小林 和彦 園山 繁樹 戸村 成男 柳 久子
一般社団法人 日本認知・行動療法学会
行動療法研究 (ISSN:09106529)
vol.29, no.2, pp.93-105, 2003-09-30 (Released:2019-04-06)

曽我 麻里恵 勝良 剛詞 小林 太一 髙村 真貴 黒川 亮 新美 奏恵 田中 恵子 石山 茉佑佳 林 孝文
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科放射線学会
歯科放射線 (ISSN:03899705)
vol.61, no.2, pp.41-46, 2022 (Released:2022-04-06)

Background and Purpose: Dental caries that arise after radiotherapy (radiation caries) can lead to reduced masticatory function caused by tooth loss and osteoradionecrosis caused by dental infections. There are two main opinions regarding the mechanism underlying radiation caries: 1) tooth fragility caused by the direct effects of radiation and 2) a reduction in the physiological effects of saliva due to hyposalivation and a worsening of oral status. However, it has not been clarified which of these mechanisms is the main cause of radiation caries. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors for radiation caries in patients who had received head and neck radiotherapy. Material and Methods: Forty patients who had received head and neck radiotherapy were enrolled. We retrospectively investigated the relationships between radiation caries and clinical parameters, such as the treated site, irradiation field, radiation dose, and oral status, for 3 years after the completion of radiotherapy. Results: The incidence rate of radiation caries was 85%. Twenty-two percent and 78% of radiation caries occurred within and outside the irradiation field, respectively. The incidence rate of radiation caries among teeth within and outside the radiation field was 41.7% and 57.7%, respectively. The occurrence of radiation caries showed a moderate positive correlation with plaque control records. On the other hand, it was not correlated with the total radiation dose, the mean radiation dose delivered to the parotid gland, or the amount of saliva. Discussion: Our results suggested that radiation caries occur both within and outside the radiation field. It is considered that the risk of radiation caries is affected more by oral status, such as poor oral hygiene, than structural changes in teeth caused by radiation. Therefore, it is important to maintain a good oral status after head and neck radiotherapy to prevent radiation caries.
山神 彰 山田 武宏 北川 善政 大廣 洋一 佐藤 淳 石黒 信久 今井 俊吾 小林 正紀 井関 健
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.5, pp.254-261, 2019-05-10 (Released:2020-05-10)
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Third-generation oral cephalosporins are broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents and constitute one of the most used antibiotic classes in Japan. In the “National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR),” the Japanese government declared implementation of efforts to reduce the use of oral cephalosporins by 50% by 2020, compared to 2013. Antimicrobial resistance generally occurs due to inappropriate use or low-dosage exposure to antibiotic agents. Therefore, the choice of appropriate antibiotics is essential for implementing antimicrobial stewardship. To evaluate the prophylactic effects of antibiotics in impacted mandibular third molar surgery, we compared the rate of surgical site infection (SSI) in patients who were administered cefcapene-pivoxil (CFPN-PI) orally with that in patients who received amoxicillin (AMPC) orally. We conducted a retrospective study by reviewing the medical charts of patients from Hokkaido University Hospital from April 2016 to March 2017. The patients evaluated were classified into two groups: the AMPC group (n = 164) and the CFPN-PI group (n = 129). The SSI ratio of the CFPN-PI group was significantly higher than that of the AMPC group (CFPN-PI group, 11.6% (15/129); AMPC group, 2.4% (4/164); P = 0.002). Multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that “use of CFPN-PI for prophylactic treatment” and “hospitalization after surgery” were independent factors related to the onset of SSI following impacted mandibular third molar surgery. These results demonstrated that AMPC was more effective than CFPN-PI in the prevention of SSI after impacted mandibular third molar surgery, and its regulated dosage can effectively contribute to the optimal use of antimicrobial prophylactic treatment.
景山 秀二 三重野 孝太郎 小山 隆之 小林 茂俊
日本小児アレルギー学会誌 (ISSN:09142649)
vol.34, no.5, pp.579-583, 2020-12-20 (Released:2020-12-20)

小児の食物アレルギー患者は現在も増加しつつあり,治療として食物除去を行っている場合は患者のquality of life(QOL)が低下するため,社会問題ともなっている.中でも牛乳は食物アレルギーの主なアレルゲンで食物アレルギー全体の2割程度を占め,特に乳児期に多く発生する.今回我々は,牛乳タンパクを練りこんだレーヨン繊維を使用した肌着の着用後に接触蕁麻疹を呈した4か月の牛乳アレルギーの男児例を経験した.本症例では数日前よりミルク摂取にて皮膚の即時型症状が出現していたが,当該肌着の着用直後に肌着の接触する体幹部を中心とした発赤,紅斑,膨疹が出現した.牛乳,カゼイン特異IgE抗体は陽性で,当該肌着のパッチテストにて発赤,膨疹が観察されたため,診断が確定した.最近,アレルゲンとなりうる食物タンパク由来の物質が食品だけでなく,衣類,化粧品などに添加されることが増えているが,安易な添加はアレルギー症状の発症を誘発する可能性もあり注意を要する.
堀内 正子 相良 篤信 吉田 梨紗 小林 百代 竹ノ谷 文子 琉子 友男 小林 哲郎 仲間 若菜 黄 仁官 里 史明 湯本 哲郎
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.47, no.12, pp.659-666, 2021-12-10 (Released:2022-12-10)

The number of people taking nutritional supplements has increased rapidly due to heightened health consciousness; however, cases of doping through supplement intake have also increased. Therefore, pharmacists need to share not only instructions related to medication, but also anti-doping (AD) directions for supplements with athletes. However, reports on the use of supplements in athletes are limited, and the actual situation is unknown. Then, we conducted a questionnaire survey on 1,249 physical education university students regarding the use of supplements and their awareness on doping. We also examined the steps that need to be taken by pharmacists to facilitate AD.We found that 60% of the respondents had taken supplements, 50% of whom (i.e., 30% of the total respondents) continued to do so. Furthermore, 40% took multiple supplements and were at risk of ‘inadvertent doping.’ Most of the respondents took supplements for improving muscle strength, fatigue recovery, and malnutrition. Furthermore, friends and seniors were often the triggers for supplement intake, suggesting that leaders and teams were also involved. Since many respondents purchased supplements at drug stores, it is important for pharmacists to educate athletes and their leaders about AD. Further, supplements, like pharmaceuticals, are constantly advancing and therefore pharmacists need to expand their knowledge and strive to expand their role.
大科 枝里 小林 正典 金城 美幸 中川 美奈 大塚 和朗 赤星 径一 田邉 稔 松木 裕子 小林 大輔 岡本 隆一
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.119, no.7, pp.683-691, 2022-07-10 (Released:2022-07-11)

52歳,女性.胆道閉鎖症にて生後120日で胆囊十二指腸吻合術が行われた.反復する胆管炎に対して内視鏡治療を行った際の胆汁細胞診でClass Vが検出された.マッピング生検で胆囊管肝管合流部に癌を確認し,肝外胆管切除術,胆管空腸吻合術を行った.胆管癌はBilIN-3までの粘膜内癌でR0切除であった.胆道閉鎖症に対する胆囊十二指腸吻合術はまれで,術後長期の胆管癌合併の報告はなく,文献的考察を加えて報告する.
阿南 光洋 小林 隆志

境 脩 筒井 昭二 佐久間 汐子 滝口 徹 八木 稔 小林 清吾 堀井 欣一
Japanese Society for Oral Health
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.38, no.1, pp.116-126, 1988 (Released:2010-10-27)
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In 1970 a weekly fluoride mouthrinsing program using 0.2% neutral NaF solution was initiated in the elementary schools of Yahiko District, Niigata Prefecture, Japan (F<0.1ppm in drinking water). The same program was started at the juniour high school in 1973 and a daily fluoride mouthrinsing program was started in 1978 at all four nurseries in the district. Therefore at present, such programs start at the nursery school level and continue to the 3rd grade in the junior high school within an individual school system.We investigated the benefits to the permanent teeth from this 17-year school-based fluoride mouthrinsing program. This report presents the effects of ongoing supervised fluoride mouth rinsing program on caries prevalence of permanent teeth according to the age of starting the fluoride mouthrinsing program.A baseline examination for schoolchildren in 1st-6th grades was conducted in 1970, before the mouthrinsing program began. An examination conducted in 1978 presents the data of children who participated in the program since their entrance into the elementary school, that is, at the age of 6. An examination conducted in 1987 presents the data of children who participated in the program since the age of 4 in the nursery schools.The DMF person rate in all grades decreased from 72.8% in 1970 to 41.6% in 1978 and 27.6% in 1987.The DMFT-index in all grades decreased from 2.27 in 1970 to 1.39 in 1978 and to 0.48 in 1987. The differences in caries prevalence were 38.8% and 78.9%, respectively, and were statistically significant (p<0.001).The school-based fluoride mouthrinsing program produced high caries-preventive effects. Especially, the program started from the nursery level provided higher caries prevention when the 1st molar teeth erupted.The younger the children were when they entered the program, the longer that they rinsed, the greater were the accumulated benefits.
石井 正則 八代 利伸 小林 毅 金田 健作 府川 和希子 森山 章
耳鼻咽喉科展望 (ISSN:03869687)
vol.37, no.1, pp.95-100, 1994-02-15 (Released:2011-08-10)

空酔いは, 訓練中の航空機搭乗員にとって症状が改善しない時には深刻な問題になる。それは本人だけでなく安全運航上においても解決すべき重要な課題である。各国の空軍では, コリオリ刺激による脱過敏 (desensitization) やバイオフィードバック療法によって70-84%のRehabilitation Rateが得られることを報告している。しかしそのためには特殊な装置や激しい加速度訓練が必要になる。そこで日常の生活の中で空酔いの対策になるプログラムを考案した。その内容は, 自律神経系を安定化し異なる加速度や重力方向の変化に対して適応できるように, ストレッチ体操, 水泳, 加速度変化の体験などをリハビリの中心とし, さらに自律神経調整作用のある薬剤や抗ヒスタミン剤を随時併用するものである。1987-1992年の5年間に11名の航空機搭乗員にこのプログラムを用いて空酔いに対する治療を行ったが, そのRehabilitation Rateは, 81.8%であり, 空酔いに対する有効な方法と考えられた。
浅井 武 瀬尾 和哉 小林 修
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.52, no.1, pp.29-38, 2007-01-10 (Released:2007-04-19)
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When the boundary layer of a sports ball undergoes the transition from laminar to turbulent flow, a drag crisis occurs whereby the drag coefficient (Cd) rapidly decreases. However, the aerodynamic properties and boundary-layer dynamics of a soccer ball are not well understood. Here we showed that the critical Reynolds number (Recrit) of a soccer ball was 2.2 - 3.0 × 105. Wind-tunnel testing, along with visualization of the dynamics of the boundary layer and the trailing vortex of a ball in flight clearly demonstrated that both non-spinning and spinning curved balls had low Cd values in the supercritical region. We also showed that the Recrit of a soccer ball was lower than that (approximately 3.5 - 4 × 105) of a smooth sphere, due to the effects of its panels; this indicated that the aerodynamic properties of a soccer ball were between those of a smooth ball and a golf ball. Lateral images taken during high-speed kicking of a spinning curve ball (26 m/s; 8 rps) revealed that the separation point was approximately 120° from the front-stagnation point. In addition, the boundary layer between the top and bottom surfaces of the ball became turbulent. Top-view images taken during curved kicking (27 m/s; 7 rps) showed vortex deflection due to the effects of a relative difference in fluid speed caused by the spinning. The curvature of the ball was largely attributed to a lateral force generated by vortex counteraction. However, although the separation point showed left-right asymmetry in relation to the direction of travel (top-bottom symmetry on the images), it was approximately 116° from the front-stagnation point, which was similar to the separation angle during high-speed kicking of a non-spinning ball. In addition, the boundary layer became turbulent and the vortex region shrank during high-speed kicking of a spinning ball.