玉城 わかな 五十嵐 佑馬 藤巻 大輔 林 誠一 友田 陽 松野 泰也 長坂 徹也
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.92, no.5, pp.340-345, 2006-05-01 (Released:2009-06-19)
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1.91 milliont of steel scrap was exported from Japan to Korea in 2003, which accounted for more than 30% of the total steel scrap exported to other countries from Japan. Change in steel scrap demand in Korea in the future will make a great influence on the amount of Japan's steel scrap domestic consumption and export. In this work, quantitative data about the steel production, steel scrap demand and consumption during 1977-2003 in Korea were collected to analyze the amounts of inhouse, industrial and obsolete scrap generation, and total steel accumulation in Korea. Then, the steel scrap demand in Korea in the future was estimated. The total accumulation of steel in Korea was estimated as 380 million t in 2003 and 548 million t in 2010, respectively. The amount of obsolete scrap generation in Korea was 7.1 million t in 1996 and 9.0 million t in 2003, which was about 3.0% and 2.4% of the total steel accumulation in each year. Supposing that the amount of crude steel production, scrap consumption percentages in B.O.F and E.A.F will be stable, the obsolete scrap generation in Korea in 2010 were estimated as 13-17 million t. This significant increase in obsolete scrap generation in Korea could exceed the current amount of the scrap import. So, self-sufficiency of steel scrap could be achieved in around 2010 in Korea.
平田 陽一郎
東洋史研究 (ISSN:03869059)
vol.70, no.2, pp.225-259, 2011-09

The fubing system that was a driving force in the creation of Sui and Tang dynasties is generally thought to have begun with the twenty-four army system of the Western Wei, and its military power too have been composed of local militias of Han people in Western Wei and Northern Zhou during which the influx of warriors of the northern Xianbei peoples were not numerous. Nonetheless, the term fubing zhi, the fubing system, is not found in contemporary sources, and was invented in a later period. Tracing the fubing system back to the Western Wei is also nothing more than a distortion created by later hands. The local military organizations that comprised the military force of the twenty-four army system were both chronologically, geographically, and ethnically extremely diverse, and the local Han militias of Guanlong 關隴 were no more than one part of it. In the Western Wei and Northern Zhou levies of military service were generally imposed on households, but they resorted to having the local gentry organize military bands and thereby continued the selection and implementation of a method of operating as a pseudo-tribal militia. In addition the existence of a unique system of groups of close advisers, called qinxhin 親信 and kuzhen 庫眞, whose lineages could be traced to the inner officers of Northern Wei court, made it possible to control the vast military organization that was the twenty-four army system. Judging from these special characteristics, the twenty-four-army system can be understood as a pseudo-tribal militia system that was supported by the traditions of the Xianbei. In this regard, it should be positioned in the historical context as a military system located precisely within the lineage of the nomadic military systems such as the twenty-four chiefs of the Xiongnu and of the Mongol thousand-household system. The imperial edict of the tenth year of Kaihuang, which was promulgated the year after Sui destroyed the Chen, has been taken as revolutionary in creating the ground-breaking fubing system, but in actuality, the purpose of the edict was the transfer and settling of military groups who had served for years in Guanzhong, and their essential character as pseudo-Xiangbei tribal militia was maintained thereafter. A common element underlay both the purpose of the imperial edict of the tenth year of the Kaihuang reign and the Northern-Wei policy of dismantling the tribe-centered state, and in order to decipher this reality, one must seek a point of view from which both can be mutually examined and compared.
柴田 陽三 竹下 満 高岸 直人
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.10, no.1, pp.36-40, 1986-07-28 (Released:2012-11-20)

Intra-articular pressure (1-A pressure) of the gleno-humeral joint (G-H Joint) was measured in order to elucidate the mechanism of shoulder joint. (Material and Method)Ten normal subjects were measured. Fluidfilled teflon tube, with two small perforations around tip, was inserted into the axillary pouch from anterior aspect of the shoulder joint. The end of tube was connected to a pressure transducer. Intra-articular pressure was measured during movement of the shoulder joint when subjects were sitting position.(Result) When none of saline was injected into the gleno-humeral joint, there was almost no change of intar-articular pressure. But, when 10 ml and 20 ml of saline were injected into G-H joint, I-A pressure rose at shoulder elevation. I-A pressure with 20 ml of saline was higher and rose more steeply at the same elevated position. It was demonstrated that 1-A pressure was highest at full elevation. The relationship of I-A pressure and joint position before and after full elevation demonstrated that the pressures were lower than for the same joint position before full elevation.There were peak pressures at the full internal rotated position and the full externa l rotated position, but latter was higher than the former. The lowest value of I-A pressure was showed at the slightly flexed, abducted and internal rotated position.And further measurements were done in the disease joints.
前田 朗 成田 陽二郎 米田 稔 広岡 淳
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 = Shoulder joint (ISSN:09104461)
vol.23, no.2, pp.349-352, 1999-07-30

The purpose of this study was to know the time-course from primary shoulder dislocation to recurrence in young rugby players. We sent questionnaire about shoulder dislocation to all highschool/college rugby teams in the Kyushu area (No. of players; 5476). Based on the answers from the players who had undergone shoulder dislocations, we divided them into two groups; Group I: immobilization for 0-3 weeks at the time of initial dislocation(n=61), and Group II: immobilization for 4-7weeks (n=18). We compared the time-course from primary dislocation to recurrence between the two groups using the Kaplan-Meier method. The age of primary dislocation was between 14 and 23 years old ( ave.; 16.7 ). The probability of recurrence was 78%,44%, and 70% after one year; 85%,69%, and 81% after two years in Groups I, II, and the whole groups respectively. The average period from restart of rugby to recrurrence was 9.8,30.6, and 19.7 months in Groups I, II, and the whole groups respectively. The symptom-free period could be elongated if immobilization was done for 4 weeks or more in comparison with cases immobilized for 3 weeks or less (p<0.05). However, the high recurrence ratio showed limitations of immobilization therapy for primary shoulder dislocations of rugby players.
内田 陽子 上山 真美 富沢 順 石川 徹
北関東医学 (ISSN:13432826)
vol.56, no.3, pp.207-212, 2006 (Released:2006-11-17)

【背景・目的】 現在, 寝たきり患者などの移動の際にバスタオルを使用している所が多い. 本研究の目的は, バスタオルにかわる患者仰向け体位からの移動兼療養用ウールボアマットを開発し, その評価を行うこととした. 【対象と方法】 10人の健康学生を対象にバスタオルとウールボアマットの強度・耐性と体圧, 主観的評価を行った. 【結 果】 ウールボアのほうがバスタオルよりも長さ・幅方向で高い強度を示し, 伸び率も高かった. また, 何も敷かない場合とウールボアマットを敷いた場合では, 右踵部と左肘関節部において後者の方が体圧は低かった (p<0.05~0.01). また, バスタオルとウールボアマットの比較でも後者のほうが左肘関節で低い値が得られた (p<0.05). 被験者はウールボアのほうが肌さわり, 寝心地, 暖かさの面でよいと評価し, 首の安定感, 身体の痛み等もよいという者が多かった. また, 看護者側も持ちやすいという評価をしていた. 反面, ウールボアのほうが滑りやすいという意見もあった. 【結 語】 移動用兼療養においてはバスタオルよりウールボアマットのほうが適している.
伊崎 輝昌 緑川 孝二 柴田 陽三 緒方 公介 原 正文
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.18, no.1, pp.5-11, 1994-09-01 (Released:2012-11-20)

PurposeBiceps labrum complex (BLC) lesions most commonly occur during sports activities in which the arm is frequently held in an overhead position. Among the available literature there are few histological studies about BLC. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the anatomy of BLC and its attachment to the glenoid and to evaluate the results of our treatment for BLC lesions.Materials and MethodsAnatomical Study: Sixty shoulders from 30 cadavers were studied. We recorded the appearance of the glenoid labrum and the LHB. Then, we removed the glenoid process from the scapula leaving all of the capsular insertion intact. Sections were each cut along the cornal plane and along the sagittal plane at 200-300 p m thickness on a rotary milling saw, and then ground to a 20 p m thickness. The sections were stained with Cole's hematoxylin and eosin and examined via light and polarized light microscopy.Clinical Cases:Thirty shoulders of 29 patients with BLC lesions underwent arthroscopic debridement of the superior labrum.ResultsAnatomical Study: The LHB inserted directly to the superior glenoid and its attachment extended to the middle of the posterior glenoid. The LHB was firmly attached to the superior glenoid from the edge of the glenoid rim. The attachment was gradually loose toward the middle of the posterior glenoid. The LHB was attached to a large surface of the glenoid.Clinical Cases:All patients were able to return to competitive sports.DiscussionsBased on our anatomical study, the LHB has a larger attachment area on the glenoid than had been previously reported. Therefore, we believe debridement of the superior labrum for BLC lesions preserves the LHB functions.
松永 宣史 山田 陽子 山田 加奈子 内海 健太 中南 秀将 野口 雅久 笹津 備規
一般社団法人 日本環境感染学会
日本環境感染学会誌 (ISSN:1882532X)
vol.26, no.6, pp.362-368, 2011 (Released:2012-02-03)

接触感染は,院内感染の最も主要な感染経路である.接触感染の防止には,患者や医療従事者が頻繁に触れる場所(高頻度接触表面)の汚染状況を把握し,医療従事者の病院内環境に対する意識を向上させる必要がある.本研究では,院内感染の主要な原因菌であるPseudomonas aeruginosa,メチシリン耐性Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA),およびSerratia marcescensについて,高頻度接触表面の環境調査を行った.2005年から2008年の4年間,のべ1,513試料から,MRSA 13株(0.9%),P. aeruginosa 69株(4.6%),およびS. marcescens 24株(1.6%)が検出された.検出された細菌の特徴を調査するため,抗菌薬感受性試験およびパルスフィールドゲル電気泳動(PFGE)を行った.その結果,環境分離MRSAの抗菌薬感受性と遺伝学的背景は,臨床分離株と類似していた.一方,環境分離P. aeruginosaおよびS. marcescensの80%以上が,調査した抗菌薬全てに感受性を示した.また,環境分離P. aeruginosaと臨床分離株の遺伝学的類似率は低いことが明らかとなった.したがって,高頻度接触表面に付着していたMRSAは患者や医療従事者由来株であり,P. aeruginosaおよびS. marcescensの大部分は,環境細菌であることが強く示唆された.さらに,細菌検出数の経時変化を調査したところ,初回調査時の18株/89試料(20.2%)が最も多く,調査2回目は7株/89試料(4.5%)と大きく減少した.これは,MRSAの検出数が著しく減少したことに起因していた.したがって,環境調査を行うことによって,職員の環境に対する意識が向上し,各部署における清掃および消毒が頻繁に行われるようになったと考えられる.
中野 優 伊庭 裕 山田 陽 三浦 修平 今野 光彦 和田 卓也 丸山 隆史 八田 英一郎 栗本 義彦
特定非営利活動法人 日本心臓血管外科学会
日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:02851474)
vol.49, no.1, pp.25-29, 2020-01-15 (Released:2020-02-01)

建本 聡 原田 陽子 今井 健司
農業情報研究 (ISSN:09169482)
vol.28, no.3, pp.108-114, 2019-10-01 (Released:2019-10-01)

小林 正治 小田 陽平 長谷部 大地 加藤 健介 新美 奏恵 中里 隆之 泉 直也 高田 佳之 福田 純一 高木 律男 齊藤 力
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 (ISSN:09167048)
vol.16, no.3, pp.153-160, 2006-08-15 (Released:2011-02-09)
2 12

To assess whether patients were satisfied with the results of treatment, questionnaires were sent to 291 patients who had undergone orthognathic surgery for correction of jaw deformities and 133 questionnaires were returned with valid answers. The chief problem of 94 (71%) of these patients was appearance. Dysfunctions such as masticatory disturbance and speech difficulties were the primary reason for which 38 (29%) of the patients sought treatment. Seventy-five percent of the patients answered that they were satisfied with the results in regard to their chief problems. A favorable change in appearance was recognized by 125 patients, whereas five patients noticed no major changes and three patients were displeased with their postoperative faces. The patients'evaluations of their appearance seemed to be influenced by the responses of other peoPle to the surgical-results, and objective improvements did not always satisfy their expectations. Improvements in masticatory function and speech were recognized by 92 and 54 patients, respectively. Eighty patients had TMJ signs and symptoms such as click and/or pain before treatment, which disappeared in 53 (66%) of the symptomatic patients after the surgery. On the other hand, TMJ signs and symptoms appeared postoperatively in 7 (15%) of 47 patients without those before treatment. Psychologically, 42 patients noted favorable changes in personality after the surgery. Eight patients with mandibular set back noted the onset or worsening of snoring after the surgery.
西森 克彦 東田 陽博 尾仲 達史 坂本 浩隆 黒田 久美 八尾 寛

鳥居 正人 松下 知世 松田 陽介 伊藤 進一郎
樹木医学研究 (ISSN:13440268)
vol.16, no.3, pp.119-122, 2012-07-31

ブナ科樹木の萎凋病菌Raffaelea quercivoraに対する外国産コナラ属樹種の感受性を明らかにするため,Quercus palustris, Q. robur, Q. rubra,日本産アラカシの各種苗木に対して,多点・1点接種を行った.その結果,多点接種における対照,無処理木では枯死が確認されなかったが,接種木ではQ. rubraのみで枯死が確認され,その枯死率は42%であった.また,枯死率は樹種間で有意に異なった.1点接種の接種木においてQ. rubraの接種部横断面における変色域の割合は,アラカシのものに比べ,有意に高かった.以上の結果から,R. quercivoraは外国産のQ. rubraに対して病原性を有することが明らかとなった.
鳥居 正人 松下 知世 松田 陽介 伊藤 進一郎 Masato Torii Tomoyo Matsushita Yosuke Matsuda Shin-ichiro Ito 三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科 三重大学生物資源学部 三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科 三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科 Graduate School of Bioresources Mie University Faculty of Bioresources Mie University Graduate School of Bioresources Mie University Graduate School of Bioresources Mie University
樹木医学研究 (ISSN:13440268)
vol.16, no.3, pp.119-122, 2012-07-31

ブナ科樹木の萎凋病菌Raffaelea quercivoraに対する外国産コナラ属樹種の感受性を明らかにするため,Quercus palustris, Q. robur, Q. rubra,日本産アラカシの各種苗木に対して,多点・1点接種を行った.その結果,多点接種における対照,無処理木では枯死が確認されなかったが,接種木ではQ. rubraのみで枯死が確認され,その枯死率は42%であった.また,枯死率は樹種間で有意に異なった.1点接種の接種木においてQ. rubraの接種部横断面における変色域の割合は,アラカシのものに比べ,有意に高かった.以上の結果から,R. quercivoraは外国産のQ. rubraに対して病原性を有することが明らかとなった.
上田 陽平 小原 盛幹
情報処理学会論文誌プログラミング(PRO) (ISSN:18827802)
vol.13, no.1, pp.17, 2020-01-29

Webアプリケーション開発においては,動的コンパイル言語やスクリプト言語が実装言語として選択されることが多い.これは,静的コンパイル言語に比べてデプロイに必要な時間が短く,新しい機能やバグ修正を迅速にリリースでき,開発生産性の向上に寄与するためと考えられる.しかし,近年のコンテナ技術や継続的インテグレーション・継続的デリバリーの普及により,静的コンパイル言語を用いたWebアプリケーションの開発においても動的コンパイル言語やスクリプト言語と遜色ない生産性を実現する環境が整いつつある.本発表では,静的コンパイル言語のGoと動的コンパイル言語のJavaおよびJavaScriptで実装されたWebアプリケーションの性能評価結果を報告する.WebアプリケーションであるAcme Airベンチマークの各言語での実装を使用して性能評価を行い,Goによる実装はJavaScriptに対して約1.6倍,Javaに対して約1.8倍のスループットを達成することを確認した.性能プロファイルの分析によると,GoのWebフレームワークはJavaのWebフレームワークに比べてREST型Webリクエストの処理に必要なコードフットプリントが少なく,また,動的型付けのJavaScriptと比較して静的型付けのGoはランタイム検査のオーバヘッドが少ないことが判明した.GoはJavaおよびJavaScriptに対して優位な性能を示しており,Webアプリケーションにおいても静的コンパイル言語の普及が期待される.