高橋 翠 遠藤 利彦
The Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology
認知心理学研究 (ISSN:13487264)
vol.10, no.2, pp.165-173, 2013

高橋 巧一 満倉 靖恵
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会誌 (ISSN:13426907)
vol.69, no.3, pp.J126-J132, 2015 (Released:2015-02-25)

小西 典子 甲斐 明美 松下 秀 野口 やよい 高橋 由美 関口 恭子 新井 輝義 諸角 聖 小久保 彌太郎
日本食品微生物学会雑誌 (ISSN:13408267)
vol.18, no.1, pp.9-14, 2001-03-31 (Released:2010-07-12)
3 4

1998年8月から11月の間に有機.水耕栽培野菜の汚染実態調査を行った.卸売市場およびスーパーマーケットで買い上げた大根37件, 人参29件, キャベツ28件, ネギ28件, レタス32件, キュウリ29件, トマト40件, 玉ネギ28件, カイワレ大根32件, アルファルファ13件, およびサラダ菜, ホウレン草, モヤシ各1件の合計299件を対象とし, 生菌数, 大腸菌, 腸管出血性大腸菌O157およびサルモネラについて検査した.その結果, 生菌数は1g当たり10個以下から107個までと広範囲にわたっていた.特にアルファルプァとカイワレ大根の生菌数は全体に高かった.大腸菌はネギ1件より検出された.O157は検出されなかったが, サルモネラはアルファルファ1件より検出された.検出されたサルモネラはO13群血清型Cubanaであった.アルファルファ由来株と同時期に検出された同血清型ヒト保菌者由来株との関連性を薬剤感受性試験, プラスミドプロファイルおよびXbaI , SpeIで消化後のPFGEパターンの比較により検討した.その結果PFGEパターンが異なっていたことから, 両者の関連性は否定された.
高橋 浩晃 笠原 稔
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.57, no.2, pp.115-130, 2004-12-27 (Released:2010-03-11)

The Tokachi-oki earthquake (MJMA8.0) occurred on September 26, 2003 (JST) off southeastern Hokkaido, Japan. We investigate the seismic activity before and after the mainshock using hypocenter catalogues produced by Japan Meteorological Agency and Hokkaido University. A decline of seismic activity and a seismic gap in the asperity of the 2003 earthquake had been clearly recognized from the early 1990's to just the mainshock faulting. Similar low seismicity had been observed before the former 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake (MJMA 8.2). These facts may reflect that the plate boundary fixed loosely has become tight coupling during one seismic cycle. A relatively low seismicity patch during the interseismic phase corresponds to the asperity. This suggests that interseismic seismic activity is strongly controlled by existence of the asperity. The aftershock region of the 2003 earthquake is approximately 160km by 160km, which is slightly smaller than that of the 1952 earthquake. This feature is in good agreement with the slip distributions of the 1952 and 2003 earthquakes estimated from tsumani waveform inversions. Large aftershocks are located out of the asperity, which may reflect the stress status in and around the asperity. Remarkable triggered seismic activity has begun just after the mainshock along the volcanic front in the eastern Hokkaido.
高橋 直明

筑波大学修士 (図書館情報学) 学位論文・平成25年3月25日授与 (30941号)
村田 義一 高橋 儀昭 洞平 勝男
北海道林業試験場研究報告 (ISSN:09103945)
no.38, pp.1-22, 2001-03

北海道東北部の西興部村のトドマツ天然林で1987年から2000年にかけてマツタケの発生現況を調査したところ,試験地には123個/haに及ぶ多くのマツタケのシロが分布するが,シロ当たりのマツタケ発生本数は少なく,年平均1.5本にすぐないことがわかった。シロ当たりの発生本数が少ない原因として,シロの成長がよくない(8.3~11.6cm/年にすぎない)ことや,シロの活力の低下,老齢化があげられる。比較的齢の若いシロでも,部分的に菌糸層の成長が抑制され,それがマツタケの発生量を低下させているように思われた。 本林分のマツタケの発生促進を図るため,シロの活性化と更新を目的に,総合処理区では,1993年に,混みすぎた立木,特に広葉樹の除間伐,腐植層の除去,害菌のシロの除去と心土による埋め戻し,立木の地際に生じた段階状の段差解消のための客土などを行った。除間伐区では,除間伐以外の施業は行わなかった。これらの施業の効果は次のとおりであった。 1 シロ当たりおよびha当たりのマツタケ発生量が増加した。総合処理区では施業の効果が特に顕著で,年平均で,シロ当たり発生本数は3.5本に増加し,ha当たり発生量は約51kgに達した。 2 総合処理区と除間伐では,マツタケの発生するシロの数が無処理区より増加した。この効果は施業後ほぼ3年以内に現れた。 3 総合処理区では,茎が太く,大きいマツタケが発生するようになった。 4 総合処理区と除間伐区では,マツタケの集中発生時期が早期化あるいは長期化した。 5 活力の著しく低下したシロを除き,害菌のシロの除去や段差解消のための客土によって,その部分の菌糸層の成長抑制が解消した。 6 総合処理区で,施業後に新たに形成されたと考えられるシロが確認された。 以上の結果から,本稿で実施した施業は,マツタケ未発生のシロでマツタケの発生を促進する効果があり,既発生のシロでは,活力の著しく低下したシロを除いて,菌糸層の部分的な成長抑制の解消とマツタケ発生量の増加のために有効であることがわかった。老齢で活力が著しく低下したシロの場合,本稿の施業ではその活力を回復させることはできなかったが,それらのシロは,活力の高いシロによって更新が可能と思われた。
山家 一哲 高橋 哲也 石井 香奈子 加藤 光弘 小林 康志
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.14, no.1, pp.83-87, 2015 (Released:2015-03-31)
3 9

青色LED光(最大波長465 nm,80 µmol・m−2・s−1)照射が,収穫後のウンシュウミカンの青かび病抑制と果実品質に及ぼす影響について検討した.果実に青かび病菌を接種後,6日間青色LED光照射を行った結果,照射果は無照射果と比較して,腐敗部(軟化部,菌糸部,胞子形成部)が有意に小さくなった.続いて,最初に青色LED光を6日間果実に照射した後,果実に青かび病菌を付傷接種し,腐敗部の広がりを調査した.その結果,接種菌濃度が低い場合において,照射果は無照射果と比較して腐敗部が有意に小さくなった.このことから,青色LED光は青かび病菌の生育抑制と果皮の病害抵抗性を高める可能性が示唆された.青色LED光照射の有無により,果実の減量歩合とクエン酸含量に差が見られたが,その他の果実品質については照射の影響は認められなかった.
高橋 健夫 岡沢 祥訓 中井 隆司 芳本 真
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.36, no.3, pp.193-208, 1991-12-01

The purposes of this study were to make clear the structure of teacher behaviors in physical education class and to examine the effect of those behaviors on the student evaluation to physical education class. The subjects were the 66 physical education classes instructed by 27 teachers in elementary schools. The teacher behaviors in those classes were observed by the systematic observation instrumentation, that was modified with ALT-PE-TB and ORRPETB observation to physical education class. Main findings were as follows. Major teacher behaviors in physical education class were "management", "instruction","monitoring", and "interaction". Though Siedentop) reported 3 behaviors excluding interaction as major behaviors, we could recognize that interaction behavior took the same rating as other behaviors. 2) There was no big difference among behaviors between skilled teachers and general teachers. 3) Some specific behaviors of teacher had significant relationship with student evaluation to physical education class. Especially, the amount of time spent for manegement and instruction (lecture) had a significant negative relationship with student evaluntion. On the other hand, interaction (question, acceptance, positive and corrective feedback for skill learning) had a significant positive relationship with it. 4) Supposed that monitoring would have effect on the learning activities, we could not find a clear relationship because of the limitation with the instrumentation. 5) These results suggest that the indirect teaching style has more effect than the direct one at least in order to increase the student attitude to physical education class.
赤川 信一郎 森川 則文 池田 佳代 岡崎 照夫 高橋 俊輔
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.2, pp.175-179, 2015 (Released:2015-02-01)

A strategy named “Japan is back” adopted in June 2013 specifies that pharmacies shall be regarded as community-based places where health-related information is provided, and the public shall be encouraged to use the services of pharmacies and pharmacists who can advise on health and appropriate use of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, and promote self medication. In Japan there are approximately 55000 pharmacies and 260000 pharmacists, and community residents are recommended to use these resources. As advisors on healthcare in the community, pharmacists are required to make judgments regarding drug use in individuals performing self medication and using OTC drugs in consideration of their symptoms and level of understanding of their health conditions, and recommend that they consult a medical center if necessary. To meet these requirements pharmacists need to have the skills to monitor each individual's lifestyle, behavior, and environment as well as trends in society, and assess their health status. However, education that allows pharmacists to practice such skills remains insufficiently developed. We consider that to be able to detect diseases early among community residents and appropriately support them using pharmacotherapy, it is very important to train pharmacists to do the following at pharmacies: 1) determine individuals who should be treated early using symptomatologic skills; 2) promote public awareness of disease; and 3) perform biochemical examination (blood is collected by fingerprick promptly to obtain biochemical data) in cooperation with the Department of Clinical Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima University.
高橋 ユリア 福田 真由美 下村 道子 吉松 藤子
調理科学 (ISSN:09105360)
vol.24, no.3, pp.222-227, 1991-08-20

戸野塚 久紘 菅谷 啓之 高橋 憲正 河合 伸昭 中島 亮 寺谷 威 真鍋 博規 安藤 晃 森石 丈二
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.35, no.3, pp.877-881, 2011 (Released:2011-12-21)

The purpose of this study is to determine a target ROM (T-ROM) at 3 months after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, by which patients can expect eventual full recovery. Subjects consist of 209 shoulders in 202 patients, including 116 males and 86 females with an average age of 61.5 years old, who underwent primary arthroscopic rotator cuff repair and were followed-up for a minimum of 2 years. There were 30 partial-thickness tears, 120 small to medium and 57 large to massive full-thickness tears. Anterior elevation (AE), external rotation at side (ER), and internal rotation (IR) ROM at 3 month after surgery (ROM-3M) were measured, and divided into five groups according to the values. The final ROM at 24 months after surgery was compared with each ROM-3M of these subgroups in order to determine the T-ROM. Then, according to the T-ROM, patients were also divided into two groups: less than the T-ROM (AE-, ER-, and IR-); and more than the T-ROM (AE+, ER+, and IR+), and average ROM in each group were compared with each other. The final ROM of AE was significantly better in the group of more than 120° than less than 120 degrees. Therefore, the T-ROM of AE was determined as 120°. Similarly, those of ER and IR were determined as 10° and L5 level. ROM at 6 and 9 months in the AE+ group was significantly better than those of the AE- group. Further, every ROM at 3 to 24 months in the ER+ group was significantly better than those of the ER- group. In conclusion, ROM at 3 months after surgery affects final shoulder function. Surgeons and therapists should pay attention to the T-ROM at 3 months after surgery described above in order to maximize patients's final shoulder function.
高橋 宏幸
西洋古典学研究 (ISSN:04479114)
no.44, pp.96-108, 1996

This paper reexamines an inconsistency considering the fatal spear in the Cephalus-Procris episode in Met. 7 : one of the companions of Cephalus says that the spear flies back spontaneously after hitting the target, whereas it remains stuck in Procris at the ending of the story told by Cephalus. It will be suggested that the inconsistency hints at a transformation of the story as narrated by Cephalus. I have observed three recurrent story patterns in the episode : someone (thing)comes back after being lost(or gone) (P1) ; a rumor is believed before eventually turning out to be false(P2) ; happiness follows a disaster (P3). P1 fails only at the ending, where Procris dies, never to return. This failure of P1 corresponds to the inconsistency about the spear, since its power to fly back after launched exactly matches P1, whereas it did not return when piercing Procris. Why not an ending that would imply a return of Procris, in accord with P1? We note that there is no metamorphosis of a main character in the episode, that the spear is almost identical to Procris with regard to fate (7531, 846) , beauty(679, 730) , and name(Procris<procuris ; cf. Fasti 2.477), and that mirabere(682)is one of the words suggestive of metamorphosis(cf. mirandum 758). Seeing these points, it would not be quite hard to imagine that, the moment Procris dies, her soul enters the spear to give it the miracle power, so that, every time Cephalus launches the spear, it would come back into his hands, as she did in her life. This would have happened, if only Procris had not emitted her soul in the mouth of Cephalus(861) , but into the spear. With this ending by metamorphosis, the inconsistency about the spear would not have occurred, since it obtained its power after she died, but, instead, an eternal, spiritual union of the couple would have been achieved, quite a suitable finish for the story of mutual love (800). Considering P2 and P3, we should note that Cephalus echoes the phrases in the Orithyia story in Bk. 6(esp., 681f.). When Cephalus comments that he was said(dicebar 698)to be happy, he seems to presume that such a rumor is prevalent(cf. also 694), coming from the story told in Bk. 6. He rejects it as untrue with his tragic story, which fits in P2, but, it would be different with the ending by metamorphosis, which implies a kind of bliss for Cephalus as Procris' spear never goes without returning as if to ease his bad conscience, granting pardon for his wrongdoing. This version would match P3, and support the rumor of Cephalus' happy marriage with Procris. Then, we may assume that Cephalus did not speak of the metamorphosis because he intended to deny the rumor about his marriage, and I think this is where the inconsistency arises. What, then, was his motivation? On his arrival at Aegina he was spectabilis hews, which is a reminiscence of what he looked like(496f.), and Procris, when dying, was looking at him as long as possible(dumque aliquid spectare potest, me spectat 860). Then, after she exhales her soul(if exhaled into the spear, there would have been the metamorphosis), that is, at the end of his story, Cephalus appears as lacrimans hews (863). It looks as if, instead of narrating the metamorphosis of Procris, Cephalus himself has transformed from a good-looking hero into a hero in tears. Why, then, in tears? Presumably because it is a mark of great heroes, to Cephalus' eyes. In fact, Cephalus is presenting himself as a great hero like Odysseus or Aeneas, not only in his marital or tragic love as pointed out by Labate and Segal, but also in his story-telling, which takes place at the palace of a king(or queen), whose assistance the hero needs to return home, as in Od. Bks. 8-12 and Aen. Bks. 2-3. It is such an enchanting tale of his own sufferings that causes all listeners to cry. A tragic story like this, which enables Cephalus to play a role of great hero, would have been ruined if he had told of the metamorphosis of Procris, which would have made her a heroine, with him serving as a foil. This is, it seems, where his motivation lies : to make himself a hero, not her. Returning to the inconsistency about the spear, we should note that "nullo referente" (684)can be translated as "as nobody(else)tells it" (also note the frequent use of referre in the story), and that "in ore"(861)can mean "spoken" as in 1.708. Here it seems to be implied that the metamorphosis of Procris goes unspoken as nobody tells that story, while Cephalus stands out as a great tragic hero as a tearful tale of his own is put in his mouth.
高橋 宏幸
西洋古典論集 (ISSN:02897113)
vol.10, pp.30-53, 1992-09-30

この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This paper reexamines the Arachne story in Ovid's Metamorphoses Bk. 6, focusing on the deception-fascination by poetry-art which affects the motivation and manner of Minerva's vengeance on Arachne. Minerva has praised the song and righteous rage of the Muses, which motivates her to avenge. Two aspects are noticed in Minerva on Helicon who is curious about anything marvelous aud eager to listen to the Muses' tales. First, she wanted to see the fountain which burst forth under the hard(dura : 257) hooves of Pegasus ; a Muse addresses her as a goddess whose valor has led her to greater tasks(virtus opera ad maiora : 269) ; and she asks the Muse to recite their song in order(ordine : 335). These are suggestive of the classical epic that is the kind of song which Minerva wants to have sung. Second, asking the Muses for the causes(cf. origo : 262), she recalls Callimachus in the Aetio(frgg. 2, 114) and Ovid in the Fasti interviewing the gods and goddesses throughout the work ; and when listening to Calliope's song, Minerva takes her seat in the light shade(levi in umbra : 336). What these imply is elegiac or hellenistic poetry, which Minerva seems to be (perhaps potentially) capable of appreciating well. Corresponding to these opposing aspects of Minerva we find two mixed elements in Calliope's song : epic pretentions, the most eminent feature of which is the rage of the gods that vindicates their order, on an asymmetrical structure which is "rambling, dragging in almost anything and straying far from its subject" through set-in tales which are characteristic of hellenistic poetry, tuned to the querulous chords(339) which imply elegiac poetry. What is suggested here? Attention should be paid to the Pierides' accusation of the Muses deceiving the unlearned vulgar with the empty sweetness(indoctum vana dulcedine vulgus/ fallere : 309f.). At first glance it sounds false, but "sweet"(glykys, dulcis) is one of the characteristics which are highly valued on the hellenistic criteria of poetry, aud "empty" may refer to the leisure of poetry ; unlike Callimachus or Horatius who hates and keeps away the vulgar(Carm. 3. 1. 1), doctus as he is, Ovid is proud of his popularity all over the world ; and deception can mean fascination by poetry, as the Muses "have the skill to tell lies similar to the truth" (Hesiod. Theog. 27). Then, the accusation seems to point accurately to the nature of Ovid's poetry, and to turn out to be true. That is, Minerva is deceived by Calliope's song in the meaning that she is so fascinated by its charm (which she has the capability to really enjoy) that she thinks it was the epic, but it is actually not. Deceived(fascinated) this way, Minerva wants to be praised as she praised the Muses' song aud rage. Here her thoughts do not follow the usual pattern of vengeance stories where human arrogance causes divine anger at the start, resulting in punishment of the hybris. As her motive to avenge comes first the common desire for her own praise, and in order to avenge she finds Arachne to be an appropriate victim. And Ovid's expression in lines 3-4 shows humorously the change of her state of mind from praising to being praised : when she wants to be praised(laudemur) herself too(et ipsae), then, at the top of the next line, the idea that she is a deity(numina) who deserves to be praised comes into her mind. It looks as if she had forgotten about it until now. She can be compared to the audience (indoctum vulgus) who want to be the hero on the stage whom they empathize with. Now leaving the theater, it seems, Minerva remembers who she is, a goddess who can actually play the part. Whatever the motive may be, her vengeance appears to be inevitable, when Arachne's stubborn refusal to yield leads to the weaving duel, in which Minerva's tapestry is orderly in form and content, embodying the perfect classical art, while Arachne's is contrastively chaotic with the various stories of "the divine comedy" scattered in no set pattern of any kind. To our surprise, however, Minerva or Envy couldn't find any fault in Arachne's work(129f.), and Ovid depicts Minerva's act of vengeance in sympathy with Arachne. The interpretation I'd like to suggest is that as with the Muses, Minerva is deceived again here by Arachne's deceptive art which makes her pictures look real(vermu taurum, freta vera putares ; / ipsa videbatur : 104f.). Painfully facing Arachne's success(130), which Minerva sees as threatening to snatch praise away from her, she tears Arachne' s tapestry, which is "divine crimes." Here, caeletia crimina(131), equated to the tapestry by juxtaposition, and given a position to split the phrase pictas vestes, creates an impression that Minerva is trying to shake off a guilty conscience with an excuse while destroying the perfect work of art. Otherwise, Envy could have criticized it the moment she looked at it. And this excuse seems to come as a natural result. of Minerva's deception by the pictures, which are so real that she cannot discern whether they are imaginary or real. Then, the tapestry paradoxically proves its perfection by being torn. When Arachne cannot endure it(non tulit infelix : 134) and hangs herself, Minerva feels pity (miserata : 135), as if the heroic act of Arachne wakes up Minerva to herself. Minerva, who, charmed by the Muses' song, wanted to be a hero at the start of the story, now at the end fascinated by Arachne's work, seems to be leaving the stage to give away the leading part to Arachne, whose metamorphosis into a spider(140-5) takes place just after Minerva's exit(discedens : 139). If there is any programmatic implication in the story, I'd like to consider it in the same terms as I did in my former papers on Fama-fama in bk. 12 and the epilogue, where I discussed creative transformation of tradition(fama) by the poet(Fama) who adds "falsehoods" to "true" traditional stories. Hearing of the rumor of the fount Hippocrene(5.255), Minerva visited the Muses to listen to their tales. Deceived by them, she contributed to creation of a new kind of vengeance story. And when she exits, the rumor fills the whole world with talk(6.146f.)