長岡 優 西田 究 青木 陽介 武尾 実 大倉 敬宏 吉川 慎

2011年1月の霧島山新燃岳の噴火に際し、地殻変動の圧力源が新燃岳の北西5km、深さ約8kmの位置に検出され、噴火に関わるマグマだまりであると考えられている(Nakao et al., 2013)。しかし、このマグマだまりを地震学的手法によってイメージングした研究例はまだない。マグマだまりの地震波速度構造を推定できれば、マグマ供給系に対して定量的な制約を与えられることが期待される。 本研究では、地震波干渉法により霧島山周辺の観測点間を伝播する表面波を用いて、マグマだまりの検出を試みた。地震波干渉法は脈動などのランダムな波動場の相互相関関数を計算することによって観測点間の地震波の伝播を抽出する手法である。相互相関関数は観測点間の速度構造に敏感であるため、地震波干渉法は局所的な構造推定に適している。 解析には、霧島山周辺の38観測点(東大地震研、京大火山研究センター、防災科研、気象庁)の3成分で記録された2011年4月~2013年12月の脈動記録を用いた。脈動記録の上下動成分どうしの相互相関関数を計算することにより観測点間を伝播するRayleigh波を、Transeverse成分どうしとRadial成分どうしの相互相関関数からLove波を抽出した。抽出された表面波の位相速度推定では、まず解析領域全体の平均的な1次元構造に対して分散曲線を測定し、次に各パスの位相速度を領域平均構造に対する速度異常として測定する、という2段階の手順を踏んだ。各パスの位相速度を用いて表面波位相速度トモグラフィーを行い(Rawlinson and Sambridge, 2005)、各グリッド点の位相速度から、S波速度構造(VSV, VSH構造)を線形化インバージョン(Tarantola and Valette, 1982)を用いて推定した。 海抜下4 km以浅の浅部では、VSV, VSH構造ともに標高に沿った基盤の盛り上がりに対応する高速度異常が見られた。VSV構造では、海抜下5 kmで霧島山の約5 km北西に強い低速度異常が現れ、海抜下10 kmにかけて深くなるにつれて、山体北西から山体直下にかけて広く低速度異常が見られたが、VSH構造ではこの低速度異常が現れず、radial anisotropyが確認された。2011年噴火の地殻変動源はこの低速度異常の北西上端に対応していることから、低速度異常は噴火に関わるマグマだまりであると推定される。さらに、この低速度異常の南東下端に当たる海抜下10 kmからさらに深部(海抜下25 kmまで)の山体下で低周波地震が発生している。以上を踏まえ、マグマは山体の真下からマグマだまり内へ供給され、北西の地殻変動源の位置を出口として浅部へ上昇する、という描像が得られた。 今後同様の手法を他の火山に適用し、マグマだまりやradial anisotropyの存在を系統的に調べることは、活動的火山のマグマ供給系を理解する上で重要だろう。
倉島 哲
人文学報 (ISSN:04490274)
no.98, pp.81-116, 2009

身体技法の習得は,身体が社会的位置の刻印を受けることで,社会構造の再生産の媒体として形成されることであると一般的に考えられている。このような理解は,身体技法の概念を最初に提出したマルセル・モースの議論にも,身体をめぐる現代的状況を考えるうえで欠かせない二人の思想家,ピエール・ブルデューとミシェル・フーコーの議論にも認めることができる。しかしながら,身体は,社会的位置の刻印を一方的に受けるだけの,可塑的な素材ではないように思われる。というのも,どのような身体技法であれ,それを身に付けようとするときに,身体が自分の思うままにならない場合があることを,われわれは経験的に知っているからである。このような,意思に対する身体の抵抗(以下,「身体の抵抗」と略記)を認めたならば,身体技法の習得を,身体に対する社会的位置の一方的な刻印として捉えることはできないのではないだろうか。本稿では,身体の抵抗を捉えることで,身体技法の習得と社会的再生産の一見して必然的な関係を解体することを目指す。その方法として,最初に,身体技法の習得と社会的再生産をめぐる理論のうち主要なものを検討し,身体の抵抗を認めることで両者の結び付きを解けることを示したい。次に,イギリスはマンチェスターにおける太極拳教室であるC太極拳センターを考察することで,身体技法の習得過程における身体の抵抗のありようを具体的に描き出すことにしたい。調査の方法としては,16ヶ月間(2006年1月~3月, 2007年1月~2008年3月)にわたって週に二回(火曜日と木曜日)の練習の参与観察を行ったほか,指導員と上級クラスの生徒の大部分(指導員2名,生徒12名)の個別インタビューを行った。The purpose of this paper is to propose a new way to understand the acquisition of body techniques, by way of identifying 'corporal resistance' in the course of the acquisition of Tai Chi techniques in a class in Manchester, UK. Conventionally, acquisition was pictured as the embodiment of the social position occupied by the agent, with the implication that the body is an infinitely plastic object that can be given any form that society demands. This picture can be identified in the theories of Marcel Mauss, Pierre Bourdieu, and Michel Foucault. Contrary to the common understanding, participant observation on the Tai Chi class has shown that agents experience their own bodies resisting their will to acquire certain techniques, and that this resistance plays a key role in the formation of motivation, cognition, and the subject. In order to gather data, I have done participant observation held at the main centre building for 16 months (January 2006 to March 2006, and January 2007 to March 2008), by joining in twice weekly evening classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition to participating in the training, I have also conducted personal interviews on most of the instructors and the regular students (2 instructors, 12 students).
小倉 圭 川村 卓 金堀 哲也 野本 尭希 八木 快 小野寺 和也
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.62, no.2, pp.511-522, 2017 (Released:2017-12-19)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the types of step adjustment performed by baseball infielders for catching a grounder in relation to skill level. The subjects were 18 amateur baseball infielders, whose fielding motions were videotaped using 2 high-speed video cameras (300 Hz). The 3-dimensional coordinates of both the toes and the ball were obtained using the DLT method. The top 9 subjects who showed small variations in the grounding point of both feet when adopting the catching posture were defined as a high-performance group, and the bottom 9 subjects were defined as an intermediate-performance group. The results obtained were as follows:  1) Baseball infielders modified each grounding point from 4 steps to 1 step before catching in order to acquire the most appropriate catching point, and the final step was highly reproducible.  2) The high-performance group showed a significantly smaller standard deviation in the 1 step before the grounding point than the intermediate-performance group.  3) In the high-performance group, there was a positive correlation between the standard deviation of step length 1 step before and the standard deviation of the grounding point from 5 steps to 2 steps before.  These results suggest it is important to reduce variations in the grounding point 1 step before by earlier perception of the error in the front-to-rear direction of the grounding point. These results could provide important insight for coaches or trainers attempting to improve the performance of infielders when catching a grounder.
沼倉 研史 沼倉 満帆
英学史研究 (ISSN:03869490)
vol.1988, no.20, pp.47-68, 1987 (Released:2010-01-25)

Ninjun Takasugi was a granduncle of the great revolutionist Shinsaku Takasugi. Because Heibei Tagami adopted Ninjun as his heir, however, his final name was Uheida Tagami. In the late period of Edo era, Uheida was one of the advanced scholars of the Dutch language in Choshu which had a very progressive Daimyo. He translated many Dutch military books, mainly concerned with modern artillery, and introduced modern technologies to the Shogunate and his home province of Choshu. His translations played an important part in the period of the Meiji Restoration; however, his life and work have not been fully studied or recognized yet. In this article, his life will be reviewed and his achievement in Meiji Restoration will be discussed based on a recently discovered translation by him of an artillery book.In 1817, Uheida was born as the third son of Kozaemon Takasugi who was great grandfather of Shinsaku Takasugi in Hagi the capital of Choshu. Details of his younger days are not cleared. At first, he entered the Meirin-kan, the academy of Choshu. He studied conventional Japanese curriculums in this school. Then he went to Nagasaki and studied the fundamentals of the Dutch language and artillery. When he was 30 years old (1847), he went to Edo, the capital of old Japan and was admitted into the private school of Genboku Ito who was one of the most famous Dutch-style medical doctors of that period. In this school, many students gathered and studied the Dutch language. In a short time he became the supervisor of students instead of his teacher Genboku, because his ability to understand the Dutch language in the area of military technology was on a par with his teacher Genboku. He translated many Dutch military books for the Shogunate and for Daimyo Nabeshima of Saga. “The Shore artillery defence” is the only work of his which still remains. We found it at Nagasaki Library's Aokata-Bunko. He finished this work in August, 1849. This book was not just a simple translation of one Dutch textbook. In this textbook, he introduced four modern Dutch military textbooks, and explained the defence method of sea shore by artillery. We can imagine that when Nabeshima the Daimyo of Saga constructed his artillery bases on Saga shore, this work of Uheida was very useful to him.In 1851, Uheida came back to his home province Choshu. In this time, the pressures to reopen Japan to foreign countries became greater. Finaly, through American navy admiral Matthew C. Perry this happened in 1854. After this time Japan experienced a great revolutionary period. As Choshu was a hotbed for revolutionary activity against the centralized federal Shogunate, Uheida acted as a modern millitary specialist at Choshu. He introduced modern Western style technologies to Choshu's military preparation. Unfortunately he did not see much of the results of the Restoration, because he died in 1869, the second year of new Meiji Era.Uheida Tagami is not too famous as a Western-style Dutch scholar of late Edo period. His period of Dutch scholarship was short : however, he acted as a military specialist and made his mark upon the war between the Shogunate and Choshu, or new Meiji government.
山田 あすか 大谷 優 倉斗 綾子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.672, pp.309-318, 2012-02-29 (Released:2012-03-07)
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This paper aimed to examine the calculation method and the standard for area necessary for after-school children's day-care center. It was shown that the examination only depending on the evaluation by staff resulted in an indefinite outcome, and the indicator focused on kinds of children's plays was effective. Moreover, multiple foundations of the calculation were found, and the process of calculating the standard for necessary area based on the combination of these foundations was suggested.
内山 奈穂子 鎌倉 浩之 政田 さやか 辻本 恭 細江 潤子 徳本 廣子 丸山 卓郎 合田 幸広 袴塚 高志
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.17-00136, (Released:2017-07-19)

In January 2017, counterfeits of the hepatitis C drug 'HARVONI® Combination Tablets' (HARVONI®) were found at a pharmacy chain through unlicensed suppliers in Japan. A total of five lots of counterfeit HARVONI® (samples 1-5) bottles were found, and the ingredients of the bottles were all in tablet form. Among them, two differently shaped tablets were present in two of the bottles (categorized as samples 2A, 2B, 4A, and 4B). We analyzed the total of seven samples by high-resolution LC-MS, GC-MS and NMR. In samples 2A, 3 and 4B, sofosbuvir, the active component of another hepatitis C drug, SOVARDI® Tablets 400 mg (SOVARDI®), was detected. In sample 4A, sofosbuvir and ledipasvir, the active components of HARVONI®, were found. A direct comparison of the four samples and genuine products showed that three samples (2A, 3, 4B) are apparently SOVARDI® and that sample 2A is HARVONI®. In samples 1 and 5, several vitamins but none of the active compounds usually found in HARVONI® (i.e., sofosbuvir and ledipasvir) were detected. Our additional investigation indicates that these two samples are likely to be a commercial vitamin supplement distributed in Japan. Sample 2B, looked entirely different from HARVONI® and contained several herbal constitutents (such as ephedrine and glycyrrhizin) that are used in Japanese Kampo formulations. A further analysis indicated that sample 2B is likely to be a Kampo extract tablet of Shoseiryuto which is distributed in Japan. Considering this case, it is important to be vigilant to prevent a recurrence of distribution of counterfeit drugs.
石川 達也 戸瀨 太貴 阿部 真比古 岩尾 豊紀 森田 晃央 前川 行幸 倉島 彰
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
pp.16-00085, (Released:2017-06-27)

岡田 裕美 渡辺 賢治 鈴木 幸男 鈴木 邦彦 伊藤 剛 村主 明彦 倉持 茂 土本 寛二 石野 尚吾 花輪 壽彦
日本東洋醫學雜誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.50, no.1, pp.57-65, 1999-07-20
5 4

症例は60歳男性で平成9年6月3日腹部不快感を主訴に北里研究所東洋医学総合研究所を受診した。半夏瀉心湯の投与により腹部症状は軽減したが, 半夏瀉心湯の服用は6月より8月まで継続した。同年8月3日より悪寒, 発熱, 倦怠感が出現した。肝機能障害を指摘されたため, 半夏瀉心湯を中止し小柴胡湯を投与した。14日当院漢方科入院となり, 抗生剤, 強力ミノファーゲンCにて経過観察した。入院時の胸部レントゲンにて左上肺野にスリガラス状陰影を認めたため, 小柴胡湯を中止した。肝機能障害は改善したが, 呼吸困難が顕著となり, 捻髪音を聴取するようになった。胸部レントゲン, 胸部CTにて間質性変化を確認し, 9月5日よりPSLの投与を開始した。経過は良好で症状, 画像所見, 検査所見とも改善を認めた。DLSTは小柴胡湯, 柴胡, 黄苓で陽性だった。当初小柴胡湯による間質性肺炎を疑ったが, 小柴胡湯投与前の他院での胸部レントゲン写真でも左上肺野のスリガラス上陰影を認めたため, 本例は半夏瀉心湯が主でさらに小柴胡湯の投与により薬剤性の肝障害ならびに間質性肺炎を発症したものと考えられた。
倉爪 真一郎
聖路加看護大学紀要 (ISSN:02892863)
no.33, pp.26-30, 2007-03

横倉誠次郎 著
vol.1, 1943
大場 克哉 橋本 誠 藤倉 成太 宗平順己
情報処理学会研究報告ソフトウェア工学(SE) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2005, no.75, pp.73-80, 2005-07-29

近年、サービス指向アーキテクチャ(SOA)が、新しいソフトウェアアーキテクチャとして注目されているが、SOAに基づいたサービスおよびビジネスモデル設計に関する方法論はいまだ確立されているとは言い難い。本稿では、SOAアプリケーション設計のためのUML拡張およびその適用プロセスを提案し、実例とともに、現状の課題を提示する。Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is emerging in the area of software architecture. This paper provides a concept of development process, reference architecture and a new UML profile for SOA systems development and integration. The proposed development process allows system architect to cooperate with business analysts by leveraging the UML. SOA profile allows developer to model SOA system including interactions of services and business process that orchestrates services. This paper demonstrates how to use the proposed profile, and discusses issues remaining in the area of SOA.