小野田 滋 河村 清春 須貝 清行 神野 嘉希
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木史研究 (ISSN:09167293)
vol.16, pp.117-132, 1996-06-05 (Released:2010-06-15)

Oblique arches built with masonry or brickwork have to be used as an exceptional technique for transmitting the axial forces all over the voussoir. One of the methods for realizing this technique was conceived by Japanese engineers in Meiji or Taisho Era who attempted to match spiral brickworks to oblique arches. In this paper, we describe the distribution of these structures in Japan, and gather detailed information about the technique from literature available in those days. The findings from the survey may be summarized as follows; (1) the oblique arches in Japan are widely distributed around Kansai district; (2) the technique for oblique arches built with spiral brickworks was applied in three methods-“hericoidal”, “logarithmic” and “corne de vache”; (3) oblique arches in Japan were built by hericoidal method; (4) some cases were found in which these techniques other than spiral brickworks were employed such as ribbed oblique arches; (5) hericoidal method had been used since early days of railway construction in Japan, and this technique may have been introduced by English railway engineers in 1870'; (6) this technique is speculated to have originated from an Irish canal of 18th century or a skew bridge of 16th century in Florence.
小野 宏明
奈良大学大学院研究年報 (ISSN:13420453)
vol.3, pp.186-192, 1998-03

佐藤 秀樹 伊藤 理紗 小野 はるか 畑 琴音 鈴木 伸一
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
Journal of Health Psychology Research (ISSN:21898790)
vol.35, no.2, pp.101-109, 2023-02-01 (Released:2023-02-17)

The deterioration of workers’ mental health and the resulting decline in their work performance have become significant contemporary problems. This study examined the relationship between reinforcement sensitivity (i.e., the behavioral inhibition/activation systems), rumination, depression, and the decline in work performance among local government employees. All the regular and non-regular employees in a local government aged 20 years or older, working over 29 hours per week, responded to a self-administered, anonymous questionnaire survey. We analyzed the responses of 2,223 employees. The results of structural equation modeling indicated that depression was positively associated with a decline in work performance. Also, the behavioral inhibition system was positively associated with depression, partially mediated by rumination. In contrast, the behavioral activation system was negatively associated with depression, which was not mediated by rumination. These results are meaningful for developing a psychological model of depression related to local government employees’ work performance decline.
小野 真紀子
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.60, pp.155-176, 2010-10-20

Allo scopo di approfondire l'evoluzione delle "buone creanze" nell'eta moderna, questo studio prende in esame le buone maniere a tavola nei banchetti delle corti italiane del XVI secolo, nei quali si riteneva che fossero piu raffinate, attraverso l'analisi del modo di servire a tavola. In quest'epoca stavano iniziando a svilupparsi, soprattutto nella societa di corte, le "buone creanze" moderne e stava crescendo l'importanza dei regolamenti in ogni aspetto della vita sociale. Nello stesso tempo venivano inoltre pubblicati numerosi trattati sulle "buone creanze", come per esempio il Galateo di Giovanni della Casa, ma non e da escludersi che le buone maniere a tavola qui regolamentate non fossero appropriate a tutte le situazioni in cui si consumava del cibo. La pubblicazione di manuali di scalcheria e invece degna di nota, perche si ritiene che il servizio a tavola fosse eseguito in base alle regole delle buona educazione dei commensali a tavola. Tutti i manuali esaminati in questo studio sono stati pubblicati nella seconda meta' del XVI secolo (La singolare dottorina di D. Romoli, Dello Scalco di G. B. Rossetti, Dialogo del maestro di casa di C. Evitascandalo e Il Trinciante di V. Cervio). Il servizio a tavola nel banchetto a quel tempo era ben ordinato ed era eseguito sotto la direzione dello scalco, ovvero di un direttore dei mestieri attenenti alla tavola a corte che organizza tutto cio che riguarda il banchetto nell'ambito del suo incarico di responsabile e ideatore del festino. Gli scalchi adottavano diversi espedienti nel servizio, affinche i commensali potessero mangiare e seguire il banchetto piacevolmente. Eliminavano infatti tutto cio che poteva risultare sgradito ai commensali e che andava evitato secondo le regole della buona creanza dei convitati: la vista dello sporco, il contatto con la saliva altrui e la pulizia per gli altri. Inoltre, il servizio a tavola era effettuato rispettando la gerarchia dei commensali, interpretando la loro buona creanza, preoccupandosi cosi di eseguire una parte dei comportamenti culturali dei convitati al posto loro. Si ritiene dunque che nella fase iniziale della formazione della "buone creanze" moderne, un sistema che avrebbe potuto agire su tutti, come il servizio del maestro di tavola, abbia influenzato la sensibilita e il comportamento. Pertanto, non si deve trascurare che tale servizio, nel banchetto del XVI secolo, nel quale si tende a evidenziare l'ostentazione del potere del signore e l'aspetto cerimonioso, poteva contribuire anche alla buona creanza dei commensali a tavola. Si ritiene che il presente studio abbia potuto mettere in luce il rapporto tra le buone maniere mostrate dai commensali a tavola e il servizio svolto dallo scalco, aggiungendo cosi un nuovo punto di vista agli studi precedenti, per esempio quello di N. Elias, che analizzavano in prevalenza le regole dei manuali, che permette di comprendere in modo piu approfondito le buone maniere a tavola dell'eta moderna.
小野崎 香織 吉村 浩明
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.27, no.4, pp.160-165, 2014-04-15 (Released:2014-07-15)

For the design of spacecraft transfer orbits in the Earth-Moon system, we need to model the dynamics in the context of the Planar Elliptic Restricted Three-Body Problem (PER3BP) since it has a non-negligible eccentricity. In this paper, we investigate invariant manifolds of the PER3BP by analyzing Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS). In particular, we show that the transfer orbits from the exterior realm to Moon can be developed by employing the geometric characteristics of the LCS obtained by long time numerical integrations.
小野 雅司 登内 道彦
日本生気象学会雑誌 (ISSN:03891313)
vol.50, no.4, pp.147-157, 2014 (Released:2014-03-28)

我々は気象庁の協力を得て,国内 6 都市(気象台)において 2007 年より黒球温度の連続観測を行い,WBGT(湿球黒球温度)を算出,ホームページより公開してきた.これらの観測データを元に,黒球温度,湿球温度を使わず通常気象要素のみにより WBGT を簡便に推定する方法を提案する. 乾球温度,相対湿度,全天日射量,風速,及び,これら気象要素を組み合わせた乾球温度 × 相対湿度,全天日射量の二次項を用いることにより極めて高い精度で WBGT を推定できる式を得た.また,異なる都市,異なる年度のデータを用いて求めた推定式は,同一都市・同一年度のデータを用いて求めた推定式と比較して,ほぼ同程度の推定精度が得られ(推定誤差 1.0°C 以内:98.3~99.8%),全国共通の WBGT 推定式としての使用が可能と考えられる.
佐藤 善輝 藤原 治 小野 映介 海津 正倫
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.84, no.3, pp.258-273, 2011-05-01 (Released:2015-09-28)
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浜名湖沿岸の六間川低地および都田川低地で掘削調査と既存ボーリングデータの収集を行い,沖積層の層相・貝化石・珪藻化石分析・電気伝導度測定の結果や14C年代測定値に基づいて,完新世中期から後期にかけての堆積環境の変遷を明らかにした.その結果,両低地に共通した環境変化が認められた.すなわち,6,000~7,000 calBP以降は低地の発達に伴って海水の影響が減少する傾向が見られるが,3,500~3,800 calBP頃に汽水~海水環境の再形成や内湾での水位上昇が認められた.このことは,一時的に浜名湖内へ海水が流入しやすくなったことを示す.その後,3,400~3,500 calBP頃に淡水池沼へと急速に変化した.この時期には浜名湖の湖心部でも急速な淡水化が知られており,浜名湖全体で淡水化が進んだことが示唆される.この環境変化は,浜名湖の湖口部を塞ぐように砂州が形成されたために引き起こされた可能性が高い.
小野寺 敦子
発達心理学研究 (ISSN:09159029)
vol.16, no.1, pp.15-25, 2005-04-20

68組の夫婦に縦断研究(子どもの誕生前, 親になって2年後, 3年後)をおこない親になることによって夫婦関係がどのように変化していくかについて検討した。夫婦関係は「親密性」「頑固」「我慢」「冷静」の4因子からなる尺度によって明らかにした。その結果, 親密性は親になって2年後に男女ともに顕著に低くなるが, 2年後と3年後の間には大きな変化はなかった。このことから, 夫婦間の親密な感情は親になって2年の間に下がるが, 3年を経過するとその下がったレベルのまま安定し推移していくことが明らかになった。しかし妻の「頑固」得点は母親になると著しく高くなっており, 妻は母親になると夫に頑固になる傾向が認められた。さらに夫の「我慢」得点は3期にわたって常に妻よりも高かった。これは夫が妻の顔色をうかがって妻に不快なことがあっても我慢してしまう傾向があることを示している。最後に「親密性」が低下するのに関連する要因について重回帰分析を用いて検討した。その結果, 夫の場合は妻自身のイライラ度合いが強いことと夫の労働時間が長いことが親密さを低下させていた。一方の妻の場合は夫の育児参加が少ないことや子どもが育てにくいことが夫への親密性を低める要因としてかかわっていた。
小林 一樹 齊藤 由空 廣神 奏音 広井 勉 小野田 淳人
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
日本エネルギー学会誌 (ISSN:09168753)
vol.96, no.6, pp.199-206, 2017-06-20 (Released:2017-06-30)
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世界中で消費され始めている日本の伝統的な食材の一つにこんにゃくがある。こんにゃく製品を製造する過程で多量のこんにゃく飛粉が副産物として生み出されているが,有効な活用方法が少なく,その付加価値を高めるために利用方法を模索する研究が求められている。本研究は,こんにゃく飛粉から再生可能エネルギーの一つであるバイオエタノールを生成することが可能かどうか検証することを目的として行った。硫酸,塩酸または硝酸を用いてこんにゃく飛粉中に含まれる多糖類を単糖類に分解(糖化)し,発酵で単糖類をエタノールと二酸化炭素に分解,蒸留による精製を行うことでエタノールの濃縮を試みた。また,糖化,発酵,精製の各工程後に生成する物質を明らかにするため,高速液体クロマトグラフならびにガスクロマトグラフによる成分分析を行った。本研究により,硫酸を用いた糖化を経ることで,こんにゃく飛粉(30 g)から他の食糧廃棄物と同様にエタノール水溶液(9.1 g/L,600 mL)の生成が可能であることが,明らかになった。本研究は,肥料や家畜飼料の他に,こんにゃく飛粉の新たな活用方法としてバイオエタノールが製造できる可能性を示した。
小野 秀樹 岡村 真彩 福島 章紘
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.18-00022, (Released:2018-06-20)

The anti-influenza virus drug oseltamivir has been reported to have several pharmacological actions including blocking of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels and activation of the dopaminergic system. These pharmacological actions highly overlap those of amantadine, another anti-influenza virus drug authorized in Japan, and ester-type local anesthetics. Moreover, oseltamivir and amantadine can clinically induce similar adverse neuropsychiatric reactions. In the present study, from the database of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), we surveyed 2,576 drugs for which neuropsychiatric side effects similar to those of oseltamivir, amantadine and local anesthetics (abnormal behavior, confusion, consciousness disturbance, convulsion, delirium, delusion, hallucination, myoclonus, tremor) are listed as “clinically significant adverse reactions”, and found 327 that had at least one of these adverse reactions. Other neuraminidase inhibitors (laninamivir, peramivir and zanamivir) did not elicit such adverse reactions. By discussing the pharmacological effects of drugs that elicit these adverse reactions, we propose that the similarity of adverse neuropsychiatric reactions between oseltamivir and amantadine is possibly attributable to their common pharmacological effects.
小野 暢三
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會會報 (ISSN:18842054)
vol.1936, no.59, pp.85-98, 1937-02-20 (Released:2009-07-23)

The first part of the paper deals with the combination comprising a triple expansion engine, with poppet valves for high and intermediate pressure cylinders, and direct coupled to the main shaft line, and an exhaust steam turbine, to utilize the energy contained in the exhaust steam from the engine, double reduction geared to the main shaft line. In this system, the turbine is to work for ahead direction only; an automatic friction clutch is to disengage the turbine when the main engine is to run in astern direction.Mechanical regilient coupling composed of friction disks and a number of coil springs is contained inside the first reduction gear wheel, and is arranged to take off uneven torsional shocks taking place due to the action of the crank shaft of the reciprocating engine.In the second part, description is given about the combination consisting of a set of double compound high speed engine, single reduction geared to the main shaft line, and a low pressure turbine, double reduction geared to the same line. In this case an astern turbine is also arranged. The exhaust steam from the engine is controlled with special manoeuvering valve to enter into either ahead or astern turbine as desired and the valve is to cooperate with the reversing mechanism of the reciprocating engine.Particulars of the ships having these systems of combination machinery are given in the attached table also the performance data of their maiden voyages are given in another table.A sketch of the design of the machinery space of twin screw engines and its brief description is given in the last part of the paper.
篠崎 高志 下村 彰男 小野 良平 熊谷 洋一
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.63, no.5, pp.721-724, 1999-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)

大道芸は場所的, 時間的に観客を拘束せず誰もが気軽に楽しめるという魅力がある。本研究でば大道芸空間 (大道芸が行われている場) における行動を観察し, 空間的.時間的な変化に着目して行動特性を明らかにすることを目的とした。対象地点として線的.面的の2タイプの空間から2地点ずつ4個所を想定し, 各地点において演者が同一内容の大道芸を行い.高所に設置したビデオカメラにより人々の行動を記録した。得られた画像から大道芸空間において誘発される行動とその位置に関して分析し, また, 一人一人の行動を記録し, 行動区分した。その結果人と人との相互作用, 空間の性格演者からの距離により行動が決定付けられることがわかった。