若林 秀隆
公益社団法人 日本リハビリテーション医学会
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ISSN:18813526)
vol.58, no.6, pp.627-632, 2021-06-18 (Released:2021-08-16)

大山 治彦 大束 貢生
日本ジェンダー研究 (ISSN:18841619)
vol.1999, no.2, pp.43-55, 1999-08-31 (Released:2010-08-04)

This paper considers the subject under the following heads: (i) the history about one of most important stream of men's movements in Japan; and (ii) the Menzuribumovement.In the middle of 1970's, men, got a influence from the second wave of feminism, setabout the men's movements, called Manribu in general. It seems to be not an importation from the men's movements of the United States but an original movement by Japanesemen.One organization, Otoko no Kosodate wo Kangaerukai (The Men's Group Rethinking About Childcare), founded in 1978, Tokyo, is one of frontier in the men's movements. They tried to change the oppressive men with masculinities for the non-oppressive onethrough the domestic work and childcare. We name it “domestic work and childcare type of men's movement”.Other organization, Ajia no Baibaishun ni Hantaisuru Otokotachi no Kai (The Men Against Prostitution in Asia), founded in 1988, Tokyo, asserted the oppres sivites of menagainst women.Another organization, Menzuribu Kenkyukai (Men's Liberation Research Group), founded in 1991, Osaka, is a driving force to the expansion of men's movement in 1990's. It proposes the new movement style, called Menzuribu movement, which has a distinctive features in comparison with men's movements in the United States. Moreover, Menzuribu Kenkyukai is the next leader of Menzu Senta (Men's Center Japan), founded in 1995, Osaka. It is the first men's center and, today, the core of men's movements in Japan.Menzuribu has the two meanings as follows. One is the men's movements as a whole, with the exceptation with gay movements, and the other is this Menzuribu movement.Menzuribu movement has focussed on the masculine oppressions against men, withoutanti-eminist tendencies such as masculinist men's movement in the United States. Andit has learnt a feminist viewpoint of “the personal is political”. We can say their movement is counterpart of feminist movements. These are the significance of the Menzuribu movement. Menzuribu movement has some problems to solve in its activities. They are: i)a littleof the interests gaps between 20s-30s years old and 40s-50s; ii) the lack of education program for beginners without knowledge about feminism and gender issues; and iii) heterosexism and homophobia.
曽山 いづみ
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.62, no.4, pp.305-321, 2014-06-30 (Released:2015-03-30)
1 1

本研究は新任小学校教師9名を対象に1年間計4回の継時的インタビューを行い, 新任教師の経験過程を明らかにした。1学期, 夏休み, 2学期, 3学期末以降のインタビュー時期別に, 1: 子どもへの理解とかかわり方, 2: 先生としての自分のあり方, 3: 1, 2を促進する要因, 阻害する要因, について分析を行った。新任教師は【わからなさ/難しさに直面する】【子どもの色々な姿を見る】ことを通して徐々に【自分なりの感覚をつかむ】ことができるようになっていた。一方で【先生としてのあり方に悩む】ことと【自分らしいあり方が明確になる】ことを揺れ動きながら, 教師としてのアイデンティティを模索, 形成していた。担任クラスでの困難が大きく, かつ周囲のサポートが得られにくいときには【担任としての責任の範囲】に深く悩むことが示唆された。発達過程を阻害する要因として, 1学期時はリアリティ・ショックや環境への適応が強くあったが, 徐々にその影響は小さくなっていた。同僚教師や保護者との関係は, 阻害/促進どちらの要因にもなり得, 状況文脈によってその影響は大きく変わること, 新任教師にとっては主体性の発揮が大きなテーマであることが示唆された。
桐原 奈津 坂西 友秀
埼玉大学紀要 〔教育学部〕 教育科学 (ISSN:03879321)
vol.52, no.1, pp.55-80, 2003

Sixty-eight female and 57 male undergraduate students were asked to fill in a questionnaire about their attitudes and responses toward sexual minorities (homosexual men, lesbians, and bisexuals). In Japan, many people have gender stereotypes. Gender stereotypes make students expect that both men and women will behave in line with their sexual roles. The attitudes and responses of the participants in this study toward the behavior of the minorities tend to be negative because of the large discrepancy between the expected behaviors patterns for sexual minorities and the actual patterns. We predicted that male and female students would attribute more negative traits such as indecisive, strange, and slender to the sexual minorities, and have negative reactions to them when they come out. The results were as follows: In general, male students have stronger tendencies to stress gender than female students, and were more negative to sexual minorities coming out. Participants tended not to recognize legal marriages between sexual minorities. The students with strong traditional orientations for male-centered human relations had more conservative attitudes toward the minorities than the students with weak traditional orientations. The results were discussed from the viewpoint of gender stereotypes and prejudice against minorities.
浜井 浩一 エリス トム
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.33, pp.67-92, 2008

内閣府等の世論調査によると,現在の日本では,80%を超える人が日本の治安が悪化したと感じ,同じく80%を超える人が死刑制度の存続を支持している.こうした世論や被害者支援団体等に後押しされて,1990年代後半から,日本でも厳罰化が進んでいる.Pratt(2007)のいうPenal Populismの基本は,マスコミを通して語られる市民団体や被害者支援の活動家の体験に基づいた常識的で分かりやすい声によって,司法官僚を含む専門家が刑事政策の蚊帳の外に追いやられた結果,厳罰化が進行することにある.この現象は,現在日本で起きている厳罰化によく似てはいないだろうか.小泉改革以来,力強く,常識的で,分かりやすい解決策がもてはやされるようになった.光市で発生した母子殺害事件は,その事件そのものだけではなく,9年間にわたって続いた公判の様子は,被害者遺族の言葉を通して様々なメディアで報道され,世論の強い支持を背景に,検察官の控訴,上告によって,無期懲役刑判決が破棄され,差し戻し控訴審において死刑判決が下された.この間,治安対策や刑事政策の分野でも,厳罰化に向けた施策が次々と打ち出された.しかし,もともと,Penal Populismは,アメリカのように裁判官や検察官が選挙で選ばれるなど,司法官僚の人事が政治的な影響を受けやすい制度を持っている国で起こりやすい.日本の裁判官や検察官は,司法官僚と呼ばれるように,巨大な官僚機構の一員であり,終身雇用制度のもと人事は政治からほぼ独立している.つまり,国際比較的な観点から見ると,日本は,制度的にみて,Penal Populismの影響に対して最も強い抵抗力を有している国だといえる.このことを前提に,近時の日本の厳罰化の過程を見てみると,Penal Populismとはやや異なった姿が見えてくる.最近の厳罰化に向けた法改正は,刑法,刑事訴訟法の改正や裁判員制度の創設を含めて,厳罰化に向けた量刑等の動きは,市民や被害者遺族の声が大きな原動力となって動き出したものであるが,すべて司法(法務)官僚である検察官を通して実現されたものであり,検察官の権限が縮小された制度改革はほとんどない.日本のPenal Populismの特徴は,司法官僚や刑事法の専門家が抵抗勢力とはならず,むしろ世論と一体となって厳罰化を押し進めた点にある.

13 0 0 0 OA ArXiv創設20年

国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.54, no.7, pp.415-420, 2011 (Released:2011-10-01)
1 2 7
北仲 千里
ジェンダー&セクシュアリティ (ISSN:18804764)
no.5, pp.95-109, 2010

Domestic violence typically tends to be regarded as a crime against women. Menand LGBTs (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people) who suffer violence fromtheir partners have been left out from the domestic violence prevention policy. A recent investigative survey found that some male and LGBT victims asked the DV Center for help. However, a major institutional problem is that the DV victim center was originally set up on a former existing women's support center. The definition of a sex crime is also a problem. Rape is defined as a behavior in which a man rapes a woman. The fact that there is little understanding among support staff is a major problem as well.
浜田 知久馬 中西 豊支 松岡 伸篤
計量生物学 (ISSN:09184430)
vol.27, no.2, pp.139-157, 2006-12-01 (Released:2011-09-25)
4 3

Meta-analysis is defined to be ‘the statistical analysis of a large collection of analysis results from individual studies for the purpose of integrating the findings'. Since the 1980s there has been an upsurge in the application of meta-analysis to medical research. The rapid increase in the number of meta-analysis being conducted during the last decade is mainly due to a greater emphasis on evidence based medicine and the need for reliable summaries of the vast and expanding volume of clinical studies. Over the same period there have been great developments and refinements of the associated methodology of meta-analysis. When judging the reliability of the results of a meta-analysis, attention should be focused on ‘publication bias’. Publication bias is the term for what occurs whenever the research that appears in the published literature is systematically unrepresentative of the population of completed studies. This bias can provide a flaw of the result of meta-analysis. In this article, the causes and origins of publication bias are reviewed, and then the history and some findings of publication bias in medical research are presented. Several statistical methods that have been developed to detect, quantify and assess the impact of publication bias in meta-analysis are demonstrated.
安達 圭一郎
no.11, pp.91-100, 2012-03

本研究では, 性同一性障害(Female to Male)と自称する青年(A)とのメールを通じた初期のインタビュー場面で生じたインタビュアーの逆転移とインタビュイーイメージの変遷について検討することを目的とした。インタビュアーは性同一性障害と自認する若者とは初めての関わりであったため, インタビュー開始前から多くの文献を参照し, 一般的な性同一性障害当事者達が置かれている境遇とそこにおける彼らの生きにくさに注目して関わった。こうした間接的な逆転移は, その後のA理解に大きく影響し, インタビュアー側の「焦り」「無力感」「怒り」といった逆転移感情と結びついたAイメージを生成した。さらに, そのことは, インタビュー構造の崩壊とインタビュアーのエナクトメントをも引き起こすことになった。しかし, Aのメールを転機に, インタビュアーは自己の逆転移感情に気づき, 全体的対象としてのA理解が可能となった。こうした経緯を, やまだ(2007)の対話的モデル構成法を援用して質的に検討した。This study was proposed to clarify how interviewer's countertransference and interviewee image changed through exchanging E-mail with an adolescent (A) recognizing him/her self "Gender Identity Disorder" (GID: female to male) in an early interview session. Because it was the interviewer's first time to have contact with such an individual, prior to the interview interviewer read many articles concerning GID. Interviewer imagined A as a so-called general GID patient, feeling his/her life should be hard in needy circumstances. Afterwards, interviewer's indirect countertransference influenced understanding of A and formed a partial image of A connected with interviewer's feelings (i.e., impatience, helplessness, and anger). Moreover, this situation caused partial destruction of interview setting and facilitated interviewer's enactment. However, taking advantage of E-mail from A, interviewer was conscious of the countertransference feelings and could understand A as a whole person. This process was qualitatively studied and discussed in consideration of Methodology of Dialogue Model Construction (Yamada, 2007).
星野 高
演劇学論集 日本演劇学会紀要 (ISSN:13482815)
vol.75, pp.1-19, 2022-12-15 (Released:2023-01-07)

This paper aims to demonstrate the relationship between Broadway revues and Japanese entertainment stages in the 1920s by examining one specific production. The revue style gained popularity on Japanese stages around 1930, but the influence of Broadway revues on performances on Japanese stages has not been discussed in Japanese theatre history studies. However, there were some Japanese people engaged in theatre productions who had contemporaneously watched Broadway revues in New York in the 1920s. Among such people, a female magician, Syokyokusai Tenkatsu, and her troupe performed some Broadway revues at Teigeki Theatre, Tokyo, in 1925. They did not advertise the details, but their “Jazz” songs, “Jazz Dances,” and “Sungeki” sketches at the Teigeki stage were programs picked up from some Broadway revues performed in 1924. A year before the Teigeki production, Tenkatsu's troupe performed in a vaudeville show at Hippodrome Theatre, New York, and got the opportunity to experience the popularity of those programs at the local level and judge their potential for Japanese audiences in the future. Understanding the relationship between Broadway revues of 1924 and Tenkatsu's Teigeki production can facilitate a comparison of other Japanese entertainment stages of the 1920s to Broadway revues of the same time. Tenkatsu's “Broadway revue” at Teigeki in 1925 is the key production to observe an untold aspect of Japanese theatre history in the 1920s.
関根 正
群馬県立県民健康科学大学紀要 (ISSN:18810691)
vol.5, pp.29-41, 2010-03

井上 敬介 浦山 由巳 上久木田 務 白井 俊光 白木澤 治 杉山 篤央 須藤 眞生 田中 広徳 田原 繁広 那須川 真澄 平原 茂人 堀江 匠 光吉 浩 三原 宏美 宮本 貴之 村上 大吉郎 山中 邦昭
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.17, no.1, pp.5-93, 2015 (Released:2015-08-12)

This publication has been prepared to express a sound and practical view on the better manufacturing environmental control for non-sterile pharmaceutical dosage forms, which has been discussed for several years by a special working group members of Kansai Study Group (KSG) accredited as one of the committees in Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) Japan Chapter. The opinions proposed or advanced in the document are formed for the purpose of furnishing a beneficial and valuable guide with advisability to any persons or organizations concerned in establishing appropriate manufacturing control systems for quality products.   The leading topics discussed among the WG are focused on the prevention against cross-contamination and foreign matter ingress, and categorized into five subjects composed of HVAC systems, premises, gowning, cleaning, and cleanliness standards. Constructive and earnest discussion therein has been devoted to the key processes, wherein considerable amounts of powders are handled for the successful operations of weighing, granulation, mixing, and tableting. In the expectation of good usage, many of the principles and the way of thinking presented hereupon, in particular can be applied or rearranged to a wide spectrum of other manufacturing processes for various dosage forms of non-sterile drug products.
牧野 幸志
経営情報研究 : 摂南大学経営学部論集 (ISSN:13402617)
vol.21, no.2, pp.35-50, 2014-02

本研究の最終目的は,関係崩壊時の対処においてどのような方略が用いられ,それらが関係崩壊,関係維持,関係修復にどのような影響を与えるかを検討することである。牧野(2013)では,恋愛関係崩壊時に,別れを切り出した側がどのような方略を用いるかを検討した。この研究に引き続き,本研究では,恋愛関係崩壊時において,別れを切り出された側が,どのような対処方略を用いているかを調べた。また,話し合いなどの対処方略の効果,その後の関係についても検討した。調査参加者は大阪府内の私立大学(共学)に通う大学生148 名(男性100 名,女性48 名,平均年齢19.63歳)であった。このうち恋愛経験があり,相手から別れを切り出された経験のある参加者57 名を分析対象とした。対処方略に対する因子分析の結果,関係維持懇願,説得・話し合い,恋人非難,譲歩・受容,恋人高揚,遅延方略が抽出された。対処方略の使用は,別れを切り出された側の目的により異なっていた。関係維持,関係修復を目的とする人は,関係維持を懇願したり,話し合いを行っていた。他方,相手の考えや気持ちを尊重する目的をもつ人は譲歩・受容していた。さらに,別れに怒りを覚え攻撃を目的とした人は,恋人を非難していた。対処方略の使用に性差がみられるか検討した結果,恋人非難方略において,有意差がみられた。男性よりも女性の方が恋人非難方略を使用する傾向が高いことが示された。最後に,対処方略の中で,関係維持懇願方略が関係修復に促進的効果をもっていたが,話し合い後,関係が修復した人は12.3%であった。