本間 佑介 宇賀 大祐 菅谷 智明 阿部 洋太 遠藤 康裕 中澤 理恵 坂本 雅昭
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.42 Suppl. No.2 (第50回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.1033, 2015 (Released:2015-04-30)

高橋 慧 沼尻 匠 曽我部 完 坂本 克好 山口 浩一 横川 慎二 曽我部 東馬

畳み込みニューラルネットワーク(CNN)を非画像データに適用する方法を提案する。 CNNは、画像処理や音声認識などの多くの分野で成功しています。一方、csvファイルなどの非画像データにCNNを適用することは困難でした。画像のような低次元グリッド構造のデータの順序は意味を持ち、CNNはその順序を画像の特徴として認識して処理する。したがって、CNNは、構造を変更できる非画像データに対して特徴認識を行うことができなかった。我々は、非画像データのシーケンスに意味を与えることによってCNNを適用可能にする方法に焦点を当て、改善を加えることによって提案手法の有効性を実証した。
坂本 博
信州大学教養部紀要 (ISSN:13409972)
no.27, pp.p67-98, 1993-03

In this paper I discuss the genesis of the Copernican system. It is well known that Copernicus himself explained, both in some chapters of On the Revolutions and in its dedication to Pope Paul III, how he began to conceive motion of the earth against the traditional opinions of astronomers. As far as Copernicus is concerned, astronomers did not agree among themselves in the investigation of the heavenly bodies, especially they were so uncertain about the motion of the sun and moon that they could not establish and observe a constant length even for the tropical year. In spite of those remarks, his train of thought to a revolutionary heliocentrism remains obscure because he did not specifically mention which observations he thought could definitely undermine the traditional astronomy. This sense of dissatisfaction with the rationale with which Copernicus fortified his arguments against the Ptolemaic geocentric world has induced historians to look for a more likely point of departure for his revolution in scientific thinking. The first astronomical phenomenon that might have induced Copernicus to reform the traditional cosmological system is supposed by some historians to be the irregular motions of the five planets; to be the In this paper I discuss the genesis of the Copernican system. It is well known that Copernicus himself explained, both in some chapters of On the Revolutions and in its dedication to Pope Paul III, how he began to conceive motion of the earth against the traditional opinions of astronomers. As far as Copernicus is concerned, astronomers did not agree among themselves in the investigation of the heavenly bodies, especially they were so uncertain about the motion of the sun and moon that they could not establish and observe a constant length even for the tropical year. In spite of those remarks, his train of thought to a revolutionary heliocentrism remains obscure because he did not specifically mention which observations he thought could definitely undermine the traditional astronomy. This sense of dissatisfaction with the rationale with which Copernicus fortified his arguments against the Ptolemaic geocentric world has induced historians to look for a more likely point of departure for his revolution in scientific thinking. The first astronomical phenomenon that might have induced Copernicus to reform the traditional cosmological system is supposed by some historians to be the irregular motions of the five planets; to be the abnormally huge epicycle of Venus by others: to be the curious coincidence of the periods of revolution of the sun, Venus and Mercury by yet others: and so on. Those seem to me to be all probable, but conjectural and arbitrary to some extent. I think that those who desire to figure out, as objectively as possible, how Copernicus conceived the motion of the earth should pay attention to the evidence which Rheticus gave us in The First Report which was composed under the watchful eyes of Copernicus. In one of its chapters entitled "Why We Must Abandon the Hypotheses of the Ancient Astronomers," Rheticus enumerated six principal reasons for the new system, of which I find the first one to be the most crucial to our subject. Rheticus says that the indisputable precession of the equinoxes and the change of the obliquity of the ecliptic persuaded his teacher to assume that the motion of the earth could produce most of the appearances in the heavens, or at any rate save them satisfactorily. This evidence should be considered seriously, since there was no astronomer who could have more intimate contact with Copernicus than Rheticus, the only disciple of the astronomer who lived in the "very remote corner of the earth" which is V raniewo in Poland in modern terms. If you reread Copernicus carefully in this light, you will notice that the greatest reformer of modern astronomy tells you the same motive as found in Chapter 5, Book 1 of his immortal work: "If we assume its (the earth's) daily rotation, another and no less important question follows concerning the earth's position (in the universe)." Consequently, as far as I know, all the historians are wrong in arguing that Copernicus conceived the annual revolution of the earth prior to its daily rotation. The precession of the equinoxes was discovered by Hipparchus in archaic Greek times and it was confirmed about 400 years later by the Roman astronomer Ptolemy. According to the author of Almagest, all the fixed stars, besides their daily rotation, revolve uniformly around the poles of the ecliptic from the west to the east for the period of 36,000 years. His assumption is essentially correct except for the numerical value of the period which counts for about 26,000 years in contemporary astronomy. However, something extremely curious though inevitable happened to all the Renaissance astronomers including Copernicus. To the contrary of their great predecessor of Alexandria, they insisted on the anomaly of the precession of the equinoxes since the observations that progressively accumulated in the long course of astronomy appeared to them to point to this. The truth is that the data of the ancients were wrong because of their poor techniques of observation. Accordingly, the anomaly of the precession of the equinoxes was an imaginary construct. As well as other astronomers, Copernicus struggled with the wrong observations to save the pseudo anomaly of the noblest heavens and supposed that the irregular motion of the fixed stars could be composed of the uniform rotations of four heavenly spheres, in addition to the other two assigned to the daily rotation and the mean precession of the eqiunoxes. Surely, if the firmament needed six spheres and moved in an uttermost complicated way, it would never deserve the name of visible god! So I conclude that Copernicus wanted first of all to replace the confusion of the god-like heavens with a complexity of the humble earth's motions that accorded with the most fundamental principle of heavenly beauty and harmony grounding ancient Greeks cosmology. I admit, however, that another important question is still open as to how Copernicus took a further step from the earth's daily rotation on its axis to its annual revolution around the sun, and this theme will be discussed in my next paper.
高橋 晃周 飯田 高大 佐藤 克文 佐藤 克文 森 貴久 坂本 健太郎

坂本 真理 飯田 晶子 渡辺 貴史 横張 真
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.79, no.5, pp.585-588, 2016 (Released:2017-03-17)

The study aims to identify the impacts of population decline on the nightscape of Nagasaki City, which has been acknowledged by tourists as one of three major nightscapes in Japan. In particular, the focus was given to hillside residential areas, which frame the landscape of Nagasaki. The study was conducted by following three steps procedure as a) visualizing the present nightscape by using ArcMap and ArcScene, b) developing scenarios on future population decline, and c) visualizing future nightscapes based on the scenarios. The scenarios developed are based on two hypotheses on the future population of Nagasaki as the decline will occur; 1) equally throughout the entire city, and 2) exclusively at the hillside residential areas because of their inconvenience especially for elderly people. The study identifies that the nightscape following the scenario 1 will become deteriorated compared to the present but still may maintain its character, while the scenario 2 will lead the nightscape to lose its identity. It is therefore concluded that taking measures to suppress depopulation of the hillside residential areas are indispensable to maintain the identity of Nagasaki’s nightscape.
中嶋 誠 坂本 大介 五十嵐 健夫
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.56, no.4, pp.1317-1327, 2015-04-15

本論文では,アナログ画材によりオフライン彩色された画像素材を,デジタルなFlashスタイルアニメーション制作に取り入れる統合的なワークフローを提案する.デジタルなオーサリング手法には,下描き段階での編集のしやすさ等の利点があり,アナログ画材による彩色は,有機的な質感を演出するのに有効である.しかし両者の連携には手間がかかるため,効率的な連携ワークフローを提案する.まずユーザは,デジタルソフトウェアでキャラクタのスケッチと,動きの設計を行う.次にシステムが,ユーザの描いたレイヤ画像をまとめて紙に印刷し,ユーザは任意のアナログ画材を用いて彩色する.最後に,彩色済み用紙をスキャンし,システムが自動でアニメーションに再構成する.提案ワークフローの実装例を示し,ユーザの作例と得られたコメントを通して,提案システムの利点と将来課題について考察する.We present an animation creation workflow for integrating offline physical, painted media into the digital authoring of Flash-style animations. Digital authoring methods are full of useful nonlinear editing features. Physically painted media can provide organic atmosphere to animation. To incorporate both in a labor-saving manner, we present a workflow that integrates the offline painting and digital animation creation processes. First, a user makes a rough sketch of the visual elements and defines their movements using our digital authoring software with a sketch interface. Then these images are exported to printed pages, and users can paint using offline physical media. Finally, the work is scanned and imported back into the digital content, forming a composite animation that combines digital and physical media. We present an implementation of this system to demonstrate its workflow. We also discuss the advantages of using physical media in digital animations through design evaluations.
坂本 達也
私法 (ISSN:03873315)
vol.2010, no.72, pp.211-217, 2010-04-30 (Released:2014-04-01)
坂本 一寛
日本神経回路学会誌 (ISSN:1340766X)
vol.21, no.3, pp.136-148, 2014-09-05 (Released:2014-10-31)

坂本 麻実子
富山大学人間発達科学部紀要 (ISSN:1881316X)
vol.6, no.2, pp.235-241, 2012

井上ひさし(1934-2010)は演劇界へのデビュー作「日本人のへそ」(1969年 2月初演)から最後の新作となった「組曲虐殺」(2009年10月初演)までの40年間,役者たちの歌を伴奏するためにピアニストを使用する作品を断続的に書いてきた。ピアニスト1名を使うのが井上が愛用するやり方である。井上が愛好した作曲家ガーシュイン Gershwin, George(1898-1937)が自作自演のピアニストとしても活動したことに着目し,井上のガーシュイン愛好と音楽劇におけるピアニストの使用の関連から考えてみたい。