荒川 正幹 長谷川 清 船津 公人
公益社団法人 日本化学会・情報化学部会
Journal of Computer Aided Chemistry (ISSN:13458647)
vol.1, pp.1-7, 2000 (Released:2000-08-03)
5 2 6

3次元構造活性相関において活性コンフォメーションと重ね合わせルールを決定することは、モデルの適用能力を左右する重要な因子である。これら因子は互いに密接な関連があり、X線結晶解析などの構造情報がない場合には、容易には推定できない。本論文では、4way PLS法による合理的な活性コンフォメーションと重ね合わせルール推定法を提案する。4way PLS法はPLS法の変数を2次元の行列から4次元配列へと拡張した手法であり、PLS法と比較しノイズに強い安定なモデルを得ることが可能である。本論文では、Glycogen phosphorylase b(GPb)の阻害剤であるGlucose誘導体47サンプルを用いたCoMFA解析に本手法を適用した例を示す。サンプル、フィールド変数、コンフォメーション、重ね合わせルールからなる4次元配列を説明変数とし4way PLS法で阻害活性との関係を検討した。そしてモデル係数値を用い阻害活性に大きく寄与する活性コンフォメーションと重ね合わせルールの推定を行い良好な結果が得られた。またX線結晶解析によるGPbの3次元構造との関係について考察を行った。
荒川 正幹 長谷川 清 船津 公人
公益社団法人 日本化学会・情報化学部会
Journal of Computer Aided Chemistry (ISSN:13458647)
vol.3, pp.99-106, 2002 (Released:2002-08-23)
1 1

CoMFA法をはじめとする多くの3D-QSAR手法において、対象とする分子構造を適切に重ね合わせることは、解析を成功させるための重要な因子であるため、種々の重ね合わせ手法が提案されている。著者らもHopfield Neural Network(HNN)を用いた新しい分子構造重ね合わせ手法を提案しており、COX-2阻害剤のCoMFA解析に適用し良好な結果を得ている[M. Arakawa, K. Hasegawa, K. Funatsu, Journal of Computer Aided Chemistry, 3, 63-72 (2002)]。本研究ではこの重ね合わせ手法のさらなる有用性を検証するため、human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2)阻害剤の3D-QSAR解析を行った。HER2阻害剤27化合物について、HNNによる重ね合わせを行い活性配座を推定した後、CoMFA法による3D-QSAR解析を行った結果、R²=0.805、Q²=0.701の良好なPLSモデルが得られた。また、その回帰係数の等高線図についての考察を行い、このモデルが妥当であるとの結論を得た。
後藤 美和 高野 義久 高濱 寛 橋本 洋一郎 長谷川 由佳 波多江 崇
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.1, pp.34-41, 2015-06-10 (Released:2015-10-16)

To assess the changes in attitudes toward smoking after the smoking-prevention classes presented by Kumamoto Tobacco-Free Forum, this study administered a questionnaire survey to first-year junior high school students before and after a smoking-prevention class at a junior high school. The questionnaire that was used to pre and post comparison comprised thirteen items, ten from the Kano Test for Social Nicotine Dependence (KTSND-Youth) and three as follows: “I think I will be a smoker in the future,” “I think I will smoke about once,” and “What do you think of people around you who smoke tobacco?” The results of this pre- and post-class questionnaire indicate that attitudes toward seven items improved in a statistically significant way. These included four from KTSND-Youth: “Smokers cannot stop even if they want to,” “Smoking is adult-like and cool,” “Smoking is enjoys taste and a fragrance,” and “If it’s a place with an ashtray, it’s okay to smoke.” The smoking-prevention classes significantly decreased total KTSND-Youth scores. Furthermore, the analysis has clarified that the KTSND-Youth items: “Smoking is adult-like and cool” and “Doctor and school teachers say, ‘Tobacco is no good too much”, as well as the item “What do you think of people around you who smoke tobacco?” are significantly influencing factors for the item “I will be a smoker in the future.” These results indicate that the smoking-prevention classes presented by Kumamoto Tobacco-Free Forum were effective for decline in social nicotine dependence of the first-year students in junior high school.
三木 有咲 波多江 崇 猪野 彩 井上 知美 上野 隼平 笠谷 君代 近藤 亜美 坂口 知子 佐々木 信子 田内 義彦 竹下 治範 辻 華子 中川 素子 野口 栄 長谷川 由佳 水田 恵美 矢羽野 早代 山根 雅子 濵口 常男
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.1, pp.24-33, 2015-06-10 (Released:2015-10-16)

We implemented a questionnaire survey targeting mothers who are in child care and had participated in consultations regarding drugs and diseases. We examined the future roles of community pharmacists by exploring the mothers’ concerns and, anxieties about child cares and their backgrounds, and their expectations for profession of community pharmacist. Mothers have listed anxiety and concerns of child care about “dermatitis such as rash and atopic eczema”; “food allergies”; “infectious diseases such as measles, chicken pox, and mumps”; and “side effects of vaccination”. In addition, most of them indicated their own concerns and anxiety about “solutions to children’s illnesses.” Despite their anxieties and concerns, however, approximately 60% of the mothers have never consulted with community pharmacists. Among them, approximately a half of them indicated the following three reasons why they have never consulted with pharmacists: “I have nothing to talk about,”, “I do not know what I should talk about,”, and “I was not sure if it was alright to talk about my concerns.”. From these results, we concluded that community pharmacists in the future should improve their communication skills and inform their availability to consult about medicine and disease to local residents.
緒方 正名 長谷川 敬彦 高越 良明 竹久 亨 長尾 逸子 寺谷 巌 大隈 義文 人見 硬 長尾 寛 粟屋 研吾 高橋 武夫
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.78, no.1supplement, pp.1-29, 1966-01-30 (Released:2009-08-24)

1) Data has been presented on the trend of Japanese B. Encephalitis from 1959 to 1965 in Okayama, Miyazaki, Kagawa, Tokushima, Kochi, Ehime, Hyogo and Aichi Prefectures, middle and western parts in Japan.2) The prevalence started from Miyazaki, most southern part in Japan, and progressed succesively to Kochi, Okayama, Tottori and Miyagi. The difference in date between Okayama and Miyazaki was 20 days, Okayama and Kochi was 10 days, Okayama and Tottori, adjacent to northern part in Okayama, was 2 days and also the difference in date between northern and southern part in Okayama was 7 days. We woulld like to call this phenomenon “Tendency towards northeast”.This tendency can be arranged in the order of its average atmospheric temperatures. However, there is no correlation between the date of incidence in each year and the temperature gradient.3) From 1950 to 1959, the incidence rate was higher in the southern district than in the northern district, and from 1960 to 1965 it became higher in the northern district than in the southern district of Okayama Prefecture.4) The incidence rate by age from 1960 to 1965 was higher in the old over 60 ages in northern district and in the child below 10 ages in the southern district of Okayama Prefectuve. A marked tendency to decrease the incidence rate in the child has been seen since 1959. This downward tendency would be caused by the J. B. E vaccination.5) There is some indication from the geographycal distribution that the prevalence spreaded from focus to other villages contiguously, except for the town.6) In past five years the district where the incidence rate exceeded over 10/100, 000 peoples three times or exceeded over 20 was shown by the following districts, Northern district in Okayama. PrefectureEastern and western district in Tottori. PrefectureNorthwest district in Hyogo. PrefectureEast and west parts in Kochi. PrefectureSouthern district in Miyagi. PrefectureIn general, the high incidence was observed in the plain near mountain or the basin but not in the town.7) There is a phenomenon that when the incidence rate was over 20 in the year, the incidence rate next year became low.
日本保健物理学会医療放射線リスク専門研究会 甲斐 倫明 伴 信彦 太田 勝正 小野 孝二 酒井 一夫 長谷川 隆幸 福士 政広 吉永 信治
保健物理 : hoken buturi (ISSN:03676110)
vol.46, no.1, pp.42-51, 2011-03-01

Radiation use in medicine generally gives us the benefit that outweighs the risk. However, some patients are much concerned about the risk while some medical people are unaware of radiation risk. The aim of this report is to review the low dose risk not only in the reports of ICRP, UNSCEAR, BEIR and French academy but also in the scientific papers that have been paid attention to. On these bases, we discuss the low dose risk and how we face the risk in medicine in order to go for medical use of radiation to the right way. In particular, we hope this report will support medical people as well as radiation protection experts should understand the radiation risk in medicine on current scientific basis.
長谷川 亜樹 藤原 康広 森本 元太郎 平野 秀典 沖本 憲明 泰地 真弘人 船津 公人
公益社団法人 日本化学会・情報化学部会
ケモインフォマティクス討論会予稿集 第38回ケモインフォマティクス討論会 東京
pp.50-51, 2015 (Released:2015-10-01)

長谷川 大和 勝田 仁之
物理教育 (ISSN:03856992)
vol.61, no.3, pp.137-140, 2013

長谷川 高生
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.7, no.1, pp.37-48, 2006-06-15

The contemporary society, at which modern society could finally arrive, is a mass societywhere the average vulgar mass-man is contented with good facilities in a modern civilization.Such a mass-man entirely disregards the value of tradition in the historical past, deeplyimmerses himself in self-satifaction, and oversympathizes with anonymous others. Above all things, I think, it is the absence of the historical past and tradition in the presentday that roduces the basic cause of the conditions of mass society in our time. In thispaper, I will study the opinion of J. Ortega y Gasset, the Spanish philosopher who isworldwide famous for his "The Revolt of the Masses" published in 1930, about the "Past",that is to say, the past and tradition in history. In Japan, the Third Opening has inaugurated revisions of the Japanese Constitution and theFundamental Law of Education. These revisions may add the concepts of history andtradition to two fundamental laws, because the active Constitution and the Fundamental Lawof Education are lacking in these concepts. Ortega, the philosopher who belonged to the school of Philosophy of Life in the history ofwestern thoughts, attempted to establish his philosophy of vital reason or historical reason,by criticizing modern rationalism and by emphasizing the importance of life, particularlypastness and futurity on the base of presentness in the temporality of life. And also Ortega,the transitional philosopher from modern to postmodern times, showed an ambivalent attitude,negative and positive, toward the past and tradition in premodern history which wasrefused by the modern era. Therefore, I will try to clarify Ortega's opinion on the "Past" inhistory, particularly historical past, traditionalism, and feudalism, by applying to them thetheory temporality which consists of pastness, presentness, and futurity in subjective time.Pursuing and considering the "Past" in history, Ortega discovers the historical structure ofhuman beings, the actual exstence of historical past, the value of tradition, and thespiritualism of feudalism. And moreover, he catches the dualism of passive, traditional, andinertia power - pastness - and positive, challenging, and active power - futurity -, in humanbeings both as individuals and as groups.Finally, I intend to find the interaction of pastness and futurity in Ortega's view of the"Past" in history, confirming the actuality of historical past, the value of tradition, and thejustification of feudalism.
長谷川 忍 高橋 咲江 柏原 昭博
教育システム情報学会誌 (ISSN:13414135)
vol.27, no.2, pp.199-210, 2010

<p>The main topic addressed in this paper is to support university students who start their job-hunting activities by sharing information of job-hunting and work experiences their old boys/girls in the same department had. However, it is not so easy for the students to obtain information concerning such experiences since there are few opportunities to make personal connections with their old boys/girls. In order to resolve this issue, we had developed a SNS (Social Networking Service) system, which helps students gather informal and experiential information. It includes two main services as follows: one is to gather information concerning job-hunting and work experiences from the old boys/girls by means of a theme blog service, and the other is to make personal connections between the students and old boys/girls by means of a search engine and a tracer that allow the students to find informative blog entries contributed by the old boys/girls. This paper demonstrates the SNS system, and reports a preliminary case study in a laboratory scale. The results of the case study suggest that the system enables the old boys/girls to write down their informal experiences with the theme blog, and that the system allows the students to have instructive information from the blog entries via the tracer.</p>
橋本 陽平 南 哲人 長谷川 良平 中内 茂樹
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18840833)
vol.10, no.2, pp.123-129, 2011 (Released:2011-12-09)
1 2

Recently, neuromarketing has attracted attention, in which the customer's response to commodity and advertisement is analyzed from brain activity. In this study, electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded while the commodity characters are presented and the familiarity towards them being evaluated. We analyzed the difference of the EEGs by the responses to the subjects (KNOWN or UNKNOWN). In the analysis of event-related potential (ERP) component P2, we found higher P2 amplitude for KNOWN than UNKNOWN. In addition, cognitive states affected induced gamma band responses (iGBR), KNOWN activated amplitudes in high gamma frequency band. From these results, we suggested that iGBR and P2 reflect cognitive states to the characters as human face familiarity.
中前 博久 日野 雅之 太田 健介 鈴木 賢一 青山 泰孝 酒井 宣明 阪本 親彦 長谷川 太郎 山根 孝久 巽 典之
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.39, no.3, pp.216-220, 1998 (Released:2009-04-28)

症例は22歳,未婚女性,看護学生,低色素性貧血ならびに不明熱にて入院となった。入院後,鉄欠乏性貧血と診断し,鉄剤の投与を行っていたが周期的に貧血の進行がみられた。特に外泊後に急激な貧血の進行が認められていたことより,われわれはfactitious anemiaを強く疑い,テレビモニターでの監視ならびに所持品検査を行ったところ,患者病室のロッカーならびに自宅より多数の注射器,注射針および血液の入ったボトルが発見された。以上より本症例をfactitious anemiaと診断した。患者は自己瀉血を認め,心療内科医のカウセリングにより貧血の改善傾向がみられたが,退院6カ月後に通院しなくなった。十分量の鉄剤投与に反応を示さない極度の慢性低色素性貧血患者にはfactitious anemiaを考慮する必要がある。
安彦 智史 池辺 正典 丸山 広 長谷川 大
vol.2015, pp.103-108, 2015-08-10

近年の高等教育においては,e-Learning システムは一般的な学習方法の1つとして認識されつつあり,授業等での活 用件数も増加し,広く普及している.そして,e-Learning システムでは,受講者の学習状況を把握するために,教材 の学習回数や閲覧時間等の情報を蓄積する機能が実装されているものが多い.しかし,これらの機能のみでは,受講 者の学習実態を詳細に把握することは困難であり,受講者のより多くの種類の情報を蓄積することが求められてい る.このため,本研究では,e-Learning システムの受講者の学習状況を詳細に把握するための情報を取得することを 目的とする.具体的には,一般的なパソコンに容易に設置が可能な Web カメラを用いて,e-Learning システムの受講 者の顔画像を取得し,画像処理による目領域の特定から視線検出行う.そして,視線情報から教材学習時の注視点を 取得・蓄積することで,学習態度を把握するための方式を検討する.
長谷川 順二
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.123, no.3, pp.333-371, 2014-03-20

The changes that have occurred in the course of the Yellow River over the ages has been considered to be an important theme in the historical geography of China, and many researchers have conducted studies of the subject using various methods. The various explanations in the extant bibliographic sources about river course change in dynastic China were first summarized during the early Qing period by Hu Wei in his Yugong Zhuizhi 禹貢錐指 (Brief Study of "Tribute of Yu"), which proposed that major changes had occurred in the River's course. Hu's argument then formed the basis of various opinions that six or seven significant changes had occurred leading up to the existing course as of 1855, in such works as Zhongguo Lishi Ditu Ji 中国歴史地図集 (Collected Historical Maps of China) and Huanghe Zhi 黄河志 (Gazetteer of the Yellow River). In particular, as to the pre-Eastern Han era, all argued that the river's course had changed twice: one being observed during the Warring States period in the fifth year of the reign of Eastern Zhou King Ding (602 BC), the other occurring between the third year Wang Mang's Xin Dynasty (11 CE) and the 13 year of the reign of Later Han Emperor Ming (70 CE), in The flood control works of Wangjing 王景. However, as observed in Yugong Shanchuan Dilitu 禹貢山川地理図 (Geographical Maps of "Tribute of Yu") by Cheng Dachang 程大昌 of the Southern Song Dynasty, there was in pre-Ming Dynasty times a great deal of emphasis placed on the river course change project named after Provincial Governor Donqui 頓丘 in the third year of the reign of Former Han Emperor Wu (132 BC), while no mention is given to the Wangjing Project. The author has elsewhere reconstructed via remote sensing data the old course of the Yellow River between the Warring States and Former Han Periods and has shown, based on that reconstruction and micro upland topography, the changes that occurred in the river near Liaocheng, Shandong Province in 132 BC. In the present article, the author reexamines the traditional discourse concerning the changes that occurred up through the Latter Han Period, based on his previous findings. In addition, there is also information in the Hanshu's 漢書 "Gouzu Zhi" (Treatise on Canals and Rivers) section about the first Yellow River levee of the Warring States period, which Kimura Masao argues signifies the existence of state-operated irrigation projects in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, indicating one basic condition of ancient Chinese despotism. However, the author's reconstruction of the ancient river course and the present topographical data concerning the region shows these levies to have been formed by the Yellow River naturally, making it very difficult to concur with the conventional discourse that large scale irrigation projects were already underway in the lower Yellow River basin as early as the Warring States period.
長谷川 修司 松田 巌

1. 極低温4探針型STM(グルーン関数STM)装置システムの開発・建設これは次のような性能を持つ:(a)超高真空中で稼動し、走査電子顕微鏡と結合して4探針の配置をナノメータスケールで観察できる。(b)試料および探針を7Kまで冷却でき、その温度を20時間維持できる。(c)それぞれの探針で原子分解能のSTM像観察が可能。(d)統合型コントローラによって1台のPCで4本の探針を有機的に駆動・制御できる。(e)多機能プリアンプによって、3つの測定モード(それぞれの探針による通常のSTM/STS測定モード、4探針法による電気伝導測定モード、および2探針によるトランスコンダクタンス(グリーン関数)測定モード)を切り替えできる。このような装置は世界的にみても類例が無い。2. カーボンナノチューブ探針の開発直径10nm程度の多層カーボンナノチューブを金属探針の先端に接続して、それ全体をPtIr被覆した導電性探針を開発することに成功した。これによって、探針間隔を最小で20nm程度まで小さくすることが可能となった。PtIrの代わりにパーマロイ(NiFe)の薄膜で被覆すると、強磁性体探針となることもわかった。3. 応用計測建設した装置を用いて、さまざまな計測に応用した。直径40nm程度のCoSi_2ナノワイヤの電気抵抗は、室温において、探針間隔が20nmで測定しても拡散伝導であることがわかった。Si(111)-4×1-In表面超構造の電気抵抗の温度依存性を測定した結果、In原子鎖の沿う方向とそれに垂直方向で伝導のメカニズムが異なることがわかった。
長谷川 紀幸
国立大学法人 横浜国立大学

2012年中教審答申では「生涯学び続け主体的に考える力を育成する」ために「学修時間の増加・確保する」ことが重要であると強調されている。一方、大学教員が、担当する授業科目を対象にした教育活動を記録する「コース・ポートフォリオ(以下CPf)」は授業実施のリフレクションを促し、授業改善に有効なツールである。(Cerbin W. 1994、酒井ら2012)CFfは授業デザイン、教授プロセスと共に学生の「書く・話す・発表する等の活動」も記録・蓄積することから、「書く・話す・発表する等」の学習活動を促進・深化するアクティブラーニング(以下AL)の支援に応用することも考えられる。本研究ではCPfが教員の授業改善だけでなく、ALへの援用によって「学修時間の増加・確保する」こともできることを明らかにすることを目的とする。本研究では、(1)当該補助金で出張した「大学教育学会」「金沢大・大学教育開発・支援センター」「東北大・大学教育支援センター」「大学プロフェッショナルセンター」での調査によりALおよびCPfの事例について情報収集を行った。(2)当該補助金で購入した物品を以下のように使用してCPf作成用の授業記録データの収集、映像取得・編集・蓄積し、教材を作成した。またUSBメモリ等に講義の音声・映像を記録し、「音声認識SW」により講義録を作成した。とれらの授業記録データから作成した簡易的なCPfを参照し、HDDに保存した高精細画質の講義録画データを「映像編集SW」等によりALに活用できる教材を作成した。(3)既存の学習支援システム上で作成した教材をAL型の授業に援用し、昨年度の比較によって効果を検証した。その結果、CPfから作成した教材を援用した授業では昨年、一昨年よりも学生の出席率および授業時間外学習の時間が向上した。これは学生の授業への参加の動機づけと学習意欲の向上に対し、CPfから作成した教材が授業内容を以前よりもより反映したものとなったことで影響を与えたためである。このようにCPfは教員の授業改善に有効であるだけでなく「学修時間の増加・確保する」(中教審)など学生の学習への動機づけと学習意欲の向上にも有効であることが言える。
長谷川 孝明
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ITS (ISSN:09135685)
vol.108, no.340, pp.19-24, 2008-12-04

WYSIWAS(What You See Is What You Are Suggested) Navigationとは,神々に包まれて,困ったときに「こっちだよ」って教えてくれるような直感的な案内のことであり,サクッと行動可能な環境を実現する.本講演では,著者らのグループがシステム創成論に則り研究開発してきたWYSIWYAS Navigation(WyN)システムの実例を,その上位概念を示しながら紹介し,リアルワールドのIT(Information Technology)の意味を明らかにする.