乾 彰夫 中村 高康 藤田 武志 横井 敏郎 新谷 周平 小林 大祐 本田 由紀 長谷川 裕 佐野 正彦 藤田 武志 横井 敏郎 藤田 英典 長谷川 裕 佐野 正彦 佐藤 一子 本田 由紀 平塚 眞樹 大串 隆吉 関口 昌秀 上間 陽子 芳澤 拓也 木戸口 正宏 杉田 真衣 樋口 明彦 新谷 周平 安宅 仁人 小林 大祐 竹石 聖子 西村 貴之 片山 悠樹 児島 功和 有海 拓巳 相良 武紀

川村 光 紅林 伸幸 越智 康詞 加藤 隆雄 中村 瑛仁 長谷川 哲也 藤田 武志 油布 佐和子
研究紀要 (ISSN:13455311)
no.17, pp.51-71, 2016-03-31

The purpose of this study is to analyze Japanese teachers’ viewpoints relating toJapanese society and education based on the data of quantitative investigation of public primary school and junior high school teachers in 2013.From this survey, some important findings were drawn. First, the characteristics of teachers who take an optimistic view of the future Japanese society is that the level of their consciousness of the autonomy of the profession is lower. Second, the characteristics of teachers whose consciousness of the autonomy of the profession is lower are that the level of their consciousness of the training of pupils in 21 century academic abilities is lower and they are not ready to carry out the individual and clinical education that help teachers cope with the reality of pupils in their educational practice. Third, the teachers who are school middle leaders in schools are the ones “accomplishing their duty of the school organization”type, who positively carry out school and lesson reform. Also this trend in younger generation is higher. Especially, the characteristics of the school middle leaders is the important issue to consider for the future school education.
萩原 善泰 藤田 武
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会誌 (ISSN:13405551)
vol.123, no.7, pp.406-409, 2003-07-01 (Released:2008-04-17)
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乾 彰夫 佐野 正彦 堀 健志 芳澤 拓也 安宅 仁人 中村 高康 本田 由紀 横井 敏郎 星野 聖子 片山 悠樹 藤田 武志 南出 吉祥 上間 陽子 木戸口 正宏 樋口 明彦 杉田 真衣 児島 功和 平塚 眞樹 有海 拓巳 三浦 芳恵 Furlong Andy Biggart Andy Imdorf Christian Skrobanek Jan Reissig Birgit

本研究は、代表者らグループが2007~2012年度に実施した「若者の教育とキャリア形成に関する調査」を踏まえ、①そのデータの詳細分析を行い、現代日本の若者の大人への移行をめぐる状況と課題を社会に公表すること、②他の先進諸国の同種データと比較することで日本の若者の移行をめぐる特徴と課題を明らかにすること、の2点を研究課題とした。①に関してはその成果を著書『危機のなかの若者たち』(東京大学出版会、410 頁、2017年11月)として刊行した。②に関しては海外研究協力者の参加の下、イギリス・ドイツ・スイスとの比較検討を行い、2017年3月国際ワークショップ(一般公開)等においてその結果を公表した。
吉岡 徹 冨田 敬二 内藤 重之 藤田 武弘
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.11, no.2, pp.133-138, 2002-12-31

These days, reforming the old external-dependent development by making a "regional industrial complex" is being proposed as a concept which uses regional resources rationally. In this regard, "regional industrial complex" agriculture takes a very important position, and the role of the agricultural cooperative is large. Many agricultural cooperatives are actually tackling the processing business and positioning of the agricultural cooperatives in local agriculture is also high. In Tanabe City, the case area of this paper, not only production industries, but also processing industries and distribution industries exist in the area which focuse on plums as a key industry. Moreover, plum-related tourist attractions, such as plum forests, are found and form a "regional industrial complex". In this area, the Kinan agricultural cooperative plays important roles in promotion of production, contribution to bearer reservation, distribution, processing and sale of plums. Specially, having the processing section on the inside, the agricultural cooperative sell the plums as a processor. So it has functions of adjusting supply and demand of plums and keeping the level of its price for farms. In the processing business, it contributes to make employment in this area in employing staffs and part-time workers. Thinking about the future, keeping the "regional industrial complex" will be difficult by increasing import plums and so on. So, it is required that agricultural cooperative shows the initiative in making places for adjusting interests and exchanging news and tackling to improve the quality of plums.
佐伯 亮太 藤田 武彦 笹倉 みなみ 中村 義弘
一般財団法人 住総研
住総研研究論文集・実践研究報告集 (ISSN:2433801X)
vol.44, pp.203-212, 2018

「団地の空室活用によるコミュニティづくりと団地再生の実践」1970 年代に建設された民間所有の5階建て階段室型団地(農住団地)の空室をシェアスペースに転用(DIY リノベーション)し活用することで,地域コミュニティづくり,団地住人の居住環境の改善,団地の入居率改善をねらった実践である。実践にあたっては,建物所有者,住人,外部協力者でのチームを立ち上げた。2017年10月現在,シェアスペースでは日常的に地域住民,団地住人が参加できるイベントが開催され,また団地の入居率も改善されるなど,一定の成果を見せている。本実践活動は,今後,急増することが予想される同様の建物の活用方法を模索するためのケーススタディである。
藤田 武志
上越教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09158162)
vol.21, no.2, pp.567-588, 2002

廣田 照幸 宮寺 晃夫 小玉 重夫 稲葉 振一郎 山口 毅 森 直人 仁平 典宏 佐久間 亜紀 平井 悠介 下司 晶 藤田 武志

西島 央 藤田 武志 矢野 博之 荒川 英央 中澤 篤史
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.42, pp.99-129, 2003-03-10

In this research, we will endeavour to illuminate the factors that affect high school students'commitment to their schools; their future educational goals and career trajectories. Examining how they have been involved in various club activities at school will provide the basis for this evaluation. In doing so, we will propose "a plural model of school culture." The research is being carried out within a context of significant educational change. The implementation of the new national curriculum (course of study), a five-day week school system, and the co-operative linkage of schools, homes, and communities are likely to have some form of impact that will need to be assessed. This leads us to adopt a methodological approach that makes extensive use of a series of research surveys. These will seek to identify the effects which the new national curriculum will have upon students'school lives, especially in relation to club activities. So far, we have carried out two extensive questionnaires in 1999 and 2001 along with additional participant observation in a limited number of schools. Our target group has been junior high school students. In light of the above and in view of our proposed new series of research surveys for high school students we will construct a hypothetical analysis in order to prepare a survey for use in the reinvestigation of the matter in 2004. This series of research surveys on high school students aims to propose an agenda for school education which should take account of what form club activities should take in the future. To date, we have analysed data stemming from 4,500 questionnaires. These have been collected from high-school students in two (Shizuoka and Niigata) different prefectures and the Tokyo metropolitan area in March 2002. In this paper we will deal with the following four issues. 1, Using four clusters which based on the levels of commitment to their various aspects of the school life, classes, official events, and club activities, we discuss the students'adaptability to school life. 2, Focusing on the differences of the opportunities in sports/culture activities being influenced by the students'family backgrounds, we argue the significance of club-activities for students in their junior high school days. Besides we explore the issues so as to realize "the lifelong sports-society", focusing on the sports club-activities. 3, We examine students'behaviours from the viewpoint of whether they are an active club member or whether they have withdrawn from such activities. This will be used, in part, as a predictor for the various path-ways that students take as they adapt themselves to the changing nature of life during their high school experiences.
藤井 至 藤田 武弘
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.24, no.1, pp.41-47, 2015-06-30

Depopulation and Population Ageing in Japanese rural area are seriously progressing. In response, the concept of 'Social Capital (SC)' is attracting attention as the new means of facing these problems. The importance of SC is found in its potential for developing effects of the life of people and economy. Among of urban-rural exchange, 'Working Holiday in rural area (WH)' also carries out important tasks. WH means giving lodging and meals for city dwellers for free in exchange for working on a farm during busy seasons. It is said that farmers can get many opportunities to reappraise the value of their area seen through city dwellers eyes as compared to another urban-rural exchange on the basis of sharing time with the visitors, the so-called 'Mirror Effect' of WH. Therefore, this article conducted analysis of change of local communities from the point of view of SC using two questionnaire surveys and examples of WH in Tankou area, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. As a conclusion, four changes of local communities are confirmed as 'Mirror Effect' of WH. First, the potential of accumulating of SC in area and, second, vitalization of local communities. Third, expansion of new community activities and, finally, a reappraisal of the value of agriculture and rural area.