加藤 良一 富樫 悠 長根 智洋 鈴木 隆
山形大学教職・教育実践研究 = Bulletin of Teacher Training Research Center, Yamagata University
vol.7, pp.1-8, 2012-03-15

乳糖を分解した牛乳およびノンホモジナイズ牛乳以外の牛乳に, ドリンクタイプのヨーグルトをその牛乳の量の1%加えて撹拌し, それを45℃で24時間培養するとヨーグルトが作製できた。なお, ドリンクタイプのヨーグルトは, 賞味期限内かまたはそれになるべく近いものを用いる。この結果より, 中学校理科3年生, 高等学校「生物基礎」, および中学校技術・家庭科の実験教材としてこれらが提供できることを示した。キーワード:牛乳, 教材, ドリンクタイプのヨーグルト, 培養, ヨーグルトの作製
大原 達美 名和 肇 益子 研士 村越 昭男 宮本 潤一 北村 昌之 沼部 博直
一般社団法人 日本医療情報学会
医療情報学 = Japan journal of medical informatics (ISSN:02898055)
vol.20, no.2, pp.103-107, 2000-06-01

<p> 郵政省・マルチメディア・パイロットタウン構想のマルチメディア・モデル医療展開事業システムとして高精細画像の転送を中心とした実験・研究システムを平成10年より開発している.このシステムでは,遠隔医療を主たるフィールドとしていることから,本学4キャンパスに既設された学内LANを利用する共に,インターネットを通じての教育を行うWEBシステムも合わせて開発されている.</p><p> この学内LANにおけるセキュリティは,ファイアーウォールにて行っていたものの,遠隔医療実験・研究システムの導入に際して画像データはもとより,診断レポートや患者情報などの医療情報を扱うことから,セキュリティの大幅な強化に取り組んだ.</p><p> 当初本システムのセキュリティ対策としては,指紋認証システム,暗号化装置を実装していたが今回,サーバー・クライアント間で交わされるデータそのものに暗号化通信を構築してセキュリティを強化した.</p>
高野 正博 緒方 俊二 野崎 良一 久野 三朗 佐伯 泰愼 福永 光子 高野 正太 田中 正文 眞方 紳一郎 中村 寧 坂田 玄太郎 山田 一隆
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 (ISSN:00471801)
vol.64, no.4, pp.201-213, 2011 (Released:2011-04-01)

陰部神経に沿って圧痛ある硬結が存在し,肛門痛,括約不全,排便障害,腹部症状,腰椎症状を訴える症例がある.これらの症候の合併率は85.1%と高く,仙骨神経と骨盤内臓神経の両者の障害が関与していることがわかり,神経因性骨盤臓器症候群(Neurogenic Intrapelvic Syndrome,NIS)と名付けた. この症候群と診断した537例に,病態に応じて,肛門痛には主としてブロック療法,括約不全にはバイオフィードバック療法,腸管の運動不全には薬物療法,神経障害には理学療法と運動療法,また症候群に附随する精神障害には心理療法を組み合わせて治療した. その結果,肛門痛74.2%,括約不全83.3%,排便障害78.1%,腹部症状81.5%,腰椎症状66.0%で症状が改善し,これらの治療法は治療効果が高率に得られる適切なものであると判断した.多症候を有する症例でもそれぞれの病態に対する治療法を組み合わせ,総合的な治療を加え行うことによって高い効果が得られた.
内田 大介 森 猛 佐々木 雄一
社団法人 日本鋼構造協会
鋼構造論文集 (ISSN:18809928)
vol.23, no.89, pp.89_51-89_58, 2016-03-25 (Released:2017-03-22)

Various studies have been performed on improving fatigue strength of out-of-plane gusset welded joints because their fatigue strength is very low in the case of as-welded condition. Grinding the weld toes of the joints with burr grinder is the most common method for fatigue strength enhancement. In this study, for the purpose of sugesting appropriate grinding depth for out-of-plane gusset joints, fatigue tests and FEM analyses have been performed.
増田 俊樹 坂井 智行 山田 伸一郎
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.49, no.1, pp.65-69, 2016

症例は79歳, 女性. 糖尿病性腎症を原病とし, 73歳時に血液透析を導入された. 76歳頃より無尿であった. 糖尿病性神経障害による下肢壊疽のため, 両側下腿切断術を受け入院加療中であった. 術後に血尿, 下腹部痛および透析中の著明な血圧低下を認めたため精査したところ, 腹部造影CTにて膀胱壁の肥厚および膀胱粘膜下のガス貯留像を認め, 気腫性膀胱炎と診断した. 発症時の尿からは<i>Escherichia coli</i>が培養されたが, 血液からは<i>Bacteroides fragilis</i>が培養され, 両者を起因菌とした気腫性膀胱炎から敗血症をきたしたと考えた. 抗生剤投与, 膀胱ドレナージを実施し, 速やかに軽快した. とくに無尿の維持血液透析患者において, 気腫性膀胱炎の報告は少ないが, 発症が認識されないまま経験的抗生剤投与にて軽快している可能性がある. 気腫性膀胱炎の大部分は適切な抗生剤投与と排尿管理で軽快するが, 治療開始の遅れから重篤な経過に至ることがあり, 早期に診断し治療を行うことが重要である.
関根 剛 小川 捷之
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.25, pp.127-139, 1985-10-30

The purpose of this study is to discuss archetypal dreams and their relations to the dreamers personalities. A questionaire consisting of questions related to the frequency of dream recall and one's interest in dreams and a section for describing freely one's vividest dreams was given to 156 female university students. At the same time MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) for Jung's typology was also given to them. To determine whether or not it was archetypal, each dream was rated on the basis of the four criteria of the Archetypal Dream Scale composed by Kluger (1975). The following 4 points were discussed: (1) The frequency of occurence of control dreams and vivid dreams; Kluger's study was followed in part. (2) The relation between collected archetypal dreams and the functions of personalities in Jung's theory. (3) The relation between the frequency of dream recall and functions of personalities or occurence of archetypal dreams. (4) The relation between the subjects' interest in dreams and functions of personalities or occurence of archetypal dreams. The results were as follows: (1) Vivid dreams were significantly (p<.001) more archetypal than control dreams. (2) The occurence of archetypal dreams had a close relation to Perceiving (Irrational function), especially Intuition in it. Those who had archetypal dreams were superior in their Perceiving and Intuition to those who did not have any archetypal dreams. (3) The frequency of dream recall had a certain relation to Judging (Rational function) and no relations to the occurence of archetypal dreams. Those who had a high frequency of dream recall were superior in Thinking to those who had a low frequency. (4) There were no relations between the degree of the interest in dreams and the function of personalities or the occurence of archetypal dreams.
副島 隆
Japanese Society for Oral Health
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.44, no.3, pp.342-353, 1994-07-30 (Released:2010-10-27)

う蝕予防のためのフッ化物の応用に際して使用すべき適正量の検討には, あらかじめ通常の生活の中でのフッ素摂取量を把握しておくことは意義がある。本研究では, 福岡市で日常的に入手できる14食品類の65食品目を測定の対象とした。食品試料中のフッ素含有量は, 前処理に乾式灰化法と微量拡散法, 測定法をイオン電極法でそれぞれ8回の繰り返し測定を行った。その結果, 測定値の範囲は, 穀類0.19~6.04μg/g, 種実類0.13μg/g, 芋類0.01~0.02μg/g, 豆類0.42~41.75μg/g, 果実類n. d. ~0.02μg/g, 野菜類n. d. ~0.94μg/g, 茸類0.01~0.75μg/g, 海草類0.06~0.58μg/g, 飲料類0.17~2.99μg/g, 魚介類n. d. ~2.87μg/g, 肉類0.04~0.21μg/g, 卵類n. d., 乳類0.35~1.52μg/gであった。これらの結果を基にして, 平成3年度の国民栄養調査にある食品群別摂取量を利用して成人1日あたりの食品からのフッ素摂取量を推定したところ, 全国平均は1.44mgおよび北九州ブロックは1.42mgであった。
松﨑 丈
宮城教育大学紀要 = Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education
vol.52, pp.243-259, 2018-01-31

The present study reported the educational approach that aiming at formation of communication activity used “sign language” to three children with deafness and multiple disabilities. Some important points were discussed;(1)we should observe to the details of the children’s body movements interacting constantly with their communication partners, specifically slight changes of their hand’s various attributes.(2)We should assume the individual's own ways of understanding their environments from perspectives of the behavioral organization and the sign transformational operation based on the facts observed(. 3)We shouldn't unilaterally use “sign language”that generally used by Deaf adults but should use “sign systems” contrived according to the individual's own ways of understanding their environments including communication partners.
東京府知事官房調査課 編
vol.昭和6年, 1934
屋良 健一郎
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.121, no.11, pp.1839-1874, 2012-11-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

The island of Tanegashima, which is located south of the Osumi Pennisula of southern Kyushu is best known as the portal for the initial entry of firearms into Japan and the first manufacturer of Japanese-made firearms and has in the research to date been studied almost exclusively in that light, including studies of the Island's feudal lords, the Tanegashima Clan. Although there is some very specialized research on the Tanegashima Clan as locally based land proprietors (kokujin 国人) who went through a process of subjugation to the Shimazu Clan, the characteristic features of the Tanegashimas have yet to be sufficiently explored. The Tanegashimas, who occupied a territory between the ruling feudal lords of Satsuma Province, the Shimazu Clan, and the kingdom of the Ryukyu Islands, should be considered as having a unique character in the light of such geographical circumstances. The present article is an attempt to place the Tanegashima Clan within the context of the southern Kyushu maritime world as it existed during the late medieval period. By virtue of their military alliance with the Shimazu Clan which resulted in their consequent control of the islands to the south of Kyushu, the Tanegashimas were given the opportunity to engage with merchant ships and Chinese junks and participate in trade with the Ryukyu Kingdom. Consequently, the Tanegashimas were able to obtain foreign manufactures; and following their conversion during the latter half of the 15th century to the Nichiren Sect of Buddhism, came to enjoy personal contact and exchange with figures in the capital region, and in the process of fostering ties of mutual friendship, the leading aristocrats and samurai commanders residing in Kyoto found a new source of foreign goods. It should be specially noted that those who came to the islands from the capital region were enthusiastically recruited as vassals by the Tanegashima Clan. This "Kyoto connection" was invaluable in negotiating and securing Shimazu Takahisa's appointment to the prestigious post of Shuri Daibu (Minister of Public Works) in 1551. In the background to the Tanegashima Clan's intimate "Kyoto connection" and its knowledge and technical know-how regarding arms production lay its close relations to the Shimazu Clan, but such relations were by no mean exclusionary, as the Tanegashimas actively sought contact with other feudal lords. Regarding the Ryukyu Kingdom, it was during the reign of its second king, Shoshin (1477-1526), that the monarch assumed an attitude of superiority over the surrounding islands, but continued to trade with the Tanegashimas, despite their "inferiority". In the background of Tanegashima Tadatoki's trade relations with the Ryukyus probably lay the desire to obtain from that kingdom goods that the Hosokawa Clan was importing to the Ming Dynasty, as evidenced by the alliance formed with Hosokawa Takatoki, who was an important figure in the promotion of Sino-Japanese trade relations. The author is also of the opinion that the socalled attempt by Ouchi Yoshitaka to blockade Tanegashima's ships should rather be interpreted as an attempt to intercept the ships being sent to China by Hosokawa Harumoto. From the standpoint of the family as a force in maritime foreign trade due to its geographical location, the Tanegashima Clan should be considered in the light of its multilateral diplomatic ties to the other powerful players in Japan's southern maritime region.
東 豊 美根 和典 早川 洋 金沢 文高 土田 治 久保 千春
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.35, no.6, pp.473-482, 1995

This paper reports nine serious cases of non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD) treated by systemic family therapy, and also discusses the connection between the patients symptoms and their family dynamics. About 90% of the patients revealed significant improvement by this therapy. This study also discusses the therapist's effective involvement in the therapeutic process. Generally, problems arising due to familial causes have to be viewed at two different levels. The first is that of content. That is, the specific problem as identified by either the patients or their family members. The second is that of context which is the web of interrelationships and other related circumstances within the family which are infiuenced by the belief that there is a problem. Systemic family therapy thus places greater emphasis on changing the dynamics within the family which are influenced by the belief that there is a problem. Systemic family therapy thus places greater emphasis on changing the dynamics within the context. In the representative three cases reported here in the therapist ostensibly addressed the content, each in a different way. In the first case the therapist "denied the existence of the specific family relationship problem identified by the patient and the family members." In the second representative case the therapist "acknowledged the patient's family relationship problem but denied its relation to the patient's symptoms, " In the third case the therapist "acknowledged the patient s famlly relationship problem and also acknowl edged its relation to the patient's symptoms." Thus the therapist adapted three different stances. In each of the representative three cases, however, the therapist actually attempted to change the dynamics within the patient's familial context. The reason for using different therapeutic approaches in the three cases was that in each case the strength of the patients' and/or their family members' belief in the existence of a family relationship problem differed. The therapist, therefore, had to deal with each patient and his/her family members in a different way in order to establish a harmonious optimum therapeutic relationship.
小林 陽二 福生 吉裕 赫 彰郎 金川 卓郎
The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.43, no.2, pp.263-273, 1992-10-20 (Released:2010-03-12)
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動脈硬化症や血栓症に伴う〓血状態の臨床的判定の一助として Diagonal Ear Lobe Crease (ELC) の有無判定が有用か否かを768名の健康診断受診者を対象に行った。その結果, ELC (+) 群において高血圧者や心電図異常者の頻度およびTC,β-Lp, Atherogenic Index などの血清脂質は有意に高く, Apo AI, Apo AI/B ratio は低値傾向, Apo AII は有意に低値であった。各種疾患で入院中の患者34例を対象に行った寺澤らの診断法による〓血度測定とELCの有無判測の結果, ELC (+) 群で有意に〓血度は高かった。以上の成績からELCと動脈硬化症は関連性が高いものと考えられ, 動脈硬化症や血栓症に伴う〓血の判定においてELCの有無判定を考慮して良いものと考えられた。動脈硬化症は未病の状態と考えられることから, ELC有無判定のような簡易な方法で〓血状態を臨床的に診断できることは有用であると思慮定れた。
宮本 和雄 関根 雅彦 樋口 隆哉 浮田 正夫
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
環境システム研究論文集 (ISSN:13459597)
vol.28, pp.339-345, 2000-10-13 (Released:2010-03-17)
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