安村 典子
西洋古典学研究 (ISSN:04479114)
vol.38, pp.1-15, 1990-03-29 (Released:2017-05-23)

In the Mycenaean tablets, the word po-ti-ni-ja (Potnia) occurs mainly in religious contexts The object of this paper is to study this divine name, examining the Linear B texts Examples of Potnia can be classified into three kinds, (1) Potnia without any modification, (2) Potnia with modifying words, (3) derivatives The most crucial discussion that has been raised about Potnia is whether it is used as an epithet or is the real name of a certain goddess Among those who think it an epithet or a generic term, J Leuven develops his idea by allocating Olympian Goddesses to each case according to the context, for example, e-re-wi-jo po-ti-ni-ja should be Hera, po-ti-ni-ja a-si-wi-ja Artemis, po-ti-ni-ja with no modification Aphrodite and so on His interpretation is persuasive enough for Potnia with modifying words, but insufficient in cases when Potnia occurs alone, that is, he fails to explain why Potnia as an epithet could be used without any modification This surely would have caused much confusion if there had been no common notion about Potnia Moreover he neglects the fact that divine names such as Hera and Artemis are actually mentioned in the tablets, which would have made it unnecessary to say e-re-wi-jo po-ti-ni-ja instead of Hera Having examined all examples of Potnia, I think the word is neither an epithet nor a generic term, but the real name of a goddess She appears to have been worshipped over a broad area of the Mycenaean world, because we can find her name in every Mycenaean site which has Linear B tablets All Mycenaeans would have been able to understand who was mentioned even if it was written as just Potnia However, at the same time, she must have had some kind of locality As the modifying words of place names show, she would have some unique cult at each site The third and most conspicuous characteristics of Potnia is her close relationship with animals and vegetation, as is shown by words such as po-ti-ni-ja i-qe-ja and si-to-po-ti-ni-ja The divinity who satisfies all these aspects of universality and locality, animals and vegetation can be none other than the Mother Goddess or Earth Mother I conclude, therefore, that Potnia is the Mycenaean name of the Mother Goddess The Mother Goddess was worshipped widely in the Mediterranean world before the proto-Greeks came from the north, and she was called "the Lady" in Anatolian Hence the word "Potnia" is the Greek translation of her name Her name was Greek, but Near Eastern in origin As she was the goddess of the Earth, the Greeks seem to have begun to call her "Gaia", and the name "Potnia" became obsolete It must have been thought that the name "Gaia" conveyed her reality more accurately However she left her trace in the Olympian Goddesses of later times All the Olympian Goddesses have a vegetation-cult trait, even Artemis, as is seen in Euripides' "Hippolytos", and the name Hera also used to mean "the lady" or "the queen" as a derivative of ηρωζ It means that they took various aspects from Potnia in the process of fusion and differentiation of so many primitive goddesses In Sophocles' "Philoctetes", the Chorus cries out to the Earth, "ματερ ποτνια" (395) The word order of this phrase clearly shows that ποτνια is not an epithet The Greeks of the classical period had perceived that, as a vague memory in the undercurrent of their minds, Potnia is the Earth Mother
湯淺 かさね 宋 俊煥 泉山 塁威 三浦 詩乃 村上 早紀子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.790, pp.2677-2688, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-01)
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This study focused on changes in residents’ uses and awareness of outdoor spaces due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the study was to gain understanding of the following three aspects of people’s behaviors believed to have been greatly affected before the Emergency Declaration in Japan and during the State of Emergency: 1) changes in how people use outdoor spaces, and 2) people’s demands with respect to the use of outdoor spaces in the future. In addition, as a byproduct of this investigation, this study aims to produce a summary of findings concerning residents’ use of outdoor spaces against the backdrop of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as well as to discuss future issues. The survey method for this study was a national questionnaire, and responses were obtained from 1860 citizens. The details clarified as a result of analysis of the data generated by the survey are described below. First, the reality of residents’ use of outdoor spaces is summarized as follows. A large number of residents used outdoor spaces that were close to their homes (less than five minutes away on foot) on a daily basis or three or more times per week during the State of Emergency. A large number of residents made use of streets and areas adjacent to waterways or other waterfront areas as outdoor spaces during the State of Emergency period. Such use diverged from their use patterns prior to the Emergency Declaration, but these spaces were near residents’ homes. Residents used such spaces primarily for wellness and relaxation. Next, the survey revealed the following information describing residents’ perceptions of the use of outdoor spaces. Regarding the importance of outdoor spaces to respondents’ everyday lives, 80% or more of respondents who used outdoor spaces even during the State of Emergency reported such spaces to be “important.” In addition, 25% of respondents reported feeling that the use of outdoor spaces improved their quality of life during the State of Emergency, and this proportion far exceeded that of the respondents who reported “no change” or “I don’t feel any importance.” The characteristics of the respondents to this survey can be grouped into the following six categories: G1: People valuing their daily activities outside the home; G2: People valuing outdoor recreational activities; G3: People who primarily used nearby outdoor spaces before the Emergency Declaration; G4: People who rarely use outdoor spaces; G5: People who used outdoor spaces during the State of Emergency; and G6: People who rarely use outdoor spaces/people whose activities are primarily at home. Furthermore, under the influence of COVID-19, it became clear that an outdoor space that can be used as a part of daily life is required. In G1 and G2, there is a high need for various activities , and it can be said that the respondents are seeking an outdoor space as a place for their own activities. G3 seeks a place for work and social activities, and G5 seeks interaction, and has a need as a place for relationships with others. It is suggested that the need for an outdoor space that functions as a place to connect people and society has become apparent.
牟田 和恵
The Japan Sociological Society
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.41, no.1, pp.12-25, 1990-06-30 (Released:2009-10-13)
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本稿は欧米の近代家族史研究に触発されて、明治期刊行の七種類の総合雑誌・評論誌をデータとして近代日本の家族像の一端を探る試みである。記事の分析により得られた知見は以下の二点にまとめられる。 (1) 明治初期から旧来の封建的家族道徳を批判し新しい家族のあり方を模索する意識が現れ、二〇年代にはそれが「家庭 (ホーム) 」という言葉に象徴される、家内の団欒や家族員間の心的交流に高い価値を付与した家族への志向に結晶化する。その底を流れるロジックは、西欧化と産業化への意欲であり、国家と社会の発展のためには直系的「家」の論理は逆機能的であるという認識である。つまり「家庭」は家族員の情緒的結合の象徴であると同時に国家社会の発展の礎としても位置づけられているのである。 (2) 二〇年代後半以降、「家庭」型家族の理念にまた別の要素が加わる。明治初期の平等・友愛的な啓蒙的家族像は後退し、夫と妻の性役割分業が規範化されて「家庭」は「家婦」そして「主婦」が中心として存在し夫や老親に仕え子に献身する場となる。同時に家族や家庭は公論の対象から除外され、家庭はいわば「女性化」・「私化」する。これまで明治期以降の近代日本の家族については、明治民法による封建武士の家族制度の一般民衆への拡大、そして家族の「前近代性」、と結び付いた家族国家主義のイデオロギーによる国家の家族管理が論じられてきた。本稿はこれに異論を唱えるものではないが、明治期前半に西欧的な「家庭」型家族への志向が存在したこと、そして天皇絶対主義国家体制が確立し家族国家主義のイデオロギーの浸透する明治期中盤以降にこの新しい家族道徳もまたその土壤となり、同時に封建儒教的女性観を新たな形で普及させる機能を担ったというパラドックスが誌面から窺えることを指摘したい。
荻野 均 善甫 宣哉 松田 均 湊谷 謙司 東 信良 古森 公浩 大北 裕 本村 昇 志水 秀行 藤吉 俊毅

井上 明星 板橋 健太郎 濱中 訓生 井本 勝治 山﨑 道夫 坂本 力 岩井 崇泰 川上 光一 小林 久人 村田 喜代史
日本小児放射線学会雑誌 (ISSN:09188487)
vol.35, no.2, pp.99-106, 2019 (Released:2019-11-22)

[背景]Fibromatosis colliは新生児の頸部腫瘤で斜頸の原因となる疾患である.過去に多くの画像所見が報告されているが,その画像所見は日齢に応じて変化する可能性がある.[目的] 本研究の目的はfibromatosis colliのUSとMRIの画像と検査時の日齢をと画像所見を検討し,その多様性を明らかにすることである.[対象と方法]対象は臨床的にfibromatosis colliと診断された13症例(M:F=6:7)である.超音波検査が12例に対して21検査(8例に1検査,1例に2検査,1例に3検査,2例に4検査),MRI検査が5例に対して7検査(3例に1検査,2例に2検査)が行われていた.USでは,長軸像における患側の胸鎖乳突筋の最大径,健側と比較した胸鎖乳突筋の輝度,筋束の不連続性,胸鎖乳突筋内の低輝度域,MRIでは胸鎖乳突筋の最大径,T2WIでの胸鎖乳突筋の高信号域のパターン(斑状またはびまん性),胸骨頭および鎖骨頭の腫大の有無を評価した.4例のUS,2例のMRIについて画像所見の推移を評価した.[結果]USが行われた12例中,胸鎖乳突筋の高信号を12例,筋束の不連続性を4例,胸鎖乳突筋内の低輝度を8例に認められた.MRIが行われた5例中,斑状高信号が2例,びまん性高信号が3例,胸骨頭の腫大が4例,鎖骨頭の腫大が1例に認められた.胸鎖乳突筋の最大径と検査時の日齢の間に有意な相関を認めなかった(R=0.111).USでの経過観察で,胸鎖乳突筋の輝度は4例中2例,筋束の不連続性は1例中1例,胸鎖乳突筋内の低輝度域は4例中2例で改善を認めた.[結論]Fibromatosis colliのUSおよびMRI所見は時間経過とともに変化すると考えられた.
金 鉉哲 裵 智恵
家族社会学研究 (ISSN:0916328X)
vol.32, no.2, pp.173-186, 2020-10-31 (Released:2021-05-25)

佐藤 宏樹 大西 鮎美 寺田 努 塚本 昌彦
研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI) (ISSN:21888760)
vol.2022-HCI-200, no.34, pp.1-7, 2022-11-01

人間の目は明るさの変化に対応して感度を調整し,その明るさに順応することで視覚機能を維持する.周囲が明るくなるときの順応を明順応,暗くなるときの順応を暗順応と呼ぶ.しかし,トンネルや建物への出入りのような急激に明るさが変化する場面では,明るさの変化に目の順応が追い付かず視力が低下し事故につながる恐れがある.そこで本研究では,明るさの急激な変化に対応するため,LED と遮光フィルムを用いて目に入る光の量を制御し,明順応と暗順応を支援するウェアラブルデバイスを提案する.提案デバイスは明順応を支援するために,周囲が明るくなる直前に LED の光を目に照射して明るさに目を慣れさせる機能と,明るくなると同時に遮光フィルムを用いて明るさの変化を緩やかにする機能をもつ.また,暗順応を支援するために,暗くなる直前に遮光フィルムで目を覆い暗さに目を慣れさせる機能をもつ.各機能による視力の低下を抑制する効果を評価した結果,LED を用いた明順応の支援では視力の低下を抑制できる可能性が示唆されたが,遮光フィルムを用いた明順応の支援については視力の低下を抑制する効果は確認できなかった.また,遮光フィルムを用いた暗順応の支援は LED を用いた明順応の支援と比べて視力の低下を抑制する効果が低いことがわかった.
小川 有美
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.64, no.2, pp.2_36-2_61, 2013 (Released:2017-02-01)

Charles Tilly (1929-2008) was a boundary-less scholar, who liked to think of his own approach as akin to Mozart. His works cover a wide range of topics, such as state-formation, revolution, collective violence, social movements, urban history, and sociological methods. However, as Sidney Tarrow posits, “even Tilly never completely integrated his work on war and state-building with his work on revolutions and contentious politics.” Did Tilly's two major topics, state-formation and contentious politics, remain disjunct ad finem? This article discusses the various aspects of his work, and ascertains whether his works on (de-)democratization and regime-contention interactions successfully integrate state-formation and contentious politics. The books Tilly wrote in his final years provide systematic accounts on how trust networks can be connected with public politics, and how low/high capacity regimes can be changed in interaction with contentious politics. Thus, to conclude, Tilly did not fail to integrate state and contention in his innovative historical political sociology. Moreover, his latest works are based on political opportunity structure theory and methodological nationalism, which make his arguments more innocuous than his arguments in his earliest work, The Vendée (1964) (this work drew a lively picture of state institutions and political actors, all in the making).
露崎 史朗 先崎 理之 和田 直也 松島 肇
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
保全生態学研究 (ISSN:13424327)
vol.26, no.2, pp.2104, 2021-10-31 (Released:2021-12-31)

日本生態学会は、 2011年に石狩浜銭函地区に風発建設計画が提案されたことを受け、海岸植生の帯状構造が明瞭かつ希少であるという学術的な価値から「銭函海岸における風車建設の中止を求める意見書」を北海道および事業者に提出した。これを受け、自然保護専門委員会内に石狩海岸風車建設事業計画の中止を求める要望書アフターケア委員会( ACC)を発足させた。しかし、風発は建設され、 2020年 2月に稼働を始めた。そこで、 ACC委員は 2020年夏期に、銭函海岸風発建設地および周辺において、植生改変状況・鳥類相に関する事後調査を実施したので、その結果をここに報告する。建設前の地上での生物調査を行わなかったため、建設後に風発周辺の地域と風発から離れた地域を比較した。概況は以下の通り。(1)改変面積 5.5 haのうちヤードが 61%を占め、作業道路法面には侵食が認められ、(2)風発は海岸線にほぼ並行して建設されたため、内陸側の低木を交えた草原帯の範囲のみが著しい影響を受け、(3)風発建設時に作られた作業道路・ヤード上には外来植物種、特にオニハマダイコンの定着が著しく、(4)鳥類は、種数・個体数が低下し群集組成が単純化していた。
牛島 朗 菊地 成朋
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.87, no.799, pp.1720-1730, 2022-09-01 (Released:2022-09-01)

The aim of this study is to make clear the spatial composition and formative process of reclaimed villages by a case study on Kojo Shinden. The reclamation work of Kojo Shinden was performed in the end of early-modern times whereby, large-scale latticed arable land was developed. After that, the characteristic arable land units were distributed by unique process. In this paper, we attempt to clarify the formative process of reclaimed villages on Kojo Shinden, therefore, we analyzed the process of setting down and standardized arable land subdivision. As a result, we revealed the individual character of the dispersed settlements.
愛知県教育会 編
vol.[第1編] (明治十五年愛知県郡町村字名調), 1932
池本 淳一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.529-547, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)

This paper focuses on the position of “Ju-ken” matches and their promoter, Kenji Kano, in Japanese boxing history. A “Ju-ken” match was a match between a judoist and a boxer, and such bouts were held from the middle of the Taisho era to the early Showa era in Kobe, Tokyo and Osaka. The main organizer of these matches was the “International Ju-ken club”, whose owner Kenji Kano was the nephew of Jigoro Kano. This study divides the history of Ju-ken into three periods, each with respective features.   The first period was from October 1919 to April 1921. Ju-ken at this time was intended to reform judo into a competitive sport through fighting with boxing. Although judo had been well established at that time, it was facing a challenge due to loss of its spirit and form as a martial art during the process of sportification. Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo, was unhappy with this change. By studying boxing, karate, aikido, stick fighting and other martial arts, he aimed at creating a ‘Martial Art Judo’. His nephew Kenji Kano pursued martial art-oriented judo as well, but his approach to reconstructing judo as a martial art was through mixed martial arts games, the “Ju-ken match”.   The middle period was from May 1921 to March 1925, when Ju-ken evolved into a spectator sport that encapsulated the struggle for superiority in terms of nationality and ethnicity. Because Kodokan prohibited their members from participating in any mixed-martial arts match from April 1921, Ju-ken became a spectator sport. In addition, after charity matches following the Great Kanto Earthquake, in order to bring more excitement to the game, Ju-ken heightened the opposition and rivalry based on the nationalities and ethnicities of the athletes.   The final period was from April 1925 to August 1931, when Ju-ken changed into a show that was intended to provoke nationalistic emotions among the audience. After the development of “normal” boxing, Ju-ken held normal boxing matches in their games and adopted new boxing-like rules. These new rules and the point systems put foreign boxers at a disadvantage when fighting against Japanese judoists, ensuring that Japanese would always defeat foreigners.   Finally, through assimilation of knowledge and focusing on boxing, this study argues that Ju-ken matches created a background for localization of modern boxing in Japan.
筧 重和
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.38 Suppl. No.2 (第46回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.GbPI1477, 2011 (Released:2011-05-26)
