森野 智子 戸畑 温子 溝口 奈菜
一般社団法人 日本老年歯科医学会
老年歯科医学 (ISSN:09143866)
vol.33, no.3, pp.366-372, 2018-12-31 (Released:2019-01-31)

口腔機能の低下を防止することにより,身体フレイル予防効果が期待されている。しかし口腔機能向上訓練は単調であるうえ評価が困難であり,その継続には支援が必要である。そこで,美味しく楽しく医療費のかからない訓練飴を口腔機能向上訓練へ適用することを考え,健常者を対象に飴舐め訓練の口腔機能向上効果を検証するパイロットスタディを実施した。 研究対象は協力企業社員50歳以上男性職員30人で,はじめに基礎情報と口腔状況を調査した。口腔状況調査項目は,口腔不潔,口腔乾燥,舌口唇運動機能低下,低舌圧,嚥下機能低下である。被験者中から無作為に選んだ15人(介入群)に2週間介入を実施した。介入方法は毎日1本の飴舐め訓練である。被験者介入群への飴舐め訓練指導は,歯科衛生士が著者らの提案した飴舐め法を紙面で示し,実際に舐めてもらう個別指導形式で実施した。残り15人(対照群)には通常どおりの生活を送ってもらい,2週間後両群の口腔状況を調べた。二元配置分散分析の結果,実験条件(介入群と対照群)と測定時期(介入前と介入2週間後)に交互作用はなく,介入群と対照群に有意な差が認められたのは舌圧であった(F=6.510,p=0.01)。介入前舌圧値がこれまで報告されている低舌圧の基準値より高かったにもかかわらず,飴舐め訓練で短期間に機能向上が得られたことは注目に値する。舌圧の維持改善は,咀嚼,嚥下,コミュニケーションに重要であることから,訓練飴を用いた口腔機能訓練で舌圧が維持改善されることは,全身の健康に寄与することが期待できると考える。
松下 幸生
公益財団法人 パブリックヘルスリサーチセンター
ストレス科学研究 (ISSN:13419986)
vol.33, pp.3-9, 2018 (Released:2019-02-23)

Gambling in Japan is considered to be unique because of pachinko, a legal mechanical gambling device. In 2016, the estimated size of the pachinko market was 197 billion US dollars, far exceeding other types of legal gambling in Japan. The most recent epidemiological study in Japan revealed that prevalence of gambling disorder (GD) was 3.6% for lifetime and 0.8% in the previous 12 months. That study also revealed that only 10% of the participants with a lifetime GD and 17% with a present GD had ever asked for help with gambling, and hardly any of the participants had sought treatment. These results clearly showed a serious treatment gap for participants with GD, as has frequently been reported in other countries. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a standard treatment for GD and a six-session treatment program is conducted at the Kurihama Medical and Addiction Center.Impulsivity is one of the major risk factors for the development of GD. Genetic and environmental factors and their interactions have also been shown to be involved in the development of GD. Stressful life-events are also risk factors for GD. A positive correlation between violence and gambling has only been observed in men and a previous study reported that women tended to gamble to cope with anxiety and negative feelings. Therefore, the relationship between stress and GD might differ by gender.
松本 謙吾 掛橋 秀直 鎌田 寛恵 志摩 典明 鎌田 徹 片木 宗弘 西岡 裕
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.28, no.2, pp.103-112, 2023 (Released:2023-07-31)

Cannabidiol (CBD), an uncontrolled cannabinoid in marijuana, is readily converted to the controlled Δ9- and Δ8-THCs under acidic conditions. In this study, we monitored the time-course conversion of CBD into the two THCs using easily available acids and solvents by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Placing CBD (3.3 mg/mL) in 4.2 mM sulfuric acid-glacial acetic acid solution at room temperature resulted in the production of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) after 3 hours, followed by Δ8-THC after 96 hours. The conversion continued, and their relative abundance was Δ9-THC>CBD>Δ8-THC after 192 hours. Elevating the sulfuric acid concentration to 42 mM promoted the conversion to where CBD depleted in 3 hours, Δ9-THC production peaked (and started to decline) at 12 hours, and Δ8-THC became the major constituent at 100 hours. Replacing sulfuric acid with muriatic acid showed the similar time-course conversion. The THCs/CBD ratio varies under acidic conditions; this ratio can be used as an indicator for identifying the product lots of liquid drugs containing THCs converted from CBD. Ethanol, alternative solvent to glacial acetic acid, kept CBD unchanged with 42 mM sulfuric acid for 192 hours at room temperature, but conversion into Δ9-THC was observed after 6 hours when heated at 70℃. Without an acid catalyst, CBD was stable under heating cycles from 60℃ to 130℃ in an electric vaporizer. Thus, the unintentional production of THCs seems unlikely only by heating a commercial CBD product. The CBD-to-THCs conversion also yielded several by-products. Among them, possible Δ8-iso-THC was detected under all 12 combination conditions (two catalytic acids and six solvents) investigated in this study. Additionally, the use of alcohol solvents produced alcohol adducts of the THCs. Detection of by-products therefore can provide more solid information for identifying the product lots and estimating the condition of CBD conversion.
堀口 兵剛 大森 由紀 松川 岳久 小松田 敦 中嶋 克行

林 嶺那
日本労務学会誌 (ISSN:18813828)
vol.21, no.3, pp.76-91, 2021-05-01 (Released:2021-08-19)

The purpose of this paper is to review the study of promotion, mainly in the Japanese public sector, from three points of view1 .the key points in observing promotion structure and the basic characteristics of promotion structure in national and local governments,2.the main research approaches, and3.subjects, data, and methods.The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, this paper is, as far as can be seen, the first comprehensive review paper on public sector promotion research. Secondly, whereas conventional reviews of promotion research focusing on the private sector have been conducted mainly from an economics or business administration perspective, this paper broadly discusses the perspectives from both theoretical and empirical perspectives from different disciplines such as economics, business administration, public administration, and political science, organizing three approaches.In line with the three objectives mentioned earlier, this paper is structured as followed: First, we summarize what has been pointed out about the reality of promotion in the national and local governments within the Japanese public sector, along the following five lines. Namely1.the intensity of track-by-track management at the entry-level,2.the speed of promotion,3.how the disparities in promotion within a given personnel group are made,4.selection through horizontal movement without promotion, and5.in relation to politics.Next, three approaches to promotion research in the public sector have been described: the functional approach, the normative approach, and the power approach. The functional approach is mainly adopted by economists and considers that the promotion structure is rationally designed for the organization’s purpose and work performance. It is also believed that the organizational environment and technical conditions create differences in the abilities and skills needed by the organization and the promotion structure that develops them. The abilities and skills here are assumed to be objectively ascertainable, at least in theory, and to have a single entity.The normative approach is a sociological approach that focuses on the unique role of norms not dissolved by environmental conditions when considering promotion. It is critical of overly rational explanations of management and emphasizes that organizations are embedded in their social, cultural, and historical contexts. Capability is seen as socially constructed within those particular contexts. This is the so-called “social construction theory of ability.”The power approach focuses on the principal nature of government as an organization and is concerned with how power struggles between actors manifest themselves in promotion mechanisms. Many political scientists and public administration scholars have adopted this approach, with the theme of political-government relations (the relationship between politicians and administrators) receiving particular attention.Thirdly, subjects, data, and methods that previous studies have addressed are discussed. As for the research subjects, interest in the subject has expanded in recent years to include technical officials and non-elite employees. In recent years, the number of studies relying on primary data such as official documents has increased. Although the basic research method is to draw a career tree, in recent years, new methods such as Bayesian estimation and QCA have been applied to more rigorously clarify the structure of promotion and analyze the causes and consequences of the structure.We conclude with a discussion of future challenges for promotion research in the public sector. There are three main challenges: the development of databases, the expansion of research subjects, and the refinement of each research approach.
籠谷 公司
エモーション・スタディーズ (ISSN:21897425)
vol.3, no.1, pp.30-37, 2017-10-01 (Released:2018-01-10)

This article reviews the recent development of war studies with a focus on the rational choice and the psychological approaches. Scholars in international relations have been studying the origins of war. A traditional theory, Realism, emphasized power as the determinant of international outcomes. However, it did not explain how the distribution of power induces the onset of war. Rationalists connected the missing link by highlighting crisis bargaining as a key process and described the outset of war as a negotiation failure. Wars occur because of the uncertainty problem, the issue indivisibility problem, and the commitment problem. Psychologists applied prospect theory to international conflict behavior and explained how the possible loss of territories drives states to take the risk and escalate crisis bargaining to the onset of war. The latter approach shows more difficulties in reaching a peaceful settlement. Moreover, scholars start using experiments to examine which is more important to explain crisis behavior. Some studies detect the importance of psychological factors in crisis bargaining. We will develop the understanding of conflict behavior by examining the relative importance of the rational choice and the psychological approaches.
小谷 祐樹 川口 敦 志馬 伸朗
一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.28, no.3, pp.180-188, 2021-05-01 (Released:2021-05-01)

要約:よく計画された調査研究からは,将来の研究につながるresearch questionなどの重要な情報が得られる。得られた情報は量的なものも質的なものもあり,内容は臨床家の意見から患者による報告まで多岐にわたる。技術の発達により,調査研究が広く容易に実施されるようになったため,普段から調査研究実施の招待を受ける機会や,研究目的のアンケートに招待される機会が増えた。他の研究デザインと同様に,調査研究を批判的吟味する方法を知ることは,結果解釈だけでなく,堅牢な研究実施にも必須である。調査研究は,コストや方法論の点で容易な研究手法と思われがちだが,質の高い研究を実施するのは難題と言える。 したがって,臨床家は調査研究の参加者として,知識の利用者として,研究者として,頑健な方法論を理解する必要がある。本総説では,調査研究の実施や批判的吟味の必須となる事項に関して,研究計画書執筆から論文出版に至るまで記載した。
佐藤 德
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.345-353, 2014 (Released:2014-10-25)
2 2

Previous studies demonstrated that participants in left-to-right writing cultures showed a strong preference to associate the past with left space and the future with right space. The present studies investigated whether these spatial associations involved body-part-centered or extracorporal space. In Experiment 1, participants categorized words as referring to the past or the future by pressing button on the left with the left hand or a button on the right with the right hand. In Experiments 2 and 3, participants crossed their hands and were instructed to categorize words by pressing the left or right buttons (Experiment 2) or by moving their left or right hand (Experiment 3). Irrespective of the relative spatial positions of the response buttons, past words were more quickly categorized with the left hand and future words with the right hand. In addition, reaction times were slower in Experiment 2 than in Experiment 1, whereas there was no significant difference between Experiments 1 and 3. These results suggest that temporal concepts such as past and future are more strongly associated with embodied space than visual space.
林 智 林 美代子
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン (ISSN:18849644)
vol.21, no.6, pp.397-409, 1967-06-01 (Released:2011-03-14)

テレビジョン受像機から漏洩するX線の, 衛生学的諸問題を考察したもので, X線の人間への作用, 管理基準, 測定について概説したのち, 研究の歴史, 線源ごとのX線の性質と漏洩レベルを検討し, 最後に, 実際にセットから漏洩しているX線の現況と, 今後の見通しを考察, さらに対策についても言及している.
Ryo Misawa Yuma Takanashi Yo Su Chih-Wei Chang Yoshiaki Kai
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.28, no.2, pp.245-253, 2023-11-09 (Released:2023-11-09)

Two large specimens [310–476 mm standard length (SL)] of the genus Hoplostethus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829, collected from Iwate and Okinawa prefectures, Japan, were recently discovered and identified as Hoplostethus grandperrini Roberts and Gomon, 2012 on the basis of the following characteristics: large body size, exceeding 300 mm SL; abdominal scutes strong; pectoral fins light red; caudal-fin tip without black pigmentation; upper margin of eye almost horizontally level with lateral-line origin; predorsal scales not enlarged; fin spines moderately thickened; pectoral-fin tip not reaching anal-fin origin; anterior part of oral cavity, including underside of tongue, without black pigmentation; 15–17 pectoral-fin rays; 21 predorsal scales; and 13 or 14 abdominal scutes. Furthermore, a molecular phylogenetic analysis of a partial sequence of the mtDNA COI gene from one of the specimens placed it in the same clade as H. grandperrini previously recorded from Taiwan, with an uncorrected p-distance between both specimens of 0.19%. Hoplostethus grandperrini was originally described on the basis of two specimens collected off New Caledonia, with only one additional specimen having been reported (from southern Taiwan). The Japanese specimens are the first records of the species from Japan, the fourth and fifth specimens known, and the Iwate Prefecture specimen the northernmost record of the species.
乳井 美和子 宮田 幹夫
一般社団法人 室内環境学会
室内環境 (ISSN:18820395)
vol.25, no.1, pp.75-83, 2022 (Released:2022-04-01)

化学物質過敏症やシックビルディング症候群と栄養摂取状況の関連, 大気汚染や受動喫煙と栄養状態の関連など, 幅の広い環境問題と栄養の関連があるとされている。世界的にもビタミンD不足が問題とされているが, 大気汚染もビタミンD欠乏症発症の危険因子とされている報告がある。大気汚染物質の暴露は代表的な呼吸器疾患のみならず, 酸化ストレスや全身の炎症症状を増大させ, 循環器疾患や肥満とも関連していると述べている。地球温暖化による人間の健康影響は近い将来に終結するとは否めず, 各自が栄養摂取状況を意識し, 望ましい食生活に改善していく必要がある。化学物質過敏症の発症の機序として, 解毒作用の遅れが証明されており, 実際に米国の調査では解毒機能に関わるとされる一部栄養素の血中濃度が一般人よりも低いという報告がある。患者には, 解毒機能を高めるビタミンA, B群, C, グルタチオンなどの栄養素を含めた食品成分を意識して摂取するように指導をしている。化学物質過敏症患者との治療過程の中で, 生活環境の見直しと共に食事内容改善や栄養剤の服用により, 化学物質過敏症症状のみならず他の身体的不調が改善されるという報告もある。健康負荷にかかる要素の多い現在では, 室内環境改善と共に, 生命活動の要となる食事内容の見直しも化学物質過敏症患者に限らず, 国民全体における喫緊の課題と考える。
水上 直紀 鶴岡 慶雅
vol.2015, pp.179-186, 2015-10-30

森元 良太
一般社団法人 日本行動分析学会
行動分析学研究 (ISSN:09138013)
vol.35, no.2, pp.165-176, 2021-03-25 (Released:2022-03-25)

小松 明
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本醸造協会誌 (ISSN:09147314)
vol.86, no.10, pp.745-750, 1991-10-15 (Released:2011-09-20)

アルコール発酵の主役である酵母にも最適な生育環境があるし, 感情はなくとも生命体である限リストレスがあるはずである。クラッシク音楽を仕込蔵に流し酵母の生育境を好ましいものにし, 酒質を向上させるという話を聞く。音楽を振動に変換波及し, 発酵あるいは熟成を好条件に導くことが出来れば, 人間の飲酒環境にもプラスになる。本報はこのような試みについてまとめていただいた。