野口 公喜 白川 修一郎 駒田 陽子 小山 恵美 阪口 敏彦
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.85, no.5, pp.315-322, 2001-05-01 (Released:2011-07-19)
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The effects of simulating dawn lighting with an ordinary ceiling light on the quality of awakening were investigated. The subjects were healthy men, aged 24-27. After sleep for about 7 hours with polysomnographic recordings in a climatic chamber kept at a temperature of 25t and a relative humidity of 50%, each subject was awakened by an alarm. For the 30 minutes immediately before the subject was awakened, the illumination in the chamber was gradually increased, simulating the condition of waking up as the sun rises. Alpha attenuation test, measuring blood pressure and awakening feelings were conducted after awakening.The time of sleep stage 2 appearing during the 30-minute simulating dawn lighting was significantly less (p<0.05; Wilcoxon test) than during typical waking conditions (i. e., waking up in the dark), while the time of stage W was higher (p=0.0796). The mood after awakening in the simulatig dawn lighting condition was significantly better (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in the alpha attenuation coefficients and blood pressures after awakening between the two conditions.These results suggest that simulating dawn lighting arouses subjects to light sleep, which makes awakening less sudden and more pleasant. There was no evidence that the light sleep immediately before awakening decreased the subjects' cerebral cortex activity or sympathetic nervous activity after awakening.
藤森 孝俊 蒔苗 耕司 山口 勝 川口 隆 太田 陽子
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.99, no.2, pp.166-181, 1990-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

The 1872 Hamada earthquake (M=7.1±0.2) is one of the major historical earthquakes which accompanied a coseismic uplift and subsidence in the coastal area. This paper intends to examine an implication of the Hamada earthquake for geomorphological development of the Hamada area, based on the investigation of marine terraces, emerged sea level indicators such as sea caves, benches, fossil beds and beach deposits, and fault topography.Two steps of Pleistocene marine terraces are found in the coastal area. Terrace I, c. 40-60 m high, is underlain by weathered beach gravel covered by dune sand which is interbedded by at least four horizons of paleosol. It is considered, that a major interglacial period resulting in strong weathering of Terrace I deposits occurred after the formation of this terrace. Thus, Terrace I can be correlated to the penultimate interglacial, and Terrace II, c. 15-25 m high, underlain by rather fresh gravel bed, to the last interglacial. Accepting this correlation, the uplift rate of the study area must be small, c. 0.1-0.2 m/ka, and is no significant difference in the uplift rate over the study area. Height of emerged sea level indicators associated with the Hamada earthquake is 0.9-1.7 m above the present mean sea level. At least one sea level indicator higher than the emerged sea level at the time of the 1872 Hamada earthquake was found at several locations through the study area including the coast where coseismic subsidence occurred in 1872. Northeast-southwest trending lineaments predominate in the study area and a fault exposure is observed on one of the lineaments suggesting that they are fault origin. Areas of coseismic uplift and subsidence can be seens by turns along these faults.Characteristics of the 1872 Hamada earthquake are summarised as follows, based on the above mentioned geomorphological observation : 1) Coseismic deformation as associated with the Hamada earthquake has not accumulated through the late Quaternary, and this earthquake must be a very rare event with coastal deformation during the Holocene. 2) Distribution pattern of coseismic deformation, that is, the occurrence of small blocks with coseismic uplift and subsidence by turns can be interpreted as an effect of strike-slip movement on the faults.
松田 秀雄 越田 陽一 中嶋 芳雄 宮越 隆
富山大学工学部紀要 (ISSN:03871339)
vol.50, pp.23-27, 1999-02

The match between the professional go player, is published to the go column of the newspaper several 10 moves each, every day. When the match is decided for some days, all the game records is published again. Everybody who learned the go and then became strong in it to some degree, tries to appreciate that record. But, it is a very difficult matter for us, that we trace this record only with the eye, because the stone even that has not been put yet in the real match, has already been printed. Also, even if we try to arrange stones on the board actually, it becomes a serious case to search the stone of the next number, as the number of the stone on the board increases. Then, in this paper, we describe a basic research for the programe inputting this record to a personal computer as the image data, and replaying the match in order of placed stones on the board graphically. The programe made by C_<++> language implements on the windows95, 98.
横山 真男 瀬田 陽平 矢川 元基
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.856, pp.17-00287-17-00287, 2017 (Released:2017-12-25)

Based on experimental observation of liquid dripping, a method to prevent liquid adhesion at the wall of cup was proposed in this paper. When water or sauce etc. is poured from edge of a cup or a pot, the liquid adheres to the wall of cup, which often makes a table or clothes dirty. To clarify the above annoying problem, the flow dripping from the cup, whose edge was shaped to have various thin channels, was observed by using high speed camera. We found the water adhesion on cup's wall reduced when the channels were located at the outside of edge of the cup.
貝塚 聡 和田 浩史 和久田 陽平 田代 雄彦 渡辺 充広 本間 英夫
vol.23, pp.52-53, 2009

前田 陽一郎
vol.6, no.4, pp.690-700, 1994

荒井 啓行 鈴木 朋子 佐々木 英忠 花輪 壽彦 鳥居塚 和生 山田 陽城
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.37, no.3, pp.212-215, 2000-03-25 (Released:2009-11-24)
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Choline acetyltransferase 活性増強作用と神経栄養因子様作用を有する漢方処方の加味温胆湯 (KUT) を用いて, Alzheimer 病 (AD) への治療介入を試みた. 認知機能は, Folstein らの Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) スコアで評価し, その年変化を指標とした. Baseline MMSEは, KUT群 (20例) で18.6±6.8, コントロール群 (32例) で20.8±5.6であった. KUTは北里研究所東洋医学研究所薬局処方集第3版に基づき, 煎出し, 平均約1年間服用した. 悪心, 嘔吐, 下痢などのコリン作動性神経刺激症状は認められなかった. コントロール群では, MMSE年変化は4.1ポイントの悪化であったのに対して, KUT群では1.4ポイントの悪化であった (p=0.04). KUTの効果は漢方医学的ないわゆる証やApoE遺伝子型に依存しなかった. KUT投与前後で脳脊髄液tau値やAβ1-42値に有意な変動は見られなかった. KUTは, 少なくとも初期から中期にかけてのADにおいて進行抑制効果を有するものと考えられた.
辻本 拓也 高橋 泰岳 竹内 昇平 前田 陽一郎
日本知能情報ファジィ学会 ファジィ システム シンポジウム 講演論文集 第31回ファジィシステムシンポジウム
pp.648-651, 2015 (Released:2016-02-26)

太田 陽子 小田切 聡子 佐々木 寿 向山 栄
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.58, no.4, pp.385-399, 2006-03-31 (Released:2010-03-11)

A flight of late Holocene marine terrace fringes the central area of Puget Sound, and records uplift over an extensive area above the Seattle fault zone. The E-W trending blind thrust fault zone is a source of major seismic hazards in the Seattle metropolitan area. Gravity and seismic reflection surveys indicate a south- dipping fault plane, but its exact location and timing of past activities were unknown. LiDAR topographic mapping of the Puget lowland revealed several fault scarps on the glacial landscape hidden under the dense forest. We observed the fault, offset on the Holocene marine terrace surface and measured the former shoreline height at 97 locations using LiDAR DEM to map terrace deformation patterns and their relation to the faults. Studied areas include 1) Alki Point, 2) the southern part of Bainbridge Island, and 3) the southeastern Kitsap Peninsula near Port Orchard and southwestern Bainbridge Island. The height of the former shorelines marked by the Holocene terrace changes from ca. 10.7 to 7.3m a. s. l in the west to 12.2 to 10.1m in the east of the Toe Jam Hill fault, and 10.6 to 7.8m in the west to 9.7 to 7.9m in the east of the Waterman Point fault. These changes indicate differential uplift of the terrace surfaces across the faults. There are two newly identified faults in this study. One is the Point Glover fault that is marked by a scarp in the LiDAR map and associated 2m offset of the terrace surface. The other is the South Beach Point fault inferred by the northward tilt of the terrace surface. Because these faults strike E-W, parallel to the main Seattle Fault on its south side, and have south-facing scarps and north-dipping fault planes, they are probably back-thrsuts to the main Seattle Fault. The width of the backthrust zone is at least 4km. The age of the terraces approximately coincides with the most recent faulting event on the surface fault (at least for Toe Jam Hill Fault, ca. 1000yr BP), thus the differential uplift probably occurred simultaneously with fault movement. Although the surface backthrust scarps are less than a few kilometers long and vertical offset is 2-3m, the total amount of uplift reaches about 12m. Subtracting the effect of the vertical displacement and the amount of northward tilting, the uplift of several meters still remains on the Seattle fault zone of over about 4km wide. This broad zone of uplift is not due to the slip on the subsidiary backthrusts, but probably due to the blind thrust of the main Seattle fault. We infer that at least some of the coastal deformation is caused by broad surface upwarping above the Seattle fault and that the upwarping occurred at ca. 1000yrs BP, associated with ruptures on at least three of the backthrusts. The uplift and faulting may represent the largest earthquake in the Puget Sound area during the late Holocene.
萩田 陽司 中本 剛
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2009年度精密工学会秋季大会
pp.365-366, 2009 (Released:2010-02-25)

鈴野 弘子 鈴木 恵子 石田 裕 笹田 陽子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.63, no.8, pp.469-480, 2012-08-15 (Released:2013-10-15)

We conducted a survey on the forms of food served in nursing homes for the elderly and evaluated their physical properties by measuring the texture. The forms of food were mostly determined according to the observations of such experts as dietitians and registered dietitians. The suitability of the forms of the food was mostly assessed by care providers. We observed that the nursing homes provided 4.0 ± 2.5 forms of major staples and 4.4 ± 2.3 forms of side dishes as averages. The meat dishes served at the nursing homes had been cooked to be sufficiently soft according to the requirements specified by the universal design food table. The hardness of rice gruel and mixed rice gruel met the requirements applied to foods for people with difficulty in swallowing as specified by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, although the adhesiveness was too high to meet the requirements. The texture of chawan-mushi satisfied the Level III allowance, but the adhesiveness of steamed egg custard exceeded the Level III allowance. The hardness and adhesiveness of the rehydrating jelly drink met the Level II or III allowance, and its degree of cohesiveness was between0.2 and 0.6. These results indicate that the forms of food served in nursing homes are suitable and safe for consumption by the elderly.
内田 陽子
北関東医学 (ISSN:13432826)
vol.57, no.3, pp.231-238, 2007-08-01 (Released:2007-09-11)
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【目 的】 認知症ケアのアウトカム項目を明らかにし, アウトカム評価票原案を開発することを目的とした. 【方 法】 文献検討, 質問紙調査, 専門家による検討により進められた. 【結 果】 既存の文献では認知症症状, 生活行動, 幸福感, QOL, 介護負担の領域にアウトカムがまとめられた. 認知症ケア経験者対象239人からは, 精神的安定, 生活行動, 認知症症状, 在宅療養継続などのアウトカムが明確になった. また, 在宅で認知症ケア経験者25人からは「笑顔, 不安なく安心して暮らせる, 楽しく喜ぶ」に重要度が高かった. 【結 語】 専門家の検討により, 最終的に以下の特徴をもった認知症ケアのアウトカム評価票を作成できた. (1)アウトカムの主項目は「認知症症状・精神的安定」,「生活・セルフケア行動」,「その人らしい生活」,「介護者の負担」で構成された. (2)2時点の状態をアセスメントし, 該当する番号を書き, 両者を比較して最高値持続, 改善, 維持, 悪化, 最低値持続と判定する. (3)アウトカムを高めるためのケア項目を設定した.
山路 昭 藤井 康子 奥田 陽子 青野 真知子 佐藤 健太郎 千葉 幹夫 平岡 栄一
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.4, no.1, pp.7-11, 1978 (Released:2011-08-11)
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Photodegradation of vitamin K1 and K2 injections during preservation and in intravenous admixtures was investigated by high-pressure liquid chromatography. When exposed to fluorescent light (500 lux), 50% of commercial product (10mg) of vitamin K1 decomposed in about 15 days, compared with about 10 days for the 50% decomposition of vitamin K2 product. In the intravenous admixtures for drip infusion, the residual rate after sunlight irradiation (2, 000 lux) for 3 hours was 43-63% for K1 and 31-44% for K2. Therefore, intravenous admixtures containing theselight-unstable injections require shading during drip infusion. In Osaka University Hospital, the light-resistant covers of containers for injections are used for this purpose.
阿部 博 篠田 陽一
vol.2017, pp.73-80, 2017-11-30

ネットワークのトラブルシューティングやセキュリティインシデントに対応するため,ネットワーク管理者はトラブルの原因を特定するためにサーバやネットワーク,セキュリティ機器から出力されるログを蓄積し,検索をすることがある.大規模なネットワークでは,出力されるログの量も多く蓄積 ・ 検索システムの規模も巨大化する.大量に出力される機器のログを高速に蓄積し,高速に検索する先行研究としてHayabusa を実装した.本研究では,Hayabusa の検索性能をスケールアウト可能なシンプルな分散システムの設計を行い評価した.結果として,スタンドアロン環境で動作する Hayabusa の約 78 倍高速な分散処理システムを実装し,144 億レコードの syslog メッセージを約 6 秒でフルスキャンし全文検索可能なスケールアウトするシステムを実現した.