2 0 0 0 独逸日記

森鴎外 著
谷川 恭雄 森 博嗣
コンクリート工学 (ISSN:03871061)
vol.25, no.5, pp.4-16, 1987

コンクリート施工のロボット化を初めとする新工法の開発や, 流動化コンクリート, 繊維補強コンクリート, 水中コンクリートなどの各種コンクリートの開発にともない, フレッシュコンクリートの流動性をより科学的な視点に基づいて評価することの必要性が高まってきている。本稿では, 現在フレッシュコンクリートのコンシステンシー判定法として広く利用されているスランプ試験について, レオロジー的な観点からの見直しを行うことを目的として, スランプ試験のメカニズム, スランプ試験によって測定される値の物理的意味, フレッシュコンクリートの流動シミュレーション方法, スランプ試験を拡張してレオロジー定数を推定する方法などに関する研究の現状を紹介する。
森下 はるみ
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.26, no.3, pp.132-136, 2002-08-01 (Released:2016-11-01)

佐藤 史織 山代 栄士 河村 聡志 中島 竜太 稲垣 伸洋 森 一生
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.18, no.4, pp.599-604, 2015-08-31 (Released:2015-08-31)

野村 佳宏 原田 太郎 森田 重人 窪田 聡 腰岡 政二 山口 博康 棚瀬 幸司 八木 雅史 小野崎 隆 佐藤 茂
一般社団法人 園芸学会
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
vol.82, no.3, pp.242-254, 2013

カーネーションの老化時においては,初めに雌ずいにおいてエチレンが生成し,このエチレンが花弁に作用して自己触媒的エチレン生成反応を引き起こす.本研究では,アブシシン酸(ABA)の含量および ABA の生合成と作用に関与する遺伝子群の発現を解析して,雌ずいのエチレン生成開始反応における ABA の役割を明らかにすることを試みた.初めに,カーネーション'ライトピンクバーバラ'の花組織から,ABA の生合成と作用に関与する遺伝子群の cDNA をクローニングし,構造を明らかにした.次に,雌ずいの ABA 含量の変化とこれらの遺伝子の発現を,3 品種のカーネーションを用いて調べた.3 品種は,切り花の老化時にエチレンを生成し約 1 週間の花持ち期間を示す'ライトピンクバーバラ'と'エクセリア',および老化時にエチレンを生成せず約 3 週間の花もち期間を示す'ミラクルルージュ'を用いた.子房の ABA 含量は,'ライトピンクバーバラ'では開花時期 2(Os 2)から Os 5 にかけて 530–710 pmol·g<sup>−1</sup> FW,'エクセリア'では同じ時期に 200–380 pmol·g<sup>−1</sup> FW で,老化時期 1(Ss 1)(老化の初期)に 930 pmol·g<sup>−1</sup> FW に増加した.他方,'ミラクルルージュ'では 70–160 pmol·g<sup>−1</sup> FW で推移した.ABA 含量の変化は,<i>DcNCED1</i>(9<i>-cis</i>-エポキシカロテノイドジオキシゲナーゼ)転写産物量の変化と並行関係にあった.<i>DcPYR1</i>(ABA 受容体)転写産物量は,'ライトピンクバーバラ'の Os 1–Os 3 では 0.004–0.007 相対発現量(r.e.l.)であり,Ss 1 には 0.028 r.e.l. に増加した.'エクセリア'の子房では,開花時期は 0.025–0.037 r.e.l. で推移し,Ss 1 でさらに増加した.これに反して,'ミラクルルージュ'では開花と老化時期を通じて 0.002–0.006 r.e.l. であった.エチレン生合成の鍵遺伝子である <i>DcACS1</i> の転写産物は,'ライトピンクバーバラ'では Ss 1,'エクセリア'では Ss 2 で検出されたが,'ミラクルルージュ'では開花と老化の時期を通じて検出されなかった.以上の結果から,ABA が雌ずいにおける <i>DcACS1</i> の発現を誘導してエチレン生成を引き起こすこと,ABA の作用の発現には ABA 含量と <i>DcPYR1</i> の発現量が特定の閾値を超える必要があることが推定された.
Yoshinari Morita 森田 良成
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.43, no.3, pp.367-390, 2019-01-25

Recent research in cultural anthropology has shown that smuggling is notnecessarily an act of negation of the rule of the state or an attempt toundermine this rule. In fact, smugglers quite often require the rule of thestate for their actions to be justified as ‘exceptions’.In 1999, the Province of East Timor became gained independence fromthe Republic of Indonesia, and in 2002 the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste was born. As a result, an international border was created on theisland separating the two countries. Since that time, the border surroundingOecusse District, a detached territory of Timor-Leste, has become a stagefor routine smuggling – an ‘open secret’ in the neighbouring villages.This chapter is structured around a series of events that occurred inNapan, a village on the Indonesian side of the international border surroundingOecusse District. The events involved villagers and soldiers of theIndonesian army assigned to border guard duty. This chapter gives anaccount of these events and then analyses them. The events threatened thedelicate balance between the villagers and the soldiers, at the same timelaying bare the contradictions and failures inherent in the rule of the stateover its people and the way in which the border is administered. We shallexamine the complex relationship between the power and violence inherentin state rule that clearly manifested itself in the process, at the same timediscussing more universal issues such as the relationship between the powerof the state and its people or citizens’ sense of belonging to the state.
森田 良成 森田 良成
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.43, no.3, pp.367-390, 2019

Recent research in cultural anthropology has shown that smuggling is notnecessarily an act of negation of the rule of the state or an attempt toundermine this rule. In fact, smugglers quite often require the rule of thestate for their actions to be justified as 'exceptions'.In 1999, the Province of East Timor became gained independence fromthe Republic of Indonesia, and in 2002 the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste was born. As a result, an international border was created on theisland separating the two countries. Since that time, the border surroundingOecusse District, a detached territory of Timor-Leste, has become a stagefor routine smuggling – an 'open secret' in the neighbouring villages.This chapter is structured around a series of events that occurred inNapan, a village on the Indonesian side of the international border surroundingOecusse District. The events involved villagers and soldiers of theIndonesian army assigned to border guard duty. This chapter gives anaccount of these events and then analyses them. The events threatened thedelicate balance between the villagers and the soldiers, at the same timelaying bare the contradictions and failures inherent in the rule of the stateover its people and the way in which the border is administered. We shallexamine the complex relationship between the power and violence inherentin state rule that clearly manifested itself in the process, at the same timediscussing more universal issues such as the relationship between the powerof the state and its people or citizens' sense of belonging to the state.国境と密輸に関する近年の文化人類学は,密輸という行為が,国家の統治を否定したり破壊したりする行為とは限らないことを論じている。密輸を行う人々にとって,国家による統治は自らの行為を否定し阻む存在ではなく,この行為が「例外」としての正当性を得るために,しばしばむしろ必要とされている。 1999 年の住民投票を経て、東ティモール民主共和国は2002 年にインドネシア共和国から独立した。これによりティモール島には,ふたつの国家を隔てる国境線が引かれた。東ティモール領の飛び地オエクシ県を囲む国境では,独立以来,密輸が日常化している。これは周辺の村人たちによって「公然の秘密」といわれている。 本稿では,東ティモール領オエクシ県を囲む国境線のインドネシア側にあるナパン村において,村人と,国境警備にあたるインドネシア軍兵士との間に起こったある一連の出来事を記述し分析する。密輸をめぐり村人と兵士との間に起きたこの衝突は,両者の微妙な関係を不安定化するとともに,国民と国境に対する国家による管理の矛盾と破綻を露わにするものだった。結果として,ある方法によってこの危機に「和解」がもたらされた。本稿では,この過程で明らかになった国家の統治における権力と暴力の複雑な関係を明らかにするとともに,国家権力と国民の関係,国民としての国家への帰属意識について論じる。
鄭 継華 森 朝美 樹山 敦子 加藤 秀夫
県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要 (ISSN:13467816)
vol.2, pp.33-38, 2007

森村 修
異文化. 論文編 : Bulletin of the Faculty of Intercultural Communication, Hosei Univeresity (ISSN:13493256)
no.19, pp.85-109, 2018-04

The purpose of this series of papers, starting with the current work, is to critically examine metaphysics of Heidegger's philosophy of technology (Technik), and to question the kind of "arts of existence" in the Foucauldian sense. I consider the possibility of overcoming nihilism in "art (Kunst)", in contrast to "technique (Technik)", which Heidegger dealt with in a lecture on The Question Concerning Technology (Die Frage nach der Technik) (1953). Heidegger argued that "art of technology (Kunst)" provides effective way to overcome modern nihilism. Depending on his most favorite poet Friedrich Hölderlin's paradoxical words, Heidegger thought that the most critical situation should be salvaged. In other words, he believed that if our world fell into the most critical situation of nihilism due to technology (Technik), it must be saved by art of technology (Kunst). Relying on Canadian sociologist Arthur Kroker's The Will to Technology and the Culture of Nihilism: Heidegger, Nietzsche, Marx (2004), I examine the philosophy of contemporary art and technology, in order to relativize the "art of technology (Kunst)" assumed by Heidegger and his philosophy of technology itself. Kroker argues that Heidegger's metaphysics of technology should be adopted in order to overcome the present nihilism. According to Kroker, "completed nihilism" in which nihilism is realized in a perfect form is called "hyper-nihilism." According to him, Nietzsche predicted that the age of nihilism will arrive from the 19th century to the 2nd century. Kroker characterizes the present age as the age of "a passive resentment and a suicidal will to nothingness," and "the age of the storm of nihilism." Moreover, according to Kroker, in the age of completed nihilism (hyper-nihilism) of "late modernity" in which we live, the economy, politics and even religion have undergone fundamental transformation; in our daily life "fundamental attunement (= profound boredom)" prevails. To properly illuminate the "logic which rules the culture and society" in the present age, where "the will to technology" reaches its summit, Kroker turns to Heidegger to examine the relationship between technology and (hyper-) nihilism. While the sum of Kroker's insights into Heidegger's philosophy of technology falls outside the scope of the present set of papers, I will focus on four specific points. First, I consider the metaphysics of Heidegger's philosophy of technology (in particularly, the "Bremen" lecture (1949) delivered soon after World War II, the lecture titled "Building Dwelling Thinking (Bauen Whonen Denken)" (1951) at the Darmstadt Conference, and The Question Concerning Technology (Die Frage nach der Techinik (1953)). In doing so, I primarily focus on the question of Heidegger's war responsibility and post-war responsibility that concerns his entire philosophy. I argue that Heidegger's philosophy of technology is not only related to the political aspect in his philosophy, but is also based on an "antihumanistic inhumanism." In that sense, I argue, it is problematic to criticize his philosophy from the viewpoint of "humanism." As is well-known, Heidegger suggested the possibility of overcoming "humanism" in his Über den Humanismus (Letter on Humanism) (1946). As Kroker points out, Heidegger's philosophy showed signs of the idea of the "post human." It is therefore necessary to shift the ground of the discussion from the viewpoint of "humanism" to that of "post-humanism" in order to examine Heidegger's own war responsibility and post-war responsibility. Second, I re-read Heidegger's "philosophy of technology" in the context of contemporary philosophies of technology. While contemporary philosophies or ethics of technologies seems to be based on anti-humanistic and non-humanistic post-human thought superficially, it is not as anti-humanistic as Heidegger's "philosophy of technology," and is not even non-humanistic. For example, Peter-Paul Verbeek, a contemporary philosopher of technology, discusses the ethics of technology in Moralizing Technology: Understanding and Designing the Morality of Things (2011), and argues for a "moralization of technology." While he claims that his position is beyond humanism, I argue that this is not the case, and Verbeek's work is an extension of anti-humanism. I argue that his ethical position is not as radical as Heidegger's. I also examine Don Ihde's philosophy of technology, which arrives at a post-phenomenological position through a critical reading of Husserl's phenomenology and Heidegger's philosophy of technology, and influences Verbeek's ethics of technologyThird, I consider the problematic of "posthuman" thought in Heidegger's philosophy of technology. In this context, I examine Peter Sloterdijk's Rules for the Human Zoo: a response to the Letter on Humanism (1999). According to Verbeek, Sloterdijk holds a position of "postphenomenology," in which the post-human point of view is missing. However, I think the problem raised by Verbeek is not limited only to the postphenomenological position, but rather is nothing but the problem of posthumanism held by Heidegger's philosophy. As Kroker points out, the posthuman problematic is potentially included in Heidegger's metaphysical thinking of Technology. In this sense, it is necessary to consider Heidegger's philosophy of technology in order to confirm the validity of Sloterdijk's point of view. Moreover, the essence of Heidegger's "post-human" philosophy of beyond humanism is non-human (inhuman). We need to examine Heidegger's Über den Humanismus to verify the validity of Sloterdijk's criticism of Heidegger. Fourth, while Heidegger's anti-human "post-human" thinking is nonhuman, it is preparing Verbeek's optimism of "moralizing technology" in a sense. It is considered that the danger of moralization of technology also possibly exists in the future. In my opinion, the moralization of technology not only bears a mutual relationship with the politicization of technology, but also presents the danger that morality may be eroded by the political. Moreover, it should be noted that technology and the technological may possibly intervene between the ethical and the political. As Heidegger also pointed out, technology and politics are closely related, and technology itself is political. In the context of these questions, the current series of papers will address the links among the moralization of technology, the politicization of technology, as well as the aestheticization of technology. As Walter Benjamin already pointed out, the aestheticization of politics and the politicization of aesthetics arise from the same roots. Based on the dual meanings of the word technē in Greek, Heidegger interprets the German Kunst as technology on the one hand, and as art on the other hand. This inevitably results from the fact that, just as the Greek technē is inseparable from the Greek poiēsis, the German Technik (technique or technology) is inseparable from Kunst (art or technology). I argue that, though Heidegger aims to overcome hyper-nihilism through Kunst as art, it is possible that Kunst as technology will strengthen rather than overcome hyper-nihilism. This is because Kunst as technology and as art includes the possibility of generating hyper-nihilism by evoking the inseparable relationship between the aestheticization of technology and the politicization of technology. In the first paper in the series, I will focus on the first and second issues. Particularly, I first confirm the historical background that Heidegger's philosophy of technology was conceived. What is interesting to me is that Heidegger gave lectures on technology (Technik or Kunst) at some organizations deeply related to arts and crafts. For Heidegger, the problem of technology (Technik or Kunst) is closely related to the place where it is told.
森山 無価 大野 京子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.50, no.3, pp.193-195, 2014 (Released:2016-04-19)

テーウェン マーク ペーチュ ニネッテ 幸子 森 新之介
日本思想史研究 (ISSN:03868974)
no.42, pp.1-34, 2010

「Mark Teeuwen, "Comparative perspectives on the emergence of jindo and Shinto", Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Volume 70(02), pp.373-402, 2007」の翻訳(ニネッテ・幸子・ペーチュ、森新之介訳)
山本 亜紀 神部 芳則 大田原 宏美 柏崎 明子 山下 雅子 林 宏栄 野口 忠秀 森 良之
日本口腔内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:21866147)
vol.23, no.2, pp.95-99, 2017-12-30 (Released:2018-01-16)

福井 慶一 森口 航平
一般社団法人 日本画像学会
日本画像学会誌 (ISSN:13444425)
vol.58, no.1, pp.11-17, 2019-02-10 (Released:2019-02-13)

定着プロセスの消費電力の低減と高画質化の両面を実現するためには,トナー材料の改良による低温定着の実現に加えて,定着ユニットの温度制御や圧力制御が重要になる.本稿では,その中でも,定着ユニットの温度制御に注目し,制御システム設計で必要な豊富な機能 (プラントモデリング,制御設計,感度解析など) を備えたMATLAB/Simulinkを使用したモデルベース開発による定着ユニットの温度制御システム設計例を説明する.まず,定着ユニットの基本構造の概要を示す.その後に,定着ユニットのニップ部の温度制御システムを設計するために,定着ユニットの熱伝導を表すプラントモデルの設計,ニップ部の温度制御性能の確保とIHヒーターの入力電力の抑制を実現する最適制御の設計,さらに部品のパラメーターのばらつきを考慮したモンテカルロシミュレーションによるニップ部の定着温度の解析について示す.
福島 晟 武田 育郎 森 也寸志
島根大学生物資源科学部研究報告 (ISSN:13433644)
vol.6, pp.41-46, 2001-12-20

This study aims to propose a procedure of a flood runoff analysis by the distributed runoff model using point rainfall data which are observed by the rain gages of tipping-bucket type . The previous study proposed two runoff routing models. The first one is a modfied model from the Long- and Short-Terms Runoff Model(LST-II model). The other is developed for the Kinematic Wave Storage Model(KiWS model). The proposed models have the advantage of possibility as a practical one to analyze a runoff phenomena considering the spatially distributed precipitation measured by radar rainfall measurement system. The present study is taken into acount for the input rainfall sequence calculated at the the grid cell, in which the observed ground raifall data in the watershed are converted to mesh data on the plane constructed by triangle network. In the same manner as the runoff analysis by the distributed model using radar rainfall data, it is shown that the runoff analysis is possible by applying the proposed input rainfall sequence to the previous runoff model proposed as the distributed type of KiWS model.13;13;従来の分布型流出モデルによる洪水流出解析では、流域平均雨量を入力降雨として雨水流モデルあるいは貯留関数法の適用が行われてきたが、現在では集中豪雨のような局地的な上に短時間に急変する降雨情報を分布型流出解析法に組み込むことの検討が可能となってきた。すなわち、レーダ雨量計情報を活用した水文観測システムが日本全国すべてを覆うように整備され、流域内の降雨域の移動、成長、減衰の様子が定量的に把握できるようになったことから、いわゆる降雨の時空間的分布特性を分布型流出モデルへの入力情報として反映させうる洪水流出解析法の開発・検討が可能となる環境が整ってきたといえる。13; そして、レーダによる観測降雨情報を活用した洪水予測システムの構築が注目されている。たとえば、気象庁では、山崩れ、がけ崩れの予測精度を向上させるために、「タンクモデル」と「レーダ・アメダス解析雨量」を組み合わせ、土壌水分量から土砂災害の危険度を見積もる「土壌雨量指数」を開発し、これを大雨注意報・大雨警報の発表基準に活用している。また、レーダ雨量データを活用し、国土地理院発行の数値地図に基づく疑似河道網と修正合理式を用いた流出解析法が検討され、洪水予測支援システムの開発が進められている。13; 前報では、こうした背景を踏まえ、レーダ雨量計で観測される流域内の降雨情報を活用した中小河川流域、あるいは河川上流域での洪水予測システムを構築することを基本目標に着手した検討の一部を報告した。もっとも、レーダ雨量計によるレーダメッシュ時間雨量値は、メッシュ直下の単独の地上転倒ます時間雨量値と比較した場合、平均雨量値に対して、±50% 程度の平均的な差異を有しているのが一般的とされている。したがって、現時点では、レーダ雨量計による面積雨量評価精度に問題が残されているといえ、この点は洪水流出予測精度に関係することにもなる。13; そこで、本報告では分布型流出モデルへの入力降雨系列の算定に流域内での地点雨量データを活用した手法を導入した流出解析を行い、入力降雨系列にレーダメッシュ雨量値を用いた流出解析との比較検討を行うための基礎入力降雨系列の算定的資料を得ることを目的に若干検討したことを述べる。
本村 あずみ 森 貴久
帝京科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science (ISSN:18800580)
vol.12, pp.161-166, 2016

Saihara, which is located in north-western area of Uenohara in Yamanashi Prefecture, is a depopulated area. A traditional Kabuki play had been performed at Ichinomiya Shrine in Saihara for the autumn festival since at latest 1860s until 2001,and ceased to be performed since then. Interviews with 29 people living in Saihara held in 2009-2010 enabled us to collect information on the traditional Kabuki play. What is clarified in this article is as follows: (1) there were 3 types of play: a traditional Kabuki play performed by Saihara people, plays performed by a professional theatre company, and semi-traditional Shimpa plays; (2) during Meiji and Taisho period, most plays were traditional Kabuki plays performed by Saihara people,performance by theatre companies had become popular later, and the traditional kabuki play by Saihara people became popular again after 1980s; and (3) performance of plays for the shrine festival had become a hard task due to a change of life style in Saihara, which seemed to be the most serious cause for the interruption of this traditional local play.