杉本 巧 串田 秀也 鍋島 弘治朗 林 誠 中野 阿佐子

中野 良三 美濃 羊輔 丸山 純孝
帯広畜産大学学術研究報告 第1部 (ISSN:0470925X)
vol.9, no.3, pp.p611-622, 1975-10

同伸性と相似生長性の有無を検討するために,オーチャードグラス(Dactylis glomerata L.)の3品種,早生(チヌーク),中生(フロード)および晩生(ペンレート)を用い,1974年6月中旬から7月中旬まで,野外条件下で出葉位の調査および葉身長と葉幅の測定を行った。1)3品種ともに子葉鞘からの分げつは認められなかった。また前出葉からの分げつは生育の旺盛な個体の低節位分げつに認められた。2)3品種ともに主稈と第1次分げつの間に同伸性は認められたが,第2次分げつは対応する主稈葉位より遅れる傾向がみられた。3)3品種ともに第1次分げつ延葉長と主稈相対延葉長との間に相関が認められたが,生長時期を通じて両者の延葉長の割合は一定でなく,相似生長性のないことが明らかになった。
中野 卓
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.10, no.2, pp.114-127, 1960-03-30

In the year before the Meiji Restoration (1867), there was a series of ecstatic dancing throughout Japan. This movement was apparently originally inspired by some political agitators who had been intending to capitalize on the discontent among the masses which had been expressed in the very severe peasant riots of the previous years. In order to carry out this plan, at first they put some amulets into several fairly wealthy homes, unknown to the people there. Afterwards, the same incidents began to occur in large numbers of houses, not only the wealthy but the ordinary houses as well. When the people discoverd the amulets, they assumed that some supernatural spirits had selected their houses as an indication of some particular virtue, which would be rewarded with divine protection. <BR>This led to a series of movements which took place in different parts of the country at different times, from August of the year till the next January. <BR>This particular research is based on <I>Kyoto</I>, the Imperial capital, where the movement had paticular political significance. It began here around October 20th, as soon as several samurai started from <I>Kyoto</I> to their Daimyo with a secret Inperial order that the shogunate should be destroyed. They must gain time, and thought of, perhaps, the miracle. <BR>The people responded to the discovery of the amulets in a very ectatic way. They placed the deities on the alter in their houses to make a religious service, inviting their <I>Dozoku</I> and affinal families, the members of their <I>Chonai</I> (institutional neighborhood groups), and their friends to join in those religious servises, large feasts, drinking rice-wine, and dancing. There were also mutual invitations between those houses where &ldquo;the amulets had descended from the heaven&rdquo;. Even if uninvited, people who visited the alter to worship and to offer congratulations where welcomed. Later, some uninvited people took advantage of the festival by forcing themselves into the feasts, which sometimes led to aggressive mob behavior. <BR>The festivity soon extended beyond their houses, into the streets, and was characterized particulary by the frenzied dancing. At first, the people of the same <I>Dozoku</I> and the same <I>Chonai</I> etc. danced whithin the street of the <I>Chonai</I>, and later the dancing extended out from there. <BR>This type of dancing, &ldquo;<I>ee-ja-nai-ka odori</I>&rdquo; (literally, a dance with the refrain meaning &ldquo;eveything's 0. K., isn't it ?&rdquo;) had a history in the periodic pilgrimage made by commoners to <I>Amaterasu-O-mikami's</I> shrine at <I>Ise</I> about evey 60 years. This pilgrimage included ecstatic dancing and served as a release for the frustration of the common people under the feudal system of the <I>Tokugawa Shogunate.</I> Actually, 1867 was too early for the time of the periodic pilgrimage, but the special critical situation, directly &ldquo;the descent of the deity&rdquo; caused the analogous movement to develop at this time, even without the long pilgrimge to <I>Ise.</I><BR>Although for the first few days of this ecstatic celebration the deities were limited to <I>Amateras-O-mikami</I>, after this time, the celebration spread widely and included not only this <I>Shinto</I> goddess of the &ldquo;Imperial Ancestor&rdquo; which had been used by the original agitators to prove the divine protection on the Restoration, but also large numbers of other Shintoistic and Buddhistic folk gods as well. In those days, unidentified people, who put amulets, might be divided into various social classes : <I>samurai</I>, common people, priests etc..
遠藤 徹 中野 雄介 板谷 天馬 筏 紀晶 矢持 進
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) (ISSN:18842399)
vol.70, no.2, pp.I_1196-I_1200, 2014 (Released:2014-11-12)

It is thought that a salt marsh located at coastal urban area absorbs and emits large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). In this study, a field investigation on CO2 budget was conducted at Osaka-Nanko bird sanctuary, and CO2 fluxes were measured at tidal flat, sea surface and reed field by using chamber methods in order to estimate CO2 budgets of the salt marsh. The results of this study were as follows: (1) CO2 fluxes of tidal flat and reed field were one order larger than that of sea surface. (2) It was estimated that CO2 flux emitted from tidal flat was 3.26 g/m2/day and CO2 flux absorbed by reed grass field was 1.53 g/m2/day in October 2013. (3) It was suggested from the result of seasonal change of fluxes that the absorbed amount of CO2 becomes larger on summer than on autumn.
中野 慎吾
日経コミュニケーション (ISSN:09107215)
no.606, pp.76-79, 2014-07-01

田口 亮 岩橋 直人 能勢 隆 船越 孝太郎 中野 幹生
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第23回全国大会(2009)
pp.1F2OS72, 2009 (Released:2018-07-30)

木村 剛士 中野 晋 天羽 誠二 白川 卓磨
公益社団法人 土木学会
海岸工学論文集 (ISSN:09167897)
vol.54, pp.296-300, 2007

Konaruto Channel in the position that links Kii Channel to Seto inland sea shows peculiar tide characteristics, but long-term observations on tide level have not been performed in this channel. Therefore an accurate storm surge prediction was impossible because a tide level prediction was not possible. We carried out tide level observations in three harbors of this channel for one year and obtained tidal harmonic constants. We performed storm surge simulationsu sing the obtainedh armonicc onstants and were able to get good reproductionr esults. Furthermore, as a result of the reproductive storm surge calculation of typhoon 16 in 2004w hen a large storm surge disaster occurred in Takamatsu City, it became clear that storm surge more than 2m above sea level occurred in the northern coast of Naruto City.
木村 剛士 中野 晋 天羽 誠二 白川 卓磨
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海岸工学論文集 (ISSN:09167897)
vol.54, pp.296-300, 2007 (Released:2010-06-04)

Konaruto Channel in the position that links Kii Channel to Seto inland sea shows peculiar tide characteristics, but long-term observations on tide level have not been performed in this channel. Therefore an accurate storm surge prediction was impossible because a tide level prediction was not possible. We carried out tide level observations in three harbors of this channel for one year and obtained tidal harmonic constants. We performed storm surge simulationsu sing the obtainedh armonicc onstants and were able to get good reproductionr esults. Furthermore, as a result of the reproductive storm surge calculation of typhoon 16 in 2004w hen a large storm surge disaster occurred in Takamatsu City, it became clear that storm surge more than 2m above sea level occurred in the northern coast of Naruto City.
中野 英朗
公益社団法人 日本化学会
化学と教育 (ISSN:03862151)
vol.40, no.10, pp.663-667, 1992-10-20 (Released:2017-07-13)

茗溪学園は, 筑波研究学園都市に位置する創立14年目の私立中学校・高等学校である。創立時より高校生ひとりひとりが自ら選んだ課題を長期間研究し, まとめあげるプログラムを計画していた。それが準備から数えて今年で13年目になる「個人課題研究」である。これは, 中学1年から毎年行われるフィールドワークの延長であり, 生徒が自分の将来を真剣に考える進路指導の機会でもある。本学園でしかできない特別な内容は一切ない。その方法は多くの学校で応用できるものと考えている。
白浜 龍興 大庭 健一 岸本 幸次 山田 省一 佐藤 亮五 中野 真 加藤 雅士 古川 一雄 長谷川 和子 村越 明子 箱崎 幸也 真方 良彦 中川 克也
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.30, no.5, pp.881-890_1, 1988

小池 裕子 西田 泰民 岡村 道雄 高杉 欣一 中野 益男

〈目的〉貝塚からは古代人の食事に関する直接的な情報を内包する糞石、あるいは土器、石器付着物が出土している。これらの遺物から残存している脂肪酸を非破壊的に抽出し、その脂肪酸組成を基に動植物を同定して、先史時代人の全般的な食糧組成を直接復原しようとするのが本研究の目的である。〈研究結果〉 61年度は、糞石等の材料のほか、旧石器遺跡から出土する焼石および縄文時代以降の土器付着物を分析対象に加えた。1 現生動植物のスタンダード作成:今年度は栽培植物を含め約60点を追加し、また文献による検索を進め、古代人の利用した動植物をほぼモウラした。2 糞石資料の分析:60年度に行った東北地方のほか、縄文後晩期の田柄貝塚、同大木囲貝塚、縄文後期の古作等の貝塚出土資料を加え、合計58点を分析した。ステロール分析を行ない、糞特有のコプロスタノールを検出した。脂肪酸組成、ステロール組成から推定すると、陸棲哺乳類のほか、水産動物や植物など多様な食糧組成が含まれることがわかった。3 焼石資料の分析:60年度の多摩ニュータウンの他、野川中州北遺跡において系統的なサンプリングを行ない、合計20点分析した。4 土器資料の分析:60年度の曽利・寿能遺跡のほか、縄文時代草創期の壬遺跡,早期の鶴川遺跡、前期の諏訪台遺跡、中期の曽利遺跡、後期の宮久保遺跡,晩期の亀ケ岡遺跡,古墳時代の式根島吹之江遺跡,北海道オホーツク期の北大構内遺跡,近世の東大構内遺跡の合計180点を分析した。5 それらの結果を、飽和脂肪酸/不飽和脂肪酸,高級脂肪酸/中級脂肪酸,コレステロール/植物ステロールの比を軸にした3次元座標上にプロットしてみると、それぞれの遺物の植物,陸上動物,水産動物の組成を知るのに有効であることがわかった。
中野 卓
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.31, no.6, pp.567-581,7-8, 1966

Here I describes how, in the Tokugawa Period, these merchant houses effectively utilized their social ties as the framework for entrepreneurial organization. The ie (house as an institutional group) is translated often to a patrilineal and patriarchal stem family, and the dozoku (institutionaiized group composed of a main house and its branches) to a patrilineal kin group, and these "kin" groups are always regarded as those which were basic for Tokugawa entrepreneurial organization. But, I must point that standerd kinship categories used by Western scholars simply do not fit the ie and dozoku of the Tokugawa Period. Kinship was an important basis for forming corporate enterprise groups among these merchant houses, yet they were not strictly kin groups. Each house could include non-kin members referring to the house head and his or her kin members. Among non-kin members of the house there were male and female persons, who were adopted as clerk apprentices and house maids. The master of the house establish for his ex-apprentices their branch houses as well as for his non-heir kin members. Such a master's house was called as main house to these kin and non-kin branches. Adoption of kin members or non-kin into the house made the merchant house be enough flexible to get serected able persons as the member. Merchant dozoku could also be enough flexible to be vital, especially through utilizing non-kin branches.