小津 草太郎 木原 一郎 太治 大輔 若林 紀乃 山崎 晃 千代 章一郎 關 浩和
幼年教育研究年報 (ISSN:03883078)
vol.29, pp.13-22, 2007-06-07

Recently, increasing the activities for city planning or renovation that citizen participated in the world. In this study, focus on Hiroshima ECO-PEACE-MAP activity, the one of Japanese GREENMAP proposed by Wendy Brawer, researched developmental changes of schoolchildren's adjective images for their life city and corresponded to their icons use in environment map design. The children in 4th and 5th grade completed a questionnaire composed of 18 pairs of adjectives such as noisy-quiet or dark-light. Their profiles of image in part changed through 4th-5th or before-after activities, and its might be reflected cognitional development for the components of city environment as their icons use.
林 正夫 日比野 敏 本島 睦
土質工学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03851621)
vol.22, no.1, 1982-03-15

原子力発電所の立地拡大策の一つとして, その有効性の評価が行われている。本報告はこれら地下立地における大規模な地下空洞の安定性について, 岩盤力学上の研究成果をとりまとめている。すなわち, (1)空洞の安定性解析手法の適用性と実証性ならびに信頼性(2)空洞形状の最適化による空洞の安定性の向上と今後の設計(3)双設空洞掘削時の周辺岩盤の緩み相互干渉(4)三つの並列した空洞の周辺岩盤の相互干渉(5)岩盤のかぶり深さが空洞の安定性に及ぼす影響(6)軟岩における空洞の安定性(7)三次元解析によるロックストラットの効果の検討(8)想定事故時の内圧による空洞の安定性(9)水平震度による空洞周辺の応力状態である。既往の揚水式地下発電所で得られた岩盤の物性値, 地圧と想定される空洞の大きさを組み合わせて検討した結果, 原子力発電所地下立地における空洞は, 安定に建設が可能であること, およびそのための技術指針となるべき事項がかなり明らかとなったこと, 今後はサイトに応じた詳細検討を行うことになろうことなどを指摘している。
東海林 克彦
環境変異原研究 = Genes and environment : the official journal of the Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society (ISSN:18807046)
vol.27, no.2, pp.121-124, 2005-07-31

This article aims to introduce the outline of issue and phenomena of welfare of laboratory animals which is enacted in Law for Welfare and Proper Management of Animals, and to clarify the difference of conception and method between welfare of laboratory animals and experiment using laboratory animals, in anticipation of contributing to its improvement in practice.
竹村 瑞穂 重松 大 小林 大祐
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.33, no.1, pp.27-40, 2011 (Released:2012-12-17)

The purpose of this paper is to explore the ground for putting a ban on doping in competitive sport circles, especially focusing on the doping problem as “the issues of that with free will”. The IOC and also some researchers have suggested the reason for prohibiting doping but it's still quite contentious.The object and methods in this paper are as follows: We consider “the issues of doping with free will” (object) in the way of applied ethics with four ethical theories as the framework for researching. The adopted frameworks are as bellow (method).1) the theory of virtue2) the theory of liberalism3) the theory of utilitarianism4) the theory of dutyWe can find some prior views about the topic in terms of the theory of virtue andliberalism, whilethe views based on the theory of utilitarianism and duty are our original one.It would be clarified that the view of virtue doesn't make sense and the view of utilitarianism can only show the prospective judgment. The limit of the theory of liberalism and the significance of the theory of duty would also be shown in this paper as a conclusion.Arguments on the doping issues in terms of the theory of duty, however, are limited on “doping negatively affecting the human body”. It means “doping issues that do no harm to human body in sport” should be treated as different problems that concernwith the essence of sport. Finally, we will suggest that both “the bioethical research” and “the philosophy of sport” should be pursued in the research on doping issues.
小林 克 堀内 秀樹 岩下 哲典 金田 明美 小川 保
一般財団法人 住総研
住宅総合研究財団研究論文集 (ISSN:18802702)
vol.34, pp.337-348, 2008 (Released:2018-01-31)

中川 大 小林 寛
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集D (ISSN:18806058)
vol.62, no.1, pp.187-206, 2006 (Released:2006-03-30)
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椿 崇裕 小林 聖人 上田 好寛 元井 直樹
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.144, no.1, pp.28-34, 2024-01-01 (Released:2024-01-01)

For operability improvement, this paper proposes a frequency modification method using fast Fourier transform (FFT) in a bilateral control. A bilateral control is one of the remote control methods with tactile sensation. The bilateral control system consists of the leader and follower systems. By using FFT, the position response and estimated force in the leader and follower systems are converted from the time domain to the frequency domain. In the frequency domain, frequency modification is conducted. After the frequency modification, the frequency domain data is reconverted to the time domain by using inverse FFT. Therefore, the proposed method enables frequency modification that is easy for the operator to manipuate in the bilateral control. For the confirmation of the validity of the proposed method, the experiments that imitate drilling tasks were conducted.
鹿野 祐介 肥後 楽 小林 茉莉子 井上 眞梨 永山 翔太 長門 裕介 森下 翔 鈴木 径一郎 多湖 真琴 標葉 隆馬 岸本 充生
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.37, no.3, pp.279-295, 2022-11-01 (Released:2022-11-14)

The Research Center on Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues (ELSI) at Osaka University and mercari R4D started a practical joint research project in 2021 to innovate based on the concept of ELSI and responsible research and innovation (RRI). This paper describes the research and practice conducted in this joint project on (A) upgrading the ethics review process for research and development, (B) assessing AI-based solution technologies and strengthening AI governance, and (C) conducting a feasibility study for participatory technology assessment on quantum technology, respectively. In this paper, we illustrate the methods and processes of this project, as well as the results of these individual studies, and share critical reflections on the ELSI/RRI knowledge production processes from the perspectives of both ELSI researchers and members of the private sector. Our results provide evidence of the contribution to innovation governance in science and technology from ELSI/RRI research and the knowledge of the humanities and social sciences.
利光 花菜美 林 大祐 矢野 文士 細石 真吾 徳田 誠
一般社団法人 日本昆虫学会
昆蟲.ニューシリーズ (ISSN:13438794)
vol.25, no.3, pp.87-94, 2022-09-25 (Released:2022-09-29)

Ants play an important role in forest ecosystems in terms of biomass and various biological interactions, but non-destructive continuous observation of colonies is difficult for species nesting in trees. During the investigations of forest arboreal small mammals using wood nest boxes between January and December 2021, nestings of Camponotus kiusiuensis Santschi were observed at high frequencies in a census site on Mount Kyougatake, Saga Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan. We surveyed the nesting site preference of C. kiusiuensis and conducted monthly observations of colony compositions from spring to winter. Among three types of nest boxes, small (500 cm3), medium (1,000 cm3), and large (2,000 cm3), C. kiusiuensis nested in the large nest boxes at significantly higher frequencies. Although the nest boxes were either set at low (1.5–2.0 m high) or high (3.5–4.0 m high) positions of trees, no significant differences were detected in the nesting sites between them. The number of colonies was the highest in April and it gradually decreased from spring to autumn. In the nest boxes in which colonies of C. kiusiuensis were continuously observed until autumn, the developmental stages of immature individuals inside were almost uniform: larvae were observed from April to June, pupae in July, and many adults including males and new alate queens were found in August and September. No or very few ant individuals were observed in October and November, suggesting that workers moved the larvae to other places in late autumn. Based on our observations, the arboreal nest boxes seem not to be suitable sites for overwintering.
神林 崇 今西 彩 富永 杜絵 石戸 秀明 入鹿山 容子 韓 庫銀 木村 昌由美 近藤 英明
神経治療学 (ISSN:09168443)
vol.38, no.4, pp.503-507, 2021 (Released:2022-04-28)

Even though we are currently in the midst of pandemic from coronavirus infection, the new influenza (H1N1) epidemic in 2009–2010 was unforgettable. Concurrently with the H1N1, narcolepsy surged in post–affected children in China. In Northern Europe, narcolepsy surged in children after H1N1 vaccination. Although there were many cases of H1N1 in Japan, there was no change in the incidence of narcolepsy because anti–influenza drugs prevented the disease from becoming more severe and the vaccine did not contain an adjuvant. It has recently become clear that the Spanish flu that prevailed about 100 years ago was also H1N1. Economo's encephalitis lethargica, which was prevalent at the same time, is thought to be autoimmune encephalitis rather than H1N1–induced influenza encephalitis. It has been reported that Economo's encephalitis caused damage to the hypothalamus, including the orexin system, resulting in lethargic symptoms.Since the 2010s, the number of patients with neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD, ASD) has been increasing among the patients who complain of hypersomnolence. Consideration of the course of symptoms revealed that the patient was originally below the threshold of the diagnostic criteria for neurodevelopmental disease, that hypersomnolence occurred from around adolescence, and that the case also met the criteria for neurodevelopmental disease. Although hypersomnolence was not noticeable in early childhood and inattention was the main symptom, the diagnostic criteria were not met. Hypersomnolence, on the other hand, increased from around adolescence, was added, and attention deficit was exacerbated. Therefore, it is considered that there are many cases that satisfy both the diagnosis of ADHD and central hypersomnia. ADHD characteristics such as attention deficit, hyperactivity, and poor impulsivity may be observed in children who have recovered from Economo's encephalitis and are called post–encephalitis behavioral disorders. The pathophysiology of Economo's encephalitis is presumed to be a disorder of the hypothalamus, including the orexin system, but it is possible that the disorder remained even after recovery.We believe that impaired attention, and restlessness caused by the hypersomnolence in neurodevelopmental disorders can be explained by dysfunctions of the orexin system and its arousal system. H1N1 morbidity may trigger neurodevelopmental disorders accompanied by hypersomnolence.
藤井 歌倫 川上 敬子 宮本 真豪 明樂 一隆 三澤 亜純 中尾 紗由美 田内 麻依子 宮村 知弥 中林 誠 丸山 大介 中山 健 佐々木 康 森岡 幹
昭和学士会雑誌 (ISSN:2187719X)
vol.83, no.4, pp.266-271, 2023 (Released:2023-08-30)

子宮内膜症のリンパ節での発生は稀少部位子宮内膜症とされている.子宮内膜症のリンパ節病変は骨盤内リンパ節が多く,骨盤内の深部子宮内膜症を伴うことが多い.今回,深部子宮内膜症を伴わない傍大動脈リンパ節子宮内膜症の一例を経験した.症例は44歳,過多月経による貧血のため,当科へ紹介となった.MRI検査で子宮腺筋症および子宮筋腫を認めた.子宮筋腫は8.7cm大で,拡散強調画像で軽度高信号とADC mapで一部低信号を呈したため悪性を否定できなかった.全身検索のため造影CT検査を施行したところ,多発肺動脈血栓と左下肢静脈血栓,12×25mm大の嚢胞状に腫大した右傍大動脈リンパ節を認めた.抗凝固療法および下大静脈フィルター留置後に腹式子宮全摘術と両側卵管摘出術と右傍大動脈リンパ節生検を施行した.術中所見では,骨盤および腹腔内に内膜症病変を認めなかった.術後病理診断では,子宮筋腫と子宮腺筋症に悪性所見を認めなかった.腫大リンパ節に内膜症病変を認めた.子宮内膜細胞がリンパ管や血管を介して骨盤外臓器に出現することが報告されていることを考慮すると,孤立したリンパ節に子宮内膜症が発生したものと考えられた.今回は偶発的に発見されたが,嚢胞状に腫大したリンパ節病変を認めた場合,悪性疾患によるリンパ節転移のほかにリンパ節子宮内膜症を考慮する必要がある.

4 0 0 0 OA 京菓子

林 淳一
一般社団法人 日本調理科学会
調理科学 (ISSN:09105360)
vol.16, no.1, pp.2-9, 1983-02-20 (Released:2013-04-26)
村松 美邑 後藤 春彦 山村 崇 林 廷玟
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.813, pp.3018-3029, 2023-11-01 (Released:2023-11-01)

This paper aims to present the structure of landscape interpretation and reconsider the concept of landscape by depicting the process by which landscape emerges as observer-specific “meaning”. For this purpose, we will focus on the existence of “knowledge,” which is said to have the function of directing human consciousness and encouraging the assignment of meaning, and grasp the relationship between its reality and landscape interpretation. By approaching the reality of “knowledge” and structurally understanding the interpretation of landscape, we empirically demonstrated that landscape as a phenomenon is momentarily “constructed” by the observer and that “environmental knowledge” drives it.