森本 良平 村井 勇 松田 時彦 中村 一明 恒石 幸正 吉田 鎮男
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.44, no.1, pp.423-445, 1966-07-25

Geology of the main seismic area in and around the town of Matsushiro, the northern part of Nagano Prefecture, central Japan, is investigated by field and literature surveys for the better understanding of the earthquake-swarm which is now taking place. The Matsushiro earthquake-swarm started at the beginning of August, 1965. Since then, the local seismicity has become more active with occasional rise and fall.
西 真理子 新開 省二 吉田 裕人 藤原 佳典 深谷 太郎 天野 秀紀 小川 貴志子 金 美芝 渡辺 直紀
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.49, no.3, pp.344-354, 2012 (Released:2012-12-26)
7 9

目的:地域在宅高齢者における「虚弱(Frailty)」の疫学的特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした.方法:2001年に群馬県草津町在住の70歳以上全高齢者を対象に訪問面接調査を行い,虚弱の出現率を求めた.次いで,2005年に同町と新潟県与板町で行われた高齢者健診(対象70歳以上)のデータを使用し,虚弱高齢者の身体医学的,心理社会的特徴を調べた.虚弱の判定には,虚弱性指標として用いることの妥当性が確認されている「介護予防チェックリスト」を用いた.分析は男女別に行い,各変数について虚弱群と非虚弱群で比較検定し,虚弱の有無と各変数との関連は,年齢,地域,共通罹患の有無,ADL障害の有無を共変量においた多重ロジスティック回帰モデルを用いて分析した.結果:訪問面接調査には916名が応答し(応答率88.2%),うち912名を分析対象とした.虚弱の出現率は,男性で24.3%,女性で32.4%であった.虚弱の出現率は,男性は80歳以降,女性は75歳以降で急増する傾向がみられた.高齢者健診は1,005名が受け,うち974名を分析対象とした.多重ロジスティック回帰分析の結果を総合すると,身体的機能や心理社会的機能,生活機能などの低水準が虚弱高齢者の特徴として示された.また,非虚弱群に比べ虚弱群の方が,認知機能検査の成績が低く,抑うつ傾向の割合が高く,男性で聴力障害,女性で尿失禁や歩行障害の保有率が高いなど,いわゆる老年症候群との関連が示された.一方,心拍数と血圧,男性で一般的な血液検査項目と虚弱との関連は示されなかった.結論:70歳以上の在宅高齢者の約3割が虚弱であった.虚弱があらゆる老年症候群と密接に関係するmultifactorial syndromeであるという病態像が浮かび上がった.虚弱の病態は,心身機能や生活機能などの機能的諸側面の低さに現れやすく,一般的な臨床医学検査には表出されにくい特徴を有することが明らかになった.
吉田 雅裕 大坐畠 智 中尾 彰宏 川島 幸之助
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.50, no.9, pp.2008-2022, 2009-09-15

P2Pファイル共有ネットワークは世界中で非常に多くのユーザに利用されている.しかし,現在広く普及しているP2Pファイル共有ネットワークには,ファイル流通制御機能が実装されていない場合が多く,著作権侵害ファイルやマルウェアなどの流通が問題となっている.これらの問題を解決するために,インデックスポイズニングを用いたファイル流通制御手法が注目されているが,その効果やネットワークへの影響はこれまでにあまり明らかにされていない.そこで本論文では,10万台以上のアクティブなピアによって構成される実際のWinnyネットワークに対して,ファイル流通制御のためにインデックスポイズニングを適用し評価を行った.提案手法では,Winnyネットワークの本質であるファイル流通技術としての側面を否定することなく,なおかつ,著作権侵害ファイルの流通などの反社会的な利用のみを技術的に制限することを目標とする.キーと呼ばれる,ファイルのメタデータを利用するWinnyのファイル流通プロトコルに着目し,ファイルのダウンロードに必要な特定のキーを,インデックスポイズニングを用いてネットワーク上から消去することによりファイル流通制御を実現した.評価実験の結果,提案手法をWinnyネットワークに適用した場合は,Winnyピアが特定のファイルのキーを入手できる確率が,適用しない場合の0.005%まで低下することを確認した.また,提案手法を用いた制御は,1,000個のファイルを同時に制御した場合であってもWinnyネットワークへの負荷が少ないことを示した.Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing networks have been widely used by millions of users all over the world. However, these networks do not have management mechanisms for distributing files in general. Consequently, copyright infringements in P2P file sharing networks have become prevalent. In order to prevent illegal file distribution, an index poisoning has attracted much attention recently. Although index poisoning aims to obfuscate uses by diffusing a lot of dummy metadata in P2P networks, its effects have not been well studied yet. In this paper, we apply an index poisoning method to Winny network, one of the most popular P2P file sharing networks in Japan, to control the file distribution. Our evaluation includes index poisoning in live Winny network composed of over 100,000 active peers. In our method, the file distribution technology of the Winny network is not denied. Moreover, our method solves only antisocial behavior, such as a copyright infringement problem. The result shows that our proposed method can decrease the number of query hits to less than 0.005% compared to the case without our control. The result also shows that our proposed method does not exert a bad influence on Winny network, even when 1,000 files are under our control simultaneously.

1 0 0 0 ベラスケス

吉田秀和 大高保二郎執筆
吉田 博
公益社団法人 応用物理学会
応用物理 (ISSN:03698009)
vol.58, no.9, pp.1309-1320, 1989-09-10 (Released:2009-02-09)

第一原理に立脚した固体電子論に基づく計算は,半導体中の不純物を含むような系についても,その構造配置や電子状態を経験的パラメーターなしで,しかも高い精度で予測することを可能にした。このような電子状態の計算を基礎にし,データベースとエキスパート・システムを絶み合わせることにょり, 21世紀のエンジニアリングとしての「物質設計システム (MDS, Materials Design System)」を提案する.最近の半導体物理学における電子状態の計算の動向を踏まえ,物質設計の新しい概念と方法を解説する.
中村 昌彦 百留 忠洋 吉田 弘 青木 太郎
社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.9, pp.139-153, 2009 (Released:2009-10-08)

A small AUV "MR-X1" was developed in 2000 for detailed investigation of the seafloor and marine organisms at JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology). In order to assure high maneuverability under low-speed cruising and good hovering performance, the motion of the vehicle is controlled by five thrusters. When the vehicle was built, PID control was implemented, but in order to improve control performance, renovation of the vehicle operating system has been ongoing since 2007, and a model based control (LQI control) is due to be adopted when this is complete.The paper summarizes the mathematical model of the vehicle and the design method of the motion and path controller, and shows successful numerical simulated results.
平山 淳 浜名 茂男 徳家 厚 今井 英樹 清水 一郎 守山 史生 吉田 安徳 佐下橋 市太郎 丹羽 登
宇宙科学研究所報告. 特集 (ISSN:02859920)
vol.4, pp.93-105, 1982-08

Direct photographs of the solar granulation near the limb were obtained with a 30cm balloon-borne telescope. The observed position on the solar disk was at cosθ=0.7,where θ is the angle between the observer and the normal to the solar surface and the wavelength used was 545nm with a pass band of 40nm. Total half-width (FWHM) of the autocorrelation function of the contrast of the granulation was found to be 780km and 660km in radial and tangential direction to the solar limb, respectively. Although the latter value agrees with the older determination at the disk center, the distance, 2000km, to the minimum value of the auto-correlation function was much larger than those obtained by Leighton at the disk center. Two dimensional power spectrum was obtained and after corrections due to noise spectrum and finite resolution of the optical system, the root-mean-square brightness fluctuation of the granulation was found to be 7.0-7.9%. It is to be noted that the modulation transfer function of the optical system was determined at the partial eclipse of July, 30,1981. Two dimensional power spectrum per unit frequency area (arcsec^2) was fonund to be proportional to exp (-1.9f) where f is the frequency (cycles/arcsec). Further the autocorrelation function as determined from the earlier balloon flight with the use of a 10cm telescope showed a positive maximum around 24∿45Mm, which roughly coincides with the size of the supergranulation.
影向 範昭 山本 加代子 高橋 美枝子 岡田 道子 遠藤 泰 千葉 智子 遠藤 初恵 鬼頭 健二 鈴木 恵美子 森塚 光子 吉田 紀昭 遠山 邦子 大久保 幸子 大橋 恵 上中 清隆
一般社団法人 日本歯科薬物療法学会
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.27, no.1, pp.36-44, 2008-04-01 (Released:2010-06-08)

The present study surveyed the application of antimicrobials in dental practice in 17 private dental college or university hospitals in Japan, in order to investigate the actual conditions of using antimicrobials.According to the medicinal virtues, a drug list with percentage was prepared depending upon the number of actual use of internal medicine, injections provided in the prescription or instructions for the 10-day period from September 4 to 15, 2006. Furthermore, a survey of the kind of antimicrobials with consumption for each hospital was also done for the six-month period from April 1, 2006 to September 30, 2006.Classified by medicinal virtues by internal use medicines, the proportion of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs accounted for 32% each, and gargle and gastrointestinal medicine for 12% and 10% respectively. Among the internal use antimicrobials, usage of the cephem system was 54% whereas penicillin and macrolide system were 23% and 21%, respectively. The largest consumption was cefcapene pivoxil hydrochloride for antibacterial medicines. This drug was widely used in 10 out of 17 hospitals. Erythromycin ethylsuccinate was in second position, followed by cefdinir, rifampicin and ampicillin.The method of marking order of each hospital and order of the total consumption were analyzed and some differences in consumption of different drugs were observed. Many hospitals suggested the use of clarithromycin, cefaclor and amoxicillin although consumption was low.According to the medicinal virtues of injectable medicines, the frequency of use of antimicrobials was the highest (34%) . Among the injectable antimicrobials, the cephem based system (60%) and penicillin system (33%) accounted for more than 90% of the total use. Cefazolin was the most consumed drug, followed by asoxicillin, flomoxef sodium and ceftriaxone.
吉田 俊介 野間 春生 柳田 康幸 保坂 憲一
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.12, pp.3819-3826, 2007-12-15

著者らはすでに2 自由度のリニア誘導モータ(LIM)を利用した力覚付きデジタルデスク環境を提案したが,その手法により同時に制御できる物体は1 つに限られた.本論文では複数人での共同作業をも可能とする,複数物体を同時制御可能な新しい方式のLIM による力覚付きデジタルデスク環境Proactive Desk II を提案する.提案手法では机の下に配置された多数のコイルを独立に制御し,異なる強度の磁束を生成する.それらの集合として構成される磁界はある時刻において従来手法のLIMと等価な状態となるよう制御し,それらを局所的に発生させることで複数物体を駆動させる.そしていくつかのアプリケーションを構築し,複数人が同時に利用でき,個別に異なる力覚を体験可能であることを確認した.We have designed a haptic display for ordinary digital desktop operations. It employs a general two degree-of-freedom linear induction motor (2-DoF LIM) and provides two-dimensional force on a desktop surface, but only for a single object. For cooperative tasks between multiple users, we propose the next-generation Proactive Desk II having a novel style of LIM which can apply individual forces to multiple objects simultaneously. The system employs a cluster of coils for synthesizing several traveling magnetic fields underneath the desktop. These magnetic fields simulate a local region of the field created by standard 1-DoF LIM, and these control multiple objects individually. Finally, we confirmed that this system can provide individual haptic experiences for each user using several applications.
吉田 睦
千葉大学人文研究 = The Journal of humanities (ISSN:03862097)
no.44, pp.135-173, 2015

Under-ice fishing is a unique way of subsistence activities in high latitude regions seen in Eurasia and North America. The distribution areas are widely spread but the population that practices this fishing method is mainly limited to indigenous peoples.\n In Japan, under-ice fishing method has been practiced in such lakes as Lake Abashiri, Notoro, Saroma, Akan, Furen(Hokkaido prefecture), and Lake Ogawara(Aomori pref.). Of types of ice fishing, seine, gillnet, and set net are common methods. Historically, under-ice seining had developed among Lake Suwa(Nagano pref.)by 1870's and in Lake Hachiro-gata(Akita pref.)by1960's: the ice seining method in Lake Suwa was propagated to Lake Hachiro-gata in the end of18th century, and then from Hachiro-gata to Lake Ogawara in the beginning of20th century and from Hachiro-gata to Lake Abashiri a little later. In Lake Suwa and Hachiro-gata, gillnet fishing and set net under ice targeting freshwater fish like carp and flatfish also have been practiced.\n In Lake Abashiri, ice seining, the main target of which is smelt, has become an ordinal commercial fishing using gasoline engine for pulling net. In its neighboring regions, gillnet and set net have been practiced in Lake Notoro and Saroma. In several lakes in Nemuro and Kushiro region, set net also has been practiced.\n Unique under-ice fishing is thus observed in Japan today. Furtherstudies on the diffusion process of under-ice fishing into Japan as well as within Eurasia and America is crucial to understand the winter mode of subsistence of indigenous people. In addition, as the mode of subsistence highly depends upon ice coverage condition on the lake or river and the Indigenous Ecological Knowledge, continued research on how global warming process affects under-ice fishing is also expected.
吉田 睦
千葉大学人文研究 = The Journal of humanities (ISSN:03862097)
no.44, pp.135-173, 2015

Under-ice fishing is a unique way of subsistence activities in high latitude regions seen in Eurasia and North America. The distribution areas are widely spread but the population that practices this fishing method is mainly limited to indigenous peoples.\n In Japan, under-ice fishing method has been practiced in such lakes as Lake Abashiri, Notoro, Saroma, Akan, Furen(Hokkaido prefecture), and Lake Ogawara(Aomori pref.). Of types of ice fishing, seine, gillnet, and set net are common methods. Historically, under-ice seining had developed among Lake Suwa(Nagano pref.)by 1870's and in Lake Hachiro-gata(Akita pref.)by1960's: the ice seining method in Lake Suwa was propagated to Lake Hachiro-gata in the end of18th century, and then from Hachiro-gata to Lake Ogawara in the beginning of20th century and from Hachiro-gata to Lake Abashiri a little later. In Lake Suwa and Hachiro-gata, gillnet fishing and set net under ice targeting freshwater fish like carp and flatfish also have been practiced.\n In Lake Abashiri, ice seining, the main target of which is smelt, has become an ordinal commercial fishing using gasoline engine for pulling net. In its neighboring regions, gillnet and set net have been practiced in Lake Notoro and Saroma. In several lakes in Nemuro and Kushiro region, set net also has been practiced.\n Unique under-ice fishing is thus observed in Japan today. Furtherstudies on the diffusion process of under-ice fishing into Japan as well as within Eurasia and America is crucial to understand the winter mode of subsistence of indigenous people. In addition, as the mode of subsistence highly depends upon ice coverage condition on the lake or river and the Indigenous Ecological Knowledge, continued research on how global warming process affects under-ice fishing is also expected.
吉田 久美子 神田 清子
Japan Academy of Nursing Science
日本看護科学会誌 (ISSN:02875330)
vol.30, no.2, pp.23-31, 2010-06-21
