高橋 宏幸
西洋古典学研究 (ISSN:04479114)
no.44, pp.96-108, 1996

This paper reexamines an inconsistency considering the fatal spear in the Cephalus-Procris episode in Met. 7 : one of the companions of Cephalus says that the spear flies back spontaneously after hitting the target, whereas it remains stuck in Procris at the ending of the story told by Cephalus. It will be suggested that the inconsistency hints at a transformation of the story as narrated by Cephalus. I have observed three recurrent story patterns in the episode : someone (thing)comes back after being lost(or gone) (P1) ; a rumor is believed before eventually turning out to be false(P2) ; happiness follows a disaster (P3). P1 fails only at the ending, where Procris dies, never to return. This failure of P1 corresponds to the inconsistency about the spear, since its power to fly back after launched exactly matches P1, whereas it did not return when piercing Procris. Why not an ending that would imply a return of Procris, in accord with P1? We note that there is no metamorphosis of a main character in the episode, that the spear is almost identical to Procris with regard to fate (7531, 846) , beauty(679, 730) , and name(Procris<procuris ; cf. Fasti 2.477), and that mirabere(682)is one of the words suggestive of metamorphosis(cf. mirandum 758). Seeing these points, it would not be quite hard to imagine that, the moment Procris dies, her soul enters the spear to give it the miracle power, so that, every time Cephalus launches the spear, it would come back into his hands, as she did in her life. This would have happened, if only Procris had not emitted her soul in the mouth of Cephalus(861) , but into the spear. With this ending by metamorphosis, the inconsistency about the spear would not have occurred, since it obtained its power after she died, but, instead, an eternal, spiritual union of the couple would have been achieved, quite a suitable finish for the story of mutual love (800). Considering P2 and P3, we should note that Cephalus echoes the phrases in the Orithyia story in Bk. 6(esp., 681f.). When Cephalus comments that he was said(dicebar 698)to be happy, he seems to presume that such a rumor is prevalent(cf. also 694), coming from the story told in Bk. 6. He rejects it as untrue with his tragic story, which fits in P2, but, it would be different with the ending by metamorphosis, which implies a kind of bliss for Cephalus as Procris' spear never goes without returning as if to ease his bad conscience, granting pardon for his wrongdoing. This version would match P3, and support the rumor of Cephalus' happy marriage with Procris. Then, we may assume that Cephalus did not speak of the metamorphosis because he intended to deny the rumor about his marriage, and I think this is where the inconsistency arises. What, then, was his motivation? On his arrival at Aegina he was spectabilis hews, which is a reminiscence of what he looked like(496f.), and Procris, when dying, was looking at him as long as possible(dumque aliquid spectare potest, me spectat 860). Then, after she exhales her soul(if exhaled into the spear, there would have been the metamorphosis), that is, at the end of his story, Cephalus appears as lacrimans hews (863). It looks as if, instead of narrating the metamorphosis of Procris, Cephalus himself has transformed from a good-looking hero into a hero in tears. Why, then, in tears? Presumably because it is a mark of great heroes, to Cephalus' eyes. In fact, Cephalus is presenting himself as a great hero like Odysseus or Aeneas, not only in his marital or tragic love as pointed out by Labate and Segal, but also in his story-telling, which takes place at the palace of a king(or queen), whose assistance the hero needs to return home, as in Od. Bks. 8-12 and Aen. Bks. 2-3. It is such an enchanting tale of his own sufferings that causes all listeners to cry. A tragic story like this, which enables Cephalus to play a role of great hero, would have been ruined if he had told of the metamorphosis of Procris, which would have made her a heroine, with him serving as a foil. This is, it seems, where his motivation lies : to make himself a hero, not her. Returning to the inconsistency about the spear, we should note that "nullo referente" (684)can be translated as "as nobody(else)tells it" (also note the frequent use of referre in the story), and that "in ore"(861)can mean "spoken" as in 1.708. Here it seems to be implied that the metamorphosis of Procris goes unspoken as nobody tells that story, while Cephalus stands out as a great tragic hero as a tearful tale of his own is put in his mouth.
高橋 宏幸
西洋古典論集 (ISSN:02897113)
vol.10, pp.30-53, 1992-09-30

この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This paper reexamines the Arachne story in Ovid's Metamorphoses Bk. 6, focusing on the deception-fascination by poetry-art which affects the motivation and manner of Minerva's vengeance on Arachne. Minerva has praised the song and righteous rage of the Muses, which motivates her to avenge. Two aspects are noticed in Minerva on Helicon who is curious about anything marvelous aud eager to listen to the Muses' tales. First, she wanted to see the fountain which burst forth under the hard(dura : 257) hooves of Pegasus ; a Muse addresses her as a goddess whose valor has led her to greater tasks(virtus opera ad maiora : 269) ; and she asks the Muse to recite their song in order(ordine : 335). These are suggestive of the classical epic that is the kind of song which Minerva wants to have sung. Second, asking the Muses for the causes(cf. origo : 262), she recalls Callimachus in the Aetio(frgg. 2, 114) and Ovid in the Fasti interviewing the gods and goddesses throughout the work ; and when listening to Calliope's song, Minerva takes her seat in the light shade(levi in umbra : 336). What these imply is elegiac or hellenistic poetry, which Minerva seems to be (perhaps potentially) capable of appreciating well. Corresponding to these opposing aspects of Minerva we find two mixed elements in Calliope's song : epic pretentions, the most eminent feature of which is the rage of the gods that vindicates their order, on an asymmetrical structure which is "rambling, dragging in almost anything and straying far from its subject" through set-in tales which are characteristic of hellenistic poetry, tuned to the querulous chords(339) which imply elegiac poetry. What is suggested here? Attention should be paid to the Pierides' accusation of the Muses deceiving the unlearned vulgar with the empty sweetness(indoctum vana dulcedine vulgus/ fallere : 309f.). At first glance it sounds false, but "sweet"(glykys, dulcis) is one of the characteristics which are highly valued on the hellenistic criteria of poetry, aud "empty" may refer to the leisure of poetry ; unlike Callimachus or Horatius who hates and keeps away the vulgar(Carm. 3. 1. 1), doctus as he is, Ovid is proud of his popularity all over the world ; and deception can mean fascination by poetry, as the Muses "have the skill to tell lies similar to the truth" (Hesiod. Theog. 27). Then, the accusation seems to point accurately to the nature of Ovid's poetry, and to turn out to be true. That is, Minerva is deceived by Calliope's song in the meaning that she is so fascinated by its charm (which she has the capability to really enjoy) that she thinks it was the epic, but it is actually not. Deceived(fascinated) this way, Minerva wants to be praised as she praised the Muses' song aud rage. Here her thoughts do not follow the usual pattern of vengeance stories where human arrogance causes divine anger at the start, resulting in punishment of the hybris. As her motive to avenge comes first the common desire for her own praise, and in order to avenge she finds Arachne to be an appropriate victim. And Ovid's expression in lines 3-4 shows humorously the change of her state of mind from praising to being praised : when she wants to be praised(laudemur) herself too(et ipsae), then, at the top of the next line, the idea that she is a deity(numina) who deserves to be praised comes into her mind. It looks as if she had forgotten about it until now. She can be compared to the audience (indoctum vulgus) who want to be the hero on the stage whom they empathize with. Now leaving the theater, it seems, Minerva remembers who she is, a goddess who can actually play the part. Whatever the motive may be, her vengeance appears to be inevitable, when Arachne's stubborn refusal to yield leads to the weaving duel, in which Minerva's tapestry is orderly in form and content, embodying the perfect classical art, while Arachne's is contrastively chaotic with the various stories of "the divine comedy" scattered in no set pattern of any kind. To our surprise, however, Minerva or Envy couldn't find any fault in Arachne's work(129f.), and Ovid depicts Minerva's act of vengeance in sympathy with Arachne. The interpretation I'd like to suggest is that as with the Muses, Minerva is deceived again here by Arachne's deceptive art which makes her pictures look real(vermu taurum, freta vera putares ; / ipsa videbatur : 104f.). Painfully facing Arachne's success(130), which Minerva sees as threatening to snatch praise away from her, she tears Arachne' s tapestry, which is "divine crimes." Here, caeletia crimina(131), equated to the tapestry by juxtaposition, and given a position to split the phrase pictas vestes, creates an impression that Minerva is trying to shake off a guilty conscience with an excuse while destroying the perfect work of art. Otherwise, Envy could have criticized it the moment she looked at it. And this excuse seems to come as a natural result. of Minerva's deception by the pictures, which are so real that she cannot discern whether they are imaginary or real. Then, the tapestry paradoxically proves its perfection by being torn. When Arachne cannot endure it(non tulit infelix : 134) and hangs herself, Minerva feels pity (miserata : 135), as if the heroic act of Arachne wakes up Minerva to herself. Minerva, who, charmed by the Muses' song, wanted to be a hero at the start of the story, now at the end fascinated by Arachne's work, seems to be leaving the stage to give away the leading part to Arachne, whose metamorphosis into a spider(140-5) takes place just after Minerva's exit(discedens : 139). If there is any programmatic implication in the story, I'd like to consider it in the same terms as I did in my former papers on Fama-fama in bk. 12 and the epilogue, where I discussed creative transformation of tradition(fama) by the poet(Fama) who adds "falsehoods" to "true" traditional stories. Hearing of the rumor of the fount Hippocrene(5.255), Minerva visited the Muses to listen to their tales. Deceived by them, she contributed to creation of a new kind of vengeance story. And when she exits, the rumor fills the whole world with talk(6.146f.)
高橋 宏幸
京都大學文學部研究紀要 (ISSN:04529774)
vol.41, pp.192_a-151_a, 2002-03

高橋 幸利 藤原 建樹 西村 成子 藤原 建樹 西村 成子 角替 央野 久保田 裕子 今井 克美 重松 秀夫 下村 次郎 池田 浩子 大谷 英之 山崎 悦子 大谷 早苗 高橋 宏佳 美根 潤 池上 真理子 向田 壮一 高山 留美子

脳炎は感冒などの後に発病し後遺症を残す病気で、病態解明と治療法の開発が重要である。非ヘルペス性急性辺縁系脳炎では、グルタミン酸受容体(GluR)のひとつであるGluRε2分子の幅広い領域を抗原とする抗体が産生されていて、感染ウィルスに対する抗体がGluRε2に交差反応しているのではないことが分かった。ラスムッセン脳炎では抗GluRε2 抗体を含む髄液IgGがアポトーシスを誘導している可能性が示唆された。
秋吉 恵 重岡 恒彦 鳥居 慎一 牧 栄二 榎本 悟 高橋 宏正 平野 文也
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.119, no.3, pp.175-184, 2002 (Released:2002-12-24)
2 3 3

横田 修 林 明典 高橋 宏和
no.18, pp.2-3, 2009-07-30

In the batch type equipment, the results of the reforming examination for crude oil were indicated. Experimental conditions are "pressure 25MPa temperature 400 degrees Celsius and water-oil ratio 0-4". Concentrations of Asphaltene and Coke were investigated under the experimental conditions.
韓 生廉 関口 隆 高橋 宏
日本ファジィ学会誌 (ISSN:0915647X)
vol.5, no.5, pp.1142-1154, 1247-1248, 1993-10-15

人間の操作特性と主観評価の関係などような, あいまいな量を含む説明変数と目的変数の関係記述としてファジィ理論を用いた表現方法が有効である.本論文では, ファジィ関係式およびその拡張として, ファジィ関係不等式, 区間値ファジィ関係式の3つの関係に着目し, ファジィ関係行列と目的変数行列が与えられたとき, 説明変数行列を求めるファジィ関係逆問題において, 解の存在する条件を上記3つの関係式について, それぞれ検討した.著者らが提案している記号行列の概念を導入することによって, ファジィ関係式, ファジィ関係式のすべての行列において, その要素が区間値で表されている場合においても, 解の存在性を容易に判別できた.本論文にて提案した判別法のアルゴリズムが極めて簡単であるので, 今後のファジィ関係逆問題の解の存在性の検討に有効な判別方法を与えることができた.
横山 裕 伊藤 仁洋 高橋 宏樹 小野 英哲
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.64, no.516, pp.37-44, 1999
2 1

The purpose of this study is to present the lower criterion of C.S.R not to slip at the landing when people step on the slippery surface without the knowledge of the slipperiness changing. In this paper, first, it was made clear that the most dangerous motion was fast walking at the speed of one-point-two-two times the height per second. So, fast walking and walking at natural speed were selected as motions to be investigated. Secondly, from the investigation of the load applied to the floor while these motions, the load to be simulated by "Landing Slip Meter" was established.
大西 新介 小野寺 良太 杉浦 岳 高橋 宏之 近藤 統 岡本 博之 大城 あき子 清水 隆文 森下 由香 奈良 理
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.22, no.3, pp.469-474, 2019-06-30 (Released:2019-06-30)

惣野 円彩 坂梨 秀地 中川 洸志 田久 浩志 高橋 宏幸 田中 秀治
蘇生 (ISSN:02884348)
vol.41, no.2, pp.71-76, 2022-10-07 (Released:2022-10-15)

磯田 広史 榎本 大 高橋 宏和 大野 高嗣 井上 泰輔 池上 正 井出 達也 德本 良雄 小川 浩司 瀬戸山 博子 内田 義人 橋本 まさみ 廣田 健一 柿崎 暁 立木 佐知子 井上 貴子 遠藤 美月 島上 哲朗 荒生 祥尚 井上 淳 末次 淳 永田 賢治 是永 匡紹
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.64, no.10, pp.510-513, 2023-10-01 (Released:2023-10-12)

Hepatitis medical care coordinators (HMCCs) in Japan are trained by local governments and regional core centers, and are expected to play an active role in various aspects of hepatitis countermeasures. A 2019 survey revealed varied activity statuses of HMCCs among facilities. This study surveyed the present status of HMCCs in 21 of the 72 regional core centers in the fiscal year 2021.A total of 951 HMCCs were trained at these 21 facilities. The 17 participating centers of the 2019 survey indicated a slight increase in the proportion of HMCCs who actively contributed to hepatitis patient care, from 84.2% to 85.8%.Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, HMCCs remained active in many facilities.
高橋 宏昌 豊福 明 池山 尚岐 斎木 正純 松永 亜樹 喜久田 利弘
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.21, no.1, pp.23-26, 2006-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

The condition of having a normal physical sense of taste but finding flavors strange and unpleasant is known as phantogeusia and very difficulto treat. It has recently been reported that benzodiazepine (BZD) has not only anti-anxiety effects but also some influence on taste cognition. This study examined the efficacy and safety of ethyl loflazepate for use with phantogeusia patients. Four patients were prescribed ethyl loflazepate at a dosage of 1-2mg/day. The ethyl loflazepate was found to relieve phantogeusia and tolerated well. The onset of the response was usually observed within one week. The relief of phantogeusia following ethyl loflazepate treatment was independent of the response to treatment for depression. It is suggested that ethyl loflazepate may be effective in the treatment of phantogeusia in cases both with and without depression
伊藤 佳洋 山田 雅行 岡部 登 野津 厚 長尾 毅 高橋 宏彰 水谷 亮祐
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) (ISSN:21854653)
vol.71, no.4, pp.I_401-I_407, 2015 (Released:2015-09-25)

海溝型巨大地震による強震動の波形,スペクトルなどを高精度で再現できる震源モデルとして野津らによりSPGAモデルが開発されている.このモデルで歴史地震の震度データを満足するように震源モデルの作成を行えば,歴史地震の再来を想定した被害予測などに適用することが可能となると考えられる. そこで本研究では,1703年元禄関東地震の実際の震度分布と整合するようなSPGAモデルを作成することを試みた.SPGAの位置,パラメータを,実際の震度と計算結果の震度の相関を見ながら選定した結果,概ね震度分布と整合するSPGAモデルを設定することができた.
千田 いずみ 田中 秀治 高橋 宏幸 喜熨斗 智也 白川 透 島崎 修次
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.18, no.4, pp.575-584, 2015-08-31 (Released:2015-08-31)

高橋 宏知
一般社団法人 日本聴覚医学会
vol.61, no.4, pp.245-253, 2018-08-30 (Released:2018-09-27)

要旨: 大脳皮質の解剖学的・機能的な特徴として, 一つの神経細胞は104 のオーダーの膨大なシナプス入力を受けることや, 脳内の情報は再帰的に処理されることを考慮し, 著者らは, ラット聴覚野の神経活動の位相同期と聴知覚との関係に注目してきた。本稿では, 神経活動の位相同期の一般的な指標として, 試行間位相固定性 (ITPC) と位相同期度 (PLV) を解説した後, 著者らの最近の研究を紹介しながら, 位相同期が聴知覚に担う役割を考察する。著者らの生理実験では, ガンマ帯域の ITPC は, 誘発反応の振幅よりも, 音脈分凝の心理測定特性を矛盾なく説明できた。また, PLV は, 協・不協和音, 長三・短三和音といった音色で帯域特異的に変化した。これらの実験データから, 聴覚野の位相同期は, 従来の誘発電位の特徴よりも, 主観的な聴知覚の特性に関わると考える。
愛甲 美穂 日高 寿美 石岡 邦啓 五十嵐 愛子 坊坂 桂子 山下 昭二 持田 泰寛 守矢 英和 大竹 剛靖 高橋 宏 小林 修三
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.49, no.3, pp.219-224, 2016 (Released:2016-03-28)

透析患者は末梢動脈疾患 (peripheral arterial disease : PAD) の合併が多く, 重症虚血肢に至ると予後は著しく不良である. 予後改善にはPADを早期に診断・治療することが重要である. 足病変とPADの有無に基づき6つに区分し, 各区分に対するフットケアの間隔と内容を定めたフットケアプログラム (鎌倉分類) を策定した. 当院外来維持血液透析患者を対象に, 鎌倉分類導入前の2011年度群 (n=185) と, 導入後の2012年度群 (n=196), 2013年度群 (n=196) とに分け, 下肢潰瘍と切断発生件数をCochran-Armitage傾向検定を用い比較検討した. 新規潰瘍発生は, 2011年4.9件/100人・年であったが, 2012年3.1件, 2013年1.5件と有意に減少した (p=0.03). 下肢切断発生症例はすべて小切断で, 2011年1.6件/100人・年, 2012年1.0件, 2013年0.5件と推移した (p=0.14). 足病変を有する群で足関節および足趾上腕血圧比は足病変を有さない群に比較して低値であった. 足病変の有無を加味した透析患者における鎌倉分類はフットケアプログラムとして有用であり, 早期介入の意義が示唆された.
大小田 勉 井之上 弘樹 高橋 宏敬 喜田 克憲 多田 司 井尻 大地 大塚 彰
日本暖地畜産学会報 (ISSN:2185081X)
vol.63, no.2, pp.77-86, 2020 (Released:2021-05-17)

体重約60kgの「かごしま黒豚」(バークシャー種去勢雄)27頭を,トウモロコシ・大豆粕主体の対照(0%)区と甘藷を10%,20%,30%配合した試験区に分け(6~7頭/区),TDN70%・CP13.5%の各試験飼料を制限給餌して,115kgに達した時点でと畜・解体した.甘藷配合量の増加に伴い,1 日増体量は0%区の602gから,20%および30%区の565gへと減少し,出荷日齢は10%区が最短で,30%区が最長であった.枝肉重量は20%区で最も低かったが、ロース断面積および上物率に負の影響はなかった.筋組織中の19種類の代謝物が甘藷給与に応答して有意に増減し,タンパク質代謝経路の変動が示唆された.食味評価においては,甘藷給与区では“香りの好ましさ”と“脂肪のサッパリさ”についての評価が高く,30%区では“噛み切りやすさ”,“咀嚼しやすさ”,“歯ごたえの好ましさ”についての評価が最も高かった.
高橋 宏司
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.85, no.4, pp.394-397, 2019-07-15 (Released:2019-07-31)
井上 功 山本 砧三 武嶋 寛剛 中小 路澄子 貞岡 達也 坂哲 郎 垣鍔 典也 坂倉 淳 牧本 一男 高橋 宏明 和田 公平 大森 研史 林 伊吹 藤田 隆夫 渡辺 猛世 藤澤 俊二 宇野 功 野中 隆三郎
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.87, no.7, pp.985-995, 1994-07-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

The effectiveness, safety and usefulness of ketotifen nasal spray were investigated in 163 patients with allergic rhinitis. Ketotifen nasal spray (0.05mg/puff) was given four times daily for 4 weeks or more. “Slight to high” improvement was recorded in 92.4% of patients and “moderate to high” improvement in 61.0%.Overall usefulness was very high for both perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis. Side effects were noted in six patients (3.7%). Drowsiness was noted in five patients and nasal mucosal pain in only one.The results of this study suggest that ketotifen nasal spray is very useful in the treatment of allergic rhinitis.
赤倉 康寛 高橋 宏直
一般財団法人 運輸総合研究所
運輸政策研究 (ISSN:13443348)
vol.4, no.2, pp.010-018, 2001-07-31 (Released:2019-05-31)
