金森 達之 桑山 健次 辻川 健治 宮口 一 岩田 祐子 井上 博之
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.19, no.2, pp.91-101, 2014 (Released:2014-07-30)
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The in vivo metabolism of 2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylthiophenethylamine (2C-T-2) and 2,5-dimethoxy-4-isopropylthiophenethylamine (2C-T-4), new psychoactive drugs, were studied using rats. 2C-T-2 hydrochloride and 2C-T-4 hydrochloride were administered separately to male Sprague-Dawley rats via the oral route (10 mg/kg), and the urinary extracts were analyzed by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Fourteen and ten metabolites for 2C-T-2 and 2C-T-4 were detected in the urinary extracts, respectively. Our results suggested that sulfoxidation, sulfone formation, S-dealkylation followed by S-methylation, N-acetylation and deamination followed by oxidation were the major metabolic pathways of 2C-T-2 and 2C-T-4 in rat.
金森 達之 岩田 祐子 辻川 健治 桑山 健次 山室 匡史 瀬川 尋貴 井上 博之
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.21, no.2, pp.139-147, 2016 (Released:2016-07-23)
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Simultaneous analytical methods for 18 compounds of fentanyl and its analogues by thin-layer chromatography (TLC), gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) were developed. In TLC, fentanyl analogues were well separated by using toluene-acetone-28% aq. ammonia (20:10:0.3, by vol.) as a developing solvent. In GC/MS, fentanyl analogues, except for fentanyl and acetyl-α-methylfentanyl, could be separated on the extracted ion chromatograms (EIC) of the characteristic fragment ions of each compound. In LC/MS, fentanyl analogues could be separated on the EICs of the protonated molecule of each compound. All of the fentanyl analogues tested were identified correctly by using the combination of TLC, GC/MS and LC/MS.
根岸 祥子 中園 裕紀子 神田 康司 辻川 健治 桑山 健次 金森 達之 岩田 祐子 宮本 和奈 糟谷 史代 井上 博之
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.19, no.2, pp.111-119, 2014 (Released:2014-07-30)
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Methylamphetamines (methylamphetamine (Me-AP) and methylmethamphetamine (Me-MA)) have three ringpositional isomers. Among them, 4-Me-AP has been controlled as a designated substance (Shitei-Yakubutsu) in Japan since November 2012. Furthermore, Me-APs are a structural isomer of methamphetamine (MA), controlled as a stimulant. Because of the increasing number of structural isomer of designer drugs encountered in forensic science laboratories, analytical differentiation of structural isomers is a significant issue. In this study, a method for differentiation of methylamphetamines using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was developed. DB-1ms and DB-5ms columns could not separate free bases and trifluoroacetyl (TFA) derivatives of methylamphetamines while the columns incompletely separated their trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives. On the other hand, the mid-polar DB-17ms column separated free bases, TFA and TMS derivatives of 6 methylamphetamines though peak shapes of the free bases were tailing. The best separation was obtained from the analysis of the TMS derivatives on DB-17ms column. The mass spectra showed a little difference between the 2-, 3-Me-AP and 4-Me-AP after TFA derivatization. Also the structural isomers of Me-AP and MA could be differentiated by their EI mass spectra. The results indicated that differentiation of regioisomeric methylamphetamines could be accomplished well by GC/MS of their TMS derivatives on the mid-polar capillary column.
木原 俊行 矢野 裕俊 森 久佳 廣瀬 真琴
カリキュラム研究 (ISSN:0918354X)
vol.22, pp.1-14, 2013-03-31 (Released:2017-10-17)

The concept of "leadership" is currently regarded as one of the most important ideas for School-Based Curriculum Development (SBCD). Based on the prevailing trend of SBCD, the authors have been paying attention to the theories and practices of curriculum leadership. Besides, the authors have tried to clarify the relationships between curriculum leadership and Professional Learning Community, which is a conceptual framework of teacher development. In the research, it revealed that the teachers who play a key role of coordinating SBCD in individual schools, so called "leading teachers," have few opportunities to learn the theories on and practices for curriculum development as professionals engaged in it. In order for the teachers to cope with the problem, the authors developed a self-learning tool with which leading teachers are able to get knowledge about SBCD from a professional's perspective. It was the handbook titled "Handbook for the leading teachers in charge of School-Based Curriculum Development: to learn theories on and practices for it" (The Handbook). In Japan, teacher leaders have a great chance to demonstrate their initiative in SBCD. The Handbook is designed for them to link its contents with the practices at their own schools. The Handbook mentioned above consists of the following 7 chapters; Chapter1: Theories on and models of curriculum development Chapter2: Practical trends of curriculum development Chapter3: Excellent cases of curriculum practices in Japan Chapter4: Exercise for decision-making in the process of curriculum practices Chapter5: Reflection on the curriculum practices of your school Chapter6: Important references for curriculum development Chapter7: Recommendations for further studies on curriculum development These chapters were constructed based on the requirements as follows; 1) Leading teachers can learn both academic theories on and practices for curriculum development in balance. In addition, they can understand the theories in relation to the practices. 2) Leading teachers can learn the practices based on curriculum leadership deeply. 3) Readers (leading teachers) are provided the tool for evaluation with which they can reflect their own curriculum practices. 4) Leading teachers are encouraged to learn more and more on curriculum practices. In order to improve the handbook with the use for curriculum development in view, the authors asked 22 leading teachers for SBCD (including the persons who had the same experiences in the past) as participants to evaluate the validity of the contents and the practical usefulness and so on of The Handbook in April 2012. The authors used two kinds of method for evaluation. One is asking 4-scale rating on 4 items. They are as follows; 1. Good for learning curriculum and curriculum development deeply 2. Suitable for clarifying the actions of leading teachers for SBCD 3. Useful for grasping the state of affairs on curriculum practices in your own school 4. Helpful for understanding how to develop curriculum practices of your own school The other method is asking free comments on 5 questions about the good and bad points of The Handbook, its originalities and so forth. Judging from the respondents' evaluation, The Handbook by and large achieved its aim of providing a tool for leading teachers to learn curriculum development theoretically and practically, indicating that it satisfied the first three of the four requirements; balancing theories and practical cases, devising to deepen learning, functioning as an evaluation tool for reflection, encouraging further learning. However, the fourth requirement proved to be satisfied insufficiently. It is concluded that The Handbook contributed leading teachers' knowledge-based learning and that it did not cover their practical and reflective learning for problem-solving,(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
小寺 真実 針谷 萌那 森 太郎 原 知子 久保 加織
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
vol.67, 2015

<b>目的</b> 「近江の伝統野菜」14品目に含まれる杉谷なすび、下田なすの物理的特性を賀茂なす、千両二号と比較し、伝統野菜の普及の一助となる情報を収集した。<br><b>方法</b> 滋賀大学内農場で栽培した杉谷なすび、下田なす、賀茂なす、および千両二号の果実を供試した。赤道を中心とした幅2cmの輪切りなすを200℃で30分間加熱したものを焼きなすとした。クリープメーター(山電)により直径1.5mmの円柱状プランジャーを速度0.5mm/sで圧縮・貫入させて物性を測定した。色調は測色色差計(日本電色工業株式会社)を用いて測定した。官能評価は、滋賀大学の学生および教職員44名を対象に5点評点法により行った。<br><b>結果</b> 破断荷重値より、生なすの果皮は、賀茂なす、杉谷なすび、千両二号、下田なすの順に、果肉は、杉谷なすび、賀茂なす、下田なす、千両二号の順に硬いことが明らかになった。官能評価でも、生の下田なすが他品種に比べ柔らかいと判断された。焼きなすにすると、果皮は柔らかくなったが、杉谷なすびは他品種に比べ、あまり柔らかくなることはなく生の硬さに近かったが、もろさ荷重値は大きかったことから、噛み切りやすさがあると考えられた。杉谷なすびの果皮はL*値a*値b*値ともに他品種より低く、緑がかった深い紫色であった。果肉の色調では品種間に大きな差はなかった。焼きなすにすると、果皮のL*値a*値b*値は高くなった。果肉はa*値が高くなったが、品種間で色調が異なった。
森村 優太
佛教大学大学院紀要. 文学研究科篇 = The Bukkyo University Graduate School review. 佛教大学学術委員会, 文学部編集委員会 編 (ISSN:18833985)
no.43, pp.135-150, 2015-03

長尾 毅 藤森 修吾 築地 健太朗
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海洋開発論文集 (ISSN:09127348)
vol.24, pp.201-206, 2008 (Released:2010-08-25)

The reliability-based design method was recently introduced to the technical standard for port and harbor facilities. The standard method is partial factors method, however, other methods that evaluate the reliability index directly can also be applied. Taking the design of pile supported wharves as an example, performance function is implicit and the application of the methods that evaluate the reliability index directly is difficult to the practical design. This study aims at clarifying the applicability of response surface method for pile supported wharves. As the performance function can be evaluated explicitly by the method, the calculation of reliability indices is comparatively easy. The applicability of first-order second-moment method is also discussed.
金田 重郎 井田 明男 森本 悠介
vol.2018, pp.93-102, 2018-08-29

UML 静的モデル ・ クラス図に関するテキストは,数多く出版されており,海外の著名な作者によるテキストの翻訳も販売されている.しかし,これら多くのテキストでは,クラス図のシンタックスの説明はあるが,具体的に 「どうやって,クラス図を描くのか」 が意外に明示されていない.結果的に,市販テキストを用いただけでは,どの様にクラス図を描くのかを初学者が学ぶことは難しい.この問題点を解決するため,著者らは,クラス図が英語の認知構造を反映しており,それが,日本人初学者にクラス図を縁遠いものにしている一因であるとの仮説を示した.しかし,この既存ガイドラインをもってしても,「クラス図をどう描くのか」を具体的に示すガイドラインとしては不十分である.そこで,本稿では,クラス図の描き方のガイドラインを得ることを目的として,「クラス図とは何か」 を明らかにする.具体的には,1対多関連は,時間的前後関係を制約するものであり,結果的に,多対多関連を用いない通常のクラス図は,処理プロセス間の時間的制約を示すハッセ図であることを示す.即ち,クラス図は,人間の頭の中にある概念を取り出すツールというより,対象ビジネスを構成する処理プロセスの時間的制約関係 (材料 - 加工関係) を表現するツールである.クラス図を構成するクラスは,独立型と従属型に分かれるが,独立型では,他インスタンスとは無関係にインスタンスを生成できる.更に,従属型クラスには動作を表現するものが多く,クラス図を,中村善太郎の 「要のもの ・ こと」 モデルで理解できる.本稿では,以上の理解に基づくガイドラインを示し,そのガイドラインによって,実務家の間で知られるモデリング例題 「花束問題」 が分析できることを示す.
上地 広昭 森丘 保典 尾山 健太
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.2, pp.455-469, 2012 (Released:2012-12-05)
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This study sought to develop an instrument for assessment of motivation for exercise, the Exercise Orientation Scale, and use it to examine the relationship between exercise orientation and use of a behavioral change technique in an exercise setting. In Study 1 designed to develop the scale, we employed 204 elementary school students, 310 junior high school students, and 252 university students. Factor analysis of the 18-item Exercise Orientation Scale revealed a six-factor structure comprising (1) relatedness orientation, (2) discipline orientation, (3) fulfillment orientation, (4) practice orientation, (5) reward orientation, and (6) superiority orientation. The scale was found to have reliability and validity. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to examine differences in exercise orientation by sex and developmental stage. The scores for fulfillment orientation, reward orientation, and relatedness orientation differed significantly between boys and girls: boys had significantly higher fulfillment and reward orientation scores, while girls had significantly higher relatedness orientation scores. Almost all orientation scores for elementary school students were significantly higher than those for the older groups. In Study 2, the participants were 195 university students. Covariance structure analysis revealed that content-related motivation (i.e. the practice, discipline, and fulfillment orientation factors) in particular predicted the use of a behavioral change technique to promote exercise participation. Moreover, fulfillment orientation was directly related to the duration of exercise participation. The results of these studies suggest that content-related motivation promotes exercise participation via the use of a behavioral change technique.
宇野 敦彦 堀井 新 今井 貴夫 大崎 康宏 鎌倉 武史 北原 糺 滝本 泰光 太田 有美 森鼻 哲生 西池 季隆 猪原 秀典
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.116, no.8, pp.960-968, 2013-08-20 (Released:2013-10-09)
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内リンパ水腫の診断にMRIによる画像診断が導入されてきた. 当施設での内耳造影MRIによる内リンパ水腫検出について, 造影剤投与法による違い, また従来からの水腫推定検査である蝸電図, グリセロールテストとの比較を行った.めまい発作の頻度が高い, 一側性メニエール病あるいは遅発性内リンパ水腫例に対し, 造影剤を鼓室内投与 (17例) あるいは経静脈的に投与 (10例) し, 3テスラMRIによる2D-FLAIR像を得た. 内耳の外リンパ液は高信号に描出され, 内リンパ腔は低信号域となる. 蝸牛管に相当する部分に明らかな低信号領域を認めた場合を蝸牛水腫と判断し, 前庭の写るスライスの過半数で大部分に低信号領域がみられた場合を前庭水腫とした. 鼓室内投与法では88% (15/17例) に, 静注法では90% (9/10例) に内リンパ水腫を検出した. 静注法の対側耳では20% (2/10例) に水腫を検出した. 蝸電図やグリセロールテストは, 難聴が進行している例では評価が困難で, それぞれ陽性例は患側耳で15例と6例のみにとどまった. ただ蝸電図は波形の分析が可能であれば陽性率は高く, 患側耳の88% (15/17耳) に相当した. MRIと蝸電図の両者の結果が得られた例では, 静注法で得られた対側耳の結果も含めて78% (21/27耳) が一致した. 定性的な水腫の有無について, 鼓室内投与法と静注法による検出率は同等であった. 内耳造影MRIは内リンパ水腫診断において従来の検査以上に有効と考えられる