浦野 正樹 松薗 祐子 長谷川 公一 宍戸 邦章 野坂 真 室井 研二 黒田 由彦 高木 竜輔 浅川 達人 田中 重好 川副 早央里 池田 恵子 大矢根 淳 岩井 紀子 吉野 英岐

大森 理絵 長谷川 寿一
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.59, no.1, pp.3-14, 2009 (Released:2009-07-28)
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Based on results of molecular phylogenetic analyses and archaeological evidences, most researchers believe that the dog is descended from the wolf and that east Asia was the central place for the early events of domestication around 15,000-20,000BP. Many different theories of domestication have been proposed in respect of the evolutionary mechanism, and each theory can explain a particular aspect of the process which has different evolutionary backgrounds by its stage and phase. The dog is established in modern society as a companion animal. It has physiological and psychological benefits to human, which include facilitating therapy, reducing stress, and socialization. In addition to that, the dog has positive effects on child development and elderly people.
生駒 貴弘 岡田 和也 長谷川 直実 佐々木 渉 平井 愼二
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.42, pp.140, 2017 (Released:2018-10-31)

本研究は,物質使用障害に対する条件反射制御法の効果について検証したものである. この技法は,標的行動を司る反射連鎖を制御することを目的とするが,これまでの実践を通じて, 物質使用障害者の通院治療を継続させる効果,及びその再犯を防止する効果があると推測される. その根拠となる仮説として,第1に,この技法は,具体的な作業をステージの進行に従って積み重ね る構成であるため,通院目的と課題が明確であり,また通院を重ねるごとに効果が実感されるため, 通院を継続する動機づけが高められる.第2に,この技法を用いることにより,物質使用の引き金とな る刺激に遭遇した際の反射連鎖の作動性が減衰するとともに,物質使用に至る行動を司る反射連鎖を 止めるための人工的な刺激(動作と文言)を形成し活用することで、規制薬物再使用の危険性を低下 させることができる. 仮説の検証は,2種類の実態調査を行い,その結果について統計的に検討を行った. その結果,この技法は,物質使用障害者の通院治療を継続させる効果,及びその再犯を防止する効 果があることが示唆されたが,限定的な条件に基づく分析であることから,更なる実証研究の集積が 必要と思われる.
大津 光寛 長谷川 功 岡田 智雄 石井 隆資 佐藤 田鶴子
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.16, no.1, pp.67-69, 2001-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

We report the case of dental treatment for a patient of oral cenesthopathy followed by depression which appears to have been induced by the extraction of a tooth. The significance of the early discovery of depression in patients who require dental treatment and the adequate management of the mental status of such patients are discussed. This case suggests that the dental treatment that fails to take account of latent depression in a patient will not only obstruct improvement of the oral environment but also itself become a factor in making the depression worse.
永井 大介 長谷川 賢一
昭和医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00374342)
vol.46, no.1, pp.27-34, 1986-02-28 (Released:2010-09-09)

中枢性聴覚障害は, その障害部位により種々の特異的異常現象を示す.しかし, 聴覚中枢経路が極めて複雑であるが故に, 未だその原因は明確にされていない.そこで聴覚刺激反応時間を測定し, 時間的要因より聴覚中枢経路の機能の解明を試みた.即ち, 正常者と脳血管障害による片麻痺患者の聴覚刺激反応時間を測定し, その対照として視覚刺激反応時間をも測定して聴覚中枢機能について考察した.検査対象は, 熱海綜合病院に入院している脳血管障害による左・右片麻痺患者 (各25名) , 及び生理的加齢変化以外の難聴のない正常者 (20名) とした.検査方法は, 全身反応装置 (八神理化器製, Y.B.1000) を改良し, 与えられた聴・視覚刺激を感受したら被験者は直ちにスイッチを押す (Tapping) 方法を用いた.刺激反応時間測定は7回行い, 最高値と最低値を除く5回の平均値を算出し, これを反応時間とした.Tappingは, 利き手, 非利き手による反応時間差がないことを確認した上で, 片麻痺群では健側手を用いて行った.正常群, 左・右片麻痺群における聴覚・視覚刺激反応時間を測定した結果は次の如くであった.正常者について1) 聴覚刺激反応時間は両耳聴にて293msecであり, 左・右片耳聴の323~326msecよりも短い.2) 視覚刺激反応時間は両眼視, 左・右単眼視で差はなく, 277~279mesecである.3) 視覚・聴覚刺激反応時間には有意差は認められない.片麻痺患者について1) 正常者群に比べ, 視覚・聴覚刺激反応時間は, 全ての項目で100~150msec有意に延長している.2) 聴覚・視覚刺激反応時間にて左右差は殆ど認められないが右片麻痺群の聴覚刺激反応時間では右耳聴が左耳聴に比べて有意に延長している.3) 聴覚・視覚薊激反応時間には有意差は殆ど認められないが, 右片麻痺群の右耳聴と右眼視の間には有意差を認める.以上のことから, 脳血管障害による片麻痺群においては, 正常者群に比べて聴覚・視覚ともほぼ同様の反応時間の延長を認める.このことは, 片麻痺群では刺激に対する認知時間, 感覚・運動両中枢での伝達時間, 運動領での指示・組立時間の延長に起因すると考えられる.しかし, 右片麻痺群の右耳聴の反応時間が左耳聴よりも明らかに延長し, また視覚刺激反応時間における同群の右眼視よりも延長していた.これより右片麻痺群の右耳聴の反応時間の延長は四丘体から左側頭葉聴覚領へ到る部位での伝達障害によることが最も考えられる.
芦澤 淳 長谷川 政智 高橋 清孝
公益財団法人 宮城県伊豆沼・内沼環境保全財団
伊豆沼・内沼研究報告 (ISSN:18819559)
vol.11, pp.83-93, 2017 (Released:2017-11-10)

アメリカザリガニProcambarus clarkii が生態系に及ぼす被害を防止するために,本種の駆除活動が各地で行なわれている.アメリカザリガニの駆除活動においては,餌で誘引する罠を用いた捕獲が一般的に行なわれている.罠に使用する餌には生餌(魚肉、牛レバー)が使用されることが多いが,生餌の価格は高く,保管にコストがかかることが問題である.また,これまでに国内で行なわれた罠の餌に関する研究においては,生餌以外の餌についてアメリカザリガニに対する誘引効果が示されたが,これらの餌には誘引効果や費用の面で課題がある.そこで,本研究では,アメリカザリガニの捕獲罠に使用する餌について,誘引効果や費用対効果がより高い餌を明らかにすることを目的とし,配合飼料(ドッグフード,マス用飼料,およびコイ用飼料)と,従来から使用されている生餌および糠団子の間で,アメリカザリガニに対する誘引効果および費用対効果を比較した.その結果,マス用飼料によるアメリカザリガニの誘引効果は,生餌および糠団子と同程度であったが,ドッグフードの誘引効果は糠団子よりも高かった.また,ドッグフードとマス用飼料の費用対効果は,どちらも生餌よりも高かった.これらの結果から,ドッグフードはアメリカザリガニの誘引効果と費用対効果がともに高い餌といえた.また,脂質含量が少ないコイ用飼料については,ドッグフードに比べて費用対効果がやや劣るものの,誘引効果はドッグフードおよびマス用飼料と同程度であった.以上より,アメリカザリガニの捕獲罠に使用する餌としては,誘引効果と費用対効果の面ではドッグフードが適していたが,油膜の発生による生態系への影響が懸念される場合には,コイ用飼料を使用することで,アメリカザリガニを効率よく捕獲できるだろう.
柏谷 悦章 長谷川 将克
一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.100, no.2, pp.302-311, 2014 (Released:2014-01-31)
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Hydrogen itself is not a primary energy and needs an energy for its production, which means that CO2 will be exhausted during the production process, more or less. However, when a Green Hydrogen can be produced, it is a best way to use the hydrogen instead of carbon.In this study, two kinds of iron ore were reduced and melted both under hydrogen and carbon atmosphere. The obtained iron metal under hydrogen atmosphere was quite pure one. The impurities in the metal were chemically and thermodynamically analyzed. The characteristics and benefits of hydrogen reduction were discussed in comparison with the carbon reduction.The content of silicon in the metal under hydrogen atmosphere was one tenth to the iron obtained by carbon reduction. Manganese was about one third to one tenth against the carbon reduction. However, phosphorus in the hydrogen reduction was almost the same level to the carbon reduction. Sulfur content became half in the hydrogen reduction. Moreover, the content of hydrogen in the metal was the same level between the hydrogen reduction and the carbon reduction. It was found that the rate of hydrogen evolution from a molten metal during solidification was fast significantly. The activities of elements in the metal were calculated through the thermochemical data, and the relationships among those elements were elucidated.From the thermodynamic analysis, a high oxygen activity in the metal obtained under hydrogen atmosphere caused to a low content of impurities and high activity of oxides related.
吉野 博 長谷川 兼一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.507, pp.13-19, 1998-05-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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The indoor thermal environment, air quality and occupant behavior in well-insulated and airtight houses in and around Tohoku district are investigated through questionnaire and field measurement. This report describes the results from the questionnaire survey conducted in summer of 1993 and winter of 1994, and thermal environment of 16 well-insulated and airtight houses in Morioka and Sendai by the field measurement in winter and summer of 1994. The number of houses investigated by the questionnaire survey is about 350. The well-insulated and airtight houses investigated have mechanical ventilation system and space heating system for a whole house. The main findings are as follows: 1. Indoor environment during the heating season of almost houses is thermally comfortable, compared with that of existing house in Japan. 2. The houses provide a comfortable indoor environment and also have a good influence on occupant' health. However, there are some problems related to dry feeling, which should be investigated in future. 3. During the summer, the room temperatures are stable compared with the change of the outdoor temperature in the day, but it doesn't decrease at night even if the outdoor temperature drops. It is possible to improve the indoor environment by cross ventilation with opening windows or night time ventilation.
長谷川 順二
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.123, no.3, pp.333-371, 2014-03-20 (Released:2017-07-31)

The changes that have occurred in the course of the Yellow River over the ages has been considered to be an important theme in the historical geography of China, and many researchers have conducted studies of the subject using various methods. The various explanations in the extant bibliographic sources about river course change in dynastic China were first summarized during the early Qing period by Hu Wei in his Yugong Zhuizhi 禹貢錐指 (Brief Study of "Tribute of Yu"), which proposed that major changes had occurred in the River's course. Hu's argument then formed the basis of various opinions that six or seven significant changes had occurred leading up to the existing course as of 1855, in such works as Zhongguo Lishi Ditu Ji 中国歴史地図集 (Collected Historical Maps of China) and Huanghe Zhi 黄河志 (Gazetteer of the Yellow River). In particular, as to the pre-Eastern Han era, all argued that the river's course had changed twice: one being observed during the Warring States period in the fifth year of the reign of Eastern Zhou King Ding (602 BC), the other occurring between the third year Wang Mang's Xin Dynasty (11 CE) and the 13 year of the reign of Later Han Emperor Ming (70 CE), in The flood control works of Wangjing 王景. However, as observed in Yugong Shanchuan Dilitu 禹貢山川地理図 (Geographical Maps of "Tribute of Yu") by Cheng Dachang 程大昌 of the Southern Song Dynasty, there was in pre-Ming Dynasty times a great deal of emphasis placed on the river course change project named after Provincial Governor Donqui 頓丘 in the third year of the reign of Former Han Emperor Wu (132 BC), while no mention is given to the Wangjing Project. The author has elsewhere reconstructed via remote sensing data the old course of the Yellow River between the Warring States and Former Han Periods and has shown, based on that reconstruction and micro upland topography, the changes that occurred in the river near Liaocheng, Shandong Province in 132 BC. In the present article, the author reexamines the traditional discourse concerning the changes that occurred up through the Latter Han Period, based on his previous findings. In addition, there is also information in the Hanshu's 漢書 "Gouzu Zhi" (Treatise on Canals and Rivers) section about the first Yellow River levee of the Warring States period, which Kimura Masao argues signifies the existence of state-operated irrigation projects in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, indicating one basic condition of ancient Chinese despotism. However, the author's reconstruction of the ancient river course and the present topographical data concerning the region shows these levies to have been formed by the Yellow River naturally, making it very difficult to concur with the conventional discourse that large scale irrigation projects were already underway in the lower Yellow River basin as early as the Warring States period.