中野 照男
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.376, pp.33-38, 2002-03-29

The Kannonkyôji located in Shibayama, Sambu gun, Chiba prefecture has handed down a Chinese painting with a scene of hungry ghosts. In the center of the composition, a hungry ghost sits in full lotus position on a boulder. There is a blue glass bowl on a rock to the right of this figure, and a bluish-green willow growing from a gold-colored water bottle placed inside the glass bowl. A white flag stands behind this arrangement. There is a circle above the ghost's head, and a seated image of Avalokitesvara is depicted within the circle. There is a red bench in front of the ghost with three bowls heaped with three kinds of food. Several starving ghosts attempt to grab the food from the bowls. Priests stand in the lower left of the composition, with a table in front of them holding gold-colored vase, incense burner, candlestick, and a seated figure of a Buddha. Arranged symmetrically with the priests are judges from hell and women who resemble those often seen in Ten Kings of Hell images. There is a rising cloud-like form to the right of the ghost and there are several human-shapes ascending to the heavens. Similar works can be found in the Shui Lu paintings (paintings of Buddhist and Taoist rituals), scroll number 139 from the Ming period preserved in the Bao Ning temple in Shanxi province. The sutra source for this image is either the Kubatsu enku gaki darani kyô translated in the Tang dynasty by Amoghavajra (705-774), or a different translation of the same sutra by the Tang dynasty Siksananda (625-710). These two sutras can be used to explain a considerable amount of the imagery appearing in this painting. And yet, they do not explain all of this work. For example, the imagery in the scene of the judge from hell seems to have been borrowed from a Ten Kings image. Similarly the issue of the Avalokiteśvara in a circle cannot be explained. It is well known that such hungry ghost paintings were created as one section of Shui Lu paintings (J: Suiriku-ga). The Shui Lu ritual services (J: Suiriku-e) are Buddhist ceremonies in which the gods of Buddhism and Taoism are summoned and offerings for the salvation of various ghosts are made, calling on the power of these many deities. The paintings of various deities related to Buddhism, various deities related to Taoism, salvation scenes, and demon-like figures are hung around the offering altar. However, the hungry ghost in Suiriku-ga is shown leading attendants, parading with his hands clasped in prayer. What then was the use of this image, with its demon placed facing directly forward, in large-scale, as if the central image of worship? This painting was very likely the central image of worship for a rite known as a Yugaenku. This is a Chinese Buddhist ritual that is extremely close in nature to the Japanese Segaki-e, or rite to save ghosts. In the Yugaenku rite, the hungry ghost is set up as an avatar of Avalokitesvara and is recognized as the savior of the masses. This is why an Avalokiteśvara image has been added to this painting. In Japan, the Suiriku-e name is almost never used, and in the case of paintings like this Suiriku-ga, or Yugaenku painting brought from China, the elements of these works which relate to those rites seem to have not been properly recognized, and these paintings were not necessarily used in rites in Japan.
中野 明正 上原 洋一 山内 章
日本土壌肥料学雑誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.74, no.6, pp.737-742, 2003

中野 猛夫
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.42, no.1-2, pp.1-13, 1978 (Released:2010-08-06)

It is well known clinical fact that weather change may precipitate the onset symptoms in patients with bronchial asthma, arthritis, etc.There are many reports, analysing a weather chart, that the frequency of asthmatic attack is related to meterologic changes.In this report, it is discussed whether climatic factors which are purely created in the Controlled Climate Chamber affect the lung function (forced expiratory volume in one second-FEV1), serum cotisol levels, and serum cyclic-3′5′-adenocine monophosphate (c-AMP) levels in asthmatic children.The subjects for this study were 64 patients with childhood asthma who had no asthmatic symptoms at the time of the study. Patients were entered to the Controlled Climate Chamber which was automatically controlled as following programs, 1, gradual drop of temperature from room temperature (25°C) to 5°C over 60min (A group), 2, temperature pre-set at 5°C (B group), 3, gradual decrease of 50mb in atmospheric pressure (C group), 4, increase of 50mb over 60min followed by steady state for 30min (D group). Conditions in the Controlled Climate Chamber for controll group were mainteined in the same temperature and pressure are those of outside the chamber on the same day. All procedures were performed during from 12.45p.m. to 14.15p.m..The FEV1 was measured before and immediately, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, and 90min after entry to the chamber.Also venopunctures were done before and after 90min to measure the serum cortisol and serum c-AMP levels.Slight but not statistically significant decrease of FEV1 was observed in A group. In B group, significant decrease of FEV1 was observed immediately after, and at 5min, 15min after entry. Slight decrease without statistical significance were observed after 60min and 90min.In C group, significant decrease of FEV1 was observed only at 90min. At other times, the decrease was not significant.On the other hand, striking increase of FEV1 was observed at all the time in D group.Simultaneously measured serum cortisol level showed slight decrease without statistical significance in all groups.The changes of c-AMP level did not show any constant tendency in all groups.These results suggest that cold climate and low barometric pressure may induce the decrease of lung function in patient with childhood asthma and high barometric pressure certainly induce improvement of lung function. The change of serum cortisol level and c-AMP level showed variable tendencies. It is speculated that more distinct change may be obtained, if the samples for evaluation of serum cortisol and c-AMP level are obtained earlier the 90min after entry to the chamber.
羽鳥 剛史 中野 剛志 藤井 聡
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.8, no.2, pp.163-168, 2010 (Released:2010-12-29)

The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between nationalism and civil society. The present hypothesis, which was developed from the theory of civil society, especially Hegel's thought, supposes a mutually dependent relationship between nationalism and civil society: the stronger (weaker) nationalism, the stronger (weaker) civil society and vice versa. On the other hand, its competitive hypothesis supposes a mutually substitute relationship: the stronger (weaker) nationalism, the weaker (stronger) civil society and vice versa. These hypotheses were tested in a survey, in which participants (n = 400) were asked to respond to measurements for a sense of alienation from four communities (family, organization, region, and state). All the items for the measurements were developed based on Hegel's descriptions about alienation from communities. The obtained data showed that the sense of alienation from each community was positively related with each other. This result gave supports to the interdependent relationship hypothesis. The implication of the result was discussed.
鈴木 敏之 奥田 綾子 中川 恭子 中野 康弘 楢崎 陽香
一般社団法人 日本獣医麻酔外科学会
日本獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 (ISSN:21896623)
vol.52, no.1, pp.14-20, 2021 (Released:2021-07-06)

上部気道炎とホルネル症候群の徴候を示す18ヶ月齢の猫が来院した。内科的治療に効果を示さなかったので、CT検査を実施した結果、右鼓室胞と鼻咽頭部に軟部組織塊を確認した。全身麻酔下で軟口蓋切開によりアプローチして、耳管咽頭口から鼻咽頭部に出ているポリープを除去したところ、呼吸障害は改善したが神経徴候は持続した。その1ヶ月後、MRI検査所見に基づいて、腹側鼓室胞切除術により右鼓室胞内に充満する炎症組織を除去したところ、術後に臨床症状の悪化も認められず、神経徴候はほぼ改善した。2回の手術で摘出した組織は、組織学的に炎症性ポリープと診断された。本症例の経過から、猫では鼓室胞と鼻咽頭の炎症性ポリープによって上部気道障害とホルネル症候群が生じることあり、その治療として両部位の病巣切除が必要になりうることが示唆された。手術から16ヶ月後に鼻咽頭部から採取した検体のPCR検査ではMycoplasma felisが陽性であったが、この感染が鼻咽頭ポリープの原因であるとの結論には至らなかった。
村上 洋 瀬古 亜紀子 安積 真澄 上嶋 夏子 吉栖 肇 中野 博文 北畑 寿美雄
Journal of Applied Glycoscience (ISSN:13447882)
vol.50, no.2, pp.117-120, 2003
4 37

ラクトビオン酸(LA)はラクトースから合成されるアルドビオン酸で,ビフィズス菌増殖活性をもち,溶解性の高いミネラル補給剤として利用可能であるなど,用途に富んだ糖質素材である.しかし,現在までは,実用に耐える大量生産方法がなく,日本では化学合成法により試薬として少量市販されているのみであった.筆者らは,ラクトビオン酸の安価な大量生産方法の開発をめざし,Burkholderia cepaciaの1菌株を用いた発酵生産条件を検討した.その結果,回分培養では,4日間の培養により,2009/Lのラクトビオン酸が生成した.また乳糖と炭酸カルシウムの逐次添加を行う流加培養では,10日間の培養により,培養液中に4009/Lのラクトビオン酸を蓄積した.いずれの場合も,原料の加水分解や副生成物の生成を伴わず,収率は100%であった.得られた発酵培養液上清にエタノールを加えエタノール濃度75%とすることで,純度100%のLAが収率98%で得られた.
森 吉昭 内田 善久 中野 靖 吉越 洋 石黒 健 太田 秀樹
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:02897806)
vol.2001, no.687, pp.233-247, 2001

大型重機により現場転圧された粗粒材料の高応力下での圧縮性状について検討を加えた. フィルダムロックゾーンの築堤時実測沈下データを整理し, 大型ダムのような高応力下では転圧された粗粒材料が弾塑性的な圧縮変形挙動をとること, 圧縮変形量が粒子サイズ, 粒度分布, 間隙比などの影響を受けて変化することを明らかにした. 実堤体の材料定数を, 供試体の粒子サイズに制約を設けた室内試験結果によって直接評価できないことを指摘し, 現場材料と室内供試体の材料粒度の違いに関する変形パラメータの補正方法を示した後, これを用いてあるロックフィルダムの築堤, 湛水工程を再現した応力変形解析を実施した. 解析結果は実測値と概ね良好な一致を示し, 提案手法の実務レベルでの適用性が確認された.
村田 伸 甲斐 義浩 安彦 鉄平 中野 英樹 松尾 大 川口 道生 松本 武士 吉浦 勇次 角 典洋
ヘルスプロモーション理学療法研究 (ISSN:21863741)
vol.8, no.1, pp.19-22, 2018-04-30 (Released:2018-08-12)

吉岡 卓 塚本 雅裕 中野 人志 吉田 実 高橋 雅也 藤田 雅之 阿部 信行
一般社団法人 溶接学会
溶接学会全国大会講演概要 平成20年度春季全国大会
pp.63, 2008 (Released:2008-04-18)

孫 仁俊 中野 博昭 大上 悟 小林 繁夫 福島 久哲 堀田 善治
公益社団法人 日本金属学会
日本金属学会誌 (ISSN:00214876)
vol.69, no.10, pp.892-898, 2005 (Released:2005-10-20)
12 13

The effect of equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) on the pitting corrosion resistance of Al and Al-Mg alloy was investigated by means of polarization curves in solutions containing 300 ppm of Cl- and by surface analysis. The potentials for pitting corrosion of Al and Al-Mg alloy were evidently shifted to the noble direction by ECAP process, indicating that this process improves resistance to pitting corrosion. SEM observation revealed that the pitting corrosion occurred near the impurity precipitates and the size of impurity precipitated decreased with ECAP process. The time-dependence of corrosion potential and the polarization resistance determined by AC impedance technique suggested that the formation rate of Al oxide films was increased with ECAP process. The improvement in pitting corrosion resistance of Al and Al-Mg by ECAP seems to be attributable to the decrease in the size of impurity precipitates and the increase in the formation rate of Al oxide films.
久楽 勝行 三木 博史 林 義之 永野 豊 山田 知正 中野 正己 高砂 武彦 高橋 修三 志藤 日出夫 岩崎 高明 末石 辰広
Japan Chapter of International Geosynthetics Society
ジオテキスタイルシンポジウム発表論文集 (ISSN:09137882)
vol.5, pp.15-22, 1990

角 哲 中江 研 中野 茂夫 小山 雄資 平井 直樹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.701, pp.1673-1681, 2014-07-30 (Released:2014-09-30)
1 2

This paper examines land selection process for new factory and development of worker's settlement by Nippon Steel Co.Ltd. in the 1930's from 3 scales, region, city and settlements. It was first time for Nippon Steel to construction of factory at a place near big cities. That location was a general tendency of at that time. Japanese government and Hyogo Prefecture restricted development by Nippon Steel aiming at realization of ideal city planning. The plan of urban development of Hyogo prefecture and Nippon Steel were differed greatly. Nippon Steel acquired the company residence sites as a factory, and constructed company houses.