王 麗楊 用稲 栄 寒川 昌平 山田 佐知子 桑原 隆
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.51, no.1, pp.103-107, 2018 (Released:2018-01-28)

カルシウム (Ca) の生理学的効果は, イオン化Ca (iCa) 濃度によって決定されるが, iCaは日常的には測定されていない. 日本では血清アルブミン (Alb) 濃度を用いて血清総Ca (tCa) を補正した補正Ca (cCa) が広く用いられている. 今回われわれは, 低Alb血症の血液透析患者で現在用いられている補正式 (Payneの式およびKDOQI-1式, KDOQI-2式) が適切かどうかを検討した. 血液透析患者41名のうち, 血清Alb 3.7g/dL未満であった33名で, iCaとtCa, cCaの相関を比較検討した. AlbはBCP改良法で測定し, 測定値に0.3g/dL加えた値をBCG法の推測値として用いた. cCaとiCaとの相関係数はKDOQI-1式が最も高く, 次いでtCa, KDOQI-2式となり, Payneの式との相関が最も低かった. KDOQI-2式, Payneの式は低Ca血症の見逃しが多く, 偽性高Ca血症も2例認めた. 一方, tCaでは偽性低Ca血症を7例認めた. 低Alb血症患者のiCaに対応したtCaの推定にはKDOQI-1式によるAlb補正Ca濃度評価が勧められる.
山田 忠
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測と制御 (ISSN:04534662)
vol.56, no.2, pp.123-126, 2017-02-10 (Released:2017-02-21)
山田 康輔 笹野 遼平 武田 浩一
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.35, no.4, pp.B-K22_1-12, 2020-07-01 (Released:2020-07-01)

It has been reported that a person’s remarks and behaviors reflect the person’s personality. Several recent studies have shown that textual information of user posts and user behaviors such as liking and reblogging the specific posts are useful for predicting the personality of Social Networking Service (SNS) users. However, less attention has been paid to the textual information derived from the user behaviors. In this paper, we investigate the effect of using textual information with user behaviors for personality prediction. We focus on the personality diagnosis website and make a large dataset on SNS users and their personalities by collecting users who posted the personality diagnosis on Twitter. Using this dataset, we work on personality prediction as a set of binary classification tasks. Our experiments on the personality prediction of Twitter users show that the textual information of user behaviors is more useful than the co-occurrence information of the user behaviors and the performance of prediction is strongly affected by the number of the user behaviors, which were incorporated into the prediction. We also show that user behavior information is crucial for predicting the personality of users who do not post frequently.
山田 和彦 工藤 孝浩 瀬能 宏
神奈川自然誌資料 (ISSN:03889009)
vol.2014, no.35, pp.41-44, 2014 (Released:2022-04-17)

The ichthyofauna of Sagami Bay was surveyed on the basis of landed fishes on Misaki Fish Market. Although 593 fish species had been recorded since 1986, we newly added seven species in this report. Among the above seven species, Minous pusillus of them is new to the bay.
谷本 陽祐 山田 浩史
研究報告システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム(OS) (ISSN:21888795)
vol.2023-OS-159, no.13, pp.1-15, 2023-05-09

オペレーティングシステム(OS)カーネルはシステムの根幹をなし,カーネルの障害はシステム全体に影響が及ぶ.一般的なモノリシックカーネルは単一のカーネル空間を持ち,あらゆるシステムコールは単一のメモリ空間を共有している.この問題点の一つとして,カーネル空間でメモリ破壊が発生した際に,カーネル全体に影響が伝播し,カーネルが未定義の動作を起こす可能性がある.しかしながら,現在も Linux や Windows など広く利用されているモノリシックカーネル OS において脆弱性の報告は跡を絶たず,バグ修正までの期間も要する.そこで本研究では,カーネルのメモリ破壊によるエラーの伝播の影響を小さくする手法を提案する.各システムコールが自身に許可されたメモリオブジェクトのみアクセスできるようアクセス制御を行い,不正なアクセスが生じた場合,ページフォルトを起こしてシステムコールの実行を停止させる.これによりカーネルのバグによる誤ったメモリアクセスが未然に阻止され,未定義の動作を防止することができる.本研究では単一のメモリ空間内の隔離(Isolation)に Intel MPK を用いて,提案手法を xv6 に実装し,そのすべてのシステムコールにアクセス制御を実現した.実験の結果,システムコールによる不正アクセスが生じたとき,ページフォルトが発生し実行を停止できた.また,xv6 のテストプログラムである usertests を実行したところ,全体の実行時間は従来の約 1.55 倍であった.
山田 哲也
一般財団法人 アジア政経学会
アジア研究 (ISSN:00449237)
vol.66, no.4, pp.88-102, 2020-10-31 (Released:2020-11-19)

In this article, the author analyses two judgements of the Supreme Court of Korea regarding the payment of compensation to the Korean war time laborers from the view point of public international law. Some of them are said to be forced or deceived at their recruitment by the Japanese private companies. In the judgement of 30 October 2018, the Court adjudicated that the Japanese company were still liable to compensate against the damage caused by such enforcement or deception.However, the Japanese Government has reacted and protested against this judgement through the diplomatic channel. This is because, according to the Japanese Foreign Ministry, the issue of the compensation to the Korean war time laborers was already legally settled through the Japan-Republic of Korea Basic Relations Treaty and the Japan-Korea Claims Agreement of 1965. As the basic principle of public international law, particularly the basic principle of the law of the treaties, every treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed by them in good faith (the principle of “pacta sunt servanda”). At the same time, a party to each treaty may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty. Therefore, Japan has alleged that the 2018 Judgement were internationally illegal and that the Korean Government were obliged to suspend the execution of the judgement. On the other hand, Moon Jae-in Administration has been supportive to the 2018 Judgement and refused to refer to arbitrate provided in Article 3 (2) of the Claims Agreement. As a result, Japan-Korea relation became dramatically worse and no one can foresee when the bilateral relation would get out from this situation.This Japanese-Korean confrontation originally caused by the interpretation of the legality of the annexation (colonization) under the 1910 Treaty. Japan has regarded that the 1910 Treaty was concluded legally in light of the legal situation of the beginning of the 20th century. On the contrary, Korea has never accepted the legality of the 1910 Treaty. Therefore, at the time of the conclusion of the Basic Treaty of 1965, the provision that “[i]t is confirmed that all treaties or agreements concluded between the Empire of Japan and the Empire of Korea on or before August 22, 1910 are already null and void” (italics added) was inserted. This article means that the both parties agreed to disagree about the legality of the 1910 Treaty.In conclusion, the author points out that, as far as the Moon Administration’s policy on reconsideration of the past history and policies under the military or conservative régime continues, Japan would have to deal with such “historical” issue again and again. At the same time, the author points out that what is needed by the Japanese Government is the calm diplomacy with well-grounded (international) legal opinion.
山田 弘幸 柄川 索
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.82, no.5, pp.481-486, 2016-05-05 (Released:2016-05-05)

The roller screw mechanism is more suitable for high load than the ball screw mechanism, because it has a large contact area and a greater radius of curvature between a roller and a screw shaft. However, it is considered that the rolling mechanism which has large contact surface is easy to get a big slip ratio, and it generally has lower mechanical efficiency. In this study, to improve the mechanical efficiency of the roller screw mechanism, we devised the tapered roller screw mechanism (TRS). The shape of flank face of screw shaft and the surface of rollers of TRS is designed to minimize the slip ratio. As a result of experiment, it was confirmed that the apparent coefficient of friction was 0.0018 at minimum, and the mechanical efficiency was 0.985 at maximum. These results showed that the TRS was comparable to the ball screw mechanism in efficiency.
山本 英二 渡邉 匡一 山田 健三 佐藤 全敏 西田 かほる

山田 邦明
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.96, no.3, pp.310-341,412-41, 1987-03-20 (Released:2017-11-29)

Conventional research on Kamakura-Fu (鎌倉府), which ruled the ten eastern provinces of the Kanto region during the Muromachi period, has tended to concentrate more on its relationship with the Muromachi Bakufu in Kyoto and less on what kind of power structure supported it and how this government controlled the various classes in the Kanto area. The present paper starts out to consider Kamakura-Fu's power structure and its control over the Kanto Plain, especially the power base of the Kamakura Kubo (鎌倉公方). Then, the author switches attention to the Hoko-shu (奉公衆) itself, which formed the military and political base of the Kamakura Kubo's ruling power ; and together with identifying that group of attendants from existing documents, he summarizes the Hoko-shu's conditions of existence and its organizational process. Concerning the Hoko-shu's conditions of existence, from the historical source entitled Kamakura Nenchu Gyoji (鎌倉年中行事), describing yearly events and ceremonies in that administrative town, we find three statuses within the Hoko-shu, namely 1)the Hyojo-shu (評定衆), 2)the Hikitsuke-shu (引付衆) and 3)other members. We see clear status discrimination toward those "other members" excluded from (or positioned below) statuses 1) and 2). Also, as the Hoko-shu formed a rotation system for guarding the Kubo's palace (gosho 御所), there were also members located (or living) in the provinces. The author was able to identify from the available sources 74 members of the Kamakura-Fu Hoko-shu. Their names and conditions of membership may be summarized as follows : A)The Ashikaga clan families including the Kira (吉良), Shibukawa (渋川), Isshiki (一色), Imagawa (今川), Kako (加子) and Hatakeyama (畠山). B)The original Ashikaga family vassals including the Uesugi (上杉), Ko (高), Kido (木戸), Noda (野田), Teraoka (寺岡), Kajiwara (梶原), Ebina (海老名), Shidara (設楽) and Yanada (簗田). C)Traditional Kamakura based bureaucrats including the Nikaido (二階堂), Nagai (長井), and Machino (町野). All of the families included in A, B and C served the Kamakura Kubo from the inception of Kamakura-Fu ; and during the era of Kubo Motouji (1349-67), the B group of Ashikaga vassals formed the dominant power group of the Hoko-shu. However, beginning from the era of Kubo Ujimitsu (1367-98) the Kamakura Kubo more and more included in the Hoko-shu many provincial bigmen (kokujin 国人) throughout the Kanto Plain. And so, when Mitsukane became Kubo (1398-1409), the number of Hoko-shu members had greatly increased, and their main source of power had shifted to a new group (D) made up of these same Kanto Plain kokujin. These included the likes of the Ohmori (大森) of Suruga, the Honma (本間) and Miura (三浦) of Sagami, the Edo (江戸) of Musashi, the Satomi (里見), Yamana (山名), Nawa (那波) and Takayama (高山) of Kozuke, the Sano (佐野) of Shimotsuke, the Shishido (宍戸), Tsukuba (筑波) and Oda (小田) of Hitachi and the Unagami (海上), Indo (印東) and Ryugasaki (龍崎) of Shimousa. During Mitsukane's reign such families as the Shishido and Unagami even appear in the elite corps of Kubo palace functionaries (gosho bugyo 御所奉行). As a result of their personal hold over these Kanto Plain kokujin, the Kamakura Kubos were able to expand quite successfully their own direct military bases.
大久保 暢俊 下田 俊介 鷹阪 龍太 山田 一成
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.33, no.3, pp.156-163, 2018-03-25 (Released:2018-03-25)

The purpose of this study is to investigate consumer attitudes towards shopping in Japan. Factor analyses of data by 1,286 nonprobability online panels in a Web survey (in 2014) confirmed a hypothesized two-factor structure (the hedonic and utilitarian), but although the hedonic subscale had enough internal consistency, the utilitarian subscale had relatively low internal consistency. The correlations of the scores on consumer attitudes towards shopping with other measures, such as bargain orientation, impulsive buying tendency, and frugality, provided support for the criterion validity of each subscale. In many cases, these relationships were not affected by variables such as gender, life stage, and household income. Implications for the two-dimensional model of Japanese consumer attitudes towards shopping are discussed.
新美 亮輔 山田 真也
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.91, no.2, pp.94-104, 2020 (Released:2020-06-25)

Faces and clothing are clues to interpersonal perception. However, it is not known whether perceptions of faces and clothing are interacting with each other. We examined the effects of facial attractiveness on subjective ratings of clothing attractiveness. Participants were shown pictures of a person wearing a T-shirt in which the faces and shirt designs were manipulated. The faces were either male or female, attractive or unattractive. Participants were instructed to rate the attractiveness of the shirts, not the faces. Nevertheless, attractive female faces increased shirt attractiveness ratings, irrespective of the participant’s gender. Attractive male faces only slightly increased shirt attractiveness ratings. Gender differences and individual variability in visual attention were not responsible for these effects. The current results more likely reflect social or cultural factors, such as the higher priority placed on female facial attractiveness than male facial attractiveness in today’s society.
山田 快 堀本 菜美 長谷川 賢典
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
pp.2022-2108, (Released:2022-08-04)

This study examined Japanese athletesʼ perceptions of a good coach, including the necessary personal or behavioral characteristics. Data were collected using an open-ended questionnaire survey of 140 collegiate athletes (68 males and 72 females; average age 19.49 ± 0.96 years) from 26 sports. The KJ method was applied to extract the characteristics of a good coach. These factors were then categorized according to the closeness of response meanings. The 399 valid characteristics obtained were classified into 93 categories, and finally consolidated into five categories: “practicing athletecentered coaching,” “possessing superior humanity,” “having excellent knowledge and skills,” “making precise assessment and action,” and “building confidential relationships.” The results indicate that modern athletes believe a good coach should have the five core attributes. This finding suggests that a noble character is fundamental. Furthermore, coaches should update their knowledge and skills, behave appropriately in reading sport fields accurately, and forge solid relationships with athletes. The good coach would be able to embody athlete-centered with such practices. Therefore, coaches are expected to continue developing their personality and coaching skills, while keeping in mind athletesʼ and social needs. This study can serve as an essential guide for those who wish to become good coaches.
山田 太雅 棟方 渚 小野 哲雄
vol.2015, pp.574-579, 2015-09-18

絵の制作支援を行う研究は盛んに行われている.一方,ユーザが描いた絵がどの程度「上手」であるかという,評価 に関する研究は数が少ない.そこで,ユーザが模写した絵に対して点数を算出するシステムを提案する.対象とする 絵は人物キャラクタの顔とし,システムは顔を構成する目などのパーツの特徴量を抽出する.そして,模写の対象と なる絵と,ユーザが描いた絵がそれぞれ持つ特徴量を比較することで絵の評価を行う.