9 0 0 0 OA 鹿苑日録

辻善之助 編
vol.第三卷, 1935
石原 恵子 長町 三生 大崎 紘一 石原 茂和 辻 昭雄
一般社団法人 日本人間工学会
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.34, no.1, pp.9-16, 1998-02-15 (Released:2010-03-12)
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市販の色セロファンを使った75歳相当の透過率をもつ眼鏡を用いて, 高齢化に伴う眼の水晶体の黄変化を模擬体験し, 高齢者の視界が日常生活にどのような影響を及ぼしうるかを調査した. 食事の場面・買い物・道路で調査した結果, (1) 色が変わってみえるだけでなく, (2) 色による区別がつきにくくなる, (3) 液体など不定形のものが知覚しにくい, (4) 立体感や奥行き感が減少する, (5) 光るものがみづらい, ことがわかつた. 具体的には, 食品の鮮度を誤認したり飲み物の種類や量がわかりにくい, 商品の区別が困難, 段差への対処が遅れるなどの生活上の困難があげられた. 色紙を用いた実際の高齢者による色の同異判断実験では, 黄と白, 青と緑, 濃青と黒, 紫と濃赤という, シミュレーションで誤認しそうな色の組み合わせに対して同じように誤認する高齢者がいることが確認され, ヒアリングでもシミュレーションであげられた困難に関連する事柄があげられた.
大隈 一裕 松田 功 勝田 康夫 岸本 由香 辻 啓介
Journal of applied glycoscience (ISSN:13447882)
vol.53, no.1, pp.65-69, 2006-01-20

In 1988 we recognized glycosylated components in pyrodextrin and started a study to obtain an amylase-resistant ingredient. We succeeded in establishing a series of processes for industrial-scale separation of the indigestible component with superior appearance and taste by roasting starch (pyrolysis), enzymatic hydrolysis, purification, chromatographic fractionation and spray drying. The component was named indigestible dextrin (ID). In order to utilize ID as a source of dietary fiber, a low-calorie ingredient, and a physiologically active ingredient, we first confirmed that ID is a highly safe ingredient by conducting an acute toxicity study, a mutagenicity study, long-term administration studies in both rats and humans, and a study of diarrhea caused by long-term consumption. A novel determination method using the enzyme-gravimetric method in combination with high performance liquid chromatography (enzyme-HPLC method) was proposed to the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) and approved as Final Action Method AOAC 2001. 03 in January 2005. Animal and human studies showed the energy value of 1 kcal/g dietary fiber fraction. Based on these results, ID has been approved in many countries. Moreover, it has been confirmed by both animal and clinical studies that ID has physiological functions such as intestinal regularity, moderating postprandial blood glucose level, lowering serum lipid, and reducing body fat. As for the physicochemical properties of ID, it is similar to DE10 maltodextrin in sweetness and browning property. The properties of not being fermented easily by yeast or lactobacillus impart an interesting characteristic to beer and lactic acid drinks. At present ID is commercially available for use in a wide range of food products not only in Japan but also in many countries around the world.
辻 大和
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.28, no.2, pp.109-126, 2012-12-20 (Released:2013-01-24)
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In this review I introduce the literature concerning variations in the feeding ecology of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), for which many Japanese primatologists have collected data for more than 60 years. Specifically, I review 1) temporal, 2) spatial, and 3) inter-individual variations in the feeding ecology of the macaques. Food resources of the macaques in habitats exhibit temporal shifts (in short-term, seasonal change, and inter-annual change), which consequently affect feeding-related behavior, such as ranging patterns, activity budgets, and degree of crop-raiding. On the other hand, temporal changes in feeding sometimes affect inter-specific relationships. Food environment differs regionally, which is attributed to forest productivity and flora, and/or physical conditions such as temperature and snowfall. The feeding ecology differs even between neighboring troops inhabiting different forest structures. A troop of macaques consists of males and females of different ages and social ranks whose nutritional demands vary. Such inter-individual variation within group affects their feeding ecology, which consequently affects population parameters through competition over food resources. Variation in food habits would affect other ecological phenomena, such as seed dispersal and plant community structure. Finally, I discuss several challenges facing future studies of the feeding ecology of Japanese macaques.
篠原 尚吾 山本 悦生 田辺 牧人 辻 純 宗田 由紀 坂本 達則 金 泰秀 寺下 健洋
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.92, no.7, pp.779-783, 1999-07-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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Papillary microcarcinomas (PMCs) which are 1.0cm or less in diameter are a specific subgroup of thyroid cancer. As the prevalence of these tumors found in autopsy cases was reported to be 10 to 28.4% in Japan, the necessity of surgical treatment of PMCs has been questioned. However, PMCs are often found in conjunction with advanced metastases in cervical lymph nodes, lung, etc..We reviewed eight cases with PMCs revealed by the presence of cervical metastases over the past 10 years. Five cases were revealed by manifest cervical lymph node metastases. Two of the other three cases were operated on for treatment of metastatic lesions subsequent to other diagnoses, notably a parotid tumor and lateral cervical cyst. The PMCs were revealed in a postoperative histological study of these two cases. The remaining case was discovered incidentally during neck dissection for laryngeal cancer. Preoperative ultrasonography was undertaken in seven cases. Two cases showed multif ocal small high echoic spots without tumors and one case showed no abnormal findings in the thyroid.In all cases, total thyroidectomy, unilateral or bilateral neck dissection and postoperative radioiodine scintigraphy were performed. Multifocal tumors in the thyroid were proven histologically in four cases. In one case, the primary lesion was not found even in a postoperative histological study.In accordance with these observations, PMCs revealed by cervical metastases shoul be treated as advanced thyroid carcinomas.
高木 大資 辻 竜平 池田 謙一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.26, no.1, pp.36-45, 2010

In this study, we examined crime control in local communities through interpretations mainly from social capital. Using data obtained from a mail survey in an urban area, we investigated the effects of cooperative behaviors promoted by individual-level or macro-level social capital in neighborhoods on the number of respondents' crime victimizations. The results show that the network size of cooperative acquaintances at the individual level promotes the number of respondents' cooperative behaviors. Moreover, having a neighborhood where greeting and standing talking are frequent promotes respondents' cooperative behaviors. It is also suggested that cooperative behaviors aggregated at the macro level have an inhibitory effect on the number of victimizations in terms of "burglaries of the communities."
大久保 修三 黒川 忠英 鈴木 徹 船越 将二 辻井 禎
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.56, no.3, pp.259-269, 1997

Generation of the streak-like flash in the inner-fold of the mantle in Ctenoides ales was investigated by video-camera recording, and stereo, light, fluorescence and electron microscopy. The stereo microscopy revealed the presence of a pale white band along the entire width of the marginal edge of the shell side surface of the inner fold. Since the flashing could not be seen in the dark, it was not due to the luminescence but the reflection of light. The light microscopy showed that the band region consisted of about ten rows of epithelial cells, cylindrical and 40 μm tall and 10 μm wide. The cytoplasm was densely filled with fine granules, eosinophilic in H-E staining. Under the electron microscope, those granules appeared as electron-dense vesicles, 0.5-0.6 μm in diameter, each containing a highly electron-dense spherical core, 0.2-0.3 μm in diameter. The cell had a nucleus, few mitochondria and lysosomes, however, other cellular organelles such as Golgi apparatus, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum were not evident, in the present observation. We assume that the electron-dense vesicles packed in the cytoplasm function to reflect light strongly. This highly reflecting structure found in C. ales is quite different from those have been reported in eyes of scallop and squid, and in iridophores of giant clam, cuttlefish, long-spined sea urchin and of fishes. The video observation showed that the mantle made a movement to roll the white band towards the shell-side and then, within a second, the rolling movement was released. The phase of the movement was different by the portions of the mantle, and the mantle edge made a wave-like motion. When the pale white band was hidden by the roll, the reflection of light disappeared. When the rolling was released, the reflection of light reappeared. Since the "roll and release movement" repeat quickly, it looks as though a streak-like flash run along the mantle margin.
河西 ひとみ 辻内 琢也 藤井 靖 野村 忍
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.57, no.1, pp.59-68, 2017 (Released:2017-01-01)

本研究は, 過敏性腸症候群 (IBS) の軽快・治癒プロセスを明らかにすることを目的とし, 主観的に軽快・治癒に至った7名のIBS患者にインタビューを行った. 分析には質的研究法の複線径路等至性モデル (Trajectory Equifinality Model : TEM) を使用した. 結果, プロセスは3型に分けられ, すべての型が 「IBS症状の発現」 から 「とらわれ」, 次に 「対処行動」 と 「IBS症状の一部軽快」 に至るまでは同じ径路をたどったが, 以降の径路は 「環境調整」 と 「心理的葛藤に直面」 に分岐した. 分岐後は, いずれの径路を選択した型も, サポート資源を受け取ることによって, すべての型において 「受容的諦め」, 「人生観の変化」, 「IBS体験への肯定的意味づけ」 という認知的変容体験を経て, 主観的な軽快・治癒に至った. また, 7例中3例において, 他者からの受容・共感と, 変化への圧力の相補的な働きがプロセスを推し進めた可能性が示唆された.
辻原 万規彦 角 哲 青井 哲人
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.23, no.53, pp.303-308, 2017 (Released:2017-02-20)

The existence of the fire insurance maps for the area under the Japanese mandate before World War II had not been previously confirmed. However the fire insurance maps for Karafuto (Sakhalin), Taiwan and Asahikawa, Hokkaido, before World War II were newly discovered at the Chiyoda City’s Hibiya Library & Museum. In addition, these over 380 maps were scanned and digitalized, to compare with various other similar maps in order to identify the characteristics of these fire insurance maps. These fire insurance maps contribute to our deep understanding of the urban history for these areas and cities.
脇 司 舩橋 玲二 土井 怜奈 古澤 春紀 辻村 瑠作 島野 智之
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.54, pp.49-58, 2023-02-28 (Released:2023-03-07)

From 2012 to 2021, bird surveys were carried out from Kyushu to Hokkaido, Japan, including a zoo, to find feather mites (Analgoidea Trouessart & Mégnin, 1884 and Pterolichoidea Gaud & Atyeo, 1978) from raptors including owls. In this study, we detected eight feather mite species as following: Glaucalges tytonis Dabert, Ehrnsberger & Dabert, 2008, Hieracolichus nisi (Canestrini, 1878), Kramerella bubonis (Lönnfors, 1937), Kramerella aprotuberantia Dubinin, 1953, Dermonoton longiventer (Mégnin & Trouessart, 1884), Petitota aluconis (Buchholz, 1869), Pseudalloptinus aquilinus (Trouessart, 1884) and Pseudalloptinus milvulinus (Trouessart, 1884).Two of the mite species, G. tytonis and Ps. aquilinus, were only sampled from bird hosts born in the zoo of Japan but they probably originated from oversea. The five of the eight species, Hi. nisi, K. bubonis, K. aprotuberantia, D. longiventer and Pe. aluconis were first reported in Japan. Among them, Hi. nisi was detected only from endangered bird host species Aquila chrysaetos (Linnaeus, 1758)(EN: Endangered). For the mite species, it is important to examine the status of their populations to consider the extinction risk in Japan, because they may be threatened with extinction simultaneously with the decline of the host populations in the future. Three species of mites, G. tytonis, D. longiventer, Hi. nisi were first reported from the hosts Bubo bubo (Linnaeus, 1758), Strix uralensis Pallas, 1771, Haliaeetus albicilla (Linnaeus, 1758), respectively. The Ps. milvulinus was also the first reported from the hosts Buteo japonicus Temminck & Schlegel, 1844 and A. chrysaetos.
辻本 直秀 阿部 浩明 大鹿糠 徹 神 将文
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
pp.11443, (Released:2018-10-04)

【目的】拡散テンソル画像所見で皮質脊髄路(以下,CST)が描出されず,一方で皮質網様体路(以下,CRT)の残存が確認された脳卒中重度片麻痺者の歩行再建に向けた理学療法経過について報告する。【対象】動静脈奇形破裂による脳出血発症から約1 ヵ月後に当院へ入院された10 歳代後半の男性であった。麻痺側立脚相における下肢支持性はきわめて乏しく歩行に全介助を要した。【方法】CST の損傷程度から運動機能の予後は不良であると予測されたが,CRT が残存しており,麻痺側下肢近位筋の回復を予測し,歩行再建できる可能性が高いと判断し,長下肢装具を使用した2 動作前型歩行練習を積極的に試みた。【結果】発症から約4 ヵ月後,遠位筋の回復は不良であったが近位筋優位の運動機能の回復が得られ歩行能力が改善した。【結論】重度片麻痺者の歩行練習に際し,CST の損傷の評価のみならずCRT の損傷も評価することでより効果的な治療が提供できる可能性がある。
辻 由希
選挙研究 (ISSN:09123512)
vol.29, no.2, pp.90-102, 2013 (Released:2017-12-06)

河本 毬馨 辻 慶太
Library and information science (ISSN:03734447)
no.79, pp.85-107, 2018

【目的】近年, 米国では "library as place (場所としての図書館)"という概念が広まり, 利用者が長時間滞在しやすいよう飲食を許す図書館が現れている。一方, 日本の多くの図書館では, 従来館内飲食は許されないと言われてきた。だが, 日本の館内飲食の現状や飲食許可による効果などは明らかにされていない。そこで本研究では, (1) 日本の図書館における現在の飲食方針, (2) 飲食による図書館資料への影響, (3) 図書館利用者の館内飲食に対する反応, (4) 図書館員の館内飲食に対する意見, (5) 館内飲食許可の前後における図書館利用量の変化, を明らかにする。【方法】本研究では, (a) アンケート調査, (b) 図書館利用量分析, を行った。(a) アンケートは無作為抽出した公共・大学図書館各500館に2015年5~7月に送付し, それぞれ356館, 329館から回答を得た。(b) 図書館利用量分析では『日本の図書館 : 統計と名簿』から入手した来館者数, 個人貸出総数, 参考業務受付件数が, 飲食を許した年の前後2年間ずつでどのような増加率を示しているかを調べた。【結果】調査の結果, 公共図書館の56.2%, 大学図書館の62.3%が飲み物または食べ物の利用を許していることが明らかとなった。また, 館内飲食に付随する問題として取り上げられる資料への汚れに関しては, 飲食を許した後に汚れが「目立つ」「少し目立つ」と回答した公共図書館は4.0%, 大学図書館は14.6%と比較的低い割合であることがわかった。さらに, 飲み物を許した公共図書館の来館者数の増加率の平均値は+65.7%であり, 全国の平均値+8.6%より有意水準0.05 で高いことや, 食べ物を許した公共図書館の個人貸出総数の増加率の中央値は+56.5%であり, 全国の中央値+4.1%より有意水準0.01 で高いことなども示された。因果関係の証明などは難しいものの, 飲食許可後は来館者数や個人貸出総数が増加する傾向があり, 館内飲食は図書館利用量向上に有効なサービスである可能性が示された。Purpose : While more libraries in the United States are starting to allow food and drinks as a result of the rise of the "library as place" theme, the changing policies on food and drinks in Japanese libraries have not been studied. Therefore, we investigated Japanese libraries' food and drink policies and their effect on library materials, as well as user reactions, librarians' opinions of the policies, and changes in library usage after the introduction of the policies.Methods : In 2015, we sent questionnaires to 1,000 libraries (500 public and 500 university), of which 356 public and 329 university libraries responded. We also investigated library usage (gate counts, loans, and reference transactions) both before and after the introduction of policies that allow food and drinks, and found that the numbers consistently increased after the policies were put in place.Results : The results show that 56.2% of public and 62.3% of university libraries allow food and drinks. Only 4.0% of public and 14.6% of university libraries reported that these policies resultedin noticeable stains on library materials. The gate count for all public libraries, including those that did not allow food and drinks, increased by an average of 8.6%, while that for public libraries allowing food and drinks increased by 65.7%. Public libraries that allowed food and drinks saw a median 56.5% increase in the number of library loans. Therefore, allowing food and drinks may have positive effects on library usage.原著論文
米田 諭 小林 洋三 布居 剛洋 竹田 幸祐 松森 篤史 安藤 稔 辻之上 裕久 西村 公男 福井 博
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.103, no.11, pp.1270-1273, 2006 (Released:2006-11-06)
