三沢 岳志 今井 雅子 井本 美子 前田 耕一 矢部 悟
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.71, no.2, pp.74-79, 2021-02-01 (Released:2021-02-01)

石坂 和明 村山 克己 伊坪 徳宏
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.3, no.1, pp.45-51, 2007 (Released:2008-05-22)
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In order to evaluate the environmental impact of Pellet stove, we executed life cycle impact assessment using LIME. Items of environmental impact assessment were 4 safeguard subjects of Human health, Social asset, Primary production and Biodiversity, and Weighting of 4 safeguard subjects. A comparison product took up Oil fan heater. As a result of the analysis, the characteristic of environmental impact of Pellet stove was clarified. In the comparison with Oil fan heater, there was relation of trade-off by item of safeguard subject. In the evaluation by weighting, the environmental impact of Pellet stove was smaller than that of Oil fan heater. Environmental domination of Pellet stove was verified.
山本 一敏 後藤 洋三 柿本 竜治 山本 幸
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) (ISSN:21854653)
vol.77, no.4, pp.I_589-I_602, 2021 (Released:2021-07-22)
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石津 智大
日本神経回路学会誌 (ISSN:1340766X)
vol.29, no.3, pp.119-134, 2022-09-05 (Released:2022-10-05)

福田 実奈
基礎心理学研究 (ISSN:02877651)
vol.38, no.1, pp.143-148, 2019-09-30 (Released:2019-12-10)

Some studies have found that a neutral stimulus can become associated with caffeine or alcohol through classical conditioning. Further, several studies have shown that the taste, smell, and sight of caffeine or alcohol (e.g., decaffeinated coffee, non-alcoholic drinks) can acquire the properties of a conditioned stimulus. In human classical conditioning, a conditioning procedure (i.e., the pairing of a conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus) and other factors (e.g., verbal information) are the sources of learning. In the present context, verbal information refers to whether participants are told that their drink is decaffeinated or non-alcoholic. The taste, smell, and sight of decaffeinated coffee (caffeine cue) or non-alcoholic beer (alcohol cue) can induce a conditioned response, even when participants know that the drink is decaffeinated or non-alcoholic. Therefore, in everyday life, decaffeinated coffee and non-alcoholic beer may change performance in coffee or alcohol drinkers.
原 直人
視覚の科学 (ISSN:09168273)
vol.33, no.2, pp.47-51, 2012 (Released:2019-11-22)

松田 晃二郎 須﨑 康臣 向 晃佑 杉山 佳生
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.45, no.2, pp.73-87, 2018-09-30 (Released:2018-10-04)
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The present study aimed to explore the psychological growth achieved by athletes during coping with the yips. We interviewed six university baseball players (mean age=21.0 years, SD=1.15 years) who experienced the yips using the episode interview method and then gathered narrative data related to the experience of the yips or the psychological growth accompanying the same. As a result of analysis of the data, it was roughly divided into two types of narratives: “narratives of negative psychological changes accompanying the experience of the yips” and “narratives of psychological growth accompanying the experience of the yips.” Further analysis of the latter yielded the following five category groups on psychological growth: “positive changes in consciousness of competition,” “changes in self-recognition,” “mental margin,” “changes in the views of a way of others,” and “deepening of understanding of competition.” These results suggest that the experience of the yips leads to negative as well as positive psychological changes in the athlete.
田所 作太郎 栗原 久
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.95, no.5, pp.229-238, 1990 (Released:2007-02-20)
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It has been well-known that a chronic abuse of amphetamines induces schizophrenia-like psychotic symptoms, namely amphetamine psychosis. When amphetamines are repeatedly administered to rodents, a reverse tolerance (behavioral sensitization) to the ambulationincreasing and/or stereotypy-producing effect is observed. The process of the reverse tolerance is affected by various factors. A clear reverse tolerance is produced when optimal doses of the drug (2 mg/kg, s.c. for mice, and 0.5 ?? 1 mg/kg, s.c., for rats) is administered at intervals of longer than 1 day rather than a shorter interval. Furthermore, the animal has to be put into a freely mobile situation during the presence of the acute drug effect. A cross reverse tolerance is observed between certain types of drugs that show an ambulation-increasing effect, although the potencies are different among the drugs. A reverse tolerance to the stereotypy (in particular sniffing and head-bobbing)producing effect is also observed when comparatively higher doses of methamphetamine are repeatedly administered. The process is qualitatively identical with the reverse tolerance to the ambulation-increasing effect produced by the repeated administration of comparatively smaller doses. The reverse-tolerance, once established, to both ambulation-increasing and stereotypy-producing effects is almost irreversible even with various treatments such as repeated post-treatment with antipsychotics. The characteristics of reverse tolerance to methamphetamine in animals might be closely correlated to the amphetamine psychosis in humans. It is also necessary to search for a method that effectively reduces the established reverse tolerance to amphetamines.
池 明観
東京女子大学附属比較文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638186)
no.48, pp.p135-160, 1987

Historiography in Korea was very much affected by Japanese colonial rule, 1905 to 1945. Some historians were inclined to describe the contemporary history of Korea using a kind of eye-witness report style. Others focussed on finding a glorious period of national history to maintain national pride. These historical writings could be regarded as nationalist histories. Shin Chai-ho and Choi Nam-sun devoted themselves mainly to Korean ancient history, tracing back to the mythological age of Dangun. Shin and Choi had in common the purpose of resisting the historiography of Japanese scholars writing about Korea who claimed that Korea had been under the sovereignty of China without having its own independence, and even that for some time in ancient times Korea had been ruled by Japan as well. Shin described Dangun as ancient kings who had also been priests. He said that the dynasty lasted about 1500 years and was followed by the Puyo dynasty, which ruled for another 1000 years. Geographically, these dynasties covered the north-eastern part of China and Korea. They kept their people in continuous struggle with the Chinese people. Shin declares that most of these historical facts were lost because the oldest history, the "Samkuk Sagi" was written in the 12th century by Kim Bu-shik, a Confucian and loyal to Chinese culture. Thus he eliminated and distorted many historical facts of ancient Korean times, according to Confucian principles. Shin attempted to document historical facts of ancient times, so as to maintain national pride, using fragmented records he found mostly in Chinese historical materials. In doing so, Shin interpreted Korean history in political terms. He hoped to strengthen the patriotism of the Korean people so that they might win their national independence. He was in exile from 1910 until 1936, when he died in a Japanese prison in Manchuria. On the other hand, Choi, who was ten years younger than Shin, inherited Shin's attitude towards Korean history, but he gradually tended to interpret Korean history in cultural terms. He remained in Korea, which was under the strict control of Japanese colonial rule, and therefore could not interpret Korean history in political terms. He hoped to search for national identity in Korean culture. This resulted in his claim that both Korean culture and Japanese culture shared the same roots in ancient times in Shinto, the religion of east Asia. Choi's original purpose was to maintain the cultural superiority of the Korean people over the Japanese, yet he compromised this stand under Japanese rule. He was made to stand trial in a Korean court after the war ended, which indicted him for his cooperation with the Japanese before 1945. We may say that the historiography of Shin and Choi demonstrates two ways of living and thinking during the dark times of modern Korea under Japanese rule. One view of history was written by a historian who was in exile-a political view that was hoped to be useful for the independence movement. The other was used by a historian who lived inside Korea and hoped to survive first and resist as much as possible within the parameters of a situation controlled by colonizers. It is unfortunate that both of them were forced to frame their historical thought largely in opposition to the interpretation of Korean history done by Japanese scholars, who based their interpretation on their discriminatory attitudes towards Korean people and on Japanese political motives. At the same time, it is a pity that under this situation, both of them overlooked many important historical truths which may be said to have been left for the next generation. It is noteworthy that at the present time in Korea, while engaging in the democratic movement, historians have adopted the nationalist history of Shin Chai-ho, hoping their historiography may cast some light on the present political dilemma.