白 云哲 奥村 敏 常松 尚志 焦 其彬 小野 伸二 鈴木 さやか 黒谷 玲子 佐藤 元彦 南沢 享 石川 義弘
vol.2008, pp.180-180, 2008

Objective: Autonomic nervous activity is altered under microgravity. Cardiac response to autonomic regulation is mostly determined by &beta;-adrenergic receptors/cAMP signal that is regulated by adenylyl cyclase (AC). We thus examined the role of a major cardiac AC isoform, type 5 AC (AC5), in the autonomic regulation of the heart under microgravity induced by parabolic flights. Methods: We used transgenic mice with either disrupted (AC5KO) or overexpressed AC5 in the heart (AC5TG), and analyzed heart rate variability during parabolic flight. Results: The standard deviation of normal R-R intervals, a marker of total autonomic variability, was significantly greater under microgravity in AC5KO while no significant changes in WT and AC5TG. LF (low frequency)/HF (high frequency), a marker of sympathetic activity, became significantly lower under microgravity in WT and AC5TG while there was no such a decrease in AC5KO. Normalized HF, a marker of parasympathetic activity, became significantly greater in WT under microgravity, and became even greater in AC5TG, while no such increase in AC5KO. Conclusions: Putting together, changes in autonomic indexes in response to microgravity were augmented in AC5TG while attenuated in AC5KO, suggesting that AC5 plays a major role in determining the magnitude of cardiac responses to autonomic regulation under microgravity. <b>[J Physiol Sci. 2008;58 Suppl:S180]</b>
小野 次朗
別冊発達 (ISSN:0910335X)
no.31, pp.1-5, 2011-08
小野 あけみ
日本重症心身障害学会誌 (ISSN:13431439)
vol.41, no.2, pp.236, 2016

石井 隆太 小野 晃典
マーケティングジャーナル (ISSN:03897265)
vol.41, no.1, pp.109-119, 2021-06-30 (Released:2021-06-30)

柳井 雅也 阿部 康久 小野寺 淳
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.2013, 2013

Ⅰ はじめに中国の長春市おける日系自動車会社及び同部品産業の立地展開と当地における事業活動について調査を行った。対象となる会社は10社、うち現地で面接調査(2012年8月17日~23日)を行った会社はトヨタ自動車、IHI,一汽光洋、ワイテックの4社(全体の40%)である。ここではトヨタ自動車(以後、トヨタ)の実態を報告し、発表では残りの会社の分析を含めて報告する。Ⅱ トヨタの長春市進出の経緯中国では、外資系自動車会社は2法人までしか合弁会社が作れない。このことが、トヨタはじめ外資系自動車の、中国における立地と事業活動に制限と工夫が求められているといる。トヨタが天津自動車夏利と組んで本格的に中国進出を果たしたのは1995年のことである。さらに、四川旅行車製造廠(成都:小型バス「コースター」生産)と合弁(2000年)で四川トヨタを設立した。ここで第一汽車(以後、一汽)に資本参加してもらい四川一汽トヨタ(SFTM)を設立し、トヨタはもう1社と組めるようになった。そこでトヨタは広州汽車(2006年)と組むことになった。このやり取りの中で、一汽の本拠地、長春に進出(2002年)が決まった。2003年に一汽が長春一汽豊越(一汽資本100%)を設立して技術指導とV6エンジンの生産を開始した。2004年には一汽豊田(長春)発動機を設立した。長春一汽豊越は2005年、SFTMの分工場(SFTM長春豊越)となり、ランドクルーザー生産(約3万台/年)を始めた。また、プリウスも少量ながら生産している。さらに、新工場(2012年)を建てカローラ(年間10万台予定)の生産を計画している。Ⅲ 部品調達一方、天津で一汽はトヨタと組んで天津自動車夏利に経営参画し、夏利天津一汽トヨタとして規模拡大を続けた。日系関連企業の集積も進んでいる。このため、部品(日本からの輸入も含めて)は、天津経由または大連港(一部)経由で長春に送られている。この物流コストを吸収するには、付加価値の高いV6エンジンやランドクルーザーの生産を行うしか選択肢がない。例えば、ランドクルーザーの物流に関して、名古屋港から部品をコンテナ船で大連港に運び、仮通関後に荷降ろしを行って、陸路または列車で長春に運ぶ。ここで本通関を行う。もし、完成車を輸入しようとすれば関税が25%かかる。そのため、CKD(Complete KnockDown)生産方式で行わざるを得ない。Ⅳ 長春工場の課題長春工場の課題として、①労務コストが高い、②労働者の質の確保、③物流コストが高い、④東北三省の下請工場が無いことと、仮にあっても品質保証が難しい。こと等があげられる。トヨタの長春生産はコスト高になっている。そのジレンマを解決するため、日系の自動車部品企業の集積を徐々に図り、今後は東北三省市場(1億3000万人をマーケット、寒冷地仕様)に発展の余地を見出そうとしている。
渡邉 保奈美 小野寺 康 佐藤 魁星 川田 将平 佐々木 信也
一般社団法人 日本トライボロジー学会
トライボロジスト (ISSN:09151168)
pp.21-00014, (Released:2022-01-12)

Ionic liquids containing halogens have good lubricity, however, they are reported to cause corrosive wear. In contrast, halogen-free ionic liquids do not cause such corrosive wear, but they do not have good lubricity comparable to the halogen-containing counterparts. In this study, we focused on specific halogen-free boron-containing ionic liquids that exhibited low friction performance. The performance was mainly due to its boron-containing anions, because it was realized with both phosphonium-based and ammonium-based cations. Surface analysis and scratch test with atomic force microscope (AFM) were conducted with phosphonium-based cations to clarify the low friction mechanism. The boron-containing ionic liquid, [BOB][P66614], showed lower friction of around 0.01, which was much lower than MoDTC-containing engine oils did. The cause of the ultra-low friction with [BOB] [P66614] is thought to be due to the fact that the reaction film formed by friction has a very smooth surface and suppresses contact between metals. On the other hand, another boron-containing ionic liquid [BMB] [P66614], which did not form a smooth surface, showed relatively high friction compared to [BOB] [P66614]. Scratch tests with AFM indicated that the softer reaction film derived from [BOB] [P66614] led to the formation of a smooth sliding surface.
平岡 敏洋 霜野 慧亮 須田 義大 小野 晋太郎 内村 孝彦 梅田 学
生産研究 (ISSN:0037105X)
vol.73, no.2, pp.93-99, 2021

<p>自動運転はシェアリングサービスとの相性が良いとされてきたが,新型コロナウイルス感染症の流行を経験した社会では,利用者の心理的な抵抗が増えることが予想される.また,感染症対策として,密閉・密集・密接を避けるように行動変容することが求められた結果,人の移動量は減少し, BtoC の物流は大幅に増加した.本発表では,このようなポスト感染症時代において,自動運転技術が必要かつ有効であると思われる場面について検討するだけでなく,今後どのような新しい技術が期待されるのかなどの自動運転技術の将来展望について論じる.</p>
小野寺 龍太 祝 桂合 森田 泉
公益社団法人 日本金属学会
日本金属学会誌 (ISSN:00214876)
vol.66, no.5, pp.521-527, 2002 (Released:2008-04-24)

We examined the effect of grain size on flow stress and yield-point phenomena in variously heat-treated low-carbon steel specimens. We found that the experimental results are easily understood if the flow stress consists of two internal stresses, Yint and Yir. Yint is a common internal stress that is work hardened; Yir is the cause of yield-point phenomena, and its value is supposed to be rapidly decreased (work-softened) to zero with strain. Both Yint and Yir were affected by grain size. Furthermore, the effect of heat treatment was strong on Yint but weak on Yir. The Hall-Petch coefficient k was appreciably larger at lower yield points than in the large strain region. This comparison supports the hypothesis of the existence of two internal stresses because the grain size dependence of flow stress at lower yield points has two origins, Yint and Yir, whereas the latter case has only one origin, Yint. In the strain region exceeding yield-point elongation, the stress-strain curves of specimens with various grain sizes were perfectly superposed on each other by parallel translation, which means that if Yint is expressed as Yint(ε)=f(ε) for a specimen with a certain grain size, it is expressed as Yint(ε)=f(ε+Δε)−Δσ for arbitrary grain size specimens, where Δε and Δσ are the amounts of translation in strain and stress, respectively.
小野寺 龍太 森川 龍哉 上木原 竜太
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.87, no.1, pp.63-69, 2001-01-01 (Released:2009-06-19)
1 1

The yield point phenomena in low carbon steel have been explained by the Cottrell or the Johnston-Gilman theory in terms of microscopic variables such as dislocation density, dislocation velocity and the interaction energy between dislocation and solute atom. However, the lower yield stress and the amount of the Lüders strain (stretcher strain) seems not to have been predicted by the above theories. In the present work we tried to explain the phenomena quantitatively by a phenomenological (rheological) model using macroscopic variables such as work-hardening rate and the strain rate sensitivity of flow stress which we can be measured by tensile test. In the model a new internal stress was introduced which is supposed to be work (strain)-softened and age-hardened. Numerical calculation showed that the model can predict the values of the upper and lower yield stress and the amount of the Lüders strain, and the effect of strain rate on these characteristics.
小西 恵美子 小野 道実 小泉 彰 河内 典子 吉沢 康雄
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.4, no.4, pp.594-602, 1969 (Released:2010-03-15)

In spite of the increasing use of electron microscopes, very few considerations have been given to the emission of radiation from the equipment. This is mainly due to the fact that the radiation is emmitted as “an unwanted by-product”of the equipment. Radiation surveys were carried out on twelve epuipments of Japanese manufacture. Informations obtained from the surveys were;1) Radiation leakage was observed from eight equipments.2) Electron gun, viewing window and photo-chamber were main locations where radiation leakage was observed.3) Structural defects in the equipment were important causes of radiation leakage.Following opinions were offered from a health physics standpoint;1) The equipment is required to be constructed and installed so as to provide adequate protection.2) A legalistic radiation safety standard is neededfor theequipment manufacturer.3) In a radiation safety program, it is important to obviate any radiation leakage rather than to assess the doses liable to be incurred.
浅井 寿生 石田 聖子 磯村 昌彦 伊藤 達也 今泉 景子 大岩 昌子 小野 展克 亀山 郁夫 後藤 希望 佐藤 雄大 白井 史人 高橋 直子 新居 明子 沼野 充義 根無 一信 濱嶋 聡 林 良児 福田 眞人 堀部 純子 真崎 翔 ムーディ 美穂 室 淳子 安井 朱美 吉見 かおる Marceau Etienne HIRATA Eric Paccoud Jérôme CRANE Paul Allen KENNY Tom Annequin Laurent
Artes MUNDI (ISSN:24321125)
no.6, pp.191-207, 2021-03-31

豊かさの追求 / 浅井寿生観るよろこびのために / 石田聖子『ダンサー・イン・ザ・ダーク』 / 磯村昌彦ヴィム・ヴェンダース監督『パリ、テキサス』(一九八四年) / 伊藤達也二十年ぶりのタイタニック / 今泉景子「蝶の舌」に込められた想い / 大岩昌子逆行する時間が描く世界の不確かさと不安 / 小野展克ベルイマン『沈黙』をめぐるメモランダム / 亀山郁夫衝撃のラストシーン『レ・ミゼラブル』 / 後藤希望映画『あん』 / 佐藤雄大冬の神田川で / 白井史人『A Beautiful Mind』から学ぶこと / 高橋直子オオカミ少年の瞳 / 新居明子亡命ソ連人監督が描くビザールなアメリカ / 沼野充義人生を変えた我が師について ― 植村直己物語 / 根無一信「SALUTE」メキシコ五輪表彰台での差別抗議 / 濱嶋 聡映画ファンと言える日のために / 林 良児映画狂時代 / 福田眞人「世界の破滅まで百秒」の時代に考える名作 / 堀部純子人生の灯台となった映画 / 真崎 翔名も無きソ連の映画 / ムーディ 美穂ドラえもん世代 / 室 淳子『コースト・ガード』に見る境界線 / 安井朱美人間の心、神秘が宿るところ / 吉見かおるRelevant Now More Than Ever / Étienne MarceauGrowing Through Relationships / Eric HirataThe freedom everyone needs / Jérôme PaccoudA Movie for Teaching Language and Cultural Understanding: "Fried Green Tomatoes" / Paul Allen CraneStagecoach / Tom KennyHunger où l'art de déranger / Laurent Annequin
青山 英康 大平 昌彦 太田 武夫 吉岡 信一 吉田 健男 大原 啓志 和気 健三 柳楽 翼 五島 正規 小野 昭雄 藤田 征男 合田 節子 深見 郁子 板野 猛虎
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.25, no.5, pp.468-471, 1970-12-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

The authors have already reported the results of epidemiological studies of SMON in the town of Yubara, Japan.Recently, the Ministry of Health and Welfare ordered pharmaceutical companies to stop production and sale of all drugs containing chinoform, since it was revealed by the Committee on SMON that attack rates of SMON could be related to ingestion of chinoform.The authors compared the attack rate of persons who had taken chinoform with that of persons who had not.It was noted that the morbidity of gastrointestinal diseases and allergic diseases among SMON patients was higher than that of the control group.Results are as follows:1. SMON patients had not taken chinoform at home.2. SMON patients usually had taken less medication for their gastrointestinal diseases than the control group, in spite of a higher morbidity of gastrointestinal diseases among them than that of the control group.3. Accordingly, the increased attack rate of SMON might be related to administration of chinoform while in the hospital and not related to ingestion at home.4. Chinoform is a very popular drug. For this reason careful attention must be given to dosage and method of administration as well as indications to determine relationship in the etiology of SMON.5. Careful attention should also be given to the physical conditions of patients being treated with chinoform.6. If persons in the control group were subjected to a detailed investigation there is some possibility many may be found to be using chinoform contained medications.
小野 恭平
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.393, pp.72-81, 1988

"Yamasato" is the place where the many villas of Aristocratics in Heian period were built. And it had been recognized as an aesthetical world. Then, in this paper, I tried to make clear it's beauty and foundmental image through the Heian Period Literature. Contents are as follows; 1. Preface 2. Geographical image of Yamasato 3. Foundamental image of Yamasato 3-1 Loneliness of Yamasato 3-2 Image of season and landscape of Yamasato 4. Loneliness and Beauty of Yamasato 5. Conclusion