岡部 千鶴
久留米信愛女学院短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13487310)
vol.27, pp.57-66, 2004

Last year, the Nishitetsu Railroad Company in Fukuoka, started a new service-a railway carriage reserved for women only, and this was welcomed by most women. According to our research, one in four women reported she had suffered from molestation in a train in the past year. Now a lot of women get on this particular carriage. Others who don't use this service say it is inconvenient for them when changing trains or when in a rush to the exit, because the last carriage is arranged for this reserved service. What suffers women more is that they could do nothing during or after the harassment. Society must recognize that the molester harassment is a crime. We should develop more guidance in schools, companies and other public forums to help resolve this issue. The "Women-Only Carriage Service" can help raise our awareness to prevent discrimination against women in Japanese society. And we must look at other solutions to cope with this situation.

151 0 0 0 OA 後漢書 120卷

(劉宋) 范曄 撰
vol.21, 1600
藤井 利江 山口 裕幸
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.4, pp.135-148, 2003-03-31

The purpose of this study was to grasp the actuality of undergraduates question behaviors in classes, and to examine factors affecting them. In study 1, observation of undergraduates' question behaviors was conducted. As a result, the question behaviors were classified into four styles: 1.voluntary style, 2.not-voluntary style, 3.after-class style, 4.no-question. In study 2, the questionnaire about the usual question behavior, the reason why they don't ask voluntary in classes, and factors that seemed to affect question behaviors was conducted. Subjects were 292 undergraduates. Results were as follows: (a) the tendency that students didn't ask question voluntary in classes, but ask question actively after classes was founded, (b) not only the individual characteristics, but also the class situation affected the undergraduates' question behaviors. Result of this study suggested that the undergraduates' question behaviors were affected by the existence of other students and the mood of class strongly. so that students didn't ask questions voluntary in classes.
樋浦 郷子
日本の教育史学 (ISSN:03868982)
vol.49, pp.110-122, 2006-10-01 (Released:2017-06-01)

During the prewar era, many Japanese shrines were built in Japan's colonies, such as Korea and Taiwan. This paper examines the problem of forcing the local residents to go and pay homage to the shrines and to worship the Japanese imperial deities that were supposedly housed therein. The focus of this paper is how Chosen Jingu, built in 1925 and established as a highly-ranked shrine in the Japanese shrines hierarchy, and schools collaborated together to compel elementary school students to visit the shrine. In order to analyze this issue, this paper will examine the case of Kangakusai, one of Chosen Jingu's rituals. In Kangakusai, Chosen Jingu distributed moral training textbooks (Shushin) for first graders in almost all elementary schools in Keijo district, where Chosen Jingu was located. All of the students who received a textbook from the shrine had to go there in order to thank the imperial deities. This shows how shrine rituals like Kangakusai played an important role in the compulsion of students' worship at Chosen Jingu. Behind the enforcement of Kangakusai, one finds the leadership of the chief priests of Chosen Jingu, such as Takamatsu Shiro. In explaining what Takamatsu and other priests did, this paper demonstrates the active role played by shrine priests. They did not merely follow Japanese Government General directives but took a leading role at times in the enforcing the "Japanization" of Koreans. In addition, the mutual reinforcing relationship between shrines and schools enabled primary school students to be the most influenced sector of Korean society. In Japan, much research on colonial shrines focus on the compulsion of shrine worship from the late 1930s to 1945. However, this issue did not begin in the 1930s. This paper seeks to shed additional light on colonial shrine worship prior to the 1930s through an analysis of Kangakusai.
田島 典夫 高橋 博之 畑中 美穂 青木 瑠里 井上 保介
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.16, no.5, pp.656-665, 2013-10-31 (Released:2013-11-25)

はじめに:バイスタンダーによるBLS は,実施者に相当な精神的負担がかかると想定されるが,これに関する研究自体が少なく対策も進んでいない。そこで,バイスタンダーのストレス反応を明らかにし,心のケアに関する対策を検討することを目的として調査を行った。対象と方法:2008年8月から2011年10月までの間にバイスタンダーによるBLSが実施されて社会復帰した事案のうち,バイスタンダーの連絡先を把握している事案を抽出し,当該事案の救助に携わった者を対象に面接調査を実施した。結果:多くのバイスタンダーがさまざまなストレス反応を経験していた。また,その体験を他者に話して,自分の気持ちを理解してもらいたいと考える者が多かった。結論:BLS教育において,BLS実施によるストレスとその対処法に関する教育を考慮する必要がある。さらに対策の一環として,相談を受けるシステムを整備することが有用であり,急務であると考えられる。
鹿村 恵明 真野 泰成 小茂田 昌代 根岸 健一 佐藤 嗣道 宮崎 智
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.9, pp.1263-1273, 2016 (Released:2016-09-01)
17 10

This nationwide survey aimed to evaluate reduction of drug and medical costs due to prevention of serious adverse drug reactions through pharmaceutical inquires by community pharmacist, and investigate relation with iyaku bungyo (separation of dispensing from medical practice) rates. Using the national list of pharmacies, 10% of pharmacies were randomly selected by prefecture and asked to participate in an Internet-based survey. The survey period was 7 days, from July 21 to July 27, 2015. Of the 5575 pharmacies queried, 818 responded to the survey (response rate: 14.7%). The proportion of inquiries to total prescriptions was 2.6%. Among these, the proportion of prescriptions changed in response to inquiry was 74.9%. An estimated 103 million yen was saved by reducing drug costs, and 133 million yen was saved by reducing medical costs due to prevention of serious adverse drug reactions. Comparison of prescription change rates between pharmacies with high and low iyaku bungyo rates indicated that the proportion of prescriptions changed was significantly higher in pharmacies with high iyaku bungyo rates than in those with low iyaku bungyo rates (78.2% vs. 69.9%, p<0.01). The findings suggest that inquiries about prescriptions are useful in ensuring the safety of pharmacotherapy and reducing the cost of healthcare. They also suggest that iyaku bungyo promotes prescription changes through inquiries, leading to proper use of pharmaceutical products.
吉村 寿人 飯田 敏行
The Japanese Journal of Physiology (ISSN:0021521X)
vol.2, pp.177-185, 1951 (Released:2011-06-07)
24 32

Factors governing individual differences of temperature reaction to cold found by Lewis were studied by estimating reaction index devised in the first part of this study. Main results obtained are as follows:1. The reaction was found even a few days after birth and developed rapidly with lapse of days. The high reactivity in childhood was lessened in puberty and again it rose in young adult, after which it decreased gradually with the progress of age.2. A female adult seemed to show a little lower reactivity than a male.3. Native countries and racial specificity were proved to have an intimate relation with the reactivity, and a main factor of the influences was deduced to be the effect of training to cold.4. The Orochons were found to have the highest reactivity among all nations in Manchuria, and thus protecting themselves from frost-bite, adapted to their nomadic life in a cold country. The reactivity of Japanese adults recently came to Manchuria was the lowest of all the natives, while that of Japanese children was about the same with those of the native (the Mongols and the Chinese) children.5. A validity of training effect reported by Takahashi was ascertained, and it was proved that the effect was more remarkable on the youth than on the adult.6. Subjects of low reactivity were proved to show frequently high sympathetic tonus. Thus the tonus of autonomic nervous system had an intimate bearing with the reactivity.7. Main internal factors causing individual differences of the reaction were presumed to be differences of the following three: the morphological constitution, especially of blood vessels, the nervous control (activities) and other physiological properties of the skin. The experimental results mentioned above were explained from this point of view.

150 0 0 0 OA 子宮移植の現状

木須 伊織 阪埜 浩司 青木 大輔
一般社団法人 日本移植学会
移植 (ISSN:05787947)
vol.57, no.1, pp.9-22, 2022 (Released:2022-05-19)

A new medical technique called uterus transplantation has been considered as an option for raising children of women with uterine factor infertility. Clinical studies have already begun overseas, and 87 uterus transplantations have been performed so far, and 49 babies have been born. Uterus transplantation, like other assisted reproductive technology, involves many medical, ethical, and social challenges that must be carefully considered for clinical application. However, uterus transplantation is highly expected to bring the gospel to women with uterine factor infertility who were previously unable to raise children.

150 0 0 0 OA 枕草子春曙抄

北村季吟 [著]
vol.上, 1948
加野十次郎 著
vol.第1集, 1908