木村 知世 鈴木 春佳 今井 悠瑚 海老名 理紗子 玉利 舞花 中澤 聡美 横森 千佳 田中 あゆみ
和洋女子大学紀要 = The journal of Wayo Women's University (ISSN:18846351)
vol.61, pp.175-184, 2020-03-31

服飾造形学科では産学官連携の一環として、2019年7 月15日に和洋九段女子中学校高等学校講堂で開催されたコンサート「瞳みのるOne Dayひとりタイガース」の衣装製作を行った。この取り組みは、1967年に発売されたザ・タイガース3枚目のシングル「モナリザの微笑」の衣装を完全に再現し、現在に蘇らせるというものである。当時実際に着用された衣装は現存不明なため、写真などの資料から素材やパターンを推測し製作を行った。これらの活動を通して、専門分野の知識や技術の活用と連携、スケジュール管理や人材育成の経験を積むことができ、大きな教育効果を期待できることが確認できた。 本稿ではザ・タイガースのメンバー瞳みのる氏を中心としたOne Day special bandメンバーのフィッティングの様子を含め、素材の検討、パターン作成、トワル組み、本縫い、ベルトの製作、仕上げ完成までの様子を報告する。
小竹 武 松本 優里香 塚本 あゆみ 井上 知美 石渡 俊二 草薙 みか 坂野 千賀 大里 恭章 伊藤 吉將 長井 紀章
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.11, pp.786-792, 2015-11-10 (Released:2016-11-10)

We investigated whether the component in cataplasm transmitted into hemorrhoid ointment in the combined storage of hemorrhoid ointment and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cataplasm. The NSAIDs cataplasm was used as a commercially available methyl salicylate (MS reishippu “TAIHO”, MS cataplasm) and indomethacin (Catlep®, IMC cataplasm) cataplasm. In addition, the hemorrhoid ointment was in a polyethylene container with (Neriproct® ointment, DFV-L ointment) or without aluminum laminate (Posterisan® forte, HC ointment). As for the methyl salicylate, 5.68 mg / pieces in HC ointment were detected at 40 weeks of combined storage with MS cataplasm. The methyl salicylate concentration in DFV-L ointment was lower than that in HC ointment under the same conditions. On the other hand, no contamination of indomethacin in HC and DFV-L ointment was observed in the combined storage with IMC cataplasm. These results show that the methyl salicylate in cataplasm passed the polyethylene container, and provide significant information on the risk of contamination by the combined storage of cataplasm and hemorrhoid ointment.
亀井 邦裕 児玉 公信 細澤 あゆみ 成田 雅彦
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.56, no.5, pp.1351-1362, 2015-05-15

髙尾 耕平 北原 あゆみ 森岡 研介 高崎 恭輔 大工谷 新一
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.13, pp.73-76, 2013 (Released:2013-12-28)

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of a knee and ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) on normal gait. The subjects were 9 healthy males with a mean age of 23.2 ± 1.1 (range 20-31) years. Alterations in the angles of the trunk, hip, knee, and ankle were examined during walking with and without a KAFO using a three-dimensional motion analysis system (UM-CAT II). From the results, three patterns were defined, all of which could be considered types of compensation for the limitation of motion caused by KAFO.
涌嶋 三津子 王 麗麗 日高 あゆみ 藤原 佐美 中島 涼 石 娟娟 西川 禎一
Osaka Urban Living and Health Association
生活衛生 (ISSN:05824176)
vol.54, no.4, pp.271-284, 2010-10-30 (Released:2010-11-10)

Escherichia coli is a normal inhabitant of the intestinal tract in humans and warm-blooded animals; however, certain strains cause enteric disease in their hosts and are referred to as diarrheagenic E. coli (DEC). Based on distinct epidemiological and clinical features, specific virulence determinants, and other characteristic markers such as enterotoxins and adherence phenotype, DEC strains have been classified into the following six pathotypes: enteropathogenic E. coli; Shiga toxin-producing E. coli; enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC); enteroinvasive E. coli; enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC); and diffusely adhering E. coli. E. coli that does not have any diarrheagenic characteristics other than the EAEC heat-stable toxin 1 (EAST1) gene is defined as EASTEC. Although EAST1 has not been widely accepted as a virulence factor, we focused our attention on EASTEC because outbreaks due to EASTEC O166:H15 have occurred in several cities since the first incident in Osaka, Japan, in 1996. In the present review, we discuss EASTEC as a possible seventh group of DEC. Guanylin is secreted in the colon and acts physiologically as an agonist of the guanylyl cyclase receptor to regulate electrolyte and water transport in the epithelia. EAST1, like the heat-stable enterotoxins of ETEC, may mimic guanylin and cause diarrhea. However, epidemiological studies show that the EAST1 gene (astA) is very prevalent not only among EASTEC strains from diarrheal patients but also in healthy people, domestic animals, and meat products. The presence of astA itself may therefore not necessarily indicate that the strain will be diarrheagenic in the intestine. Production of active EAST1 should be checked since astA seems to have numerous variants. The development of a convenient assay for EAST1 is essential. Further epidemiological studies are also required to elucidate whether EASTEC forms a seventh group of DEC; such studies would also identify additional virulence traits such as colonization factor.
田畑 智博 縄井 あゆみ 大野 朋子
社団法人 環境科学会
環境科学会誌 (ISSN:09150048)
vol.32, no.5, pp.164-168, 2019-09-30 (Released:2019-09-30)

伊藤 嘉章 小泉 恵英 木川 りか 原田 あゆみ 白井 克也 志賀 智史 楠井 隆志 河野 一隆 早川 典子 大橋 有佳 渡辺 祐基 川村 佳男 望月 規史 川畑 憲子 森實 久美子 酒井田 千明

畑 あゆみ Hata Ayumi
JunCture : 超域的日本文化研究 (ISSN:18844766)
vol.1, pp.182-194, 2010-01-01

This paper will examine how Japanese committed documentary films of the late 1960s were particularly associated with the realism shared in the contemporary society of their time, due to their representation of individual bodies and spontaneous speech. I will especially focus on the student strike documentary Forest of Oppression, filmed by Ogawa Shinsuke and his crew in 1967. Intensive agitation against the revision of the 1951 U.S.-Japan Security Treaty (known as the 1960 Anpo tôsô) marked the height of the postwar leftist movement in Japan, mobilizing not only activist-students but also a large number of workers and city dwellers of all ages. The collective move towards repenting the past, and thereby of wishing to become active agents of history, also influenced the younger generation to go on a quest for an existential 'self' with autonomous individual subjectivity. New Left student-militants were in the thick of a struggle, not only against the policies of the current government or the authoritarianism which permeated the entire society, but also against a persistent anxiety about their equivocal selves due to the socio-political upheaval of the time and the rapid infiltration of a high-consumption culture into their everyday lives. Taking into consideration this historical context, I will show how Forest of Oppression caught moments that induced its viewers to understand the stagnant, problematic reality of postwar subjectivity through the use of an ensemble of close-up shots of bodies accompanied by quasi-synched speech. In fact, the contrast between unanchored words and solid-textured physical images reveals the fundamental inappropriateness of the impractical Marxist slogans the students repeated, and hence, evokes much speculation about how those students' insecure inner lives contrasted with their passionate words. While the historical significance of Ogawa Productions has been chiefly discussed in terms of their radical methodology, including their independent filmmaking-screening practice and their policy of shooting one subject over a long period of time, I will argue that Ogawa's early film precisely presented the symptoms of contemporary social problems and the intricate realities of people's lived experiences through formal experimentation.
中村 あゆみ 古屋 晋一 合田 竜志 巳波 弘佳 長田 典子
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.49, no.9, pp.840-845, 2013 (Released:2013-10-16)

The purpose of the present study was to assess effects of daily piano practice on speed and accuracy. When they were asked to play the trained tone sequence as fast and accurately as possible, the maximum rate of keystrokes increased after the practice, indicating enhancement of finger movement speed. This was also the case when playing an untrained tone sequence with the left hand and untrained right hand as fast as possible. A retention test, being performed two months after the final practice session, revealed no apparent deterioration of the hand motor functions, suggesting robustness of motor memory acquired through the piano practice. Finally, provision of visual feedback regarding rhythmic accuracy of keystrokes facilitated the movement accuracy, which implicates a potential of the augmented feedback for improving piano performance.
上山 あゆみ
九州大学言語学論集 (ISSN:13481592)
no.25, pp.189-213, 2005-11-30

The discrepancy between the acceptability and the grammaticality of a sentence has been known for a long time, but has not been paid enough attention. If one seriously intends to do empirical research under the generative grammarian approach, it is quite important to know why there is such conflict and how it can be dissolved. This paper proposes a comprehensive model of linguistic activity, and suggests a possible solution.
國田 祥子 山本 あゆみ
中国学園紀要 = Journal of Chugokugakuen (ISSN:13479350)
no.13, pp.131-140, 2013-06-16

重信 あゆみ
人間社会学研究集録 (ISSN:1880683X)
vol.1, pp.171-197, 2006-03-31

This paper describes various roles that Xiwangmu assumed in each historical era of China, referring to the descriptions of Xiwangmu and Nuhuo in the Chinese historiographies. Xiwangmu and Nuhuo were both revered as goddesses of hosts, and comparing these goddesses can give some insight into the relationship between the Central Dynasty and Western Regions to which Xiwangmu belonged, as well as the relationship between the Central Dynasty and the Chu Culture which Nuhuo was part of. Xiwangmu is repeatedly mentioned throughout all the twenty-five Chinese historiographies. This possibly proves that the figure of Xiwangmu had some degree of importance in the Central Dynasty and also gives an idea of how people in the era perceived Xiwangmu. Notably in Shiji and Hanshu documents, Xiwangmu is depicted taking multiple forms such as a queen of the West, goddess of longevity, and even as the name of a country. However, the uproar of the Xiwangmu religion in the "Emperor Ai" period of the Early Han was a turning point for Xiwangmu to gradually become recognized as a goddess of relief from death among the civilians. At the same time, it can be speculated that in the Central Dynasty, the conception of Xiwangmu as a guardian goddess of the Han Dynasty, which diverged from her role as the goddess of the Western Regions, started to prevail, consequently fully integrating Xiwangmu in the Han Dynasty. Here, however, there is a question of why Xiwangmu came to be viewed with such considerable importance. There appear to be two reasons for this. One reason is the conception of immortality typically associated with Xiwangmu. And the second reason is the existence value of Xiwangmu was elevated, replacing Nuhuo.
松田 光信 河野 あゆみ 先谷 亮 Mitsunobu MATSUDA Ayumi KONO Ryo SAKITANI 神戸常盤大学保健科学部看護学科 神戸常盤大学保健科学部看護学科 財団法人松原病院
神戸常盤大学 :
神戸常盤大学紀要 (ISSN:18845487)
no.5, pp.1-8, 2012

本研究の目的は、早期退院を控えた統合失調症患者の服薬アドヒアランスに影響する要因を探索し、看護実践の示唆を得ることであった。対象者は、精神科急性期治療病棟に入院中の統合失調症患者22名(男性9名、女性13名)、平均年齢44.6±13.0歳、平均罹病期間12.7±13.5年、平均入院回数2.8±3.1回、心理教育参加者15名であった。データ収集は、心理教育開催時期に合わせ、開催前にデモグラフィックスデータ、治療状況、CP換算値、機能の全体的評価、服薬アドヒアランス、服薬と病気の知識を測定し、開催後にCP換算値、機能の全体的評価、服薬アドヒアランス、服薬と病気の知識を測定した。データ分析には、強制投入法による重回帰分析を用いた。結果、服薬アドヒアランスへの影響要因は、年齢、罹病期間、職業、心理教育参加、心理教育開催前の服薬アドヒアランス(MPS、DAI-10)であり、モデル全体の78 ~ 86%が有意に説明された。これより、患者の個人特性を考慮した服薬アドヒアランスを高める支援を模索する必要性と、心理教育が患者の服薬アドヒアランス改善に向けた看護援助になり得ることが示唆された。
石井 僚 村山 航 福住 紀明 石川 信一 大谷 和大 榊 美知子 鈴木 高志 田中 あゆみ
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.18233, (Released:2019-11-15)

The study described here developed a short surrogate index for the children’s socioeconomic status (SES) using house possessions and investigated its validity. In Study 1, 192 pairs of parents and their middle school-aged children participated in a questionnaire survey. Based on the results, three items regarding possessions at home were selected for the short surrogate index out of the 17 items used in the Programme for International Student Assessment. Furthermore, the short surrogate index for the children’s SES was related to family income, parents’ academic background, and hierarchy consciousness. In addition, it was found to have good test-retest reliability, thereby demonstrating its validity. To confirm that the item selection and validity in Study 1 did not involve sampling error, Study 2 investigated the reproducibility of validity with a different sample. One hundred ninetyfive pairs of parents and their middle school-based children responded to the questionnaire, and the results redemonstrated the index’s validity. Studies in different disciplines using the short surrogate index can be conducted because SES can be both the main and confounding variable.
津田 彰 堀内 聡 金 ウィ淵 鄧 科 森田 徹 岡村 尚昌 矢島 潤平 尾形 尚子 河野 愛生 田中 芳幸 外川 あゆみ 津田 茂子 Shigeko Tsuda
久留米大学心理学研究 = Kurume University psychological research (ISSN:13481029)
vol.9, pp.77-88, 2010-03-31

ストレスへの対応といった受身的な対策を越えて,よりよく生きるための健康開発につながる効果的なストレスマネジメント行動変容を促すプログラムが求められている。とくに対費用効果を考えた場合には,集団戦略として,大勢の人たちを対象にしながら個々人の行動変容に対する準備性に応じたアプローチが必要となる。これらのニーズに応える行動科学的視点に立つ理論と実践モデルとして,行動変容ステージ別に行動変容のためのやり方(変容のプロセスと称する)を教示し,動機づけを高める意思決定のバランスに働きかけながら,行動変容に対する自己効力感を高め,行動変容のステージを上げていく多理論統合モデル(transtheoretical model, TTM)にもとづくアプローチが注目されている。筆者らは,TTM にもとづくインターネットによるストレスマネジメント行動変容の介入研究において,対象者が自ら効果的なストレスマネジメント行動に取り組むためのセルフヘルプ型のワークブックを作成し,その有効性を検証している。本稿では,効果的なストレスマネジメント行動を促すために,これらのワークブックをより有効に活用するための実践ガイドについて解説を加える。
桑村 仁 礒崎 あゆみ
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.67, no.556, pp.159-166, 2002-06-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
15 20

Ultimate behaviors of mechanically fastened shear type connections of thin stainless steel plates were investigated on the basis of quasi-static tensile test of 90 specimens. The specimens were formed from SUS 304 flat plates of 1.5mm and 3.0mm thickness and an SUS304 angle section of 3.0mm thickness, the connections of which were fastened by SUS 304 ordinary strength bolts of M12 and M16,and SUS 630 high-strength bolts of M12. Major observations are : four fracture modes, i.e., net section fracture, end opening fracture, block shear fracture, and fastener shear fracture were observed ; current design method has a difficulty in predicting the fracture mode which should take place among the four modes ; and current design formulae tend to overestimate the ultimate strength. From these facts, modified formulae for calculating the ultimate strength were proposed, which were found to provide a satisfactory prediction for failure mode and ultimate strength.