辻畑 敬治 宮川 奨蔵 大坪 茂 大野 重治 花木 功
鐵と鋼 : 日本鐡鋼協會々誌 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.46, no.4, pp.455-460, 1960-04-01

In line with the starting of experiments on the use of self-fluxing sinter in blast furnaces, the experimental production of lime sinter using 5∿10% of lime stone was conducted at Kukioka D. L. Sintering Plant since May, 1958, and from the operation data the following items were inferred : - 1) Although in lime sinter the mean grain size was getting smaller, the amount of the fine fraction (minus five millimeter fraction) became rather decreased than in normal sinter, from which it was inferred that lime sinter was more improved in point of grain distribution. 2) Lime sinter had almost the same degree of strength as normal sinter. 3) By adding 5∿10% of lime stone, the output of sinter was increased by 4∿6.5%. When calculated in terms of iron, the output, however, was almost constant. 4) In case of using the burden of 100% lime sinter, operation was carried out with special attention paid to the control of basicity, and for that purpose such measures as the use of foreign fine ores divided into the three classes according to SiO_2 content, etc. were enforced, and, as the result, the sinter that could almost satisfy the requirements of blast furnaces was able to be produced. 5) Cost of sinter production was decreased by 2% and 5.5% by the addition of 5% and 10% of lime stone, respectively, but the cost in terms of iron was almost unchanged. For these reasons it was concluded that lime sinter was superior to normal sinter.
吉田 慶章 柿崎 淑郎 辻 秀一
研究報告情報学基礎(FI) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2009, no.35, pp.23-30, 2009-03-18

政治家の発言情報を提供することで,ユーザのニュース記事理解を支援する方式を既に提案しているが,発言情報の収集を人手で行っていた点と,発言情報の表示手法に課題が残されていた.本研究では,発言情報の抽出手法と重要度算出手法から構成される自動収集手法を提案する.さらに,発言情報の表示手法も提案する.最後に,試作システムを用いた実験より,抽出手法の精度や重要度算出手法の妥当性等に関して評価を行う.We proposed a method to support for news understanding using politician's quotes. However, the method has two issues that extracting quote by hand and presentation method of quote. In this paper, we propose automatic methods to extract quotes and to calculate quote importance. In extract method, quotes are extracted using representation dictionary of quote, surface pattern rule and news ontology. In calculate method, quotes are calculated by elements of quote. Finally, we evaluate accuracy of the extract method and adequacy of the calculate method.
奈良林 直 島津 洋一郎 辻 雅司 辻 雅司

辻 とみ子 青山 頼孝 武山 英麿 橋本 和佳 佐々木 敏 川田 智恵子 青山 頼孝 武山 英麿 橋本 和佳 佐々 木敏 川田 智恵子

花辺 充広 金子 真也 メジアニ ヤーヤ ムバラク 尾辻 泰一 佐野 栄一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ED, 電子デバイス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.106, no.403, pp.83-88, 2006-12-01

大辻 隆夫 塩川 真理 加藤 征宏 松葉 健太朗
京都女子大学発達教育学部紀要 (ISSN:13495992)
vol.1, pp.39-50, 2005-01-31

本研究の目的は,高校心理学導入の是非に関する基礎資料の収集及び導入にあたっての課題を明確にすることにある。高校2年生252人(男子96人,女子156人)及び教員42人を対象に調査及び考察をおこない,次の知見を得た。(1) 高校生は全体として高校心理学への関心を高く示し,とくに女子が積極的な関心を示した。(2) 高校生及び教員が,高校心理学の内容として期待する領域は,高校生で1位心理検査,2位コミュニケーション,3位カウンセリングであり,教員では1位メンタルヘルス,2位コミュニケーション,3位青年心理学であった。(3) 高校心理学の授業担当者として,高校生及び教師のいずれもが臨床心理士による授業を望んだ。(4) 教師は,高校心理学を新教科として設置すること,あるいは総合学習の授業時間を利用して教えることに関心を示した。これらの知見を受けてあえて提案するならば,高校心理学は,総合学習ないしは選択制教科として導入し,現時点では現在配置されている臨床心理士であるスクールカウンセラーを授業担当者として活用することが一案として考えられる。
石黒 格 辻 竜平
理論と方法 (ISSN:09131442)
vol.21, pp.295-312, 2006-09-30

辻川 比呂斗 長津 恒輝 祝原 豊 長澤 純一 和田 知樹 田中 将 村田 真一 杉山 康司
ウォーキング研究 (ISSN:27588904)
vol.26, pp.73-81, 2023 (Released:2023-12-27)

There are few physiological reports on skyrunning (SR), a mountain running event. This study aimed to examine the physical fitness characteristics of skyrunners based on the results of a maximal exercise test on level ground and an SR time attack in the field of Mt. Fuji.Eight healthy male subjects who participated in trail running and SR competitions performed the maximal exercise test at 0 m altitude. In addition, they performed the SR Time Attack as an Mt. Fuji field test and calculated LT and OBLA by blood lactate concentration. In the SR Time Attack, blood samples were taken before and after SR, and distance, time, and heart rate during SR were measured with a portable HR monitoring device with a GPS function. Study results showed that subjects were divided into two groups according to their performance in the SR Time Attack, with the upper group compared to the lower group. The upper group had a lower body fat percentage(≈5.0%) and intensity during SR equivalent to 80% VO2max; the WBI before SR was about 1.1, which did not change after SR, but was lower in the low group. In addition, thigh flexor strength was significantly lower in the lower group after SR; the ROS generated during the time attack of SR was within the acceptable range of biological defense mechanisms.
辻 周吾
学校法人 京都外国語大学国際言語文化学会
国際言語文化学会日本学研究 (ISSN:2424046X)
vol.7, pp.19-38, 2022 (Released:2022-04-30)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the situations in which the Japanese word “sumimasen” is used and to help foreigners understand this word. From the example sentences in the corpus, I analyzed these situations and I could identify nine different cases: “a situation in which the speaker negatively influences the listener”, “a situation in which the speaker is not able to perform the expected action”, “a situation in which the speaker's behavior can be detrimental to the listener”, “a situation that is undesirable for the listener”, “a situation in which the speaker forces the listener to perform an action”, “a situation in which the speaker greets the listener formally and politely”, “a situation in which the speaker draws the listener's attention as a call to action”, “a situation in which the speaker greets the listener formally and politely”, and “a situation in which the speaker searches for words as fillers in conversations”. Thus, there is a wide range of situations in which the Japanese word “sumimasen” is used in everyday communication.
神野 卓也 中原 大揮 西川 繁 櫻井 淳子 西口 和美 奥田 成幸 和田 直也 西野 立樹 辻野 麻里 三ッ石 一智 千﨑 大樹 鶴﨑 清之 岸本 武利
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.54, no.11, pp.571-581, 2021 (Released:2021-11-28)

血液透析患者20例に対し透析中の運動療法を6か月間施行した.身体運動機能,栄養評価を介入前,3,6か月後に行い,統計解析はHolmの多重比較検定を用いた.Quality of life(QOL)は介入前後に評価し,Wilcoxon符号付順位和検定を用い比較した.いずれもp<0.05を有意差ありと判定した.身体運動機能は介入3か月後に握力(非シャント肢),膝伸展筋力,足趾把持力,外転筋力,30秒立ち上がり試験,6分間歩行が向上し6か月後も維持または向上した.血中ヘモグロビン濃度を含む栄養評価項目に有意な変化は示さなかった.QOL評価は身体機能,心の健康,全体的健康観,活力が有意に上がった.身体機能の向上が日常的な疲労感を緩和させ,活動意欲が生まれたことで日常活動量が増加したと推察される.透析中の運動療法は身体機能の向上とともに精神心理的QOLを高めることが示唆された.
辻 惟雄
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.29, no.3, pp.49, 1978-12-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

As has long been discussed from various points of view, a close relationship exists between art and play. The materials for such discussions, however, have been limited for the most part to the works of western arts. In this paper I would like to point out that such materials have also abundantly existed throughout the history of Japanese painting. In proof of the existence of play moment in Japanese art, at first we shall focus our attention on paintings in the late Heian Period, especially Oko-e, the extempore caricature drawings-executed in a light and easy style-which were popular among 11th century aristocrats. These Oko-e served as the model for later comic descriptions found in master handscroll works in the 12th century such as "Shigisan-engi Emaki", "Chojugiga", "Jigoku-zoshi" and so on, because of their fluencies and vividnesses in describing style. Secondly is considered in this paper the existence of the curious art critic known as "Enan-ho" ("Picture-Accusing Priest") who played the clown at Court, works of pornographic caricature called Osokuzu-no-e, and the trompe-l' 〓il of waterfall which was painted on the wall of a noble's hermitage for the purpose of astonishing guests. Finally we might point out that the spirit of playfulness also existed vividly in paintings of the Edo Period.
光辻 克馬 山影 進
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2009, no.155, pp.155_18-40, 2009-03-20 (Released:2011-07-10)

Multi-agent simulation (MAS), or agent-based simulation, is very powerful in representing and analyzing system's emergent properties based on interactions among agents. The emergence of social order or norms based on interactions among nations has been one of the central subjects of International Relations (IR). Mutual compatibility being taken into account, MAS could have been applied to IR more extensively. In reality, technical difficulties and excessive abstraction have been most formidable obstacles for the application of MAS. Aiming at a wider use of MAS in IR, we developed a user-friendly simulator, and have built various types of models, from the crisis decision-making to the balance of power, with lesser abstraction and more substantial attributes that represent characteristics of international society.In this paper, we focus on the spread of an international norm in the manner of cascade on the tipping point, which constructivists of IR such as Finnemore and Sikkink (1998) tried to understand. To date, discussions on this subject have been very suggestive, but far from conclusive. In order to give a theoretical account for norm emergence and cascade, we construct the Norm Emergence Model (NEM). NEM is the combination of the threshold model originally developed by Granovetter (1978) with the persuasion mechanism suggested by Risse (2000) and other constructivists, so that NEM can generate cascades of norm emergence based on dynamic multi-agent interactions that affect the threshold of individual agents.The case we analyze by NEM is the spread of anti-colonialism that affected the membership of intemational society in the mid 20th century, probably the most fundamental norm-change in international society as Philpott (2001) and others argue. One of the most illustrative events must be the United Nations Declaration of Granting Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in 1960. Within less than a generation, the norm of trusteeship was completely replaced by the norm of unconditional independence.NEM represents virtual international society that sharply split over whether to accept the colonial rules as trusteeship or reject them unconditionally, with the initial condition (agents as UN members, their thresholds and their positions) that more or less reflects the reality at the end of the 1940s at the United Nations. The simulation begins with the year 1950, and finishes in 1969, during which each agent decides which position it should take, and persuades other members aiming at gaining more support of its position. New agents join in the same manner as the reality.The result of MAS depends on the setting of parameters, and we show results based on four scenarios. Scenario 1 makes persuasion impossible, which means only the entry of new members affects norm emergence. The cascade did not take place. Although ex-colonial countries increase in number, their positions were not as radical as socialist countries. Scenario 2 allows persuasion. Norm change did not happen either. For, socialist countries are persuaded, and change their position so as to accept trusteeship. Scenario 3 allows persuasion, but only anti-colonial norm is influential; trusteeship lost legitimacy. Now, the cascade happens in the mid 1950s with much more sudden pace than the reality. In addition to the setting of Scenario 3, Scenario 4 limits the range of successful persuasion so that agents are affected only when the distance of thresholds is close enough. The cascade takes place in the late 1950s that looks like the reality. Thus, the specific type of interactions and the entry of new members turn out to generate a norm cascade, sometimes after the confrontation for a few years, which seems to reproduce what happened in the arena of the United Nations.NEM is a very simple model, but can reproduce a cascade of international norm from trusteeship to unconditional independence to a successful degree. ...
辻村 和佑 辻村 雅子
産業連関 (ISSN:13419803)
vol.15, no.2, pp.71-80, 2007-06-30 (Released:2015-03-25)

レオンティエフによって考案された産業連関表が,国民経済計算体系に推計の基礎を与えていることは良く知られている.これに対して,コープランドが提案したマネーフロー表が,SNA の表象形式に重要な基礎を与えているという事実は,あまり認識されていない.初学者に93SNAの表象形式が一見複雑に見えるのは,これがモノではなくマネーをもとに発想されているからにほかならない.そこで本稿においては,マネーフロー表の構想を特徴づける重要な論点,すなわち制度部門別勘定,バランスステートメントと複々式記帳,現金主義と取得価額主義に焦点をしぼり,この3つの観点から現行の93SNAの表象形式を再検討する.
石林 健一 崎村 祐介 俵 広樹 林 憲吾 加藤 嘉一郎 辻 敏克 山本 大輔 北村 祥貴 角谷 慎一 伴登 宏行
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.55, no.3, pp.217-224, 2022-03-01 (Released:2022-03-31)

症例は45歳の女性で,20年前にくも膜下出血による水頭症に対して脳室腹腔シャント(ventriculoperitoneal shunt;以下,VPSと略記)挿入術が施行された.意識障害があり当院を受診し頭部CTで脳室拡大を認め,脳室ドレナージが施行された.VPSの閉塞が疑われ施行した全身CTでVPSチューブが上行結腸を穿通しており,治療目的に当科紹介となった.開腹するとチューブ状の繊維性被膜が上行結腸に付着しており,繊維性被膜を全周性に剥離するとVPSチューブが同定できた.VPSチューブを結紮,離断し,腸管に穿通しているカテーテルは抵抗なく抜去できた.腸管の瘻孔は縫合閉鎖した.VPSチューブ腹側端は髄液漏出を確認し,繊維性被膜内から出さずに閉腹した.術後第9病日に脳室ドレーン感染からの髄膜炎を来し,VPSチューブの全抜去を施行した.まれなVPSの消化管穿通の1例を経験したので報告する.