイキリ, アイカギ, アラレガコ, タキタロウ)があつて,本種と混同されることが?々あるが,カマキリは日本における分布が広く,南日本の河川に棲息するが,日本海側はかなり北方まで分布し,ヤマノカミよりも大形になる.この研究にあたり,終始御指導を賜わり本稿の御校閲をいただいた内田恵太郎教授に厚くお礼申しあげるとともに,貴重な標本をいただき且つ採集の援助を賜わつた福岡県柳川町在住の木下盛枝氏に深謝する.叉標本の整理・測定をしていただいた教室員:柴田チヅ子嬢,高木多恵子壊,描画の助力をしていただいた坂本秀子嬢,採集に協力下さつた漁業者:高椋校伊左男,垣三郎,宮崎雅広,-江崎藤蔵の諸氏に感謝の意を表する.なおこの報告の測定値はすべて固定標本によつた.卵及び稚仔は10%ホルマリン固定後, 70%アルコール中に保存したもの,成魚は10%ホルマリンに固定保存したものを用いた.