石井 正己 大道 明 合田 浩二 曽根 睦子 高橋 宏和 濱本 悟志 丸浜 昭
研究報告 (ISSN:10091860)
vol.30, pp.181-217, 1991

本校では、ここ3~4年生徒の問題行動が以前に比べて増加してきた。その多くは成長過程における一過性のもので、それほど根が深いとは思われないが、懸念されるのは、暴力行為と累犯の増加とである。従来、問題行動に対する対処の方法として、自宅謹慎等の「処罰」と担任(団)を中心とする生活指導を行ってきた。 ...
高橋 宏樹 宮城 俊作
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.63, no.5, pp.753-758, 1999-03-30 (Released:2011-07-19)

本研究では, 造園家・椎原兵市が遺した図面を資料として, 戦前期の日本における造園設計の業務過程において平面図に与えられた意味と役割を検証した。23葉の図面を用いた分析を通じて,(1) 設計者としてデザインスタディを行うための媒体,(2) 即物的な情報を正確に他者へ伝えるための手段,(3) 設計者の内的な思考, 検討の過程とその結果を記録し確認するためのツール, としての平面図の意味と役割が確認された。また, 業務範囲が拡大し, 多様な設計プログラムへの対応が求められるようになるとともに, 平面図に盛り込まれる情報が増加し, 発注者や協働者, 施工者とのコミュニケ可ション媒体としての機能が高まっていった。
高橋 宏知

高橋 宏幸
西洋古典論集 (ISSN:02897113)
vol.4, pp.29-58, 1988-04-30

この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This paper attempts to trace a final voice of the poet in 4.7 and 4.8 by re-examining the parallels between Cynthia-domina and the Homeric heroes, esp. hero as aristocrat in 4.7. In 4.7, the apparition of Cynthia's ghost before Propertius seems to correspond to Patroclus' appearance before Achilles ; however, whereas Patroclus had urgently to ask Achilles for burial, to enable him to cross the river Styx, Cynthia, now in Elysium, has no such need. Why, then, does she come? She is indignant over Propertius' forgetfulness and coldheartedness at her burial (23-34), her slaves' treachery (35-38), and her rival's assumption of her former status (39-48) ; all have offended her. She must restore her dignity : thus she comes. She swears that her faith was kept(49-58), refers to the Elysian heroines as her comrades (55-70), and commands Propertius to take care of her nurse and favorite maid(73-6), to burn the verses in her name (77f.) , to inscribe the poem she deserves (81-6) etc. The wrath caused by offence to one's dignity recalls the theme of the Iliad. In this respect, Cynthia can be likened to Achilles, and the two heroic qualities embodied in Cynthia reinforce this interpretation. One of these qualities is thymos. Upon Propertius she casts her voice with spirantis animos (11), which expresses ably in Latin the Greek, the word not being found in the Patroclus-scene of Il. 23. Her voice itself eloquently demonstrates the heat of her anger. Another is time, worth based on riches. Her jewel (9), funeral offerings (31ff.), golden dress (40), monument (43) , image of gold (47), and household of many servants and slaves (35ff., 43f., 73f.) were included in her time. Their loss means loss of face for her so she must avenge herself. The parallel may be more conspicuous between Cynthia and Odysseus in 4.8. Here also is her indignation, not only in speech, but in action, with thundering eyes and the woman's full power of rage (55). Spoils, victory and rule cause her exultant rejoicing (64f., 82), since her time is restored at her homecoming. These parallels help to paint a vivid portrait of Cynthia as a domina who also has a hot temper and absolute rule over her men ; thus an offence to her dignity can make her furious. And we should take into account the following features of Cynthia-domina ; her eyes as a symbol of the power by which she was the first to capture Propertius (1. 1. 1) : her unadorned hair representing the charms of natural beauty, e. g. 2. 1. 1 : Propertius' frequent references to her fama, as Boucher points out. What survives of Cynthia in 4.7 are only her eyes and hair, together with her voice. In 4.8, she thunders with her eyes ; beautifully with her hair. Fama is, however, not always as-sociated with riches as is time. Traditionally, love-elegists are poor, hate the rich and money as the source of corruption. We notice vulgar images attributed to Cynthia's rival in 4.7 and to the luxurious banquet in 4.8. In 4.7, particularly, all the riches Cynthia had have been damaged or taken, and, although she has come to reclaim them, she demands the return of none, but only Propertius' poems. The Homeric hero would rather be a slave in life than a king of the dead (cf. Od. 11.488ff.), while Cynthia, after death, continues to rule over Propertius, a slave of love ; death is not the end of all (1). The poet seems to say that loveelegiac values survive while heroic-aristocratic values will not long stand, thouth he is now giving up his love poetry. Against this interpretation, some may argue that the epitaph Cynthia commands be erected at Tibur is of sufficient magnificence to merit a heroine. But her instruction contrasts strangely to Propertius' in 3.6, one of the other two poems on Tibur. The passage says that the lovers' tombs along the busy highway are dishonored, recalling, as Lyne remarks, Callimachean literary polemic in Aet. 1.25ff. (cf.Epigr. 28Pf. 1f.). Here, 4. 7.81ff. sounds a wordplay between the heroic-common sense and the elegiac. Pomifer (81) surely refers to fruitfullness, but poma-ferens can imply a lover bringing a gift of wooing, of which poma was symbolic in antiquity. Aurea (85) may recall the Homeric epithet chrysee, but can mean <greedy of money>, as in Ov. A. A. 2.277f. These two words, in the same position in similar lines both in content (Anio or Cynthia lies in the earth) and versification (a polysyllable in the first half and three diaereses in the second), appear to be in immediate response : a man who gives and a woman who takes. And in ll.81-2 there is a grammatical possibility to take ebur as an acc, of respect to pomifer with Anio as the subject of pallet. Then, the combination pomifer-ebur, a man with such a precious gift as ivory, seems to suggest dives amator, who never pales since he knows no real love, of which color is paleness as in Ov. A. A. 1 729. In addition relating to this imagery of the rich, we have a cause-story of the Heraclean Temple ; a merchant beat away the pirates (without getting pale for fear) to return safe successfully, thanks to Heracles, the divinity of war and trade (Macrob. 3. 6. 11).
平舩 寛彦 高橋 宏彰 千葉 健史 菅原 敦子 木村 祐輔 工藤 賢三 若林 剛 高橋 勝雄
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.7, no.2, pp.395-402, 2012 (Released:2012-10-18)

【目的】本研究では, がん患者の栄養状態とフェンタニル経皮吸収性との関連性について検討を行った. 【方法】栄養スクリーニングツールのMalnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST)およびNutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS2002)を用いてがん患者の栄養状態を危険度別に分類し, 各群のフェンタニル皮膚移行率(FE)を比較した. 【結果】対象患者24名のMUSTによる分類(低, 中, 高度群)では, 栄養危険度が高い患者ほどFEが低くなる傾向にあり, NRS2002による分類(低, 高リスク群)では, 高リスク群のFEは低リスク群に比べて有意に低かった. 【結論】栄養状態の変化は, FEに影響を及ぼす要因の1つとなることが示唆された. また, 栄養状態が低下している患者では, フェンタニル経皮吸収性が低下している可能性があると考えられた.
春日 紀子 高橋 宏之 坂梨 洋 安藤 大吾 小林 利道 増田 崇光 篠原 潤 佐藤 孝幸 磯谷 栄二
東京女子医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00409022)
vol.83, no.1, pp.50-50, 2013-02-25

第347回東京女子医科大学学会例会 平成25年2月23日(土) 総合外来センター5階 大会議室
広瀬 宗一 藤原 辰彦 牛嶋 龍一郎 高橋 宏直
公益社団法人 土木学会
vol.2001, no.672, pp.13-22, 2001

関西国際空港2期工事は, 平成11年7月に現地着工した. 2期空港島は1期空港島よりもさらに沖合での建設であり水深は深く予測沈下量も大きいため, 1期工事の約1.4も倍の埋立土量を要する. しかしながら, 全体工程の中においてこの2期工事は, 1期工事とほぼ同じ期間での施工が計画されている. この限られた期間内に工事を安全かつ円滑に実施するためには, 適切な施工展開計画の作成が非常に重要となる. したがって, 大規模な海上工事である2期工事の, 施工計画策定に際して効率的かつ多角的な検討を可能とするシミュレーションシステムを開発した. そのシステムの概要および実際の現場に適用して得られた効果等について報告する.
定森 友也 高橋 宏治 古池 仁暢
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.851, pp.17-00096-17-00096, 2017 (Released:2017-07-25)

In this study, the effect of shot peening on rolling contact fatigue life of bearing steel was investigated under contaminated lubrication. Shot peening was carried out on bearing steel SUJ2 specimens. Peened specimens were polished to remove the dimples generated by shot peening. The distribution of Vickers hardness and residual stress of the specimens were measured before and after the shot peening. The resistance to indentations was compared by examining the profile of the Vickers indentations. Then, rolling contact fatigue tests were carried out under contaminated lubrication. The material hardness was improved up to about 100 HV on the surface to a depth of 300 μm, and compressive residual stress was generated up to 1546 MPa at a depth of 25 μm due to the shot peening. In addition to the width and the depth of the Vickers indentation, the ridge height which causes the stress concentration around the indentation, was reduced by 17% by the shot peening. The rolling contact fatigue life associated with a 50% reliability (L50) was improved 62 % by the shot peening. However, the improvement of rolling contact fatigue life associated with a 90% reliability (L10) was only 26 % because of the increase in dispersion of the fatigue lives due to surface cracks created by the shot peening. Based on the present result, the increase of surface hardness and generating the large compressive residual stress near the surface by shot peening was found to be effective in increasing the rolling contact fatigue life in contaminated lubrication.
高橋 宏幸
西洋古典論集 (ISSN:02897113)
vol.16, pp.9-38, 1999-08-31

この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This paper attempts to treat the nature of Livy's historiography by observing his use of an exemplum in Ap. Claudius' speech in Bk. 5. In his speech(5. 3. 1-6. 17) intended to advocate that the siege of Veii be continued in winter, a tactic never adopted before, Appius refers to the Trojan war to the effect of contrast ; the Romans are reluctant to besiege Rome's archenemy within her sight while all of Greece crossed lands and seas to sack Troy for one women's sake. This exemplum turns out to be ironical in the course of the narrative, for there are similarities between the Veientan war and the Fall of Troy ; fought for ten years(405-396 BC) ; conditions of Fall prophesied(15.1-12 ; 16.8-11 ; 19.1 ; 21.8-9) ; tactics for breakthrough(19.10-11, 21.10-13) ; urbs opulentissima and troubles about dealing out the booty(20.1-10, 21.14-15, 22.1-2, 8) ; Camillus praying like Achilles when forced into exile because of praeda Veientana(5. 32. 8-9).Since for a Roman in 403 BC to use a mythological example is unimaginable and Appius never predicts the analogy between the two wars, the exemplum should be appreciated in literary or narrative terms : its function seems to highlight the analogy for the readers. If so, however, it is remarkable that there is one missing point in the Veientan war : woman as cause of war. This aspect could have been most appealing to Livy's readers, seeing that (1) Helen as causa belli is almost a literary cliche(Hor. Ep. 1. 2. 9 ; Prop. 2. 3. 35-36 ; Ov. Am. 2. 12. 17-18, A. A. 3.253-54 ; cf. Verg. A. 6.93, 11.479f.), evoking the image of Cleopatra, that (2) una mulier, the phrase used there, is highly impressive, as appearing in Enn. Trag. v. 47 apud Cic. Div. 1.114(=Cassandra's prophesy about Helen), Cir. Clu. 15(quot. Quintil. Inst. Or. 4. 2. 105)(=Sassia), Cael. 47, 51(=Clodia), and Prop. 4. 6. 65(=Cleopatra), and that (3) 'all troubles began with a woman'(1. 46. 7) is a recurrent motif in Bks. 1-4 : Lavinia(1. 2. 1-6), the Sabine women(1. 9. 1-13.5), Tullia ? Lucretia(1.46ff.), Veturia(2. 40. 5-9), Verginia(3.44ff.), and the maid of Ardea(4. 9. 1-11)(also cf. Fabia minor(6. 34. 5-11)).Livy assigns Appius the role of orator speaking for the interests of the senate, his first speech suggesting that the senators break the power of the plebeian tribunes through the veto of their colleagues(4. 48. 4-10), his second (which includes the exemplum) also countering the tribunes' move as Livy introduces him as an equal opponent to them with reference to the first speech (5. 2. 13-14, 7. 1), and his third claiming that the money captured at Veii go to the treasury when Camillus referred the matter of booty to the senate.Appius' intention, however, is for the good of the whole nation and not to suppress the plebs as he himself says in his fourth speech(6. 40. 5). His third speech loses to P. Licinius', but this loss turns out to be crucial to the fortune of Camillus, that is, of Rome. Licinius looks like a good arbitrator, the first military tribune elected from the plebs, bringing an end to the serious trouble caused by the tribunes(5. 12. 7-9, 12-13), and elected again without his seeking office as the senate had no objection(5. 18. 1). His opinion that whoever wants a share in the spoils get to the camp at Veii, however, intended to conciliate the plebs with the gift, made the senate plebeian(5. 20. 10). Due to those first seeds of greed sown by this conciliation Camillus incurs people's hatred(5. 22. 1-2, 23. 8-12), and finally he, the only human aid against the Gauls, goes into exile (5. 32. 7-9). Another cause of people's hate against Camillus is linked to Appius' first speech ; Camillus openly rebuked the plebs and the senate for doing away with the veto of the tribunes(5. 29. 6). It looks as if the action and hardship of Camillus were to prove that the words of Appius had been pointing in the right direction.His second speech is parallel with Camillus' at the end of Bk. 5 in form and content, and here I would call attention to the incidents after each speech, the news of the disaster at Veii and the voice of a centurion accepted as an omen, which not just decided the matter but inspired the Romans to do more than restore the loss caused by the fire. The news from Veii and its consequences are, however, depicted as sudden and unexpected happenings with the voluntary actions on the part of the knights and the plebs followed by the senate (5. 7. 1, 4, 6), whereas to the centurion's voice, opportune emissa, the senate took the immediate action of se accipere omen, to which the plebs gives a simultaneous approval(5. 55. 1-2).It would be helpful here to compare two other divine voices appearing in Bk. 5 : Iuno Regina and Aius Locutius. It is a mere rumor that a voice of the goddess was heard to say she would be pleased when moved from Veii to Rome, but, at the same time it is the tradition accepted among the Romans (accepimus) that she was transferred as easily as if she just followed(5. 22. 5-6). The negligence of the voice which warned against the Gauls(5. 32. 6-7) was costly to the Romans ; after regaining Rome they make atonement and dedicate a temple to the new god(5. 50. 5, 51. 7, 52. 11). These episodes seem to stress an active recognition of celestial voices as critically important to the welfare of Rome.Now the passage from Ennius quoted of una mulier may be also helpful ; Cassandra's prophesy about Helen was never believed. In this respect it is, I think, suggestive that the rejection by the senate of Appiu's opinion in his third speech marked the first step to Rome's downfall ; his voice also sounds like what they should listen to. We may find a similar function in the exemplum. 'A woman as cause of war', though one missing point in the analogy between the two wars, should have been strikingly appealing to Livy's readers, then it could be a signal for them to listen to as a warning against a woman like Cleopatra. This is surely out of the immediate context, but it accords with the nature of the omen, κληδων, with a meaning which depends on the person who is to receive it, no matter what sense the speaker intended.
前田 道明 水口 康雄 高橋 宏 室橋 豊穂 大田原 幸人 谷山 勢之輔 柚木 角正 西園 実 宮崎 武人 土屋 高夫 MATSUMOTO Mitsuyuki 高井 鐐二 塩沢 活
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.38, no.12, pp.524-529, 1963

Bacteriological examination was made on all cases, to whom radiography was indicated according to the results of miniature X-ray findings and tuberculin reaction in the tuberculosis mass surveys carried out in Okierabu-island (1961) and Setouchi-town (1962).<BR>The majority of the specimens examined was laryngeal swab and a few cases was examined by sputum. These specimens were kept in an icebox and each specimen was cultured on three slants of 1% Ogawa's egg media after pretreatment with 4% NaOH on the same day. Then, the slants were kept in an incubator at 37°C and observed for 8weeks.<BR>All of the acid-fast bacilli were investigated on their biological characteristics. Drug resistance was tested by the indirect test method on the strains which were identified as human type tubercle bacilli.
高橋 宏佳 今井 克美 高山 留美子 美根 潤 大谷 早苗 池田 浩子 久保田 裕子 高橋 幸利 井上 有史 藤原 建樹
The Japanese Society of Child Neurology
脳と発達 (ISSN:00290831)
vol.43, no.4, pp.305-308, 2011-07-01

乳児期に発症した難治性のてんかんに対して緩和ケトン食が著効した1例を経験した. 生後8カ月からてんかん性スパズムが出現し, 一時ACTH療法にて発作は消失したが, 1歳1カ月時に部分発作で再発し, 2歳以後は部分発作とスパズムの複合発作となり, 種々の抗てんかん薬に抵抗性であった. 2歳6カ月時に絶食期間をおかず, カロリー制限・水分制限をせず, MCTオイルを使用した緩和ケトン食を開始し, 20日目に発作消失かつ脳波も著明改善した. 従来の古典的ケトン食を緩和した緩和ケトン食療法は副作用が少なく継続しやすいため, 難治性のてんかんにおいて試してみる価値のある治療法であり, わが国においても再評価されるべきである.
高橋 宏司 タカハシ コウジ Takahashi Koji
同志社法学 (ISSN:03877612)
vol.64, no.3, pp.1128-1089, 2012-09

Article英国の裁判所は、民事事件において、判決後の財産(資産)開示命令とは別に、保全命令である財産凍結(資産凍結)命令の遵守を監視するために、判決前や提訴前にも財産開示命令を発する権限を有する。本稿では、財産凍結命令にも触れつつ、財産開示命令に関する制度を概説する。This article examines the law and practice of the asset disclosure order, an ancillary measure to police the freezing injunction (Mareva injunction). These interim measures of protection are available in the English courts but not in the Japanese courts. This article examines the threshold requirements for obtaining these measures as well as the steps to be followed to resist or vary the measures. The strengths and drawbacks of these measures are also considered.
鎌田 美穂 辻 さやか 韓 立坤 藤原 信太郎 中川 泰治 高橋 宏輝 高瀬 嘉彦 岩永 哲朗
The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.46, no.2, pp.93-100, 2014

大木 孝一 和田 公平 山本 祐三 牧本 一男 高橋 宏明
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.86, no.12, pp.1757-1762, 1993-12-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
2 4

Actinomycosis is a chronic purulent granulomatous disease caused by actinomyces, an organism which is often present in man. Patients with a chronic clinical course have been on the increase in recent years, and differentiating this disease from tumor is often necessary when the mass is in facial and cervical regions other than the oral cavity and jaw. We report two cases of actinomycosis in the face and neck.Case 1: A 54-year-old man complained of a swelling in the anterior part of the neck. A mass 65 × 70 mm with redness of the skin was noted at his first visit. The mass was of platelike consistency with a smooth surface closely adherent to the surrounding tissue. The tuberculin test was negative. A malignant tumor was considered, so percutaneous needle biopsy was performed, but no significant abnormality was found. Antibiotics were given by drip infusion, and the mass disintegrated. Yellow viscous pus containing light gray granules was discharged to form a fistula.Case 2: A 40-year-old man developed a swelling in the left cheek. A ping pong ball-sized mass of plate-like consistency with redness was noticed at his first visit. A fistula formed in the oral cavity on the left, and pus was discharged from it. Plain CT revealed an isodense lesion in the left cheek, with no connection to the maxillary sinus.Actinomyces is anaerobic, so it was not detected by culture in either case. Histopathological examinations of actinomycotic granules was useful in the diagnosis.The treatment consists mainly of drainage by incision of the lesion and administration of antibiotics, especially penicillin.
高橋 成五 前野 義晴 荒木 壮一郎 末村 剛彦 田島 章雄 高橋 宏明 玉貫 岳正 堂前 巧 逸見 直也
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. PS, 光スイッチング
vol.98, no.481, pp.31-35, 1998-12-18

256ポート2.56Tbpsスループットまで拡張可能なパケット交換用フルクロスバ光スイッチの設計試作を行った。光スイッチ素子には, 高速動作と同時に損失補償も可能な半導体光アンプゲートを用いた。この光スイッチは, 波長多重技術を空間分割スイッチに組み入れることにより, 単純な空間分割スイッチと比較し装置規模を1/8に削減可能である。光レベルダイヤグラムとスイッチ制御方式の設計を基に, 2.56Tbpsの光スイッチを構成するのに必要な全てのコンポーネントを含むデモ装置を開発した。10Gbpsの光信号を用いて, 試作した光パケットスイッチの信号透過特性とスイッチング特性の評価を行った。測定の結果, 符号誤り率10^<-14>以下とInsec以下のパケットスイッチング時間及びそのスキューが500psec以下であることを確認し, Tbpsクラスのスループットを持つパケットスイッチの実現性を確認した。
高橋 宏
日本ファジィ学会誌 (ISSN:0915647X)
vol.4, no.6, pp.182-204, 1992-12-15
