枝川 亜希子

大阪府内の水道原水として取水を行っている河川水から、平成17年度に分離・同定したNaegleria spp.、Acanthamoeba spp.について、PCR産物のdirect sequencingを行い、遺伝子解析を行った。分離したNaegleria属180株の遺伝子型解析を行った結果、動物に対し実験的にアメーバ性髄膜脳炎を引き起こすとされるN.australiensis、N.philippinensisなどを含むNaegleria属13種を検出した。分離したAcanthamoeba属74株について遺伝子解析を行った結果、A.castellaniiなど7種を検出した。その系統樹解析を行ったところ、アメーバ角膜潰瘍の原因となるA.castellaniiが属するType4遺伝子群に4株が属していた。さらに、水道水を対象に自由生活性アメーバの分離・同定を行った。建築物内で日常的に使用している蛇口栓(水道水質基準を満たしていることを確認している)から2試料、使用頻度の低い蛇口栓から28試料を採取した。分離・同定は、平成18年度と同様の方法で行った。採取した30試料のうち、20試料(66.7%)から自由生活性アメーバを検出し、Naegleria spp.22株、Vannella spp.2株、その他15株を同定した。日常的に使用している蛇口栓から採取した水道水からは自由生活性アメーバは検出されなかった。Naegleria属については遺伝子型解析を行っている。本研究により、水道原水中に病原性の高い種を含め多種類の自由生活性アメーバが棲息することが明らかとなった。水道水については、使用頻度の低い蛇口栓から採取した試料から自由生活性アメーバが高率に検出され、滞留が原因と考えられる自由生活性アメーバ汚染が示唆された。
山口 一 伊澤 康一 山田 容子 川上 梨沙 冨岡 一之
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.80, no.716, pp.945-952, 2015 (Released:2015-11-11)

Recently attention has been focused on countermeasures against microorganisms such as viruses and microbe, in connection with pandemics of new forms of influenza or SARS, and the occurrence of bioterrorism. Also, in pharmaceutical or food production facilities, a high standard of internal environment of the facility is required, including countermeasures against microorganisms. These countermeasures from the facility point of view include partitioning of work zones (zoning), and cleaning the air using HEPA filters. However, when workers/researchers are working within a facility, dispersion of dust or adhering microbe brought in from clothes, etc., cause pollution of the air. In this report, the sterilization performance of weak acid hypochlorous solution used as the chemical substance was verified. In addition, the sterilization performance in an actual space varied not only with the chemical substance used, but also with the condition of the room, the air conditioning system, the method of spraying, etc. Therefore, from the above sterilization performance tests using chemical substances, the raw data required for a computational fluid mechanics (CFD) model were derived. A method that enables the effect of the chemical substance to be predicted under various conditions was investigated, and the results are reported.
百木 漠
経済社会学会年報 (ISSN:09183116)
vol.40, pp.68-78, 2018 (Released:2021-04-01)

Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem is famous for the concept of the banality of evil and thoughtlessness. This book is said to be the turning point that redirected Arendt's interest from Vita Activa to The Life of the Mind and has been primarily studied from the perspective of thinking and judgement. However, this paper examines the book differently, perceiving Eichmann as a Laborer. Arendt argued that totalitarianism was supported by animal laborance (laboring animal), appearing when labor became the primary activity in modern society. Eichmann was also a diligent laborer who obeyed the orders of superiors without employing his own thinking and judgement. Eichmann's case can be analyzed from the perspective of labor, connecting it with her discussion of The Human Condition (Vita Activa). However, it is incorrect to state that Eichmann consistently engaged in animal laborance since he joined the Nazis. Between 1933 and 1941, Eichmann made every effort to accomplish the Jewish emigration project to Jerusalem. During this period, he engaged in work rather than labor in Arendt's terms because he assumed the role of an emigration expert possessing superior ability and exceptional skill. He formulated an elaborate plan, negotiated with the numerous persons concerned, and put it into practice. However, when Hitler issued the order to commit Jewish atrocities in 1941, the emigration plan was suspended. Eichmann despaired and lost his joy in work, initiatives, and interests. From this point, he turned into animal laborance, blindly following the totalitarian movement. In conclusion, we should discontinue the enlargement of the realm of labor and retrieve the realm of work and activity in order to prevent the appearance of totalitarianism. We require both action and work for public reconstruction in order to resist totalitarianism.
村上 しほり 大場 修 砂本 文彦 玉田 浩之 角 哲 長田 城治
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.739, pp.2441-2450, 2017 (Released:2017-09-30)

This paper aims to clarify the GHQ military disposition which changed rapidly and nationwide location of Dependent Housing (army family house) and the numerical transformation process in the occupied Japan by the U.S. document. Soon after Japanese people had begun to convert the building stock which was left after WWII, occupation forces were stationed in each place and began the requisition. The occupation forces requisitioned the building which was judged to be available locally in the short term and they rehabilitate it and used. D.H. was built approximately 12,000 houses, and about 70% was built newly in Japan. The construction of D.H. was hurried, and because material was short, it was often supplied in black markets. And, by grasp of the numerical transformation process of D.H., the different requisition situation and situation of distribution became clear in each district. 9 districts where there were dependents more than 200 households as of June 1, 1948 are as follows in decreasing order. Tokyo, Yokohama area, Tachikawa, Osaka area, Kobe, Johnson, Yokota, Nagoya area, Kyoto. It's that there was the large-scale new construction enlargement is more than 50 in there having been enlargement in 8 districts in 12 districts belonging to the 5th Air Force, 5 districts (Nagoya, Tachikawa, Johnson, Itazuke, Itami) of those to understand from the numerical changes from June 1948 to October 1950. Enlargement was not seen in the district that belonged to the 11th AirBorn Division (Sapporo, Hachinohe, Jinmachi), the 1st Cavarly Division (Asaka, Nagai, Ota, Omiya), BCOF (Etajima, Miho, Hofu, Fukuyama), Navy (Totsuka), the 5thA/F (Kisarazu, Chitose, Kanoya) and the 24th Infantry Division (Kumamoto, Beppu). From the number of new construction and rehabilitation and the numerical transformation, it was inferred that the situation peculiar to the occupied area had an influence on the judgment of the requisition and the D.H. construction. Procurement demands of the occupation forces disturbed inflection of building stock of the city space attacked by the war damage. It's the fact that we can't overlook in thinking about after the war of each city. The requisition house rebuilt as a general tendency became the derequisition earlier than new construction. The new D.H. has many examples removed with the return of the requisition, and there are many still uncertain points because there is little number of the existence. In this study, it was clarified that correlation of military unit deployment and D.H. of the occupation forces by the cross-reference of records of the both Japan and the United States. The result of this study will make the base that pushes forward the study on history of city and building in each occupied area.
森重 敏子
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.23, no.2, pp.219-224, 1968-06-30 (Released:2009-09-30)

Since 1961, the area of Fukuoka City as well as other areas of Japan has been polluted by radioactive fallout brought about mainly by the fission and fusion bomb test in Red China. In this area periodic measurements of radioactive fallout deposits were measured on the Standard Diet proposed by the Department of Welfare in Japan. In addition measurements were taken on several kind of vegetables (well washed), dairies, row milk, short necked clam and the Tapes Philippiarium. Results obtained from these surveys are as follows:1) The level of radioactivity of the fallout deposited on the vegetables resulting from the 1st, 2nd and 5th tests of the atmic bomb in Red China increased remarkably from 10 times to 200. This is much higher than that of the usual amount of fallout on vegetables. Especially noted was that a somewhat higher level of radioactivity than normal level was maintained for several months during the time of the 5th test.2) Increase and decrease of radioactivity on seasonal vegetables fluctuated approximately with those of the radioactive fallout deposited on the vegetables. The level of radioactivity on the vegetables increased sharply from normal level measured on them after the test.3) Although radioactivity level on the vegetables had increased from the usual level, the level measured on dairy and row milk did not fluctuate remarkably during the test.4) The degree of radioactivity in the short necked clam with shell removed fluctuated considerably more than the usual level, eg. 0.5 to 38.9. However there was no evidence of increase of radioactivity in the clam after the test.5) The degree of radioactivity in the Standard Diet in Japan increased slightly in 1967 compared to that of former years.6) Giant particles of radioactive fallout precipitated on spinach just after the fifth test of the Atomic Bomb in Red China were discovered by means of autoradiography. Removal of these particles could not be completely successfully accomplished with a soapless soap.
本宮 嘉弘 高塚 尚和
一般社団法人 日本交通科学学会
日本交通科学学会誌 (ISSN:21883874)
vol.17, no.2, pp.34-41, 2018 (Released:2019-03-28)

海老名 泉紀
公益社団法人 日本看護科学学会
日本看護科学会誌 (ISSN:02875330)
vol.40, pp.340-348, 2020 (Released:2021-01-22)

坂下 幸徳
vol.62, no.8, pp.d33-d56, 2021-07-15

ショッピングサイトや地図サービスなどのWebサービスでは,利用者からのアクセス増減が激しく,バージョンアップによる機能追加やバグ修正も高頻度に行われる.このような特徴を持つWebサービスでは,機能単位に細分化しアプリケーションを分割するアーキテクチャのマイクロサービスが浸透している.これにより,Webサービス全体を変更せず特定のアプリケーションのリソースの増強やバージョンアップを行うことができる.この細分化されたアプリケーションの実行環境としてCPUやメモリなどのリソースの集約率の高さや増強のしやすさからコンテナが注目されている.しかし,マイクロサービスでは,機能単位に細分化されるため,コンテナ数が増加する傾向がある.この増加するコンテナを管理するためコンテナオーケストレーションKubernetesが普及している.Kubernetesは,コンテナのリソースを容易に増減させるスケール機能,障害のセルフヒーリング,Webサービスを無停止でバージョンアップするローリングアップデートなどを有している.このKubernetesの導入により,コンテナの管理負荷の軽減は見込める.しかし,複数Kubernetesを有する大規模コンテナ環境では,Kubernetes自身の管理やこれを構成するコンピュート・ネットワーク・ストレージのインフラ管理が複雑になり管理者の負荷が増加してしまう.本稿では,大規模コンテナ環境としてヤフー(株)にて運用しているKubernetes as a Serviceについて,アーキテクチャと運用実績から得られた知見を報告する.このKubernetes as a Serviceは,2020年12月時点で204,980個以上のコンテナ,860クラスタ以上のKubernetesが稼働している.このような大規模コンテナ環境により,コンテナを使わずVMのみでアプリケーションの実行環境を構築した場合と比較し,コンピュート・ネットワークリソースは約86.4%の集約効果があった.さらに,Kubernetesを使い複数Kubernetesを自律管理する方式にて開発し管理者間のコミュニケーションでのリソース調整を削減するインフラ構成とすることで,管理者の負荷の軽減効果があった.
中嶋 正博
公益社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.58, no.8, pp.473-479, 2012-08-20 (Released:2014-11-14)
1 4

Othognathic surgery for jaw deformities are most frequently performed in Japan. Regarding those procedures, Le Fort I osteotomy and anterior maxillary alveolar osteotomy in the maxilla, and sagittal split ramus osteotomy, intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy, anterior mandibular alveolar osteotomy, and genioplasty in the mandibule are selected singly or combined based on cases. Among these orthgnathic surgeries, Le Fort I osteotomy is a typical surgical procedure, as well as sagittal split ramus osteotomy. Although the designing of osteotomy lines in Le Fort I osteotomy is simple, this surgical procedure is apt to be regarded as difficult, due to other risk factors in comparison with mandibular osteotomy, such as difficulty in the repositioning of bone segment, complexity of the maxillary bone structure, bleeding, surgical invasion of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinus, and postoperative changes in the nasal base morphology. However, regarding surgical treatment for jaw deformities, Le Fort I osteotomy is considered to be a surgical procedure which we should master, as well as sagittal split ramus osteotomy.Basically, orthognathic surgeries involve subperiosteal surgical manipulation, and it is simply summarized that Le Fort I osteotomy should also be carefully performed without injuring the periosteum. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to accumulate experience, sufficiently understanding the basic factors to safely perform Le Fort I osteotomy. This manuscript outlines the major points in the surgical procedure of Le Fort I osteotomy.
久保(川合) 南海子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.1, pp.40-51, 2019-03-01 (Released:2019-09-01)

Humans have repeatedly reproduced original stories by interpreting them via new works of art (novels and paintings) through the ages. The motivation behind such reproductions seem to be related to “misprojection” and “fictional projection”. According to Suzuki (2016), who used the term “projection science,” misprojection refers to situations in which internal representations of the real world are projected onto a wrong target, like in a ventriloquism effect, whereas fictional projection refers to situations in which internal representations are projected onto something in the real world despite the absence of actual visual input (e.g., ghost). Women who create fan fiction in which an existing story of friendship or rivalry between two men is changed into a love story between men, and who prefer love stories about homosexual men (referred to in Japanese as “Fujoshi”) are considered to be converting the original work into a reproduction through misprojection and fictional projection. We discuss the similarities between fan fictions by Fujoshi and academic activities, because both fan fictions and scientific hypotheses describe things that do not exist in reality, yet are shared by many people if they are convincing enough. Products of misprojection and fictional projection shared by the community are overwritten and more refined. Previous literatures on “projection science” have focused on each individual, and barely address the dynamics of sharing and the propagation of new works reproduced through misprojection and fictional projection. This review paper analyzes the sharing of misprojection and fictional projection common to art, religion, and academic activities, and proposes that the sharing of those projections is an important function related to various human cognitive activities.
遠藤 匡俊
季刊地理学 (ISSN:09167889)
vol.61, no.1, pp.19-37, 2009 (Released:2011-12-08)
2 1

岸田 典子 上村 芳枝
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.51, no.1, pp.23-30, 1993 (Released:2010-04-30)
9 8

学童376人に, 食事中の家族との会話の有無 (以下, “有り”を会話群, “無し”を非会話群とする) と健康・生活の規則性・食生活との関連について, 質問紙法により調査を行い, 次のような結果が得られた。1) 健康についてみると, 会話群は非会話群に比べ, 食欲がある, 朝の目覚め良好, だるいことはない, 夜よく眠れる, 風邪をひきにくい, イライラしない, 非常に健康なほう, 健康良好, 起立性調節障害症状無しなどの割合が高く, 食事中の家族との会話と健康との関連がみられた。2) 生活の規則性に関して, 起床・就寝・排便・間食時刻などが規則的で, 朝食を毎日食べる, 運動を毎日するなど, いずれも会話群のほうに割合が高かった。3) 食生活では, 料理や6つの基礎食品群の組み合わせがよい, 野菜をよく食べる, 給食外で牛乳を飲む, 食べ物の好き嫌いがない, 間食量を決めている, 清涼飲料水を飲まないなどについて, 会話群のほうに割合が高かった。
和達 三樹
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.66, no.9, pp.688-691, 2011-09-05 (Released:2019-10-22)
