鈴木 孝昌
環境変異原研究 (ISSN:09100865)
vol.25, no.2, pp.119-125, 2003 (Released:2005-08-19)
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The transgenic mouse mutation assay was developed as a striking new tool for mutation research in 1990. This assay enables the detection of mutations in a transgene in multiple organs including germinal tissues and thus reveals organ-specific genotoxicity of the mutagen. Following its introduction in MutaMouse and Big Blue mouse systems, modification of the methodology, mainly the introduction of the positive selection system and development of other transgenic animal models including rat, improved and assured the relevance of the assay. Accumulation of experimental data suggests the transgenic mouse mutation assay can be used as a standard in vivo test for mutagenesis.We have developed a multi-endpoint test, by combining the peripheral blood micronucleus assay with the transgenic mouse mutation assay. This test allows simultaneous detection of clastogenecity and mutagenecity in vivo. Since these two endpoints indicate different characteristics of the mutagen, data from many chemicals suggest the importance of detecting both endpoints. With this approach, the transgenic assay could detect the mutagenecity of diethylnitrosamine, which failed to be detected in micronucleus assay.Another important advantage of this assay is its suitability for sequence analysis. Sequencing of the transgene enables to draw mutagen-specific mutation spectrum, a molecular signature of the mutagen, and is very useful to deduce the mechanism of mutagenesis. In this regard, we have intensively used a positively selectable target gene ‘cII’. This gene is relatively short (300 bp) which made the sequencing process easier and less time consuming and enables us to generate data on mutagenesis of several mutagens. We hope the database will be useful for molecular epidemiology in future.A quantitative comparison of carcinogenic and mutagenic potency of chemicals revealed a good correlation with transgenic mutation assay and therefore suggesting a usefulness of this assay for the quantitative risk assessment.
鈴木 輝彦 延澤 志保 太原 育夫
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.24, no.1, pp.178-190, 2009 (Released:2009-01-06)

Tierra and Avida are well-known models of digital organisms. They describe a life process as a sequence of computation codes. A linear sequence model may not be the only way to describe a digital organism, though it is very simple for a computer-based model. Thus we propose a new digital organism model based on a tree structure, which is rather similar to the generic programming. With our model, a life process is a combination of various functions, as if life in the real world is. This implies that our model can easily describe the hierarchical structure of life, and it can simulate evolutionary computation through mutual interaction of functions. We verified our model by simulations that our model can be regarded as a digital organism model according to its definitions. Our model even succeeded in creating species such as viruses and parasites.
平尾 努 鈴木 潤 磯崎 秀樹
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.24, no.2, pp.223-231, 2009 (Released:2009-01-20)
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We derived the oracle summary with the highest ROUGE score that can be achieved by integrating sentence extraction with sentence compression from the reference abstract. The analysis results of the oracle revealed that summarization systems have to assign an appropriate compression rate for each sentence in the document. In accordance with this observation, this paper proposes a summarization method as a combinatorial optimization: selecting the set of sentences that maximize the sum of the sentence scores from the pool which consists of the sentences with various compression rates, subject to length constrains. The score of the sentence is defined by its compression rate, content words and positional information. The parameters for the compression rates and positional information are optimized by minimizing the loss between score of oracles and that of candidates. The results obtained from TSC-2 corpus showed that our method outperformed the previous systems with statistical significance.
原田 雅史 舘 和幸 鈴木 泰彦 池野 順一 梅村 晋
一般社団法人 日本レオロジー学会
日本レオロジー学会誌 (ISSN:03871533)
vol.34, no.2, pp.71-75, 2006 (Released:2006-06-14)

Viscosity is a key property controlling the appearance of automotive coatings. However, the direct measurements of the viscosity in automotive coatings have not been achieved, since the automotive coating is a complex system consisting of a multilayer where mass transfer occurs between each thin layers. Using the laser trapping method, we have developed a rheometer to realize non-destructive viscosity measurements of the multilayers. Applying the new rheometer to automotive coatings, the viscosity has been estimated for (A) a clearcoat itself, (B) a clearcoat on a basecoat, and (C) a clearcoat on a basecoat and a surfacer. The results demonstrate an increase of viscosity in the order of (A) < (B) < (C), depending on the thickness of the lower layers. The viscosity increase suggests that the concentration of the clearcoat is likely to increase due to the diffusion of the solvent into the lower layers.
鈴木 宏正 岡本 基 金井 崇
情報処理学会研究報告グラフィクスとCAD(CG) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1999, no.70, pp.1-6, 1999-08-23

三角形メッシュモデルを、特に低価格ハードウェア等で、効率的に描画するためには、グラフィックスパイプラインに発行される頂点数を削減することが重要であり、代表的な方法として、PM表現(Progressive Mesh)と頂点共有表現がある。前者は、ポリゴンの可視性に注目して、動的にモデルの詳細度を変更するLOD (level of Detail)の一種であるが、複雑なデータ構造を必要とする。一方後者は、連続する三角形で頂点を共有するもので、データ構造が単純でまたメモリー効率もよく、広く利用されている。しかし、原理的に1枚1枚の面の生成削除を行うPMに適用することは難しい。本研究では、頂点共有表現の一つであるFAN構造に対して、PM的なLODを適用するProgressive Fan表現法について提案する。試作システムによって頂点発行数を40%程度削減できるLODができることを示した。For efficient rendering of triangular meshes, particularly on a low level graphics hardware, it is critical to reduce the number of vertices passed to the graphics pipeline. Two types of approaches have been used, PM (Progressive Mesh) and vertex sharing by STRIP and FAN structures. The former is a kind of LOD (level of detail) technique, which can dynamically controls the number of vertices according to the visibility of the model. It, however, requires complex polygonal representation. The latter is a traditional technique for representing polygons in a simple data structure of small amount of memory, but does not easily fit to LOD scheme. This paper proposes a LOD technique named Progressive Fan based on FAN data structure. A prototype system is developed to demonstrate that the technique can reduce the number of vertices passed to the pipeline by about 40% in LOD process.
鈴木 仁一 山内 祐一 堀川 正敏
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.17, no.5, pp.292-298, 1977-10-01

β-ブロッカーが循環器系心身症の愁訴改善に有用であるとの報告は1965年にすでになされているが, われわれは, 精神薬理学的実験によって, その作用機序を解明することにした。実験対象は冠不全 5,NCA 5,本態性高血圧症 2,陳旧性心筋梗塞 1 の合計13例で, いずれも発症または経過に心理的要素が重大な影響をもつ心身症例である。これらの患者に, われわれの考案した鏡映描写試験により心理的ストレスを与えると, 動悸, 前胸部不快感などの自覚症状が発生するだけでなく, 血圧の上昇, 心拍数の増加, 心電図上で不整脈, ST-T異常が起こり, しかもその異常は尿中カテコールアミンの排泄増加および血中カテコールアミンの指標としてのFFAの増加と正の相関を示す。そこで鏡映描写試験前にβ-ブロッカーを内服させて前処理をしてみたところ, 自覚症状は発生せず, 血圧上昇, 心拍数増加は推計学的に有意の差で阻止され, 心電図にも異常所見は現われなかった。しかし, 尿中カテコールアミンおよび血中FFAは非処置群と同様に増加していた。以上のことにより, β-ブロッカーは心理的原因によって起こる循環器系異常を, 生体が生理的に反応してくる以前に, β-受容体の段階で阻止できることを明らかにすることができた。
鈴木 源太 岩本 健嗣 高汐 一紀 徳田 英幸
情報処理学会研究報告システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム(OS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2004, no.63, pp.65-72, 2004-06-17

写真撮影によって,写っている情報家電やセンサの情報を取得する環境情報スナップショットを開発する.撮影したデジタル写真は,情報家電やセンサ上のアプリケーションを起動する視覚的なコンソールとなる.ホームネットワーク環境おいては数多くの情報家電やセンサが配置されると予想されるが,それら実際の機器と,それらのネットワーク上の情報をどのように結びつけて取得するかが課題である.我々の提案するu-Photoでは,情報家電やセンシングエリアを写真に取ることで,それらのネットワーク上のアプリケーション情報をデジタル写真上にGUI として付加し,そこからすぐに情報取得や,アプリケーション起動が実現できる.加えて,ビデオの再生中といった動作中のアプリケーションの状態も写真の視覚情報とともに取得し,u-Photoを通じて他の情報家電への同じ作業の再現といった複数機器間の協調動作も実現できる.In this paper, we describe a novel method u-Photo for capturing contextual information of networked appliances and sensors in ubiquitous home network environment. In ubiquitous home network environment, it is difficult for users to understand the likage of the physical and virtual world. In u-Photo, users can get intuitively embedded contextual information by taking photographs and start distributed application from the photograph without any configuration of destination such as IP address. In addition, u-Photo also records status of application to realize multi-device collaborative appliications such as suspend/resume of user's task.
鈴木 生郎
The Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.41, no.1, pp.15-28, 2008

The paradox of coincidence, a paradox about the relation between a material object and its stuff, has been paid a great attention to in recent metaphysics. In this paper, I compare two influential approaches to this paradox; sortalism and fourdimensional worm theory, and defend sortalism. I give the following two arguments. (1) Worm theory, like sortalism, must introduce sortal concepts to resolve the paradox. So both approaches owe the (almost) same theoretical burden to explain how sortal concepts work. (2) Worm theory, unlike sortalism, introduces sortal concepts in a very problematic way.
西塔 宏二 岩谷 幸雄 鈴木 陽一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. EA, 応用音響 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.104, no.247, pp.1-6, 2004-08-13

川瀬 悠 姜巍 永柳圭史 濱野 元樹 若山 公威 岩田 彰 白石 善明 鈴木 秀昭 藤田 充 吉川 泰男
情報処理学会研究報告高度交通システム(ITS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2008, no.25, pp.43-50, 2008-03-07

モバイルアドホックネットワーク技術の車車間通信システムへの利用が注目されている.車車間通信の用途は運転手や同乗者の快適性向上とリアルタイム性の高い安全情報の伝達の大きく2 つに分けられる.用途および通信相手によって通信に求められる要求は異なり,複数の要求を同時に満たすシステムが必要である.そこで我々は,周辺車両の位置情報をネットワーク制御の付加情報とするプロアクティブ型のルーティングプロトコルをベースに,車車間通信に求められる機能を内包するアドホックネットワークシステムを提案し,実車実験を行って性能を評価する.Mobile Ad-hoc network is expected to be used for the Car-to-Car communication system.The usage of Car-to-Car communication system is classi ed into pro t service for driver and fellow passengers and high real-time vehicle safety services. Because the demand needed by the communication is di erent depending on the usage and the other party of the communication, the system that meets two or more demands at the same time is necessary. So, we proposed the Car-to-Car Ad-hoc network system based on routing of proactive that uses location, and experimented on it by using the car.
鈴木 雅洋 上平 員丈 安部川 卓也
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. PRMU, パターン認識・メディア理解 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.106, no.538, pp.83-86, 2007-02-15

鈴木 一隆 豊田 晴義
映像情報メディア学会誌 : 映像情報メディア (ISSN:13426907)
vol.61, no.12, pp.1774-1778, 2007-12-01
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High-speed, minute eye movements such as ocular microtremors (OMTs), flicks and saccades contain important information about the health of the subject. Since OMTs have a frequency as high as 100Hz and minute angular displacement as low as 0.01 degree, measuring the speed and position of OMTs with adequate accuracy under non-contact conditions in the long-term is difficult. To measure a living sample stably and reliably, we have developed a novel system for measuring eye movement by combining an intelligent vision system and the corneal reflex method. The intelligent vision system has both high-speed and real-time parallel image processing capabilities, which measure to a high level of precision at 1KHz. We have carried out basic experiments using a simulated eye in conjunction with experiments on OMTs and saccade measurements. The results of these experiments confirmed that such a system is sufficiently accurate.