橋本 忠和
環境芸術 (ISSN:21854483)
vol.8, pp.9-16, 2009

大浦 圭一郎 中村 和寛 橋本 佳 南角 吉彦 徳田 恵一
研究報告音声言語情報処理(SLP) (ISSN:21888663)
vol.2019-SLP-127, no.34, pp.1-6, 2019-06-15

本稿では,ニューラルネットワークに基づく音声ボコーダにおいて,周期信号と非周期信号を入力とする音声生成の枠組みを提案する.近年,ニューラルネットワークを用いて音声波形を直接モデル化する手法として WaveNet [1] が提案された.WaveNet は音声波形を高精度にモデル化することができ,自然な音声を直接生成することができるため,特に音声ボコーダ [2] として様々な研究で利用されている [3],[4],[5].しかし,過去の音声サンプル列から次の音声サンプルを生成する自己回帰構造を持ち,合成時に並列演算ができないことから,実時間で合成できない問題があった.また,WaveNet を学習する際のデータベースに無い音高の再現ができない問題や,補助特徴量として指定したピッチ情報の音高を再現しないことがある問題があった.これらの問題に対し,本稿では明示的に周期信号と非周期信号の列を入力として用い,対応する音声サンプルの列を一度に生成する手法を提案する.提案手法を用いることで,実時間より高速に音声を生成できること,および,学習データの範囲外のピッチを持つ音声波形を生成できることを確認した.また,自然性に関する主観評価実験を行い,WaveNet と比較して合成音声品質の向上を確認した.
鈴木 陽一 橋本 明記 松崎 敬文 田中 祥次 木村 武史 土田 健一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.113, no.193, pp.7-12, 2013-08-29

スーパーハイビジョンなどの大容量伝送の実現に向けて,周波数利用効率,所要C/N改善を目指した伝送方式の検討を進めている,強力な訂正能力を有するLDPC符号と,集合分割法を用いた符号化変調を組み合わせた性能評価は,特に衛星伝送路の特性を考慮した環境化では十分な検討がなされていない.本稿では,集合分割法と,LDPC符号とBCH符号による連接符号を, 8PSKに適用して符号化変調を構成し,同方式に適した伝送フレーム構成を提案する.提案方式では,最もユークリッド距離が広がる最下位ビットには, BCHパリティのみを付加し,上位2ビットについては,それぞれBCH符号と白色雑音下において最も伝送性能が良くなる符号化率のLDPC符号の連接符号を付加する.本稿では,上位2ビットに適用するLDPC符号の符号化率をパラメータとし,白色雑音下における伝送性能を計算機シミュレーションにより評価し,伝送性能が最も良くなる符号率の組み合わせを導出するとともに、12GHz帯衛星伝送路を模擬した伝送路モデルにおける伝送性能について計算機シミュレーションを行い,従来方式(ARIB STD-B44)に対する本方式の性能改善効果を報告する.
橋本 征治
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
vol.40, pp.55-77, 2007-04-01

It is essential to investigate the cultural exchange with surrounding areas in analizing the formation and developing process of Japanese prehistoric agriculture. The study on the 'Southern Route' is especially important because it is assumed that the 'Southern Route' had influenced deeply on the formation of farming culture of vegetative root crops which had been the staple crops in the Japanese fundamendal agriculture. In general speaking, the 'Southern Route' consists of the continental route and the islands route. I have mainly studied the islands route, especially the route of the Kuroshio Current, which has Nansei Islands, Formosa, the Philippines along the Kuroshio Current. Comparing similarities of the traditional farming culture, language, rituals, archaeological ruins and remains between the regions along the Kuroshio Current, we can find spatial continuity and discontinuity of the similarities. This discontinuity, however, is not the absolute discontinuity, but is a partial one, and it is considered to be a phenomenon appeared on the outer layer of culture when you see it in time series. Therefore, it is important to investigate what really exists in the depth of such discontinuity, or to find out why it looks discontinued on the outer layer. This paper, as a process of investigating such depth under discontinuity, studied Lanyu (Botel Tobago), the small island in the southeast of Formosa, and recorded and investigated the farming styles, land ownership, and land usage, based on the field study of the farming system of root crops in Lanyu. Then, we compare them with those of Japanese Nansei Islands, Northern Philippines, and Fiji. As the result, Fiji and Nansei Islands showed the distinct contrast. Fiji people have developed the most rich and active farming culture of root crops, but Nansei Islanders have grown a few varieties with dedicated care. The root crops farming culture of Lanyu and Northern Philippines, which basically position between Fiji and Nansei Islands, showed similarity of something in-between concerning their characteristics. With close look, we found less variety in Lanyu which resembles the Nansei Islands, and ample variety in Northern Philippines which resemble Fiji. These positioning of similarity agrees with the idea that Lanyu belongs to the cultural diffusion area of the farming culture of vegetative root crops, following the Kuroshio Current from the Philippines, Formosa, and to the Nansei Islands.
橋本 健広
自然・人間・社会 = Nature-people-society, Science and the humanities : 関東学院大学経済学部・経営学部総合学術論叢 (ISSN:0918807X)
no.66, pp.1-12, 2019-01

橋本 憲幸
国際開発研究 (ISSN:13423045)
vol.25, no.1-2, pp.89-97, 2016-11-15 (Released:2019-09-27)

The purpose of this article is to set a theoretical reference point from the concept of education to relativize and reexamine global governance in educational development. There are two reasons why this theme to be tackled. First, it is because normative theory is needed in the field of international educational development. Theory has the role to make another value judgment on the outside of real politics. But in reality, in this field, indeed on global governance, theories and real politics are overlapped. Second, it is because the way to take global governance in international educational development does not adequately pay theoretical attention to education. Education is treated in the same manner as other international development fields. But education has its own essentials. Therefore, international educational development has to be argued on the basis of educational natures.Responding to the first point, global justice theories are normative, and we can apply it to global governance in educational development. Among other global justice theories, Martha Nussbaum's capabilities approach is deeply related to education. But her theory has not relativized, but already explained real global governance in educational development. So it cannot be used as a theoretical outside. In terms of the second point, education has at least two roles or functions: protection of human rights and socialization of children. If we stand at the later function, one of the educational essentials is sharply defined: those who determine and provide education are not the side of educand but the side of educator. We have already been and are always educational architecture for children. Indeed, global governance is a form of educational architecture. So we can say that education has one-wayness and asymmetricity as its original nature. Education has also irreversibility. We cannot erase what we once educated, turn back a clock before we educated, and live his/her life in place of the educand his/herself. Can we narrate education easily and proudly? Educational essentials require that we reflect the difficulty of education to narrate. This is a theoretical outside of international educational development.
廣川 佐千男 中藤 哲也 殷 成久 鈴木 孝彦 橋本 喜代太
vol.26, no.1, pp.1-2, 2012-06-12

Since evaluation of food is subjective and the feeling is expressed in Japanese, onomatopoeia is used in many cases. In cooking and sweets, the onomatopoeia used is different. In order to grasp the meaning of onomatopoeia, we need to read and compare the situation where each onomatopoeia is used. In this report, the "Double Rank" method which the first author proposed is applied to Blog documents to compare and to analyze Blogs.set of all words gains the best performance if 90% of the data are used as a training data. However, the set of a small number of words with positive scores outperforms other feature sets, if the training data is only 10%. In such a realistic situation, the feature words are effective in improving discernment.
甲良 里織 岡田 ゆかり 阪梨 真理子 新村 美沙 柳 茂香 中島 輝美 岩田 ちづる 松岡 知子 手良向 聡 山田 歩 橋本 眞理子
京都府立医科大学附属病院看護部看護研究論文集 = Research papers collection, Department of Nursing, University Hospital, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (ISSN:24325120)
no.2016, pp.17-21, 2018-03-30

橋本 啓史 澤 邦之 田端 敬三 森本 幸裕 西尾 伸也
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.69, no.5, pp.529-532, 2006 (Released:2007-11-13)
3 2

Tree hollows are important nest and roost sites for various animals such as Ninox scutulata even in urban areas, but the number of such sites is very low. In this study, we recorded the characteristics of legacy trees with hollows in an urban area within Kyoto City (25 km2), Japan in 2002. We found 288 legacy trees with a trunk perimeter more than 300 cm and 94 trees with hollows. Legacy trees of Castanopsis sieboldii (an ever-green broad-leaf tree) and Aphananthe aspera (a deciduous broad-leaf tree) had a high rate of hollows. All six legacy trees of Cinnamomum camphora (an ever-green broad-leaf tree) with more than 1.5 m of DBH had hollows, but other trees of this species did not have hollows even when the trunk perimeter was more than 300 cm. We applied a logistic regression model to trunk perimeter and the probability of hollow-bearing in each species in an urban woods. We also predicted tree perimeter in relation to age from the annual relative growth rate in each species. A. aspera trees showed the highest incidence of tree hollows in relation to trunk perimeter, but these trees grow very slowly. Celtis sinensis trees grow rapidly, but they have a lower rate of tree hollows than A. aspera. Z. serrata trees grow at an intermediate speed and rarely have tree hollows. Cinnamomum camphora trees grow rapidly. Castanopsis sieboldii trees grow at an intermediate speed.
向井 由紀子 橋本 慶子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
家政学雑誌 (ISSN:04499069)
vol.32, no.8, pp.622-627, 1981-09-20 (Released:2010-03-10)

1) 伝統的なA型の持ち方は, 対象物がこわれやすい場合や, 2種の試料を交互に運ぶような複雑な作業の場合に, 失敗が少なく作業能率もよいこと, また焼魚の肉をわけるなどのように箸もひらいて用いる場合も鉛筆式の持ち方であるB型よりも早くできることがわかった.2) 自然に箸を持った位置とひらく作業後の箸を持った位置をみると, A型では指先の移動が少なかった.このことよりB型は作業時に箸を持ちかえるのに対し, A型はそのようなごとが少なく安定した持ち方といえるのではないかと考えられた.3) 箸先をひらく作業では測定筋のうちで背側骨間筋の筋活動度が大きく箸先をひらいて用いる場合の特徴と思われた.4) 伝統的な箸の持ち方では鉛筆式の持ち方に比べて短母指外転筋の活動度が大きいが, これは第一指で一方の箸を固定すると同時にもう一方の箸を動かすためと考えられ, 伝統的な持ち方の特徴であると思われた.
原 鐵洋 二宮 基樹 土井 寛文 久原 佑太 木建 薫 豊田 和宏 小林 弘典 橋本 泰司 坂下 吉弘 宮本 勝也 嶋本 文雄
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.53, no.1, pp.1-7, 2020-01-01 (Released:2020-01-31)

ニボルマブ投与により原発巣が著明に縮小し,10か月後に著効を認めたStage IV胃癌を経験した.症例は80歳の女性で,進行胃癌の診断で当院へ紹介された.No. 11リンパ節,大動脈周囲リンパ節の腫大を認め,Stage IV胃癌と診断した.一次治療でS-1とoxaliplatinの併用療法,二次治療でramucirumabとpaclitaxelの併用療法を施行したが有害事象と病状進行のため中止し,三次治療としてニボルマブを開始した.6コース投与後に原発巣が縮小した一方でNo. 11リンパ節は増大傾向を示したが,QOLの著しい改善を認め継続したところ,19コース投与後に著明な縮小を認めた.30コース投与後に原発巣は瘢痕化し,No. 11リンパ節はさらなる縮小を認めた.ニボルマブ投与により画像上増悪傾向を示しても全身状態,治療経過を考慮し継続することで遅発性に効果を認める例があることが示された.