田島 良輝 西村 貴之 櫻井 貴志 岡野 紘二 神野 賢治 佐々木 達也
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.28, no.1, pp.1_53-1_62, 2018 (Released:2018-02-09)

An interview survey was conducted to ascertain the kind of management talent sought by a professional sports club. In order to conduct the survey, one club was selected from each of the J1, J2, and J3 groups in the 2014 season. Semi-structured interviews were conducted based on: 1. skills and qualifications required for work, 2. organization and work content of the club, 3. growth process of the club management, and 4. human resource development policy of the club.    The results show a division in the abilities required to run a professional sports club, ranging from requiring highly versatile abilities such as worker fundamentals, drive, and job compatibility to specific abilities tailored to the business of a professional sports club.     The foundation of a professional sports club’ s business is entertainment. Therefore, skills in communication to entertain people and in gaming business management are required. In addition, as sponsorship of local companies is a key focus for management, the ability to demonstrate communication that generates empathy and responsive management is essential.     Clubs that are recognized as public assets of a community tend to build business models that utilize volunteers. Strategic communication to promote spontaneity was identified as an important strength to effectively manage this business model.
鈴木 越治 小松 裕和 頼藤 貴志 山本 英二 土居 弘幸 津田 敏秀
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.64, no.4, pp.786-795, 2009 (Released:2009-10-02)
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A central problem in natural science is identifying general laws of cause and effect. Medical science is devoted to revealing causal relationships in humans. The framework for causal inference applied in epidemiology can contribute substantially to clearly specifying and testing causal hypotheses in many other areas of biomedical research. In this article, we review the importance of defining explicit research hypotheses to make valid causal inferences in medical studies. In the counterfactual model, a causal effect is defined as the contrast between an observed outcome and an outcome that would have been observed in a situation that did not actually happen. The fundamental problem of causal inference should be clear; individual causal effects are not directly observable, and we need to find general causal relationships, using population data. Under an “ideal” randomized trial, the assumption of exchangeability between the exposed and the unexposed groups is met; consequently, population-level causal effects can be estimated. In observational studies, however, there is a greater risk that the assumption of conditional exchangeability may be violated. In summary, in this article, we highlight the following points: (1) individual causal effects cannot be inferred because counterfactual outcomes cannot, by definition, be observed; (2) the distinction between concepts of association and concepts of causation and the basis for the definition of confounding; (3) the importance of elaborating specific research hypotheses in order to evaluate the assumption of conditional exchangeability between the exposed and unexposed groups; (4) the advantages of defining research hypotheses at the population level, including specification of a hypothetical intervention, consistent with the counterfactual model. In addition, we show how understanding the counterfactual model can lay the foundation for correct interpretation of epidemiologic evidence.
後藤 誠 石田 貴志 野中 康弘
一般社団法人 交通工学研究会
交通工学論文集 (ISSN:21872929)
vol.5, no.2, pp.A_90-A_98, 2019-02-01 (Released:2019-02-06)

高速道路の交通性能は、道路条件や走行環境条件(気象条件)、交通条件によって変化することが知られており、そのうち交通条件はドライバーの属性や自動車の性能に依存し、経年的に変化している可能性があったことから、QV の経年変化を分析した。平成 15 年から平成 28 年を対象に 39 地点の QV 図を比較した結果、ほぼ全ての地点で自由流時速度や実現最大交通量、渋滞発生後捌け交通量が経年的に低下していることを確認した。また、実現最大交通量は平均で約 7%、平均速度は 7 ~ 9% 低下していることを明らかにした。これらより、交通性能の経年的な低下傾向は広いエリアで同様に発現していることから、局所的な地点の特性によるものではなく、社会全体の様々な制度変化やドライバー属性の変化等がこれに影響している可能性があることを示唆した。
中島 淳 橋口 康之 杉尾 哲 東 貴志 越迫 由香里 田口 智也
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.18-024, (Released:2019-02-06)

Two voucher specimens of the spined loach, Cobitis matsubarae Okada and Ikeda, 1939, collected from the Shonai River, a branch river of the Oyodo River system, southern Kyushu, Japan, represent the first reliable record of that species from the Oyodo River system. Morphological features of the male lamina circularis, prepelvic myotome number, maxillary barbel length, snout length, body pigmentation patterns, and genetic characteristics of mtDNA cytb sequences were in close agreement with characters those of C. matsubarae. Together with C. sakahoko, C. matsubarae, is considered to be distributed naturally in the Oyodo River system.
鈴木 越治 小松 裕和 頼藤 貴志 山本 英二 土居 弘幸 津田 敏秀
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.64, no.4, pp.796-805, 2009 (Released:2009-10-02)
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Confounding is frequently a primary concern in epidemiological studies. With the increasing complexity of hypothesized relationships among exposures, outcomes, and covariates, it becomes very difficult to present these hypotheses lucidly and comprehensively. Graphical models are of great benefit in this regard. In this article, we focuse on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), and review their value for confounder selection, categorization of potential biases, and hypothesis specification. We also discuss the importance of considering causal structures before selecting the covariates to be included in a statistical model and the potential biases introduced by inappropriately adjusting statistical models for covariates. DAGs are nonparametric and qualitative tools for visualizing research hypotheses regarding an exposure, an outcome, and covariates. Causal structures represented in DAGs will rarely be perfectly “correct” owing to the uncertainty about the underlying causal relationships. Nevertheless, to the extent that using DAGs forces greater clarity about causal assumptions, we are able to consider key sources of bias and uncertainty when interpreting study results. In summary, in this article, we review the following three points. (1) Although researchers have not adopted a consistent definition of confounders, using DAGs and the rules of d-separation we are able to identify clearly which variables we must condition on or adjust for in order to test a causal hypothesis under a set of causal assumptions. (2) We also show that DAGs should accurately correspond to research hypotheses of interest. To obtain a valid causal interpretation, research hypotheses should be defined explicitly from the perspective of a counterfactual model before drawing DAGs. A proper interpretation of the coefficients of a statistical model for addressing a specific research hypothesis relies on an accurate specification of a causal DAG reflecting the underlying causal structure. Unless DAGs correspond to research hypotheses, we cannot reliably reach proper conclusions testing the research hypotheses. Finally, (3) we have briefly reviewed other approaches to causal inference, and illustrate how these models are connected.
張 小鋼 玉田 敦子 坂本 貴志 伊東 貴之 川島 慶子 長尾 伸一 橋本 周子 逸見 竜生 隠岐 さや香 小関 武史 染谷 智幸

山田 貴志 築山 能大 古谷 野潔 岡 寛
一般社団法人 日本臨床リウマチ学会
臨床リウマチ (ISSN:09148760)
vol.21, no.3, pp.249-255, 2009-09-30 (Released:2016-03-31)

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition characterized by chronic and disabling pain. Since pain is commonly evaluated by a subjective assessment, it is difficult to evaluate the treatment effect objectively. In this report, the treatment outcome was evaluated by an objective assessment of pain in FM patients.    Eight FM patients who fulfilled the American College of Rheumatology criteria for the classification of fibromyalgia participated. The severity of FM was assessed with the Japanese version of the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (JFIQ). The pain level was evaluated by pain degree, i.e., the magnitude of pain which was quantitatively measured with Pain Vision PS-2100TM, and by visual analog scale (VAS). The treatment procedure involved the injection of a local anesthetic into bilateral lateral pterygoid muscles followed by the insertion of an oral device which restricted horizontal mandibular movements. In three cases, the treatment procedure was repeated and a clinical course was observed for 3-6 months.    Pain degree and VAS were significantly reduced after the monotherapy. There was a significant correlation between pain degree and VAS. Pain degree, VAS and JFIQ were reduced in three cases in the follow-up period, although some fluctuations were observed.    The pain relief procedure for lateral pterygoid muscles exhibited a significant effect on the reduction of systemic pain for temporomandibular disorder patients who fulfilled the classification criteria of FM, and could be considered as a treatment option for FM. It was also suggested that a quantitative measurement method for the magnitude of pain could be valuable for the evaluation of treatments for FM.
佐野 貴司 テハダ マリア ルイサ 中西 正男 羽生 毅 三浦 誠一 末次 大輔 利根川 貴志 石川 晃 清水 健二 淸水 祥伽
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.130, no.4, pp.559-584, 2021-08-25 (Released:2021-09-23)
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Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), such as the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) in the western equatorial Pacific, provide information on mantle processes and composition, and their formation may have global environmental consequences. The OJP is the largest oceanic plateau and is probably the most voluminous igneous edifice on Earth. Despite its importance, the size, volume, and formation rate of the OJP are not yet well constrained. The maximum extent of OJP-related volcanism may be even greater than currently estimated, because volcanological studies indicate that long lava flows (or sills) from the OJP may have reached the adjacent Nauru, East Mariana, and possibly Pigafetta basins. Moreover, the similarity in age and some geochemistry of lavas from the Ontong Java, Hikurangi, and Manihiki plateaus suggests that they once may have been part of a single LIP (Ontong Java Nui, OJN). If true, the massive volcanism may have covered > 1% of the Earth's surface. The lack of detailed knowledge of the size, age, and composition of the OJP has given rise to various models, such as a surfacing mantle plume head, bolide impact, and fusible mantle melting, but no model satisfies all observational data and no consensus has been reached on its origin. The OJP is divided into the High Plateau to the west and the Eastern Salient to the east. The basaltic basement of the OJP was cored at seven sites during Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP Site 289) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP Sites 289, 803, 807, 1183, 1185, 1186, and 1187) expeditions, but all sites are exclusively located on the High Plateau. In order to examine the true extent of the OJP (i.e., whether the flows in the Nauru, East Mariana, and Pigafetta basins, as well as the Manihiki and Hikurangi plateaus are parts of the OJN), we propose drilling in the Eastern Salient and adjacent basins to recover basement samples. We also propose drilling through the sedimentary section on the Magellan Rise, a small plateau that formed > 20 Myr before the proposed OJN emplacement. Because of its greater age, the sedimentary sequence on the Magellan Rise may preserve ash layers or other chemical tracers that cover the entire eruptive history of OJN. The sediment layers from the Magellan Rise are also useful for evaluating environmental effects of OJN emplacement, including older and younger perturbations related to other LIPs.
土屋 貴志
生命倫理 (ISSN:13434063)
vol.4, no.2, pp.125-129, 1994-10-20 (Released:2017-04-27)

藤井 貴志
日本近代文学 (ISSN:05493749)
vol.91, pp.95-110, 2014-11-15 (Released:2017-06-01)

平田 昌弘 辻 貴志 内田 健治 元島 英雅 木村 純子
ミルクサイエンス (ISSN:13430289)
vol.64, no.3, pp.191-199, 2015

斎藤 義朗 福村 忍 齋藤 貴志 小牧 宏文 中川 栄二 須貝 研司 佐々木 征行
The Japanese Society of Child Neurology
脳と発達 (ISSN:00290831)
vol.44, no.6, pp.477-481, 2012-11-01

ノイロトロピン<sup>®</sup> (Neurotropin, ワクシニアウイルス接種家兎炎症皮膚抽出液) は頸肩腕症候群や帯状疱疹後疼痛に有効であり, 成人の一次性頭痛に対する効果も報告されている. 今回, 他の各種薬剤に効果が乏しかった慢性頭痛の小児2例で本剤が有効であった. いずれも中学生女子, 片頭痛を発症して2~3年後に増悪をきたし, 不登校にいたった経過で, 起立性調節障害の併存, 間欠的な四肢・背部の疼痛, MRI上の大脳白質散在性病変も共通していた. Neurotropinには他の鎮痛薬にはない下降性疼痛抑制系の増強効果があり, 小児の難治な慢性頭痛にも有効と示唆された.
佐原 直日 北原 信介 松永 貴志 小林 誠一郎 藤井 知紀 大野 伸広
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.63, no.11, pp.1530-1534, 2022 (Released:2022-12-08)

新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)はしばしば微小血管における血栓形成を助長し重要臓器を障害する。今回COVID-19に後天性血栓性血小板減少性紫斑病(TTP)を合併した症例を報告する。症例は全身性エリテマトーデスの既往のある44歳男性。COVID-19を発症時に溶血性貧血と著明な血小板減少を認めた。ADAMTS13活性が測定感度以下でADAMTS13 inhibitorを検出したため後天性TTPと診断した。失語,見当識障害,せん妄などの動揺性精神神経症状が出現したが血漿交換,prednisolone, rituximabを投与し改善した。COVID-19にTTPを合併した報告は少なく本邦では本症例が初めてとなる。TTPは稀ではあるがCOVID-19の重要な合併症の一つで速やかに診断し早期に治療を開始することが重要と考えられた。