渡辺 護 渡辺 はるな 米島 万有子 沢辺 京子
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.70, no.1, pp.25-32, 2019

<p>We investigated the occurrence of mosquitoes in both disaster areas of the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami and the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake in the summers after the disasters respectively. In the former area, <i>Culex pipiens</i> group was the most common taxa in adult stage (157.01 individuals per trap per day; 82.55%). In larval stage, <i>Cx. pipiens</i> gr., <i>Cx. tritaeniorhynchus</i> and <i>Anopheles sinensis</i> were collected. While in the latter area, <i>Aedes albopictus</i> (19.29; 62.21%), <i>Cx. pipiens</i> gr. (5.23; 16.87%) and <i>Armigeres subalbatus</i> (4.34; 14.0%) were common in adult catch. The larvae of the three species were also commonly collected in the larval sampling. We compared the mosquito's occurrence between the two areas to find that abundance and species composition were completely different. In the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami area, a great number of comparatively large sized water bodies were made by the tsunami, and they became good habitats for <i>Cx. pipiens</i> gr. In contrast in the Kumamoto earthquake area, there were collapsed houses and a large number of small artificial containers left there as well as the tarpaulins used to cover damaged property, all of which served as good breeding sites for <i>Ae. albopictus</i>.</p>
渡辺 護
vol.58, pp.47, 2006

長岡 智明 櫻井 清子 国枝 悦夫 渡辺 聡一 本間 寛之 鈴木 保 河川 光正 酒本 勝之 小川 幸次 此川 公紀 久保田 勝巳 金 鳳洙 多氣 昌生 山中 幸雄 渡辺 敏
一般社団法人 日本生体医工学会
医用電子と生体工学 (ISSN:00213292)
vol.40, no.4, pp.239-246, 2002 (Released:2011-10-14)

We have developed high-resolution voxel models of the whole body from MR images of Japanese adult male and female volunteers. These models can be used for dosimetry simulation of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields over 1GHz. The MR images were taken by making a series of scans over several days; that is, a subject was scanned in several blocks. Scan parameters were optimized for head and body, respectively, in order to get practical contrast and to save data acquisition time. An implement was used to keep the position and form of the subject. All of the MR images were converted to TIFF format. The continuities between different blocks of the data were corrected to form a whole body. Furthermore, the resolution of the images was changed into 2×2mm. Male and female models were segmented into 51 tissues and organs. This segmentation was performed manually using popular image-processing software. The developed models consisted of isotropic voxels with a side of 2mm. Although the masses of the skin and small-sized tissues and organs of the models deviated from the averaged values for Japanese due to the limitation of spatial resolution, the masses of the other tissues and organs and the morphometric measures were nearly equivalent to those of the average Japanese. The models are the first voxel models of the average Japanese that can be used for the dosimetry of electromagnetic fields over 1GHz. Furthermore, the female model is the first of its kind in the world. The models can also be used for various numerical simulations related to Japanese human bodies in other fields of research.
蒲池 香津代 杉田 洋子 渡辺 澄子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
vol.56, pp.193, 2004

目的 東京都内に通学する男子高校生の被服行動が、ライフスタイルや勉学、アルバイト、友人関係などとどのような関連性があるかを明らかにする。方法 東京都内男女高校生1093名のうち、男子高校生251名について一般的ライフスタイル項目26項目の5段階評定尺度値を因子分析した。得られた因子得点をもとにクラスター分析し、男子高校生を6グループに類型化した。次に各グループの特徴を把握したうえで、彼らの衣生活スタイル上の意識や行動との関わりをクロス集計で検討した。結果 ライフスタイル項目を因子分析した結果、「独自・新規性」、「友人関係」、「安易・快楽性」、「風潮同調性」、「男女平等意識」、「マニアック性」、「健全志向」の7因子が抽出された。因子得点をもとにしたタイプ分けでは、1「友人重視・流行追随・低モラルタイプ」(10.7%)、2「男女平等・堅実タイプ」(15.9%)、3「楽して一流願望タイプ」(22.7%)、4「人間関係協調タイプ」(34.3%)、5「ゴーイングマイウェイタイプ」(9.0%)、6「出世願望リーダー志向タイプ」(7.3%)の6つに分類された。被服行動との関連性をみると、ファションに興味や自信を持っている1のタイプは、友人関係には満足だが、校則を厳しいと感じ、勉強は卒業するため、小遣いの額には不満、アルバイトをしている。ファション行動が控えめな2のタイプは、モラルに厳しく、小遣いの額もまあ満足している。ファッションに興味関心が無い5のタイプは、学校生活や友人関係に不満を持ち、校則をゆるいとし、アルバイトの経験は少ない。ファッションへの関心はややあり、髪を染めたことも多い6のタイプは、勉学の目的は知識を増やすためとし、アルバイト経験も多かった。
松浦 李恵 岡部 大介 渡辺 ゆうか
日本教育工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13498290)
vol.44, no.3, pp.325-333, 2021-03-10 (Released:2021-03-15)

本論文では,高等学校のコンピュータルームに3D プリンタやレーザーカッターといったデジタル工作機械を取り入れ,「情報科」の授業カリキュラムを実施した事例を報告する.授業を受けた生徒は182人である.本授業実践において,生徒らはアイデアを発想し,形にする方法を学んだ.制作過程は生徒らによってドキュメント化された.調査者は,実践者として授業に関わりながら,授業の動画撮影,生徒への質問紙調査と,生徒と教員への半構造化インタビュー,フィールドノートへの記述を行った.本論文では,学習者の成果や学習者の振り返りに関するデータを示すことを通して,デジタル工作機械を用いたSTE(A)M 教育について議論を深める.
渡辺 滋
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.190, pp.29-55, 2015-01

古代社会で発生した揚名官職(肩書だけで権限・給与が与えられない官職)をめぐっては、有職学(儀式・官職などに関する先例研究)の一環として、また『源氏物語』に見える「揚名介」の実態をめぐって、前近代社会のなかで長期に渡り様々な人々による検討がなされてきた。ところが先行研究では、一部の上級貴族をめぐる個別的・断片的な事例を除き、その展開過程について十分な分析がなされないまま放置されている。そこで本稿では、関連資料が豊富に現存する広橋家の事例を中心として、中世貴族社会における関連研究の展開を解明した。具体的に取り上げたのは、おもに広橋兼秀(一五〇六~一五六七)による諸研究である。国立歴史民俗博物館に所蔵される広橋家旧蔵本から、兼秀によって作成された関連資料を検出・分析することで、従来未解明だった広橋家における情報蓄積や研究展開の諸過程を解明した。その結果、彼の集積した諸情報は家伝のものだけでなく、周辺の諸家からもたらされたものも少なくないことが判明した。そこで中世の広橋家における有職研究の過程で蓄積された情報や、それに基づく研究成果を相対化するため、同家の周辺に位置する一条家・三条西家などにおける研究の展開も検討した。このように中世貴族社会における関連研究の展開過程も分析した結果、諸家における研究が相互に有機的関連を持っていたことや、とくに広橋兼秀の場合、一条家における研究成果から大きな影響を受けていた実態が判明した。以上のような展開のすえ、最終的に近世の後水尾上皇などへと発展的に継承される解釈が、基本的には中世社会のこうした営みのなかで形成されたことが確認された。There have been several studies on honorary official posts arisen during the Nara and Heian period. These studies, however, focused mainly on the investigation of institutions covering relevant historical materials and a true picture of "yomei no suke ", neglecting the analysis of its developmental process. Therefore, this article clarifies the development of relevant studies on Japanese aristocratic society during the Middle Ages by focusing on the case of the Hirohashi family whose relevant materials are left in large numbers. Several studies conducted by Kanehide Hirohashi (1506–1567) were addressed. I unraveled the Hirohashi family's accumulation of information and research development which had been not explored by detecting and analyzing relevant materials of old book collection of the Hirohashi family collected by Kanehide which are kept in the National Museum of Japanese History. The analysis revealed that materials collected by Kanehide were not only the ones of the Hirohashi family but also the ones brought by other aristocratic families nearby. Therefore, I examined the research development on other nearby families such as Ichijyo family and Sanjonishi family in order to compare the study on the Hirohashi family with the one on other nearby families. The analysis of developmental process of other relevant studies on aristocratic society during the Middle Ages confirmed that researches on several families were related to one another systematically and the studies of Kanehide Hirohashi drew significant influence from the research on Ichijo family. This analysis confirmed that the interpretation handed down to the retired emperor Gomizunoo in the early modern period was formed through these endeavors during the Middle Ages.
渡辺 滋
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.123, no.1, pp.64-89, 2014

This article examines the early stages of the widespread acceptance and use in Japan of a new indicator of ranked status in the attachment of the prefix "yomei" 揚名 to the names of bureaucratic posts, a practice that is first seen in 10th century. The author takes up the actual case of attaching the prefix yomei to the post of provincial governor (kokushi 国司), clarifying its origins and historical development. Yomei-kokushi was used in the case of appointees who were considered to be of equal rank to a provincial governor, but were not entrusted with the actual duties of the post. Beginning with their appearance in the mid-Heian period, there is no doubt that the earliest yomei-prefixed appointments included neither official duties nor salaries. However, concerning the situation from the late Heian period on, the research to date diverges in opinion, leaving no solid conclusions. This state of affairs is what prompts the author to reexamine the related source materials from the period and in so doing finding three different definitions of "yomei", on of which consists of the prefix attached to the name of office and meaning, "an official title with no actual authority". The custom of attempting to obtain such a title began in the capital (Kinai 畿内) region during the 10th century, then spread to the outer provinces during the 11th century. The motives by which such a title was obtained were not only pecuniary through outright sale of the office, but also the desire on the part of patrons to bestow titles upon their subordinates for the purpose of strengthening ties of clientship. Up through the 11th century, the number of available yomei appointments was limited to less than the number of qualified applicants and involved a continuous turnover rate of from several months to a year. Later on, the title gradually decreased in value, until even yomei titles of low level local administrators became viewed as worthless. That being said, titles based on the bureaucracy defined by the ancient Ritsuryo legal codes, which by the beginning of the medieval period had long been empty of meaning, now became worth obtaining as expressions of ranked status throughout medieval society. The appearance of the title yomei-kokushi in the 10th century can therefore be placed within the context of symbols determining ways of thinking about how medieval Japanese society was supposed to function.
川田 十三夫 佐藤 成美 山下 彦王 宅見 賢二 采見 憲男 渡辺 健二
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.9, no.5, pp.358-363, 1968

Cells of <I>Clostridium botulinum</I> type A strain 190 grown in thioglycolate medium (GYPT medium) autolysed after having reached a maximum growth. This strain was dissociated into large and small colony-forming types in semisolid media. The cells obtained from the large colony type autolysed more rapidly than those from small one. Washed cells harvested at logarithmic growth phase lysed in phosphate buffer at 37&deg;C within 2-3 hours. Autolysis rose above pH 6.0 and was optimal near pH 7.0. The potential for autolysis reached a maximum toward the end of the logarithmic growth phase and thereafter the cells became resistant to autolysis. The autolytic activity was destreyed by heating the cells at 60&deg;C for 10 minutes and was slightly affected by cysteine (10<SUP>-2</SUP>M), N-ethylmaleimide (10<SUP>-2</SUP>M) and mercaptoethanol (10<SUP>-1</SUP>M).<BR>During autolysis nitrogen, protein, nucleic acids, reducing sugars, amino sugars and botulinum toxin were released from the cells as the reduction of the turbidity in cell suspension occurred. Electron microscopic observations on the process of autolysis revealed that the partial lysis of walls occurred first at the end of the organism and the cytoplasmic contents were lost through such lesions. The lysis of the wall centripetally spread and finally the morphological entity of the wall was completely lost. From these findings it is suggested that the autolysis may be proceded by auto-digestion of the cell wall at the end of the organism.
渡辺 伸也 高橋 清也 赤木 悟史 水町 功子 松田 秀雄 米内 美晴 片山 努 横山 紅子 高橋 正弘 上田 淳一 長谷川 清寿 志賀 一穂
日本繁殖生物学会 講演要旨集
vol.99, pp.149, 2006

【目的】わが国では,多数の体細胞クローン牛が生産されており,これらの牛を対象とした一連の飼養・繁殖試験を通じ,雌雄のクローン牛の成長や繁殖に関する健全性のデータが収集されている。しかしながら,クローン牛由来乳のリスク評価に重要といわれる乳中アレルゲンに関するデータ収集は不十分である。本研究では体細胞クローン牛およびその後代牛が生産した乳中の&beta;-ラクトグロブリン(BLG)の遺伝的変異体(多型)のタイプ(ホルスタイン種では、通常、A型,B型およびAB型の3種類)を調査した。【方法】泌乳中の体細胞クローン牛:11頭(ホルスタイン種:9頭,黒毛和種:2頭),体細胞クローン後代牛:6頭(ホルスタイン種),5頭の体細胞クローン牛(ホルスタイン種)に共通のドナー牛:1頭および対照牛:17頭(ホルスタイン種:15頭、黒毛和種:2頭)より乳を採取し,その中に含まれるBLGのタイプをBLG特異的抗体(森永生化学研究所製)を用いたウエスタンブロット法で解析した。【結果と考察】調査したホルスタイン種におけるBLGタイプは,体細胞クローン牛で,A型:2頭,B型:1頭,AB型:6頭,後代牛で,A型:0頭,B型:2頭,AB型:4頭,また,対照牛で,A型:4頭,B型:4頭,AB型:7頭であった。ドナー牛とこの牛の体細胞より生産されたクローン牛(5頭)に由来する乳のBLGタイプは全て同一(AB型)であった。一方,調査した黒毛和種におけるBLGタイプは,体細胞クローン牛2頭 (同じ体細胞由来) で,ともにB型,対照牛で,A型:0頭,B型:1頭,AB型:1頭であった。以上の結果は,体細胞クローン操作が,生産されたクローン牛やその後代牛の乳中BLGにおける遺伝的変異体のタイプに影響を及ぼしていないことを示唆している。
荒川 秀俊 渡辺 和夫 土屋 清 藤田 哲也
Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics (ISSN:0031126X)
vol.23, no.3, pp.163-181, 1972-12-25 (Released:2012-12-11)

渡辺 俊

渡辺 達朗
マーケティングジャーナル (ISSN:03897265)
vol.38, no.3, pp.17-36, 2019-01-17 (Released:2019-01-17)
