藤井 実 中谷 隼 大迫 政浩 森口 祐一
一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会
廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 第20回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会
pp.76, 2009 (Released:2009-09-25)

森田 浩介
日本物理學會誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.60, no.9, pp.698-707, 2005-09-05

我々は, 独立行政法人理化学研究所の重イオン線形加速器からの^<70>Znビームを^<209>Bi標的に照射し, ビーム核と標的核との完全融合反応によって合成される, 原子番号113, 原子質量数278の原子核^<278>113の崩壊を観測することに成功しました.ビームやその他実験にとってバックグラウンドとなる粒子から分離された目的の核は, 半導体検出器に打ち込まれ, そこで4回の連続したα崩壊をした後, 自発核分裂を起こして崩壊しました.4回目のα崩壊の崩壊エネルギーと崩壊時間, それに引き続いて起こった自発核分裂の現象と崩壊時間は, 既知の崩壊連鎖である^<266>Bh(原子番号107)→^<262>Db(原子番号105)のものと矛盾がなく, これらの崩壊に先立って起こった3回の連続したα崩壊は^<278>113→^<274>Rg(原子番号111)→^<270>Mt(原子番号109)→という, これまでに報告されていない新同位体の崩壊であると結論づけました.観測された原子数はわずか1ですが, 保守的な言い方をすれば, 今回合成された^<278>113は, 実験的に原子番号と質量数を決定されたものとしては, 原子番号, 原子質量数ともに最大のものであり, 新元素の発見の可能性があると考えています.
森田 克徳
経営と情報 : 静岡県立大学・経営情報学部/学報 (ISSN:09188215)
vol.13, no.2, pp.17-29, 2001-03-01

Main two point problems of this paper exist. The first is to clarify the details concerning the dawn of Japanese beer industry since the beginning of 1870's. And secondarily, the process in which Dainipon beer company is established is clarified by joining three companies of the Sapporo beer company, Nipon beer company, and Osaka beer company in 1906.
今村 知子 川原田 史治 杉森 文夫
公益財団法人 山階鳥類研究所
山階鳥類学雑誌 (ISSN:13485032)
vol.47, no.1, pp.1-16, 2015-09-30 (Released:2017-09-30)

齢既知のハシボソミズナギドリPuffinus tenuirostris 14個体の下顎骨を用い,雛から成鳥まで,成長とともに変化する骨の組織形態を調べ,年齢との関係について考察を行った。「脱灰標本法」により組織標本を作製し,デラフィールドのヘマトキシリンで染色したのち,鏡検した。その結果,成長に伴う組織形態の形成過程が明らかになり,1ヶ月齢から6ヶ月齢までの雛と幼鳥の月齢の識別ならびに亜成鳥と成鳥の判別が可能であることが見出された。齢とともに発達する年輪的な層状構造は1歳以上の3個体すべてにおいて観察されたが,年齢とは一致しなかった。ハシボソミズナギドリの下顎骨における層状構造の形成は,初め外基礎層板において広い範囲に見られるが,年齢を経るとともに,形成と同時に骨内部からハバース系の発達による侵食を受け,実際の年齢よりも本数が少なくなると考えられた。
西村 宏昭 高森 浩治 丸山 敬
一般社団法人 日本風工学会
日本風工学会論文集 (ISSN:13493507)
vol.34, no.4, pp.95-102, 2009-10-01 (Released:2010-01-29)

A sudden severe storm destroyed a large tent structure connected to some concrete weight cubes, at near coast in Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture. High wind accompanied with the gust-front in the storm killed a man and injured nine persons. While the tent structure had an opening faced to sea, it was covered on remained walls with canvas. In this situation, when wind attacked from the open face, the tent would be easily lifted up, even though some weights might fairly resist to the lift caused by wind. This study describes the observation of damage to the tent structure and wind tunnel test results, which was carried out to quantify the wind load when the tent will be blown off in various situations of wall coverings.
和田 潤 井田 浩文 田澤 慎也 瓦口 泰一 叶 喜代森 上野 剛 吉村 天 秋元 孝之
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 平成26年度大会(秋田)学術講演論文集 第6巻 温熱環境評価 編 (ISSN:18803806)
pp.85-88, 2014 (Released:2017-11-15)

断熱等級2・3・4の住宅を用いた実験により,住宅の高断熱化は,開口部からの日射遮蔽がなされていれば,夏期のエアコン冷房においても電力消費を増大させる要因とはならず,特に電力の逼迫する外気温の高い日において効果が大きいことが検証された。また,エアコンの間欠運転 (30・60・90分間の一時停止)は,日積算電力量の削減にはつながらず,すなわち省エネルギーとはならず,再起動後のピーク電力のみが高くなる結果となった。。
望月 彰子 大森 隆司
日本神経回路学会誌 (ISSN:1340766X)
vol.3, no.3, pp.81-89, 1996-09-05 (Released:2010-12-13)
5 4

In our real life, it is well known that our cognitive process is always influenced by our environment. It is called as “context dependency” of the cognition. In this paper, we propose a memory model “PATON” that is based on a macroscopic structure of a cortico-hippocampal memory system; it has three components of a symbolic layer, a pattern layer, and an attentional system. The attentional system sends signals to control a change of the model's structure dynamically. The change induces a modulation of metric between memorized items. Computer simulation shows an association process dependent upon a context based on the modulation.
乾 公昭 森川 昌英 橋本 雅文 所谷 康平 高橋 和彦
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00061, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

This paper presents a method of correcting distortion in 3D laser-scan data from in-vehicle multilayer laser scanner. A robot identifies its own 3D pose (position and attitude) in a laser-scan period using the normal-distributions transform (NDT) scan-matching method. Based on the pose information, the robot's pose in a period shorter than scan period under the assumption that the robot moves at almost constant linear and turning velocities. The estimated pose of the robot is applied to map laserscan data onto a world coordinate frame. Subsequently, the robot again identifies its own 3D pose from the mapped scan data using NDT scan matching. This iterative process enables the robot to correct the distortion of laser-scan date and accurately map the laser-scan data onto the world coordinate frame. Two methods for correcting the laser-scan data are presented: linear-interpolation based and Kalman-filter based methods. The former applies the extrapolation and interpolation to estimate the vehicle pose, while the latter applies the prediction, estimation, and smoothing. Experimental results of mapping a signal light in a road environment show the performance of the proposed two methods.
森 有礼
国際英語学部紀要 (ISSN:13480162)
vol.5, pp.1-15, 2004-09-30

William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" has been frequently considered as a story of the grotesque because of its macabre Gothic setting. Also, it has been discussed in the historical context of the South. These types of arguments are, however, apt to be a mere categorization of Emily Grierson, the protagonist of the story, as a mad woman, or to be a symbolization of her as a representative of the antebellum Southern plantocracy. As Judith Fetterley properly points out, these kinds of readings often end up with a repetition of cultural imperatives of the Southern patriarchy upon Emily. Based on Fetterley's feminist approach to "A Rose for Emily", this essay aims to give a psychoanalytic reading of this short story, especially focusing on the relationship between Emily and the Southern patriarchy. First, I discuss the violent repression of Emily by the Southern patriarchy. Throughout the story, Emily serves as a kind of screen on which the male fantasy is projected. Idealized as a paragon of the antebellum Southern aristocrats through the "patriarchal lens" of the anonymous narrator, she allows the townspeople to project their nostalgic fantasy of the Old South. In reality, however, by "screening" the loss of the Old South, she functions both as an indication of the townspeople's ignorance of the loss, which they latently must be conscious of, and as a sign of repression of the lack of knowledge of the loss. This lack of knowledge is supported by the symbolic father figure, represented as Emily's strict father, who, even after his death, seems to dominate Emily. However, his death is a mystery to the reader because he dies secretly in Emily's house. From a psychoanalytical viewpoint, ignorance of how one comes to know something is, in a sense, an inverted version of the lack of knowledge of the loss. According to Sigmund Freud, this irrational negation of one's own knowledge derives from ambivalence toward the primal father Freud mentions in Totem and Taboo; one wishes the death of the tyrannical father while fearing the loss of the father's law. Therefore, Emily's role to the townspeople is also quite ambivalent; they expect her to join to the new symbolic social code of their community, while that will bring about a catastrophe to the patriarchal South. Thus both physically alive and socially dead, she has to be a screen that maintains the male fantasy of the Old South. With Emily's death, however, the male fantasy of the imaginary Old South comes to an end. With her burial, the townspeople come to face the reality which Emily has screened behind her. After the burial, they rush into her bedroom only to find the rotten corpse supposed to be Homer Barren, Emily's ex-lover, which Emily has long kept secret from them. At this moment, the townspeople's fantasy of the imaginary patriarchy breaks down and, instead, they are forced to confront a formidable reality. As Faulkner himself admits, "A Rose for Emily" is "a ghost story" in these two senses. In one sense, Emily has been permitted to be in this narrative world as an imaginary figure upon which the male fantasy of the townspeople is imposed and, by doing so, supports the ideological basis of the Old South. In the other sense, she is nothing other than a symptom of the repression of the loss of the patriarchal South and, as a logical consequence, once it is revealed, she must vanish as a specter does. The "strand of iron gray hair" left on the pillow is the only trace of the ghastly Emily.
高木 彩 武田 美亜 小森 めぐみ 今野 将
一般社団法人 日本リスク学会
リスク学研究 (ISSN:24358428)
vol.30, no.4, pp.213-221, 2021-06-25 (Released:2021-06-23)

Emerging information technologies are rapidly growing and expected to change the social systems drastically. This study investigated the relationships between knowledge and risk perceptions regarding new technologies such as AI, machine learning, self-driving, and VR. We conducted an online survey and measured the risk perception and basic scientific knowledge and domain specific knowledge (subjective and objective knowledge regarding emerging information technologies). The results of hierarchical regression analyses showed that the interactive effect of subjective and objective domain specific knowledge was significant. Participants who rated higher in both of subjective and objective knowledge perceived lower risk than other participants. Basic scientific knowledge was correlated with objective knowledge but not significant predictor of risk perception. The explanatory power of the knowledge factors was lower than institutional trust.