稲葉 頌一 大戸 斉 柴田 洋一 坂本 久浩 高橋 孝喜 十字 猛夫 前田 義章
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-13, 1994-01-25 (Released:2010-03-12)

Sixty-six patients who succeeded in storing a sufficient volume of autologous blood (mean±SD; 1097±452ml) using KL-3R3 solution contained in blood bags before elective surgery were included in this study, a five week phase 3 clinical trial of the whole blood preservative solution KL-3R3, commonly known as CPDA-1 (citrate phosphate dextrose adenine) solution. The mean time required for sufficient storage of autologous blood was 23.4±6.9 days, with 40 of the 66 (60.6%) requiring more than 21 days, a period of time that would have resulted in time expiration had we used the citrate-phosphate-dextrose (CPD) or acid-citrate-dextrose (ACD) solution bags which are presently commercially available. Sixty of the 66 patients (90.9%) completed their operations using only autologous blood units. After eliminating three patients who were administered recombinant erythropoietin, the efficacy of KL-3R3 was evaluated as effective in 61 (96.8%) of the 63 patients evaluated (markedly effective 57 (86.4%) and effective 4 (6.1%). Furthermore, in 48 of 56 patients (85.7%), in whom we were able to measure the autologous blood recovery rate after 24 hours of transfusion were estimated effective (markedly effective 29 (51.8%) and effective 19 (33.9%)). In sixty-three patients who had hematological and biochemical laboratory data, vital signs, and urinary data recorded both before and after receiving autologous blood units. RBC counts and hemoglobin levels and platelets counts decreased, and WBC counts increased after returning autologous blood at operation, changes observed commonly under surgical stress. Hemolysis markers such as GPT, indirect bilirubin, and LDH were slightly increased the day after operation, but returned to normal the second day after operation. Other data moved within normal limits expect urine occult blood. Hematuria was observed immediately after transfusion of autologous blood units, but this finding was observed transiently (the first day after transfusion 45.7% and the second day 13.3%). The safety was evaluated in sixty-five patients' blood bags by sight observations and bacterial culture tests, and no abnormal findings or bacterial propagation were detected. One patient was excluded from the safety evaluation because he was operated on within a week of initial predeposition. Two-hundred-thirty-eight KL-3R3 preserved blood bags were transfused in the 66 patients, in one (1/238, 0.4%) which had be discarded because of a large clot formation. In sixty-one patients, both the efficacy and the safety tests of KL-3R3 were rated for usefulness, with all 61 confirmed useful. The laboratory data of the 26 patients whose autologous blood were used within 21 days and the 40 patients whose autologous blood contained at least one unit that exceeded 21 days preservation was compared, with no significant differences observed.Our results confirmed that, in clinical trial of KL-3R3 preserved autologous blood units, all the criteria of effectiveness, safety and usefulness were satisfied.
松原 雅昭 伊澤 悟 平尾 典盟 毒島 康二 小山 哲 町田 康治 川田 大介 坂本 賢治 根津 紀久雄
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.67, no.659, pp.1218-1222, 2001-07-25
1 1

The authors developed a new testing equipment for studying statically indeterminate fracture mechanics. Its development purpose is to clarify load history-dependency of the collapse load. The equipment has two actuators orthogonalized. The horizontal actuator applies the axial force and the perpendicular one does the bending moment. In the experiment for examining the effect of load hysteresis on the collapse load, both actuators can keep the preceding load to the constant load value, until axial force and bending load reach the theory collapse point. The actuators can apply the following load under the displacement control in the experiment. The performance of the equipment was confirmed by demonstration tests using single-edge notched specimens of SUS 304 steel. The experimental result clarified load historydependency on collapse load in SUS 304 single-edge notched member subjected to combined tension and bending.
坂本 勉
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.1, pp.142-147, 2009

Although “symmetry in language” may be related to the origin of the language, many linguists do not seem to show interest in this problem. Why do linguists not show interest in symmetry? There seem to be at least three reasons. (1) Concerning “reference”, there have been many disputes in the philosophy of language. Nowadays, more complex problems than symmetry attract researchers in the field of semantics. (2) Saussure pointed out that the system of language does not concern the symmetry between “thing and name”. (3) For linguists, a more important research theme is the elucidation of the relationships between the elements inside the language structure.
坂本 大介 小野 哲雄
情報処理学会研究報告知能と複雑系(ICS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2005, no.109, pp.15-20, 2005-11-08

ロボット技術の発展に伴い,今後実際に社会に出て人と共に暮らすことのできるロボットが登場することが予想される.ロボットが実際に人とともに社会生活を行うためにはいまだ様々な問題が残されている.特に,ロボットが既存の人間関係や社会関係にどのような影響を与えるのかという問題に関する研究は多く行われていない.本稿では社会的なロボットが人間関係,社会関係にどのような影響を与えるかを扱う学問であるロボット社会心理学を提案し,この有効性を確かめるための実験を行った.これによりロボットが実際に人間関係に良い影響も悪い影響も与える可能性があることを確認した.つまり,ロボットは人間関係を壊すことが可能性であり,同時に人間と共に良い関係を築くことも可能であることを確認した.これについて報告する.With the developments in Robotics, Robots that live with us will appear on the daily life in near future. However, there are many problems on social robots. In particular, the effects of robots behaviors influence the human relations and societies have not clarified. In this paper, we conducted an experiment to verify the effect of robots behaviors influence the human relations using the 'Balance theory'. The result shows that a robot can affect a good or bad influence on the human relations. A Human's impression of another human, had undergone a change by a robot. In other words, robots can construct or collapse the human relations.
樫原 潤 亀山 晶子 山川 樹 村中 昌紀 松浦 隆信 坂本 真士
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.17334, (Released:2018-09-20)

Depression is a heterogeneous disorder, and a subtype with atypical symptoms called “modern type depression” (MTD) has been recently proposed in Japan. The present study explored perceptions of MTD among healthcare providers, with the aim of contributing to debates on how to deliver effective treatments for MTD. Survey participants were 86 nurses and 60 professional caregivers working for a general hospital. They read two vignettes that described fictitious individuals with either traditional type depression with melancholic features, or MTD, and then answered how they perceived these individuals on Likert-scale items. A series of paired t-tests showed the following cognitive biases on the MTD vignette: (a) the possibility of being diagnosed as depressed, the severity of symptoms, and the effectiveness of psychotherapies were rated lower; (b) lower intentions of helping those individuals and stronger rejecting attitudes were expressed; (c) the precipitating cause of the disorder was more frequently attributed to internal and controllable factors. The discussion highlighted how these cognitive biases held by healthcare providers lower the quality of treatment of MTD.
千葉 智恵美 酒井 大典 坂本 うみ 菊地 彩 奥野 孟 田中 三知子 黒坂 大次郎
岩手医学雑誌 (ISSN:00213284)
vol.70, no.3, pp.107-111, 2018 (Released:2018-08-31)

非穿孔性眼外傷による水晶体後嚢破裂を伴う白内障は,若年者にまれにみられる外傷性白内障である.我々は2例の12歳の男児の手術を行った.症例1は登校旗のプラスチック棒により左眼を受傷し,症例2は野球ボールで右眼を受傷した.それぞれ受傷後8週,8か月で手術を行った.手術は強角膜切開で行い,術中に硝子体の逸脱はみられず,眼内レンズを嚢内に挿入することができた.水晶体後方に水晶体由来のfish-tailやwhite dotsが見られたが,それらは吸引のみで消失した.後嚢切開や前部硝子体切除は行わなかった.今回の症例では後嚢と前部硝子体をつなぐWieger靭帯で囲まれたBerger腔が水晶体後嚢の役割を果たした可能性が考えられた.術後視力は1.0以上が得られた.
別府 哲 坂本 洋子
心理科学 (ISSN:03883299)
vol.25, no.2, pp.11-22, 2005

Previous researches suggested that many children with mild mental retardation became unable to attend school from the onset of puberty, because their negative self evaluation was growing stronger due to the ill treatment of surrounding people such as teachers, parents, and peers. Howerer, some studies revealed that they showed the negative self evaluation only about their academic self, but not about global self-esteem. This was a case study of a fourth grade boy with mild mental retardation, who could not go to school during the second term but was later able to do so, was analyzed from the viewpoint of the positive or negative self evaluation and the accuracy and stability of self perception. Until he began to go to school, he couldn't express both the negative and the positive self evaluation. Before that, his self evaluation was fluctuated and quickly changed according to the situation and to other's behavior. Also, his self perception was not accurate and stable. The role of significant others who effected the modification of his self perception and self evaluation was discussed.
勝谷 紀子 岡 隆 坂本 真士
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.3, pp.316-322, 2018

<p>This study examined the lay theory characteristics of "modern-type" depression using a text mining method. A total of 225 undergraduate students filled in a questionnaire. They answered questions about the characteristics and causes of as well as reasons for "modern-type" depression using free-form text entry. Then, they answered questions about their sources of information on "modern-type" depression. The results showed that participants mainly described that "modern-type" depression is common among young people and that people with "moderntype" depression lack awareness of the illness. Also, participants indicated that they obtained knowledge about "modern-type" depression from different information sources such as television and the internet.</p>
格内 敏 厳 希哲 坂本 亨 村上 惇 池田 大作 藤原 紘郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
関西支部講演会講演論文集 2000.75 (ISSN:24242756)
pp._11-53_-_11-54_, 2000-03-16 (Released:2017-06-19)

Various implants are employed to provide osteosynthesis of the trochanteric fracture of femur by providing mechanical fixation. However, pain due to the stress concentration in the bone and new fracture are caused, when the implant does not physically suit the patient. The purpose of this study is to compare the mechanical properties between fixation implant devices of differing design by holographic interferometry.
覺本 真代 坂本 靖英 宮崎 晋行 青木 一男 瀧口 晃 安井 彩 森 二郎
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ (ISSN:18816118)
vol.134, no.9, pp.117-130, 2018-09-30 (Released:2018-09-12)

Depressurization process is regarded as the most effective process for gas recovery method from the viewpoints of gas productivity and economic efficiency among in-situ dissociation processes of Methane Hydrate (MH) existing in marine sediments. However, it is supposed that consolidation and deformation of the stratum occurs due to MH dissociation and increase of effective stress in the stratum during operation of depressurization. Consolidation and deformation wreak negative friction on the production well. As a result, the production well may suffer large compressive or tensile stress. In the worst case, it may cause shear failure, tension failure and crushing. Therefore, in order to improve the accuracy for evaluation of stress distribution occurring on production well during depressurization, it is necessary to construct the numerical model enable to reproduce unsteady change of the relationship between shear stress and strain occurring on the contact surface between well and layer and introduce into geo-mechanical simulator. In this study, targeting three contact surface locating above depressurization interval such as 1) casing-cement, 2) casing-layer and 3) cement-layer consisting of different material, we conducted push-out test in laboratory in order to evaluate the frictional behavior at these contact surface based on the relationship between displacement and axial load. From experimental observation, it was found that shear stress occurring on the contact surface linearly increased at the initial stage in the case of steel-cement specimen. On the other hand, for specimens consisting steel-clay and cement-clay, non-linear increase of shear stress was confirmed in the process leading to the shear strength. In addition, shear strength τmax for each contact surface increased depending on effective stress σ ', effective friction angle δ' and effective cohesion c' as failure criteria was estimated based on τmax and σ '. Then, constitutive equation of variable compliance type was applied for reproduction of the relationship between displacement and shear stress observed in a series of push-out test. Through numerical simulation by introduction of this constitutive equation, we confirmed the validity of modeling of the frictional behavior.
鈴木 洋一 坂本 修 真下 陽一 羽田 明
公益社団法人 日本ビタミン学会
ビタミン (ISSN:0006386X)
vol.86, no.9, pp.499-507, 2012-09-25 (Released:2017-10-10)

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin and a cofactor of several types of carboxylases. Insufficient intake of biotin and a congenital deficiency of enzymes requiring biotin as a cofactor in cells cause clinical symptoms called multiple carboxylase deficiency (MCD). In recent years, several reports have shown that infants with food allergy and/or atopic eczema have developed MCD after being fed with peptide formulas. Peptide formulas available in Japan contain very little biotin because biotin has not been permitted to be added to regular foods as an additive. This, however, may lead to nutritional biotin deficiency in some infants fed with such a peptide milk. We investigated the incidence of nutritional biotin deficiency and congenital enzyme deficiency in Japan. We sent a questionnaire to 921 hospitals with a pediatric department to cover all areas of Japan. The response rate was 64%. The rate of hospitals that use peptide milk in the therapy of allergic diseases was 49%. The estimated incidence of biotin deficiency was at least 70 cases in the last 10 years. Since the first diagnosis of holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency (HCSD) in 1982, HCSD and biotinidase deficiency have been confirmed in 28 and 2 cases, respectively. These data suggest that the incidence of congenital enzyme deficiency is about 1 case per year. Supplementation of biotin is highly recommended when infants are fed with peptide milk in Japan.
川上 諒子 澤田 亨 岡 浩一朗 坂本 静男 樋口 満
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第68回(2017) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.310_3, 2017 (Released:2018-02-15)

本研究は、野球場におけるプロ野球観戦が特定の応援チームを持たない高齢者の感情や主観的幸福感にどのような影響を及ぼすかについて検討を行った。参加者は65歳以上の男女16人であった。プロ野球観戦の日を3日間設け、野球場でプロ野球を1日観戦するよう依頼した。質問紙を用いて、平常時および観戦直前、観戦直後の感情と主観的幸福感を調査した。感情の調査には一般感情尺度を、主観的幸福感の調査には日本版Subjective Happiness Scaleを用いた。解析の結果、観戦直前では平常時よりも安静状態を示す「ゆったりした」(P<0.01)や「平穏な」(P=0.04)という感情が有意に高まった。一方、観戦直後には主観的幸福感が平常時よりも有意に高値を示した(P=0.02)。また、試合結果の違いによる感情や主観的幸福感への影響についても検討したが、試合の勝敗と感情や主観的幸福感の変化との間に関連は示されなかった。以上の結果より、高齢者が野球場まで出掛けて行きプロ野球を観戦することによって、観戦直前には安静状態が高まり、観戦直後には主観的幸福感が高まる可能性が示唆された。