横山 秀哉
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
vol.95, no.1163, 1980-04-20
横山 直人 高岡 正憲
一般社団法人 日本応用数理学会
応用数理 (ISSN:24321982)
vol.26, no.4, pp.15-23, 2016-12-22 (Released:2017-03-25)

Elastic-wave turbulence has been used for a testbed for the weak turbulence theory, since it can be examined by numerical and laboratory experiments. The elastic-wave turbulence has distinctive characteristics as a wave turbulence system, one of which is the coexistence of the weak and strong turbulence. Recent researches on the elastic-wave turbulence are reviewed, not restricted to the weak turbulence properties, with focusing on energy transfers under large-scale external forcing.
森田 恵美子 横山 久代 竹田 良祐 山科 吉弘 河合 英理子 福村 智恵
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.69, no.4, pp.317-325, 2020-08-01 (Released:2020-07-15)

We examined the relationship between masticatory ability and bone mineral density (BMD) and the role of muscle strength in those relationships in 156 female university students. Masticatory ability was assessed using a color-changeable chewing gum method. The BMD of the calcaneus was measured using quantitative ultrasonography and represented by a T-score, the standard deviation (SD) from the mean BMD of young adults. Body composition, grip strength, physical activity level, and daily nutrient intake were also assessed. Osteopenia, defined as the T-score < ‒1.0 SD, was present in 43 participants (27.6%). There was no significant relationship between masticatory ability (ΔE) and T-score in all participants. In participants with normal BMD (T-score ≧ ‒1.0 SD: the normal BMD group), masticatory ability significantly correlated to BMD (r = 0.289, p = 0.002). There was significant correlation between ΔE and grip strength neither in all participants nor in either group, although the grip strength in the normal BMD group was greater than that in the participants with osteopenia (the low BMD group) (p = 0.039). Physical activity level was positively correlated to the total daily energy intake (r = 0.193, p = 0.041) only in the normal BMD group. The present results suggest that masticatory ability is associated with BMD in young females with normal BMD, but the role of muscle strength in those relationships remains unclear. Meanwhile, there was no relationship between masticatory ability and BMD in young individuals with lower BMD.
坂井 洵子 大島 優 衛藤 希 山中 仁 守永 沙織 塚本 真規 佐藤 泰司 横山 武志
一般社団法人 日本歯科麻酔学会
日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 (ISSN:24334480)
vol.48, no.2, pp.69-71, 2020-04-15 (Released:2020-04-15)

In pregnant women, non-obstetric surgery should be performed during an appropriate period to prevent congenital anomaly and to avoid miscarriage or premature labor. The second trimester of pregnancy is better for surgery because the risk of maternal, anatomical and physiological changes is lower. Neurotoxicity and the teratogenicity of anesthetic agents should be considered. In addition, blood flow to the placenta must be maintained during the surgery.  We performed anesthesia for an 18-week pregnant woman who required a radical neck dissection because of the metastasis of tongue cancer. She was 29 years old, 160 cm tall, and weighed 46.1 kg. Before the induction of anesthesia, the patient was placed in a left half-lateral position by placing towels under the right lower back to avoid supine hypotension syndrome, as the patient complained of a sense of abdomen distension while in a supine position. Her face was twisted to the right to secure a surgical field. General anesthesia was induced with intravenous propofol, atropine, fentanyl and remifentanil. Two milliliters of 4% lidocaine was sprayed on the subglottic area and the glottis for topical anesthesia. A tracheal tube (ID, 6.0 mm) was intubated orally using McGRATH. The anesthesia was maintained with the inhalation of 1.5%-1.7% sevoflurane in oxygen (Fio2, 0.4), as sevoflurane may be less neurotoxic to a fetus than isoflurane or desflurane. Ephedrine was administered intravenously to maintain blood flow to the placenta when the blood pressure decreased. The operation and anesthesia were completed uneventfully.  After the operation, the obstetrician performed an ultrasonography examination to confirm that the fetus had good fetal movement and a normal pulse.
青山 賢 廣田 雅春 石川 博 横山 昌平
vol.2015, pp.72-79, 2015-11-17

横山 哲也 深井 稜汰 辻本 拓司
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2017年度日本地球化学会第64回年会講演要旨集
pp.201, 2017 (Released:2017-11-09)

従来、太陽系に存在するr-核種の起源は重力崩壊型超新星爆発であると考えられてきたが、いくつかの理論モデルや天文観測からは、質量数130以降の重いr-核種の起源として、連星中性子星の合体が示唆されている。本研究では、未だ不明点の多いr-核種の起源に関し、隕石全岩に見られる重元素同位体異常から制約することを試みた。コンドライト隕石はSr, Zr, Mo, Ruといった元素に関し、地球に比べr-核種に富む傾向を持つ。これは微惑星形成以前の初期太陽系において、これら元素の同位体が不均質分布していたことを意味する。地球組成で規格化したr-核種の濃縮度をコンドライト隕石について計算したところ、濃縮度はZrで最大となった後、質量数の増加とともに低下し、Sm以降はほぼゼロとなった。従って、超新星粒子はSm以降のr-核種を含んでいなかった可能性が高く、太陽系内のSm以降の重いr-核種の起源は連星中性子星の合体が有力である。
横山 重俊 浜元 信州 長久 勝 藤原 一毅 政谷 好伸 竹房 あつ子 合田 憲人
研究報告インターネットと運用技術(IOT) (ISSN:21888787)
vol.2020-IOT-51, no.8, pp.1-7, 2020-08-27

横山 光 八幡 正弘 岡村 聡 西戸 裕嗣
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
岩石鉱物科学 (ISSN:1345630X)
vol.32, no.2, pp.80-95, 2003 (Released:2008-04-21)

Late Pliocene-Pleistocene Akaigawa Caldera, 6-7 km in diameter, is located in southwest Hokkaido. It mainly consists of felsic caldera-forming welded tuffs, somma lavas, and lacustrine deposits in order of decreasing age. Caldera-forming pyroclastic flows of the Nagasawa Volcanics were erupted at the southwestern caldera rim and are characterized by high SiO2 content (76-79%). Contrary to this, the subsequent somma lavas were erupted from multiple vents along ring fractures and have variable SiO2 contents ranging from basaltic andesite to dacite (56.6-66.7%).The whole rock K-Ar age of the lower member of the welded tuffs is 2.06±0.57, whereas the age of the middle member 1.62±0.14 Ma. The Maruyama Lava and the Daikokuyama Lava from the somma lavas give ages of 1.65±0.07 Ma and 1.55±0.06 Ma, respectively. The age of the middle member of the welded tuffs coincides within measurement errors with ages determined for the somma lavas. The age and geological structures of the lower member of the welded tuffs suggest that the pre-Akaigawa, outer Yoichigawa Caldera formation began before 2 Ma. On the basis of petrography and geochemistry, the somma lavas are divided into three units; the eastern somma lavas, the western somma lavas, and the post-caldera central cone. The lithologies of eastern somma lavas range from olivine basaltic andesite to andesite, and the western somma lavas range from quartz andesite to dacite, indicating a similar geochemical trend to that of the eastern somma lavas. The post-caldera central cone is composed of andesite to dacite, and has a different geochemical signature from that of the somma lavas. The volcanic structure, topography, eruption volume, and petrography indicate that the Akaigawa Caldera-collapse took place after eruptions of both welded tuffs and somma lavas, and that the western side of the caldera is characterized by a higher eruption rate of felsic to intermediate magma and more extensive subsidence compared with the eastern side. This may indicate the existence of a heterogeneous magma chamber beneath the Akaigawa Caldera.
村上 元孝 松田 保 恩地 一彰 万見 新太郎 梅田 俊彦 西野 哲夫 平丸 三樹 高瀬 雅子 横山 鉄夫
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.11, no.3, pp.388-396, 1970

Two families of congenital factor VII deficiency were described.<br>The propositus of the first family was 35-year-old female, who was admitted for anemia. Spontaneous epistaxis, limited to her youth, was main hemorrhagic symptom. The patient delivered two normal children without unusual bleeding. On admission, the physical examination revealed no abnormalities except for the presence of iron deficiency anemia. Results of liver function tests were normal. Coagulation data confirmed the diagnosis of pure factor VII deficiency. Her factor VII complex level was 5% of normal and factor X level was 100%. There was no history of bleeding in her family. However, her daughter was discovered to have factor VII deficiency. Her factor VII complex level was 27% and factor X level was 75%. Factor VII levels of father, three half siblings, husband and son of the propositus were within normal limits.<br>The propositus of the second family was 25-year-old female, who was admitted complaining of spontaneous nose bleeding, gum bleeding, subcutaneous hemorrhage and menorrhagia. The patient was hospitalized for right oophorectomy at the age af 22. The hematoma in the right ovary was found, however, no unusual bleeding was noted either during surgery or in the postoperative period. On admission, she appeared healthy except for a few ecchymoses. Liver function chemistries were normal. Laboratory data demonstrated factor VII deficiency with increased vascular fragility. Her factor VII complex level was 17% and factor X level was 80%. Mixture of this patient's plasma with that of the propositus of the first family did not result in shortening of the long one-stage prothrombin time, proving an identical deficiency in these patients. The family history revealed that the patient's paternal grandfather were siblings. One brother of the propositus, his daughter and grandmother on the father's side of the porpositus had bleeding tendency. Neither of her parents nor any other family members had any bleeding episodes. Coagulation studies on the brother of the propositus revealed that he had factor VII deficiency. His factor VII complex level was 12% and factor X level was 105%. Factor VII level of the other family members could not be measured.