Mohammad Al Mamun Nahid Rumana Kumkum Pervin Muhammad Chanchal Azad Nahid Shahana Sohel Reza Choudhury M Mostafa Zaman Tanvir Chowdhury Turin
一般社団法人 日本動脈硬化学会
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.30445, (Released:2015-12-18)

As a result of an epidemiological transition from communicable to non-communicable diseases for last few decades, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are being considered as an important cause of mortality and morbidity in many developing countries including Bangladesh. Performing an extensive literature search, we compiled, summarized, and categorized the existing information about CVD mortality and morbidity among different clusters of Bangladeshi population. The present review reports that the burden of CVD in terms of mortality and morbidity is on the rise in Bangladesh. Despite a few non-communicable disease prevention and control programs currently running in Bangladesh, there is an urgent need for well-coordinated national intervention strategies and public health actions to minimize the CVD burden in Bangladesh. As the main challenge for CVD control in a developing country is unavailability of adequate epidemiological data related to various CVD events, the present review attempted to accumulate such data in the current context of Bangladesh. This may be of interest to all stakeholder groups working for CVD prevention and control across the country and globe.
向本 敬洋 韓 一栄 大野 誠
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.57, no.3, pp.349-364, 2008-06-01 (Released:2008-08-13)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effects on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) of low intensity and slow-movement repetitive resistance exercise in moderately trained young men. Seven healthy trained young men (age=22±3 yr ; height=172.5±4.0 cm ; weight=69.5±8.3 kg ; VO2max=47.3±6.0 ml/kg/min) performed the following three exercise patterns on separate days : 1) high-intensity (80% one-repetition maximum : 1RM) and regular-movement repetitive exercise (1 second each of concentric and eccentric action, termed high and regular exercise (HRE) ; 2) low-intensity (50%1RM), regular-movement repetitive exercise (same movement speed as for HRE but termed low and regular exercise (LRE); and 3) low-intensity (50%1RM), slow-movement repetitive exercise (4 sec each of concentric and eccentric action, termed low and slow exercise (LSE). These three exercise patterns consisted of three sets of four exercises performed to maximum repetition. All subjects completed the three exercise sessions in a randomized and counterbalanced fashion. Oxygen consumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR) were continuously monitored during the exercise sessions and for 90 min afterwards. EPOC over 90 min was thus observed after completing the three exercise patterns. However, there were no significant differences in EPOC among the three exercise patterns. The results of this study suggest that low-intensity and slow-movement repetitive resistance exercise with maintaining muscular tension (LSE) is likely to increase EPOC to the same extent as HRE and LRE exercise patterns.
伊藤 悠真 寺田 努 塚本 昌彦
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.56, no.11, pp.2165-2176, 2015-11-15

矢田部 俊介
科学哲学科学史研究 (ISSN:18839177)
vol.9, pp.1-32, 2015-03-31

Truth theories like the Friedman-Sheard's truth theory (FS) have two rules, T-in rule and T-out rule, about introduction and elimination of the truth predicate. They look like the introduction rule and the elimination rule of a logical connective. From the proof theoretic semantics viewpoint, one might think that the truth predicate is a logical connective which is governed by these two rules. From this proof theoretic semantics viewpoint, the nature of truth is like deflationist's nature of truth. Additionally one of the most important things is that the truth predicate does not disturb the traceability of the argument from the premises to a conclusion. However, a crucial problem has been known: any criteria to be a logical connective, known as a "harmony" of the introduction rule and the elimination rule, are not satisfied because of the ω-inconsistency of FS. Such ω-inconsistency is caused by the fact that the truth predicate enables us to define paradoxical formulae of seemingly infinite-length. These formulae can be regarded as coinductive objects in terms of computer science. The reason of the failure of the harmony is that these criteria are defined not for coinductively defined paradoxical formulae but for inductively defined formulae. In this paper, we examine how we can extend the criteria for harmony for coinductive formulae.
辻 澄子 藤原 香里 柿内 雅 柴田 正 内堀(長谷) 幸子 古山 みゆき 兼田 登 尾田 美子 藤原 一也 鈴木 宏 伊藤 誉志男
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.34, no.4, pp.303-313_1, 1993-08-05 (Released:2009-12-11)
1 1 3

生鮮及び加工食品合計213種類 (864検体) について, 呈色陽性物質を除去して亜硫酸量 (SO2として) を算出する改良ランキン-比色法を用いて, 亜硫酸の天然由来含有量を測定した. 生鮮食品中の亜硫酸の天然由来含有量が多いものの大部分は含硫化合物を含有する食品であり, 10mg/kg以上含んでいるものはワケギ, 小玉ネギ, 白ネギ, 青ネギ, 玉ネギであった. それ以外のものは, いずれも5.0mg/kg以下であった. 加工食品中の亜硫酸の天然由来含有量は生鮮食品に比べて低く, すべて10mg/kg以下であった.
小林 龍生
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.55, no.11, pp.802-809, 2013-02-01 (Released:2013-02-01)

“本”を“本”たらしめている根幹は,紙葉を一定の順序で並べて固定化する製本という行為にある。EPUBでは,spine情報がこの製本という行為に相当する。本稿では,製本という行為の果たした役割を “本”の歴史と読文行為(文書を読むこと一般)の中で相対化することにより,電子化ネットワーク化された文書一般と電子書籍の関係を考察し,将来の電子書籍の在り方についての1つの可能性を示す。
峰久 和哲
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.77, pp.39-58, 2010

Japanese public opinion polls have introduced by GHQ after WWII, and they also have improved the quality much better than before by the cooperation with news organizations and mathematicians. Due to the start of election situation survey by Asahi newspaper at The House of Representatives election in 1958, public opinion functioned much important rolls with the election news by news organizations. For long time, search procedures are mainly examined by visiting each object person by examiners, however, since 1980s, each news organization attempted to use public opinion polls by telephone. After the 21 century, RDD (Random Digit Dialing) with random dialing by computers has spread. It is lower the costs and it is also easier to get survey result promptly, and then, 'Cabinet support rate' reported by more than ten news organizations each month has come and gone. However, due to the spread of cell phones, etc., this search procedure showed some limitations. Together with this fact, public opinion polls are facing huge crisis. About the issues in the society, survey object persons themselves do not form their own opinions and also do not think about the resolution, and they answer promptly to the public opinion polls. And then, the answer was easily induced by the amplification which was introduced during the making of questioners by news organizations. Following these result, we do not have to undervalue public opinion polls. They have important roles as to 'measure' the public opinions and to keep polishing fair examinations.
藤本 大士
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802249)
no.11, pp.99-120, 2015-03-13

本論文は、現在の日本における医療アーカイブズの現状と課題を概観し、今後の展望を示すことを目的とする。医療アーカイブズの構築にあたっては、医師をはじめとして医療記録に関わるさまざまなアクターの協力が不可欠である。そのため、その意義を広く知ってもらう必要があるが、その際に重要なのは訴えかける相手によって最適な説得方法を共有することであろう。本論文ではまず、患者や医師、政策立案者、そして歴史家という相手を想定し、それぞれに最適な訴え方とはどのようなものかを検討する。次に、医療アーカイブズの現状について、医療記録の分類に即しながら、それぞれのタイプの医療記録がどれほどアーカイビングされているかを確認する。このとき、日本の医療アーカイブズが直面する課題として、病院アーカイブズおよびオーラル・ヒストリー収集が十分に整備されていないことを指摘し、こういった課題を乗り越えるにあたって、イギリスおよびアメリカでの取り組みを紹介する。最後に、今後、日本における医療アーカイブズの展望として、何かしらのセンター的機関の設立を待つだけでなく、医学史研究者がアーキビストや隣接領域の研究者と協力していく必要があると提言する。This paper surveys the current archival situation of medical records in Japan. I first argue that, in order to construct medical archives, we need to gain support from diverse kinds of people who either affect or are affected by archives of medical records such as patients, physicians, policymakers, and historians. I suggest some rhetoric we could use to convince these parties that they should be invested in creating usable archives. Second, I examine what degree the medical records have been preserved, collected and arranged in Japan in terms of the various types of records. Then I point out that there has been less archival attention to hospital records and oral history on medicine so far, and introduce some cases in Britain and the United States where people have been working on these types of medical records.These cases could serve as potential models for Japan. Finally, I conclude that we need to encourage people not only to establish a center of medical history in Japan but also to reinforce the communication between archivists, historians of medicine and science, medical practitioners and citizens.
友田 泰正
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.25, pp.185-195, 1970-10-10

The problem of this article is to determine the regional differences in college enrollment ratio and to explore the determinants of these differences. The determination of the college enrollment ratio in each prefecture is not easy because the data on the exact number of re-enrollment and on the statistical universe in each prefecture are not available. In this article, I tried to determine the college enrollment (and application) ratio by including the number of re-enrollment as far as the data are available and by defining the junior high school graduates of 1964 (and 1965) as a statistical universe. There is a large variability in application ratio from 43% of Tokyo to 11% of Aomori. Generally, highly urbanized prefectures such as Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, Nara, Kyoto, Hyogo, Kagawa, and Hiroshima are high in the ratio. There is also a variability in the college enrollment ratio from 39% of Tokyo to 11% of Aomori. In order to explore the determinants of these regional differences, the following six factors were employed as independent variables: (a) proportion of administrative, managerial, and professional workers; (b) proportion of non-agricultural workers; (c) proportion of senior high school or college graduates; (d) per capita income; (e) proportion of urban population; (f) dispersion of college campuses. Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficients were computed. Results showed very high correlation coefficients: for instance, for four-year college application ratio, 0.9132 with (c); 0.9012 with (a); 0.8835 with (d); 0.8668 with (b).
添盛 晃久 小豆川 勝見 山形 武広 野川 憲夫 松尾 基之
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2012年度日本地球化学会第59回年会講演要旨集
pp.319, 2012 (Released:2012-09-01)

妖 -AYA-
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.28, 2014

松居 竜五
龍谷大学国際社会文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:18800807)
vol.9, pp.21-29, 2007-05

Creolization is a concept for a form of cultural reception in which superficial elements of a certain culture are borrowed and used apart from the original context. This concept originally came from the research of Caribbean languages transformed by the contact with the European languages, but is now applied to many cultural phenomenon occurring in the globalization. The Japanese culture which expanded its influence rapidly in these ten or fifteen years has also experienced such creolization in many countries. In this paper is analyzed such a creolization of the Japanese cultural elements, especially in the case of Ninja and Samurai in American comics.
高田 智和 小助川 貞次
国立国語研究所論集 (ISSN:2186134X)
vol.8, pp.129-140, 2014-11
