白烏 義彦
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.37, no.2, pp.21-39,181, 1992-10-31 (Released:2017-02-15)

During the Third Republic, the problem of the Educational Reform was crucial. Nonetheless its resolution was indispensable for the modernization and creation of France as a substantial nation-state. At that time, the church was a powerful opponent of this Reform. On the one hand, the church's role as educator greatly influenced the French people; on the other hand, it also conspired with Royalists and resisting allegiance to the Republican Government. For these reasons, the Educational Reform necessarily implied the secularisation of the education. Under this Reform, henceforce French education became "secular, compulsory, free of charge," and thereby greatly reducing the power of the church. The main objective of this article is to show the relationship between the Educational Reform and Durkheim's theory of education. Émile Durkheim was one of the founders of sociology and a contemporary of this Reform. His wide field of research includes such problems as: the division of labor,suicide, methodology of sociology, etc.; moreover the question of education holds amost important position in his field. In his analysis of the problem of education, he grasped the system of education as a real social institution and emphasized the necessity for a historical approach to education. He argued the role of the State to the education, in the context of the "freedom of education". Through the development of his theories, he supported the reform movement. This article also focusses on the importance and the interest of studying the practical character of Durkheim's sociology and of Durkheim himself.
池田 敬 白川 拓巳 鈴木 正嗣
Association of Wildlife and Human Society
野生生物と社会 (ISSN:24240877)
vol.6, no.1, pp.13-20, 2018 (Released:2018-10-04)

We compared the attractiveness of five baits (mineral salt, corn, hay cube, rice bran, and Japanese cedar cutting seedling) to sika deer (Cervus nippon) and wild boar (Sus scrofa). We conducted four feeding experiments using camera traps from August 16 to November 19, 2017. To evaluate the attractiveness of the five baits, we counted the number of animals photographed per hour for each bait. We then evaluated the appearance patterns of deer and boar to feeding sites and clarified the influence of the appearance of each mammal on other mammal. Deer strongly preferred mineral salt (P < 0.001), while boar preferred rice bran (P < 0.01). In addition, deer and boar showed similar appearance patterns. To capture only deer, mineral salt would be the most effective bait.

6 0 0 0 OA かやの木山の

北原 白秋[作詞]
白井 利明 山田 剛
大阪教育大学紀要. IV, 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.48, no.1, pp.13-27, 1999-08

現代青年の「インタラクティブ・ツール」と生活意識の関連を検討するために,大学と専門学校の学生で女性384人に対して質問紙調査を実施した。その結果,第1に,ポケベルや携帯電話は,電車内や友人との会話中が授業中よりも寛容になるという場面差がみられた。また,自分のものが鳴った場合は,使用者や関心のある者が関心のない者よりも寛容だったが,他人のものが鳴った場合にはそのような違いはみられなかった。第2に,「インタラクティブ・ツール」への関心は親密さ・回避(自分が傷つきたくない)・多忙感・空虚感とプラスの方向に関係したが,ボランティアを中心とする関心は別の次元であり,しかも空虚感との関連の方向がマイナスであった。The purpose of this study was to clarify how contemporary female adolescents may commit on the "interactive tools" such as "Tamagocchi", "Puri-Kura", beepers, portable telephones, personal computer communications, body touching and volunteers, by examining the relationships between the commitment on them and life feelings. Three hundred eighty four samples answered a questionnaire in 1997. Findings showed that firstly, they felt free to use or hear beepers and portable telephones more in a train and during talking with friends than during a lesson at school. At the same time, those who used or were interested in them did so more than others only in the case of their calling but there was no statistically significant difference in the case of other people to use. Secondly, commitments on interactive tools related to needs to intimacy, narcissism, pressure of business and low self-fullness but another dimension particular to volunteers showed high self-fullness.
白木 駿佑 木越 清信
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.32, no.2, pp.253-264, 2019-03-20 (Released:2019-09-02)

This is the case study that the race pattern of a 400-m sprint was improved by “Affirmation”. The affirmation is a method of accomplishing goal and used in the world for business, education and so on. The purpose of this study was to obtain practical wisdom when using the affirmation to sports. A male sprinter had been having the problem of the 400-m race pattern and tried to solve it by the affirmation. Then, while correcting the affirmation sheet each time the race was done, the problem was solved four months from beginning to use the affirmation. He could not realize the image of the race pattern in the first half of the practical process. But in the second half of the practical process, he changed the contents of affirmation sheet greatly, realized the target model of race pattern which is the moderate deceleration type one month later. Besides, he had read the short affirmation sheet every day during this practice process. From this process, it was suggested that it is difficult to make the high-quality affirmation sheet in a short period from using it for the first time, and that it is necessary to use the short sentence involved realistic and clear image for continuous implementation of affirmation.

6 0 0 0 OA 藩翰譜

新井白石 著
vol.巻1, 1954
白鳥 成彦 大石 哲也 田尻 慎太郎 森 雅生 室田 真男
教育システム情報学会誌 (ISSN:13414135)
vol.39, no.4, pp.440-451, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-10-01)

First-year spring semester grades are an important factor in whether or not a student will graduate within the standard academic year. It has been mentioned that the GPA in the spring semester of the first year is related to variables known before admission, placement tests, absence rate, etc. However, it is late in the process of determining grades and it is difficult to determine which students should be intervened upon and how many students should be intervened upon because the status of students within the semester is unknown. There have been few studies to clarify how many students and how their status transitions during the spring semester of the first year. In this study, we propose a method to predict how students' GPA changes week by week during the semester, capture it as a time series vector, and use the transition results of the predicted GPA to classify students. By identifying the differences between the typed groups, we can clarify how much and from which times students decline during the semester, and where and when interventions should be made.
白尾 泰宏 小牧 順道
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.40 Suppl. No.2 (第48回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.48100477, 2013 (Released:2013-06-20)

【はじめに、目的】上部体幹の不良姿勢として頭部前方位がある。この不良姿勢は頚部後方組織のメカニカルストレスの増大や、肩甲帯機能不全の主因とされており、その発生機序としてJandaが提唱する上部交差症候群といわれる筋のアンバランスが存在するといわれている。臨床上、腱板損傷やインピンジメント症候群等の肩疾患においてこの頭部前方位の不良姿勢が存在していることをよく経験する。今回の研究は、頭部中間位と前方位における肩甲帯周囲筋の筋活動を分析し肩甲帯機能への影響を調査するものである。【方法】健常成人11名(男性3名女性8名平均年齢31.5歳)を対象に、背もたれ付椅子に坐位となり利き手側肩関節中間位で90°屈曲し1kgの重錘バンドを手関節に乗せ、3秒間保持し頭部中間位、頭部前方位(5cm前方移動)での棘下筋、三角筋前部線維、前鋸筋、僧帽筋上部線維、僧帽筋下部線維の筋活動を調査した。頭部位置は椅坐位にて骨盤中間位としレッドコードを使用して矢状面での肩峰中心と外耳孔の位置を測定しそれぞれの頭部位置を決定した。筋活動分析にはキッセイコムテック社製コードレス表面筋電計MQ-AIRを使用し、測定筋の位置は、棘下筋は肩甲棘の中央下2横指、三角筋前部線維は肩峰前端と三角筋粗面を結ぶ線上の肩峰下2横指、前鋸筋は肩甲骨下角外側2横指、下1横指、僧帽筋上部線維は第7頸椎棘突起と肩峰を結ぶ中間、僧帽筋下部線維は肩甲棘内側と第8胸椎棘突起を結ぶ線上の肩甲棘内側を結ぶ上3分の2とした。測定筋はアルコール綿にて処理を行ないサンプリング周波数1000Hzにて測定した。得られたデータは同社製BIMUTAS-Videoにて解析し、1秒間の実効値(Root Mean Square RMS)を求めた。さらにKendall式徒手筋力テストにて各筋の最大筋力を測定し、1秒間のRMSを求め測定したRMSを最大筋力のRMSで除し%MVCを求め比較した。統計処理は頭部位置別筋活動測定値の級内相関係数(Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ICC)を求め、excel statcel 2を用いて二つの頭部位置間の比較にはpaired-t testを、各頭部位置における各筋の筋活動の比較は一元配置分散分析をおこない有意差を認めたのでBonferroniにて多重比較検定を行なった。【倫理的配慮、説明と同意】対象者には事前に研究の趣旨を十分に説明し、同意を得た上で実施した。【結果】頭部位置別筋活動測定値のICCは棘下筋0.89、三角筋前部線維0.82、僧帽筋上部線維0.86、僧帽筋下部線維0.90で良好であった。頭部前方位では頭部中間位と比較し棘下筋、前鋸筋の筋活動低下と、僧帽筋下部線維の筋活動上昇に有意差がみられた(P<0.05)。また、頭部中間位では前鋸筋と僧帽筋下部線維間に有意差を認めた(P<0.05)が、頭部前方位では各筋活動に有意差は認められなかった。【考察】頭部前方位での前鋸筋の筋活動低下と、僧帽筋下部線維の筋活動上昇に有意差がみられたが、これはWeonら先行研究と同様の結果となった。その要因としてMcleanは頭部前方位では肩甲挙筋が過活動し、その拮抗筋である前鋸筋は相反神経抑制されるとしている。また、頭部中間位では前鋸筋が僧帽筋下部線維に比較し筋活動量が大きく有意差があり前鋸筋による肩甲骨安定化作用がみられるが、頭部前方位では僧帽筋下部の活動が増加し頭部中間位とは異なる肩甲骨安定化作用がみられた。したがって、僧帽筋下部線維の筋活動の増大は前鋸筋の代償作用と推察される。頭部前方位での棘下筋の活動性低下は肩甲上腕関節の求心位の低下を惹起し、さらに前鋸筋の活動低下による肩甲帯不安定性からouter muscle優位になり、肩甲上腕関節の回旋中心軸の変化が起こりImpingement症候群の一要因となる可能性が推察される。しかし、肩甲上腕関節の回旋中心軸の変化については筋活動からの推測であり、実際の上腕骨頭偏位の確認にはレントゲン等による比較検討が必要である。また今回の研究では肩関節挙上角度が90°のみであり、その他様々な角度や肩甲面での挙上による筋活動の検討が必要であると思われる。【理学療法学研究としての意義】肩甲上腕関節の障害では肩甲帯の位置異常が臨床場面での問題点としてフォーカスされるが、頭部位置異常も肩甲帯機能に影響を及ぼす要因となること、そして頭部前方位の肩甲帯筋活動を明確にしていくことでImpingement症候群や腱板損傷の発生メカニズムの解明、治療、予防に応用できると思われる。
山子 泰加 道堯 浩二郎 白石 明子 相引 利彦 奥平 知成 川村 智恵 中原 弘雅 須賀 義文 畔元 信明 平岡 淳 宮田 英樹 宮本 安尚 二宮 朋之 田中 光一 安中 哲也 楳田 祐三 八木 孝仁
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.55, no.12, pp.749-755, 2014-12-20 (Released:2015-01-07)

後藤 裕介 森田 裕之 白井 康之 市川 尚 濱田 直希 原田 智広
進化計算学会論文誌 (ISSN:21857385)
vol.13, no.1, pp.23-39, 2022 (Released:2022-09-09)

In recent years, evidence-based policy-making (EBPM) has been called for to accommodate diverse stakeholders when local governments formulate new policies. Social simulation allows virtual observation of changes in social conditions resulting from various alternatives in policy-making. However, there has not been a generic social simulation for designing subsidy payment policies that can be used in various situations. The Evolutionary Computation Competition 2021 (EC Comp 2021), an optimization competition that has been held since 2017 and intends to promote interaction between industry and academia, asked participants to design subsidy payment policies with social simulation. EC Comp 2021 newly formulates a generic social simulation framework for designing subsidy payment policies. This social simulation estimates the effects of subsidy payment policies in response to changes in household economic conditions based on economic shock scenarios using statistically valid data on the residents in a city. This paper gives a detailed explanation of the subsidy payment design problem with the social simulation in EC Comp2021. This paper explains the participants’ optimization methods and their results, accompanied by a brief analysis of their results, and discusses the characteristics of the optimization problem.
早川 裕二 溝神 文博 長谷川 章 天白 宗和 間瀬 広樹 小林 智晴
一般社団法人 日本老年薬学会
日本老年薬学会雑誌 (ISSN:24334065)
vol.5, no.1, pp.1-6, 2022 (Released:2022-04-21)

Polypharmacy involves problems related to not only the use of many medications but also improper drug administration. The questionnaires used at the time of admission were retrospectively investigated to determine the number of drugs that patients would like to reduce. Most patients wanted to reduce the number of drugs prescribed to them. The target patients were those who visited the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology and met the criteria during the hospitalization period from August 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020. In all, we selected 313 patients: 68 in the drug reduction group and 245 in the non-drug reduction group. We investigated the extent of desired reduction and the patient background factors for both groups. Multivariate analysis revealed significant differences between the groups in family management with an adjusted odds ratio of 2.62 (95% CI 1.30-5.29, P < 0.01) and in the number of drugs with an adjusted odds ratio of 1.20 (95% CI 1.09-1.31, P < 0.01). Analysis of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve(AUC)was carried out for all the cases. The cutoff for self-management was six points (AUC = 0.73, 95% CI 0.64-0.81, P < 0.01). Patients on polypharmacy who are taking more than six drugs, especially family-managed patients, often wish to reduce the number of medications and prescribe it from a pharmaceutical point of view. This aspect needs to be reviewed further.
湯浅 友幸 白山 晋
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第24回 (2010)
pp.1F2OS82, 2010 (Released:2018-07-30)

氏家 無限 加藤 康幸 黒木 淳 寺島 俊和 伊藤 稔之 麻岡 大裕 白野 倫徳 柿木 康孝
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.95, no.1, pp.32-36, 2021-01-20 (Released:2021-08-01)

The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first reported to the World Health Organization by the WHO country office in China in December 2019 and has since become a worldwide pandemic. In Japan, COVID-19 is a designated infectious disease under the Infectious Disease Control Act, meaning that hospitalization or isolation measures are required for infected persons. It has been noted that in some cases, patients show positive PCR test results even after discharge from the hospital upon meeting the discharge criteria for COVID-19. However, so far, there is a lack of substantial evidence on the pathogenesis of reinfection or relapse in patients with COVID-19. We report 4 cases of COVID-19 who showed repeat-positive PCR test results for SARS-COV-2 after discharge from the hospital, and assessed their infectivity using clinical information collected via a public epidemiological survey. All 4 cases showed a repeat-positive PCR test results within 40 days of the initial onset of symptoms. All the PCR test results showed high Ct values of 33 or higher in the repeat-positive test. In addition, neutralizing antibodies were detected in all cases within 3 days from the date of the repeat-positive test. Furthermore, an epidemiological survey was conducted in 18 persons who were in close contact with the 4 cases, and 11 of them tested negative by the PCR test, and no case of secondary infection was found. Based on these findings, the risk of secondary infection from the 4 cases was considered as low. No specimens collected at the time of the first infection or virus culture test results were available for further evaluation. Issues remain to be resolved in respect of the systems needed for cooperation with healthcare providers and the laboratory testing required for the evaluation of re-infection. In order to further elucidate the pathogenesis of COVID-19, and to provide appropriate medical care, it is essential to evaluate the infectivity of patients with a repeat-positive PCR test and to accumulate further knowledge about the disease.
中川 裕太 笠松 悠 福岡 里紗 森田 諒 山根 和彦 小西 啓司 麻岡 大裕 中河 秀憲 白野 倫徳 天羽 清子 外川 正生 後藤 哲志
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.94, no.6, pp.814-820, 2020-11-20 (Released:2021-06-10)

大阪市立総合医療センターに入院したCOVID-19関連肺炎13例において,再検例を含むのべ20件の胸部CT画像について検討した.全例で胸膜直下の病変とground-glass opacity(GGO)を認めたが,胸水,心嚢水,縦隔・肺門部リンパ節腫脹,空洞形成は認めなかった.また,酸素投与を要した3例は下葉のvolume loss とともに胸膜直下の病変と結合する気管支血管束の病変が認められた.発症時期から画像所見を分類するとGGOは発症早期(10日未満)に多く認められ,crazy-paving pattern,consolidation,背側のconsolidation の帯状の融合像は発症後期(10日以降)に多く認められた.鑑別疾患としてはインフルエンザなどによるウイルス性肺炎と器質化肺炎が重要と考えられた.詳細な問診による発症からの期間と胸部CT画像の特徴的な所見や経時的変化を合わせて理解することで,COVID-19の事前確率を適切に評価し,診断と治療および感染対策につなげることが重要である.
粟田 英資 久保 晴信 守田 佳史 小竹 悟 白石 潤一
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.53, no.3, pp.170-180, 1998-03-05 (Released:2008-04-14)

楕円代数という名の国があります. 最近までは, この国のことを詳しく記した地図はありませんでした. この国には楕円関数に付随した代数の秘密が伝わっていると謂われています. それはBaxter達の模型を開ける大事な鍵になると信じられています. Baxter達の模型の臨界点での振舞を読み解く鍵となったのは共形場理論でした. 臨界点から離れたところを探るために, 次の鍵を見つけよつとして, 多くの人々が何年にも亘って知恵を出し合いました. 紆余曲折の末, それでも懸命に進み, 目的地へのある扉を叩くことになった人達がいました.
山本 博樹 深谷 達史 高垣 マユミ 比留間 太白 小野瀬 雅人
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学年報 (ISSN:04529650)
vol.59, pp.209-230, 2020-03-30 (Released:2020-11-03)

白石 建雄 新井 房夫 藤本 幸雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.31, no.1, pp.21-27, 1992-02-29 (Released:2009-08-21)
9 10

秋田県男鹿半島の上部更新統潟西層から阿蘇4火砕流 (Aso-4pfl) および三瓶木次軽石 (SK) 由来の漂流軽石と阿蘇4火山灰 (Aso-4) が発見された. SK漂流軽石は模式地の潟西層最上部付近に含まれ, Aso-4pfl由来の漂流軽石はAso-4直上に存在する. このことにより, 潟西層は関東地方の下末吉層より新しく, ほぼ小原台期に対比されること, ならびにSKおよびAso-4が堆積した7~9万年前には日本海を北上する海流があったことが明らかになった. また, 男鹿半島で下末吉層相当層と下末吉段丘に対比される段丘を確定することがこれからの課題となった.