網岡 尚史 渡邊 敦之 大塚 寛昭 赤木 達 麻植 浩樹 中川 晃志 中村 一文 森田 宏 小谷 恭弘 新井 禎彦 笠原 真悟 佐野 俊二 伊藤 浩
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.49, no.SUPPL.1, pp.S1_110, 2017-08-28 (Released:2018-08-28)

川那部 浩哉 森 主一 水野 信彦
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.7, no.1, pp.22-26, 1957-05-31 (Released:2017-04-08)

A dense population of a salmon-like fish, Plecoglossus altivelis, or Ayu in Japanese, is found in the River Ukawa in the north-western part of Kyoto Prefecture. We have been studying the ecology of this fish from various viewpoints since 1955. This report concerns the change of the modes of utilizing the river-pools, which we observed during the course of our study. As we have already reported (KAWANABE, MIYADI, MORI, HARADA and OHGUSHI, 1956), there can be distinguished two kinds in the life of Ayu in pools, which are related to the topographical characteristics of the river-pools as well as to their adjoining riffles, i.e., using the pools as both feeding and resting places or as shelters only. By our recent observation it was discovered that the modes practically taken by Ayu might be changed according to population density. The population of Ayu by our estimation in 1956 was far less than that of 1955 (about one-sixth). The decrease in population in 1956 was far greater in the river-pools (about one-tenth of 1955) than in the riffles (about one-fourth of 1955). In 1956,when the density of Ayu in the river was low, the pools were utilized chiefly as shefters or resting places in the night-time, and the fish used to take their foods in the daytime in the adjoining riffles, where they could find better and richer food materials in the form of algae attached to stones than, in the pools. On the contrary, in 1955,when the density was high, the pools were utilized as feeding places as in the case of the riffles ; so, some individuals were found staying and feeding there both in the daytime and at night.
大西 史晃 松田 保 金森 雅夫 的地 修 豊田 則成 廣木 武士
研究紀要 (ISSN:13489399)
vol.7, pp.105-115, 2010-03-15

Introduction: "Kids Project" is a project which started from 2003 by the Japan FootballAssociation (JFA) and its purpose is to support kids to like sports and also to learn socialskills through playing sports. Biwako Seikei Sports College(BSSC) started this project at thesame time that JFA did. Student coaches who are certified as JFA Kids' Leaders visitkindergartens in Otsu city, and instruct kids to do physical activities such as soccer, tag, andso on. Kids learn social skills such as rules, responsibility, team work, and fair play. Since BSSCstarted this project, it has become in creasingly popular in the community year by year. Fromthe year of 2005, evaluation of the project has been carried out at the end of every year. Thisstudy was to investigate the result of "Kids' Project" by analyzing the end term evaluationfrom 2005 to 2007 and to clarify problems that need to be resolved to provide a betterprogram in the future. Design: The number of kindergartens that participated into doing theend term evaluation was 18 in 2005, 30 in 2006, and 27 in 2007. The age range of subjects was3 to 5 years old. The evaluation form consisted of two types of questions. One is a 4-pointsgradingsystem to a provided question "Are contents of the program appropriate for yourkids?" In this grading system, 1 means "it suits very well" and 4 means "it does not suit atall". The other is a free comment for requests to coaches. In the evaluation of 2007, extraquestions were added. The extra questions were "Any behavioral change in a group?" and"Any behavioral change in the individual? Answers for these questions were chosen from oneof 4 comments, A: I strongly agree, B: I agree, C: I disagree, and D: I strongly disagree. Result:The average point of the 4-point-grading system to the question" Are contents of the programappropriate to your kids?" is 1.76 in 2005, 1.76 in 2006, and 1.81 in 2007. The major comment forrequests to coaches in 2005 was" Coaches were very polite to kids" for good and" We need apreliminary meeting at the beginning of the year." for bad. The major comment for requests tocoaches in 2006 was "Coaches became very close to kids and kids like the coaches" for goodand "Coaches need to show a better approach to handicapped kids." for bad. Major commentfor request to coaches in 2007 was "Coaches' approach to handicapped kids was very good."for good and "Coaches visit our kindergarten more often." for bad. Answers for the question"Any behavioral change in a group?" were 3 of A, 16 of B, 5 of C, 0 of D, and 3 of no comment.Answers for the question "Any behavioral change in the individual?" were 4 of A, 16 of B, 5for C, 0 of D, and 2 of no comment. Conclusion: Since a high average score in the gradingsystem in each year were reported, it is clarified that this project suits kids who are under theage of 6. Also, it is clear that kids are able to learn social skills through this project.
竹崎 英一 村上 信三 西林 宏之 香川 和徳 大森 仁也 山根 哲実 弘井 正 片山 正一
Japanese Society of National Medical Services
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.45, no.2, pp.177-182, 1991

肝細胞癌を合併した自己免疫性慢性肝疾患2例を報告する. 1例目は65歳の女性で, ルポイド肝炎から進展した肝硬変と考えられる症例で, 経過中に慢性甲状腺炎を併発し, 同時に, 腫瘍マーカーの上昇と画嫁診断から肝細胞癌合併が診断され, TAE後, 治療切除が行われた. 腫瘍は1.4×1.5cmのEdmondson II-III型の肝細胞癌であった. 本例は輸血歴があり, anti-HCVが陽性であった. 2例目は78歳の男性で, AMA 320倍以上, anti-M2陽性, 高免疫グロブリン血症からPBCと考えられる症例で, 腫瘍マーカーは陰性であったが, 画像診断から肝細胞癌合併が診断された. 高齢であり, 腫瘍占拠部位が広範囲であるため, 保存的治療が行われたが, 肝細胞癌診断約3ヵ月後に, 肝不全が出現し死亡した. 死亡解剖所見では, Scheuer IVのPBCであり, 腫瘍は肝両葉に散在し, 最大径は3×4cmで, Edmondson II-III型の肝細胞癌であった. 本例は輸血歴がなく, anti-HCVは陰性であった.
殿内 暁夫 森山 裕理子 青山 嘉宏 土岐 春歌
Brewing Society of Japan
日本醸造協会誌 (ISSN:09147314)
vol.111, no.7, pp.437-444, 2016 (Released:2018-07-30)

著者らは,白神山地由来の微生物資源の産業利用を通じた地域貢献を目的として,酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiaeの分離を進めている。十分に検討された分離・同定スキームにより,これまでに多数の菌株を得ている。加えて,本稿には自然環境から酵母を分離する際に有用な示唆に富んだ内容も含んでいる。また,産学官の研究会を組織し,広報・普及活動を行っており,一部については商品開発もなされている。解決すべき課題もあるというが今後の展開が期待される。
森 裕亮
北九州市立大学国際論集 = CIEE journal, the University of Kitakyushu (ISSN:13481851)
no.15, pp.1-18, 2017-03

長谷部 雅彦 持井 聡子 大森 照夫 杉山 典正 近成 涼香 都築 泉
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.68, no.12, pp.616-622, 2018-12-01 (Released:2018-12-01)

鹿嶋 光司 黒川 英雄 高森 晃一 井川 加織 市來 剛 迫田 隅男
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.53, no.7, pp.420-424, 2007-07-20 (Released:2011-04-22)

We report the a successful intensive care of a 41-year-old man, who had facial and cervical cellulitis, descending necrotizing mediastinitis, and bilateral pyothorax caused by pericoronitis. Computed tomographic scans showed abscesses extending from the left temporal region and the neck to the mediastinum, with bilateral pleural effusion. Surgical drains were placed in the face, neck, and chest, and several types of antibiotics were administered intravenously. Pus cultures disclosed abundant growth ofStreptococcus constellatesandPrevotella intermedla. The patient received mechanical ventilation with a high concentration of oxygen. Our experience suggested that such severe cases require aggressive chemotherapy with a combination of antibiotics and surgical drainage by a multidisciplinary team of surgeons.
榊 寿右 森本 哲也 星田 徹 中瀬 裕之 米澤 泰司
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.6, no.11, pp.777-785, 1997-11-20 (Released:2017-06-02)

傍矢状洞髄膜腫は,頭蓋内に生じる髄嘆腫のうちでも比較的頻度の高いものであり,遭遇する機会も多い.したがって,その手術に関しては多くの成書に記載されているところであるが,その手術の問題点ともいうべき皮質静脈,ならびに上矢状静脈洞に対する対処,ならびにそれらが損傷された時の合併損傷について述べられたものは少ない.本文では,この腫瘍の発生部を傍矢状静脈洞部の前1/3,中1/3および後1/3に発生したものについて,症状や手術法を簡単に記述し,特に皮質静脈損傷時の合併症について症例を呈示しながら,静脈温存の重要性について述べた.皮質静脈には多くの側副血行路が存在しているので,仮に損傷されても大きな障害が発生することは比較的少ないが,この静脈内に血栓が生じ,それが広範に広がったならば重篤な合併症を呈するので,その部に浸潤した腫瘍の摘出には注意を払うことを強調する.また上矢状静脈洞については,脳血管撮影で閉塞しているようにみえても,術中に静脈洞造影をすると,なお開存しているので,安易な切除はたいへん危険である.もし,こうした静脈系がなお開存しているにもかかわらず犠牲となった時には, saphenous veinを用いた血行再建を行うべきと考える.
増田 礼子 森本 千佳子 松尾谷 徹 津田 和彦
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.138, no.8, pp.1011-1019, 2018-08-01 (Released:2018-08-01)

OSS (Open Source Software) has made remarkable progress in recent years. In ES (Enterprise Software) development process, also the OSS usage has been increasing steadily, which means the impact of OSS to the society has become greater and greater. However, the quantitative analysis for OSS development has been put no particular importance today. In this research, we study to enhance COCOMO model, commonly used for ES development, in order to clarify the relationship between human resources and development volume of OSS development projects. We chose 50 of Large Scale OSS development Projects from GitHub for our analysis, and obtained such three findings as: 1. In OSS development projects, with some arrangement in measuring man-months volume, we found that power formula of COCOMO model can be applied for expressing the relationship between the development volume and the outputs. 2. As OSS development characteristics, with the increase of development volume, the efficiency for development shows the rising trend. 3. The tendency found above has been identified as not the results of diversion as copying and modifying sources nor cumulative contribution made by variety of small developers.
森田 麻登 Asato Morita
共栄学園短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09115358)
vol.27, pp.167-176, 2011-03-31

本研究の目的は、快と不快の感情価が主観的な時間経過の評価に及ぼす影響を検討することであった。大学生16 名(男性3 名、女性13 名)を対象に、快と不快の感情価を喚起する24 枚の画像を一定時間(3 秒、6 秒、9 秒、12 秒)呈示し、1 枚呈示されるごとに表示されていた時間を秒単位で主観的に評価するよう求めた。呈示された時間間隔と主観的な評価時間のずれを比較したところ、不快条件下で評価された時間は、快条件下で評価された時間よりも有意に長かった。また、不快条件下での評価時間は快条件下での評価時間と比べて、呈示された時間間隔に近いことが確認された。本研究の結果より、感情価によって引き起こされる記憶の情報量、興味・感心、さらに動機づけの強さが主観的な経過時間の評価に影響を及ぼす可能性が示唆された。