馬野 洋平 酒井 正彦 西田 直樹 坂部 俊樹 草刈 圭一郎 UMANO Yohei SAKAI Masahiko NISHIDA Naoki SAKABE Toshiki KUSAKARI Keiichirou
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告SS, ソフトウェアサイエンス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.107, no.392, pp.73-78, 2007-12 (Released:2015-01-20)

近年,論理式の充足可能性判定ツール(SATソルバ)の高速化が進み,これを利用した数独パズルの解法が提案されている.本稿では,この解法を応用して試作した,対話的に数独パズルの問題を作成するツールについて報告する.このツールでは,「セルに埋めても矛盾を生じない数字の表示」・「削除しても問題が一意性を保つセルの表示」・「問題を手筋のみで解ける範囲の図示」の三つの主要機能を実装している.前者二つの機能は,SATソルバを利用した解法を応用して問題め矛盾・解の一意性を高速に検出することにより実現している. In recent years, several efficient SAT solvers, which decide satisfiability of boolean formulae, have been developed and used in solving Sudoku puzzles. In this paper, we present the interactive tool for designing Sudoku puzzles that we constructed experimentally by using a SAT solver. This tool contains three main functions: 'displaying numbers that can be filled in a cell without a contradiction', 'displaying cells without contributing the uniqueness', 'displaying a partial solution obtained by fundamental techniques.' The implementation of the former two functions relies on efficient checks of a contradiction or uniqueness of the given problem by using a SAT solver.
酒井 一人 仲村渠 将 吉永 安俊 長野 敏英 大澤 和俊 石田 朋康
土壌の物理性 = Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Physics (ISSN:03876012)
no.122, pp.23-31, 2012-12

三浦 衛 酒井 修二 石井 純平 山尾 創輔 伊藤 康一 青木 孝文
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会誌 (ISSN:13426907)
vol.68, no.4, pp.J135-J143, 2014 (Released:2014-03-25)

A method is presented for measuring accurate and dense 3D shapes of an object from two views captured with a moving consumer digital camera. Since existing 3D measurement systems require special and expensive measurement equipment such as laser scanners or technical knowledge such as camera calibration, it is difficult for ordinary consumers to use existing systems practically in their daily life. An easy-to-use 3D measurement system was achieved by using a Structure from Motion algorithm based on feature matching to estimate camera parameters and area-based matching to determine an accurate and dense correspondence. Experiments demonstrated that the proposed method makes it possible to measure a 3D shape with accuracy comparable to that of a laser scanner.
相馬 恒雄 船木 實 酒井 英男 椚座 圭太郎

福岡 義和 田中 啓一 野口 雅志 酒井 晃 萩中 隆博 中村 武夫 田近 栄司 神田 静人 加藤 正博 長谷川 真常
Japanese Society of Chemotherapy
vol.34, no.2, pp.150-157, 1986

新しく開発された経口セフェム系抗生剤T-2588 (T-2525として100mg力価) を健常成人4例および種々の程度の腎機能障害者14例に経口投与し, その抗菌活性物質であるT-2525の体内動態を検討した。腎機能の指標としては24時間内因性クレアチニンクリアランス (Ccr) を用い, 薬動力学的解析は吸収に遅れがあるとしたone-compartment open modelを用いた。<BR>T-2525の最高血清中濃度は腎機能に影響されることなく投与後4時間に得られたが, Ccr20~30ml/minの腎機能障害者では正常者に比べ高値を示す傾向がみられた。血清中濃度半減期 (t<SUB>1/2</SUB>) は腎機能正常者で0.83±0.02時間と計算され, 腎機能の低下に伴い延長した。排泄速度定数KelはCcrと良く相関し (r=0.739, p<0.005), 一次回帰式Kel=-0.053+0.0113Cer (Ccr: 20~80) が得られた。<BR>腎機能正常者におけるT-2525の投与後8時間までの尿中回収率は平均22.2±1.9%で, 腎機能の低下に伴い低値を示した。<BR>Ccr40~70ml/minの軽度腎障害者では本剤100mg1日3回の連続投与によってもほとんど体内蓄積の可能性はないが, Ccr20~30ml/minの腎障害者では連続投与によりC<SUB>max∞</SUB>およびC<SUB>min∞</SUB>が上昇することが推定された。
野村 秀明 柳田 潤一郎 上野 理恵 井村 聡子 小野 一男 酒井 ひろ子 木村 憲司 Shiba Kumar RAI Hideaki NOMURA Junichiro YANAGIDA Rie UENO Satoko IMURA Kazuo ONO Hiroko SAKAI Kenji KIMURA Shiba Kumar RAI 神戸常盤大学保健科学部医療検査科(教育イノベーション機構) 神戸常盤大学保健科学部医療検査学科 神戸常盤大学保健科学部看護学科 神戸常盤大学保健科学部医療検査学科(元) 神戸常盤大学保健科学部医療検査学科非常勤 森ノ宮医療大学 神戸大学医学部保健学科 ネパール医科大学 微生物学 /
神戸常盤大学 ; 2009-
神戸常盤大学紀要 = Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University (ISSN:21884781)
no.8, pp.77-84, 2015-03-31

【目的】世界辺境地区の一つであるネパール山間地方の住民の摂取栄養と健康状態について解析した。【方法】神戸常盤大学を中心に共同調査プロジェクト(JICA 草の根事業)を編成し、ネパールデタール村でのフィールドワークを行った。住民208名(年齢5~82歳、男女比82:126)の健康調査を施行し、身体計測とBIA法を用いた体構成成分測定、および血液検査(TP、Albumin、GPT、BUN、Ca)を行った。また住民の内科診療を行い、下痢などの消化管疾患の有無を調査した。さらに、一般家庭における日々の食事内容をデジタルカメラに撮影し、摂取熱量、摂取栄養素を計測すると同時に、村の採水所30ヵ所での飲水を含めた生活用水の細菌学的検査を行った。【結果】身体計測上、BMI<18.5の比率が50%を超え、12歳以下の子供では80%近くに及んだ。体構成成分測定では、特に子供で体内脂肪、筋肉量の減少と、体内水分量の増加が見られた。また一見肥満体系であっても、栄養障害による浮腫や、筋肉量の減少による下腹部の突出(クワシオルコル)を示す症例も、12歳以下の子供で見られた。血液検査は、血清総タンパク、アルブミンの低下以外は、ほぼ正常値内であった。食事は、ネパール特有のダル・バート・タルカリという炭水化物が中心の料理で、摂取栄養素の80%を占めた。1日2食が標準である現地人の平均摂取熱量は800~1000kcal程度と推計された。飲料水の細菌学的検査では、大腸菌、及び大腸菌群が80~100%の頻度で検出された。【結論】未だカースト制度の現存するネパールの山間地方における栄養状態と衛生環境は劣悪であったが、これは過去に先進国が経た道であり、自らの事として手を差しのべる必要があると考えられた。The research team jointed with Kobe Tokiwa University, Kobe University, and Nepal Medical College has been organized to implement the fieldwork at Dithal Village in Nepalese mountainous area for JICA Kusanone Project. In the fieldwork, the nutritional and health state of 208 village inhabitants (5 to 82 years old : 82 of male and 126 of female) were investigated, and their daily dietary foods were analyzed intake of calories and nutrients. The state of hygiene was also studied including of checking the contamination of drinking water microbiologically. The results showed that the high presence of over 50% of thinness, which is defined as less than 18.5 of BMI, was estimated in all age-groups, however among the age group under 12 years, the rate was much higher up to 75~80%. In body component analysis, the decreased fat and muscle volume and increased body water volume were manifested in children. Some of the children showed the distended abdomen, which is the typical sign of Kwashiorkor type malnutrition. The average calorie intake of daily diet was estimated about 800~1000kcal, and the content of it was 80% of carbohydrate, 10% each of fat and protein. The contaminations of Coliform bacilli and E. coli could be detected 80 to 100% of drinking water at 30 water places. The internal medical check revealed the prevalence of water-borne digestive diseases with abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. The deteriorated nutritional and public health state in Nepalese mountainous area could be disclosed in this study, but these are the similar paths on which the advanced countries have gone through in their past. We are entrusted to give our hands to them.
成瀬 敏郎 酒井 均 井上 克弘
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.24, no.4, pp.295-300, 1986
12 13

我が国に分布する土壌のうち, 火山灰土 (クロボク土), 古砂丘下に埋没する古土壌, 玄武岩台地や海成段丘上にのる土壌, 南西諸島の赤黄色土など, 北海道から与那国島にかけての地域で20試料を採取した.<br>試料土壌中に含まれる微細石英 (1~10μm) は, 10~30%と多く, この微細石英の起源を明らかにするために石英の酸素同位体比 (<sup>18</sup>O/<sup>16</sup>O) を求めた.<br>その結果, 完新世に生成された火山灰土や黄色土中に含まれる微細石英の<sup>18</sup>Oは15.4~15.9‰であり, これまで行われた研究の結果とほぼ一致した. 最終氷期に生成された土壌についても, ほぼ同様の値が得られ(δ<sup>18</sup>O=14.1~15.5‰), これも, 従来の研究の結果とほぼ一致した.<br>以上のことから, 我が国には最終氷期, 後氷期を通じて頻繁に風成塵が飛来し, また雨水や雪にともなって降下堆積し, 土壌の母材になったことが明らかとなった.
酒井 隆史 Sakai Takashi
女性学連続講演会 (ISSN:18821162)
vol.14, pp.1-16, 2010-03

佐多 祐策 酒井 朗 唐木 保照 土持 綱治
昭和医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00374342)
vol.12, no.1, pp.31-36,53, 1952-03-01 (Released:2010-09-09)

Congenital anal atresia is a malformation which is fairly frequently encountered in the clinic. Recently, the authors happened to fall upon a case of simple anal atresia and a case of complicated vesical anal atresia accompanied by female spurious hermaphrodism in the Department. Therefore, the cases are reported and discussed in the present paper for the purpose of comparative considerations.Most cases of simple anal atresia or complicated anal atresia are usually first diagnosed on the occash, n when the clinical symptoms of ileus have appeared. Plastic operation for the case of simple anal atresia, and artificial anus for the case of complicated vesical anal atresia was indicated. Surgical treatment of plastic operation of anus was performed on these cases 4 months after the first operations.In the case of vesical anal atresia, the fact that it was accompanied by female spurious hermaphrodism was discovered during the second operation. Therefore, a review on the embryological pathology of complicated anal atresia was attempted, and discussions were made on the genesis of hermaphrodism with reference to the past literatures on the subject.
山崎 崇 大見 俊一郎 盛田 伸也 大理 洋征龍 室田 淳一 櫻庭 政夫 尾身 博雄 酒井 徹志
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ED, 電子デバイス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.104, no.152, pp.13-16, 2004-06-23

極薄SOI層と素子間分離領域の形成を一体化する新技術として開発を進めているSBSI (Separation by Bonding Si Islands)プロセスで形成されるSOI層について、その層厚の均一性向上を検討した。主要プロセスであるSiGe層の選択エッチング技術に関して、CVD法で形成したSiGe/i-Si(non-doped-Si)積層試料を用い、SiGeとSiのエッチング選択比およびエッチング後の表面ラフネスを調べた結果、エッチングに使用する弗酸と硝酸の混合液における硝酸比を低下することでエッチングの選択比、表面ラフネスを共に向上できることが分かった。更に、改良された混合比のエッチング条件でSBSIプロセスを検証し、形成されるSOI層の層厚均一性が向上することを示した。
Hoshino Masami Haraguchi Yoshikura Hirasawa Hiroyuki Mizushima Iwanori Tanaka Chie Morita Yasumasa Yokoi Takehito Sakai Motohiro 星野 正己 ホシノ マサミ 水島 岩徳 ミズシマ イワノリ 田中 千絵 タナカ チエ 森田 泰正 モリタ ヤスマサ 横井 健人 ヨコイ タケヒト 酒井 基広 サカイ モトヒロ 原口 義座 ハラグチ ヨシクラ 平澤 博之 ヒラサワ ヒロユキ
千葉医学雑誌 (ISSN:03035476)
vol.82, no.3, pp.149-161, 2006-06-01
1 3

Seven non-septic and twenty-two septic ICU patients with glucose intolerance were investigated by using bedside-type artificial pancreas (AP). IC was measured by the glucose clamp method (GC) in which BG level was clamped at 80mg/dL with two step insulin infusion rate (IIR) of 1.12 and 3.36mU/kg/min. Results: 1) IC could be estimated by the following formula: IC (mL/kg/min) =⊿IIR/⊿I≒2240/(I3-I1), (⊿IIR (mU/kg/min): difference of the amount of exogenous insulin infusion, ⊿I (mU/L): difference of the blood concentration of exogenous insulin, I1 (I3): blood concentration of insulin when IIR is 1.12 (3.36) mU/kg/min), because the difference between blood concentration of endogenous insulin when IIR was 1.12 mU/kg/min and that when IIR was 3.36mU/kg/min was small enough to be neglected. 2) IC was increased in 11 septic patients (50%) and was within normal limits in 8 septic patients (36%). 3) Among the factors which have been reported to influence IC in chronic diseases (age, body mass index, hyperlipidemia, blood lactate level, thyroid hormone, growth hormone, cortisol, organ dysfunction and its related parameters, etc.), only cardiac index was positively correlated with IC (y=3.3x+4.0, n=22, r=0.63, P<0.002).Conclusions: Measurement of IC on critical patients was established with our modified GC with two step insulin infusion. Hyperdynamic state was considered to be closely related to the increased IC.
石橋 祐子 村上 照夫 湯元 良子 酒井 正彦 新谷 洋通 板羽 秀之 神辺 眞之 益田 慎 夜陣 紘治 木平 健治 高野 幹久
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.124, no.11, pp.833-840, 2004 (Released:2004-11-01)
6 6

Burow's solution, or aluminum acetate solution, is effective in inhibiting various microorganisms including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) that are commonly observed in chronic suppurative otitis media. It takes several days to prepare Burow's solution using aluminum sulfate, and the pharmaceutical properties of the solution are not fully understood. In this study, the effect of storage (5 months) of Burow's solution prepared according to the Teine-Keijin Hospital manual on its pharmaceutical properties and antibacterial activities was examined. We also attempted to develop a rapid preparation method of aluminum acetate (or 1.7% aluminum) solution using two commercially available compounds of aluminum acetate basic (Al2O(CH3CO2)4, Al(OH)(CH3CO2)2). The properties of Burow's solution, pH, osmolarity and antibacterial activity, were the same among different preparations and its storage for 5 months at 4°C had no effect on these properties. The antibacterial potency of Burow's solution was dependent on aluminum concentration and its antibacterial potency against S. aureus and several MRSA strains was of the same magnitude. In a rapid preparation, aluminum acetate basic was mixed with appropriate amounts of tartaric acid and acetic acid, and the suspension was boiled for 2—2.5 hr until dissolved. The rapidly prepared aluminum acetate solution showed the same pharmaceutical properties and antibacterial activities as those of Burow's solution. The newly developed preparation method for aluminum acetate solution is expected to be convenient and feasible for hospital treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media.
森田 裕一 酒井 慎一 中川 茂樹 笠原 敬司 平田 直 鏡 弘道 加藤 拓弥 佐藤 峰司
地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408992)
vol.84, no.2, pp.89-105, 2009

The Autonomous Cooperative data Transfer Protocol (ACT protocol) is one of the data transfer protocols based on UDP/IP developed for the Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSO-net). It has a robust re-send function to prevent data from being lost in the Internet route. Moreover, it also has a function to adjust the data transmission rate considering the quality of the Internet route and the load on the data-receiving system. If the Internet route is too busy to send all data, the transmission rate from the observation station is decreased automatically to ease the Internet traffic jam, and data that cannot be sent because of the limitation on the transmission rate are stored at each station. After conditions recover, the stored data are sent automatically at an increasing transmission rate and gradually catch up with real-time data. The transmission rate is decided by data transmission equipment at the station using pre-loaded algorithms, not at the data center. Therefore, the load at data center equipment is not so high even if the equipment receives data from hundreds of stations. We describe an overview of the ACT protocol, flow charts, and data format used in the protocol. We also demonstrate that the ACT protocol is very powerful for the vast size of the seismograph network composed of several hundred stations. The ACT protocol is generally applicable and can be used for data transmission systems in other scientific fields.
川北 優子 酒井 慎一
地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408992)
vol.84, no.2, pp.127-139, 2009

The Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area has been ongoing (2007−2012). Under this project, the Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSO-net), which consists of about 400 observation sites, has been constructed. The correlations of waveform from local and teleseismic events are high because observation sites are deployed at about 2 or 3-km intervals. In addition, the later phase is easily identified although artificial noise is very intense. However, we are attempting to improve quality by characterizing the various types of noise. In the metropolitan area, various human activities are observed that generate noise such as trains, automobiles, aircrafts, factories, and electrical power. These adversely affect our observations. We recognize various types of noise from continuous records. A spectral graph and a spectrogram in each station are useful for characterizing signals and noise. We also discovered a form of system noise obtained from the relationship between sensor and electrical circuit. We named it Aurora Noise. The strength of Aurora Noise was reduced by improving the electrical circuit. Our study will lead to improving the quality of observed data, and contribute to a new assessment of seismic hazard in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area in Japan.
中川 茂樹 鶴岡 弘 川北 優子 酒井 慎一 平田 直
地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408992)
vol.84, no.2, pp.107-114, 2009

We launched the Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in the Metropolitan Tokyo area to obtain high-resolution images of three-dimensional seismic wave velocity and attenuation structures. The core item of this project is a dense seismic array called MeSO-net for making observations in the metropolitan area. MeSO-net consists of 400 seismic stations, from which data are continuously collected at the Data Center at ERI. At the Sub-Center at NIED, data are backed up and integrated with Hi-net data. Seismic data with a sampling rate of 200 Hz are transmitted to the Data Center using ACT protocol. Data from all stations are received at the Data Center at ERI. After checking the quality (including lost packets) of data received, data are automatically processed and archived using the WIN system. This observational network and the Data Center are equipped with several new functions for reliable data transmission and ease of maintenance.