金子 弥生 神田 健冴
日本緑化工学会誌 (ISSN:09167439)
vol.44, no.3, pp.507-510, 2019

<p>哺乳類のハビタットネットワークの形成を行う場合,各種や生態系の生態学的な現状を把握する必要がある。日本では,キツネ<i>Vulpes vulpes</i>やニホンイタチ<i>Mustela itatsi</i>は環境に合わせて餌食物を変化させるジェネラリストであるため,都市化の進行した環境や,開発の進んだモザイク環境でも生息可能となっていると考えられる。都市の河川においては,河川敷が生息地やコリドーとしての機能を担っているが,一方で,水害防除のための河川敷の改変や構造物設置はやむをえない面がある。災害防除と生態系保全を両立する河川敷のあり方について検討するため,多摩川中流域において,消波根固ブロックの野生食肉目による利用を調査した。その結果,在来種ではタヌキ<i>Nyctereutes procyonoides</i>とニホンイタチによる利用が確認された。</p>
金子 雄介 田村 浩気 河合 伸浩 田中 俊太郎 岡 知博
デジタルプラクティス (ISSN:21884390)
vol.10, no.3, pp.492-505, 2019-07-15

佐野 梓 末次 王卓 秦 晃二郎 柊迫 美咲 片山 美幸 田中 瑠美 田島 壮一郎 グリム 理恵子 辻 敏和 渡邊 裕之 金谷 朗子 増田 智先
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.5, pp.229-235, 2018-05-10 (Released:2019-05-10)

We have disclosed 14 standardized laboratory data on out-of-hospital prescriptions since June 2015. In this study, we analyzed questions on out-of-hospital prescriptions related to laboratory data over 2 years. There were 229 prescription questions related to laboratory data (3.4% of the total prescription questions), and 79.5% of these were related to renal function. Among renal function-associated laboratory data, serum creatinine was used in most cases. The rate of prescription change after prescription questions was 66.5% for laboratory data associated with renal function, which was significantly higher (P < 0.001) than the 25.5% for other types of data. Furthermore, the clear description of dose reduction requirements on a package insert was confirmed to be one of the common factors for renal excretory drugs. Therefore, it is important to provide renal function laboratory data to facilitate the appropriate adjustment of out-of-hospital prescription doses. In addition, to enable appropriate dose adjustments using laboratory data, the description on the drug package insert should make it easy for pharmacists who are auditing prescriptions to make appropriate judgments.
金子 俊 丸井 英二
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.50, no.3, pp.156-165, 1984 (Released:2010-06-28)

The authors has introduced a newly found investigation record on the Japanese nutritional status during the war. It was published as a secret document in December, 1948, carried out by the Institute of the Ministry of Health and Walfare. It has never been cited in any historical writings on nutrition after the war. Department of Health Science investigated the physical status and diseases . On the other hand, Department of National Nutrition collected nutritional data with the food consumption survey. The survey staffs were Dr. Koya, Dr. Yamakawa, Dr. Tachikawa, Dr. Kubo, Dr. Nobechi, Dr. Sugimoto and so on. They have been famous as the members of Japanese societies of public health and allied sciences. The report includes as followings: (1) On school children; physical constitution, nutritional status, carrying luncheon and its food items, and the uses of eutrophics. (2) On pregnant women and neonatal children; body weight, morbidity rate, the items, frequency and quantity of the staple food, and the purchase of the food stuffs. (3) On salaries men in urban areas; body weight, morbidity conditions of tuberculosis and beriberi etc., quantity and quality of staple foods, food stuffs of subsidiary foods, items of snacks and the uses of eutrophics. (4) On the workers of several important factories; body weight, intake of protein and energy. As well as this survey was performed nation-widely, it was summed up and appreciated statistically as to yearly trend, region, sex, occupation and so on. This report can be evaluated not only as a basic historical record to prove the condiiton under the war, but also as a precious material to study the later nutritional effects for the people who had spent the under-nutritional period during the after the war time.
國府田 真綾 鈴木 学 金地 夏実 福本 実咲 桑原 千明 林 秀樹 亀山 千里 生木 庸寛 小原 道子 棚瀬 友啓 杉山 正
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.8, pp.395-402, 2018-08-10 (Released:2019-08-14)

Gifu Pharmaceutical Association conducted a survey on the actual situation of family pharmacists in collaboration with Gifu Pharmaceutical University in 2016. Data of 3,340 people were obtained from 342 pharmacies. A total of 2,666 patients received prescriptions in May 2017 and family pharmacists were assigned to 221 patients (8.3%). The patients group who selected family pharmacists had a greater tendency to bring all the prescriptions to the same pharmacy, to bring the medicine notebook with the prescriptions, and to buy over the counter drugs (OTC) from the family pharmacy than the group not covered by the family pharmacists. The patients ask family pharmacists for reliability, health consultation, and advice in selecting OTC. They are satisfied with family pharmacists on consultations being responded to at any time and feeling that they could ask questions that they could not ask the doctor.
太田 雅夫 金丸 輝雄 西田 毅
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.16, pp.105-177,en2, 1965-11-25 (Released:2009-12-21)

This paper is a report on the field-survey of the voting behaviour and the political consciousness of the citizens of Kyoto, the First Constituency of Kyoto Prefecture, expressed in the 30th General Election of the members of the House of Representatives which took place on 21st November, 1963.As is well-known, compared with the previous Election which was fought with the U. S. -Japanese Security Treaty as the centre of political issues, the points at issue were not clear in the last, 30th Election, and the reason for the Election not being sufficiently understood among the nation, the campaign remained on a low key from the beginning to the end. Correspondingly, the voting ratio in the whole country was 71.1%, which was the second lowest since the end of the Second World War, the first being 67.9% in 1947.In the city of Kyoto, which forms the First Constituency of Kyoto Prefecture, 58.2% was recorded, which is lower than the average of the whole country by 12.9% and is within the lowest-voting group in the country.The result was the elections of two Liberal-Democrats (Ministerial Conservatives), one Communist, one Socialist and one Democratic-Socialist. Therefore in the new political map of Kyoto, there are two Conservatives against three “Reformists, ” the Conservatives having obtained 42% of the votes cast and the Reformist parties 58%. The Communist candidate came out at the top of the members elected. Thus, the Reformist forces are strong in this constituency. The reformist tendency in the political climate of Kyoto has long been pointed out, together with the emphasis of the classical character of this city, especially in connection with its cultural characteristics.Are we to regard this Reformist tendency of Kyoto as being the same as the tenacious strength of the Reformists in large cities, such as Tokyo and Osaka, where the organized forces, with workmen in large and small factories and white-collars as the centre, constitute their support? Or, is there any particular phenomenon in the case of Kyoto, peculiar to it and different from other regions?Further, how far are the citizens of Kyoto conscious of objective recognition of circumstances and subjective selection of value which form the two criteria of political consideration imposed upon the modern “citizens”? Upon these premises and bearing these problems in view, the writers have arranged into order the relation between voting behaviour and political consciousness based on various materials. These materials specifically include those of voting precentage and abstention, choice ox candidates —its reason and motives— points at issue, and so on. The paper lays stress on the description of the actual reality of Kyoto, and does not adopt the method of abstracting a general proposition out of the pattern in this case.
荒井裕介 大津金光 大川猛 横田隆史 馬場敬信
vol.2013, no.1, pp.219-220, 2013-03-06

重松 峻夫 金 勇一 金 丁竜 安 允玉 神代 正道 日山 與彦 AHN Yoon-Ok KIM Chung Yong MASAMICHI Kojiro KIM Yong Il

星野 宏和 此上 一也 金子 豊 佐々木 雅範
一般社団法人 日本写真測量学会
写真測量とリモートセンシング (ISSN:02855844)
vol.56, no.5, pp.248-251, 2017 (Released:2018-11-01)

SLATS is the first test satellite of JAXA to demonstrate operations at “super low orbit”below 400 km altitude, almost never used for long-life remote sensing. Lower altitudes will bring benefits for Earth observation such as higher resolution optical imaging and higher Signal/Noise ratio of Synthetic Aperture Radar. Small and High Resolution Optical Sensor (SHIROP) is a panchromatic camera to achieve under 1 meter resolution from super low altitudes. Pointing accuracy and image quality, which are influenced by atmospheric drag, ion engine and Time Delay Integration (TDI), are going to be evaluated. Techniques acquired by SLATS are planned to be used for future regional observation.
海老名 敏明 金上 晴夫 桂 敏樹 青沼 賢治 白石 晃一郎
呼吸と循環 (ISSN:04523458)
vol.7, no.4, pp.401-409, 1959-04-15

I.まえがき 機能的残気量(Functional Residual Capa—city,以下F.R.C.と略す)の測定は,慢性肺気腫の診断並びにその程度の判定上大切であるばかりでなく,慢性肺疾患に於ける代償性肺気腫の有無,肺葉切除術後の残存肺膨脹の状態を知る上にも重要である。 F.R.C.の測定はかなり前から行われ,1932年のChristie1)の論文では当時まで発表されたF.R.C.の測定に関する約47篇の論文の詳細な考察を行いVan Slyke and Binger2)の方法が最も信頼性の高い方法であると述べている。この方法は水素をIndicator Gasとして用いているがChristieは之を改良し,爆発の危険性を除くために窒素をIndicator Gasとして用いる閉鎖回路法を発表した。この方法はその後かなり長く用いられ,閉鎖回路法としてはわが国では現在も尚行われている。1939年J.McMichaelはChristieの方法を追試しKatharometerを用い水素をIndicator Gasとして用いるConstant Volume Modificationを初めて発表した。1940年Darli—ng4)は酸素による開放回路法を発表し,その正確さ,再現性の高い点から米国その他に於て現在も尚広く用いられている。
金子 真 阿部 稔 舘 〓
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.2, no.2, pp.142-150, 1984
5 6

動的なバランス制御を必要としない多足歩行機械は, 機能的にいくつかのレベルに分類されうる.筆者らは歩行機械の最低限の歩行機能として, (i) 二次元的歩行, (ii) 不整地における本体の水平保持, (iii) 本体の絶対高さの一定保持を定義している.<BR>ところで, 上記の機能を実現するのに必要かつ十分な能動自由度はいくつになるだろうか.自由度に関する考察は, 歩行機械を開発する際の基本のように思われるが, この問題についてはまだ十分に研究されていない.<BR>このような観点から, 本論文では静的安定でかつ最少の足数を有する4足歩行機械を使って能動自由度について調べている.その結果, 上記機能を実現する必要かつ十分な能動自由度は"6"であることを示している.
齊藤 美佐子 青木 正紀 金子 菜穂 早川 純子 西成田 進
一般社団法人 日本臨床リウマチ学会
臨床リウマチ (ISSN:09148760)
vol.19, no.1, pp.61-67, 2007-03-30 (Released:2016-12-30)

A 64-year-old man was diagnosed with MPO-ANCA-related systemic vasculitis in March, 2004, because of multiple mononeuropathies, an interstitial pneumonia, a rapidly-progressive glomerulonephritis which was demonstrated by a biopsied-specimen from kidney. High dose intraveneous methylprednisolne bolus-therapy following an oral prednisolone were transiently effective. In August, 2004, the serum level of MPO-ANCA elevated again, and a macular purpura appeared in both arms. A hundred mg/day of oral cyclophosphamide was added to the prednisolone. In February, 2005, he was re-admitted to our hospital because of muscle weakness of extremities mainly in the left arm and leg. Laboratory examination showed a pancytopenia, high serum levels of ferritin (more than 3000μg/ml) and of MPO-ANCA. Bone marrow-aspirated smear showed a number of hemophagocytosis by macrophages. His general status worsened with continuous pyrexia and a decreased level of consciousness. He died in April, 2005, in spite of the treatments including several antibiotics and anti-fungal agents. An abscess formation in the right frontal lobe demonstrated by the autopsy seemed to be responsible for his final outcome. Histologically, the narrowing of lumen and thickening of small vessels in several organs such as kidneys and lungs were observed. In this case, the serum levels of cytokines such as INF-γ, TNF-α, which play an important role for the pathogenesis of hemophagocytic syndrome were undetectable. On the other hand, the serum levels of IL-6, IL-10 and soluble IL-2 receptor were high. These cytokine profiles were compatible with those in compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome (CARS) which reflects a cachexic condition but not systemic vasculitis nor hemophagocytic syndrome.